A good example why I stopped voting for Democrats

This comes via Memeorandum, a good example as to why I stopped voting for the Democratic Party.

Quotable Quote:

Imagine how far gone in hate a liberal must be to attack Mrs. Trump for her efforts to decorate the White House. There is simply no bottom to left-wing depravity, as manifested in the Democratic Party press.

Now to fair, I did see some nasty stuff printed about the Obama Family, by some Conservative outlets; notably by Michelle Malkin, who was especially vicious towards Michelle Obama.  However, anything that the left prints is much, much worse. I’m no Trump fanboy, not by a long shot. But, attacking his family, is beyond the pale, in my opinion.

David Duke for Congress?!?! Good Luck with that!

The stupidity of this below boggles the mind. 🙄

David Duke says he is getting ready to run for Congress.The former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and ex-candidate for Louisiana governor told The Daily Beast he is heavily leaning towards challenging Rep. Steve Scalise. Scalise is the No. 3 Republican in the House who reportedly once called himself “David Duke without the baggage” and spoke at a white nationalist group that Duke founded.“I’ve very seriously set up an exploratory committee to run for the United States Congress against Steve Scalise,” Duke said. “I expect to make a decision in a few days” ahead of the July 22 ballot deadline.Duke said the killing of five white police officers in Dallas by a black militant pushed him to the brink of running.“I don’t take any satisfaction in the fact that I was right, but I have been right,” he said. “Unless European Americans stand up, they are going to lose everything they care about in this country.”Duke sees 2016 as his year to win because of new racial tensions.“There are millions of people across the country who would like to have me in the Congress. I’d be the only person in Congress openly defending the rights and the heritage of European Americans,” he said. “We are on the offensive today. There’s no more defenses.” Via: David Duke Plans to Run for Congress Against the Republican Who Spoke to His Group – The Daily Beast

Quite bluntly, this guy has as much chance of getting elected, than I do getting elected President of the United States of America. 😆

Oh, and the stupidity continues:

Aware of his checkered history, Duke said he welcomed the backlash that would come if he runs.

“We have social media and the Internet today puts me at an even footing with you. The truth is going to get out one way or the other. I demand some fair treatment. The media can demonize me all they want. They can lie about me. They can say whatever they want about me. Things are changing in this country,” Duke said, his voice rising to a crescendo.

“We’re in a revolutionary spirit.”

In other words, he is running to put this name in the media, so he can get more hits on his website and maybe, possibly, sell a book or two. What some people will not do to pimp themselves out for a few sheckles.

Because let’s just be real folks; this guy is not only going to face a very stiff headwind from the left; but also from the right as well and yes, that does include the Republican Party. If you think that the Republican establishment is going to let this guy even remotely win; you are very highly mistaken.

Donald Trump may have blown a few doors open in the Republican Party; but this here, is definitely not one of them. The Republican Party has been burned in the past, by many a professional bigot, if there is such a thing — and they are not going to be burned again.

Besides all of that; has David Duke forgotten exactly what group of people basically runs that political party? I think he is making a very big mistake; that will set his cause back many, many years. Basically, he is the white equivalent of black lives matter; a movement that is about to be shoved to the dust bins of history, as a violent extremist group.

White people need a voice, but not his, not at all. 😡

….and before anyone calls me a “N*gger lover” or a Jew. Take a look at my profile page and tell me what I am, thanks.


No, the Breitbart story title is not Anti-Semitic

It appears that the silliness of trump is spreading into non-conservative circles.

I say this because The Daily Caller, Mother Jones and The Week are all having heart palpitations over this headline that appeared over at Breitbart.com:

Anyone else, besides me, notice who it is written by?

Memo to those who are having a hairy fit over the title of the article; it was written by David Horowitz, who is Jewish. Not to mention the fact that the guy who now owns Breitbart.com, is also Jewish. So, please, everyone calm down. Just because the word Jew was used, doesn’t mean it is hatred.

It’s pretty bad, when a WASP like me, has to point these things out. 🙄

When customers are jerks

Sorry, but this is just wrong….:

DES MOINES, Iowa — A popular waitress at a popular restaurant closed out one of her table’s Tuesday night when she found a note from her patron.Zombie burgerTaelor Beeck“At first, I felt really upset, I felt attacked, I almost felt like I was back in middle school all over again, like being bullied,” Taelor Beeck said. “I felt like a burning anger inside of me.”On a bill worth $17.26, the tip line was crossed out.”Tips are only for normal looking people,” the patron wrote.”But I didn’t act on it because it’s not worth it when someone puts hate out there, you know to respond in a hateful way will do no good,” Beeck said.Beeck describes herself as an individual. She said she was stiffed out of the money that people in the service industry rely on to pay their bills.”I mean I can’t pay my bills if people don’t tip me,” Beeck said. “That’s how I make a living.”Orchestrate Hospitality, the parent company of Zombie Burger is standing behind its employee and released this statement: We believe that zombie burger is a place that celebrates individuality We stand by our staff We also believe that our customers enjoy zombie burger because it is a wonderfully unique place and that includes the team members. We are in 100% support of our staff. And we’re confident that our customers will be as well. She is an example of a great team member and we are standing by her. – Source: Waitress Stiffed: ‘Tips are only for normal-looking people’ | whotv.com

For the record,  Taelor Beeck looks like this:

and what she got was this from a customer:

Any other time, I would say that she most likely wrote the note herself. However, I have worked in the retail service industry in my day; and I can honestly tell you that some in the public, can be real a-holes in a big way. 😡

For the conservatives who would say, “Well, she does look strange, she deserves it!” I simply ask you this: Would you feel the same way, if this woman were black? Would you feel the same way, if this were your daughter? Most importantly, would you feel the same way, if it were a conservative Christian lady, who was wearing a cross and maybe a Christian t-shirt? Most sane people would feel a bit differently about it.

Allow me to remind my reading audience of something; there have been soldiers who have died on battlefields, foreign and domestic —- so that this young lady can think and dress, talk and act —– be who she really is! This is the essence of true freedom. It is a damned shame that some people have to take a judgmental attitude towards those who do not fit into what their shallow idea of what “Normal” really is. I know something about this; as I have been there myself.

This above, is why I never want to see Ted Cruz, that demented Christian Theocratic Dominionist in the White House, ever.


Leftists show their true colors at the news of Nancy Reagan’s passing

This, my friends, is the true colors of the Democratic Party and the leftist base that supports them. This is why I quit voting for them. This is the sort of bile that drove me away from that Party. I was no fan boy of Bush and Co. But, this sort of bile is uncalled for. Which is why I stopped voting for them, supporting them and such.

Check out:  First 30 Minutes: Vile Tweets About Death of Nancy Flow On Twitter – Breitbart

There is no excuse for it, at all. This is why Ronald Reagan left that party.

Update: Seriously Wonkette? I hope the Reagan family sues the crap out of you for this bile.

I like Donald Trump, but this is just dumb

I said as such in my rant that I shot last night.

During a Tuesday interview with talk show host Michael Savage, Donald Trump seemed to lend some credence to the conspiracy theories that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, saying it was “pretty unusual” they found a pillow on his face.“Donald, I need to come back to the topic we’ve all been screaming about here, which is Scalia, was he murdered,” Savage said. “I know it’s pretty brutal to say that, and I’m not wanting to drag you into this, but this is going to be bigger and bigger and bigger.”“I went on the air and said we need the equivalent of a Warren Commission, we need an immediate autopsy before the body is disposed of. What do you think of that?” Savage asked.

Trump avoided giving a straight answer, saying he didn’t know enough. “Well I just heard today… you know I just landed and I’m hearing it’s a big topic.”“But they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow,” Trump said. “I can’t tell you– I can’t give you an answer.” – Source: Trump: ‘Pretty Unusual’ Scalia Was Found With ‘Pillow on His Face’ | Mediaite

I have said on here that I like Donald Trump and I would vote for him, if he made the General Election and I would vote for him, if he is still in the primary, by the time it gets to Michigan. However, I find this here to be incredibly stupid of him to enter into this sort of nonsense.

Look, the man is dead, okay? Give his family a break. Stop with the stupid. It does nothing for the conservative cause to repeat Alex Jones talking points. 😡



Why I am not blogging about the Colorado shooting

I am, of course, referring to this here.

The reason I am not really blogging about it, is because of the stupidity of the left and the stupidity of the right. I mean, the man was obviously mentally off of his rocker. The best the right and left can do, is make idiotic political statements about the tragic event.

The left is hollering “more gun control!” and the right is making just downright asinine statements about the shooting. I refuse to be a part of it. The truth is, some dude, whose elevator didn’t go past the lobby floor, went and shot up a planned parenthood. Now, everyone wants to make it about politics. It’s sickening, cynical and high school at best.

…and I want no part of it. I’m not playing the game, at all. People were killed and I won’t turn a tragic event, like this, into a political debate, at all.

Just letting y’all know.


Blacks are whining in Detroit….Again

It seems that the “social justice” crowd is at it again, trying to subtly suggest that because Detroit has a white Mayor, that blacks are being discriminated against.

Via NBC News black division:

Downtown Detroit has been fashionably in redevelopment and undergoing resurgence since the economic downturn, but not everyone is feeling welcome.

With its shiny new facades on chic eateries, cafes and microbreweries, the bright transformation and new attitude has often been called “New Detroit.” It’s all a point of pride for Mike Duggan, the first white mayor elected in 40 years who took office last year. His efforts ranging from urban landscaping to lowering the crime rate to incubating booming businesses have brought new hope for the Motor City—consistently plagued for decades with scandals, crime and blight.

Yet, many black Detroiters are crying foul, saying Detroit is becoming a tale of two cities; while young, white residents enjoy a stylish, prosperous downtown, black business owners say they are being systematically forced out of business.

Not everyone is buying that little lie however:

Charlie Beckham, Detroit’s Group Executive for Neighborhoods, who invited the first group of business owners to talk, is adamant there is no effort to push out black businesses. Instead, he said, the economy has changed, and people are repositioning.

“There are plenty of successful black business owners doing the right thing. They scratched and saved and paid their workers before they bought the Cadillac,” said Beckham, who has served six mayors since the late Coleman Young, the city’s first black mayor. “The responsibility is on us. When you’ve had a month-to-month lease for 25 years, and you get pushed out of your lease or when you lose your property because you didn’t pay your mortgage or taxes, that’s just bad business.”

Meanwhile, Smith negotiated a lease with new building owners and Spectacles is staying put. Mo’ Better Blues, which in October won a $50,000 Motor City Match grant from the city of Detroit, is celebrating its grand opening in another downtown location on November 7. The Mongos continue to run Café D’Mongo’s Speakeasy, a downtown bar/restaurant.

“We’ve got to tighten up in this new environment,” Beckham said. “Buy the building. Negotiate a strong lease. If the economy goes up or down, you will not get pushed out. Is there still racism? Yes. But we can’t let that be an excuse.”

Here’s what I wrote in the comments section of this story:

Amazing, the same people that are largely responsible for the downfall of my great city are now @!$%#ing because they’re not being allowed to do it again. How quaint. 

The truth is, if you don’t have the money to be in business, you shouldn’t be in business to start with! NO ONE is entitled to anything! If you can’t hang with the big dogs, get off the porch!

Racist? No. Racial Realist? Yes. 

If you ain’t got the flow to be in business, than take your broke black a$$ on down the road and let someone who does have the building, it is just that simple. 

Amazing how blacks think that they’re entitled to everything. This is what happens when you give them special treatment. Give them an inch and they try to take a mile. 

I stand behind that comment 100%.


UPDATED: Confirmed: Shaun King is a white guy

Update: Shaun King has posted his defense. I wish I had never written this or the previous blog entry.

Remember ol’ Shaun King? It’s confirmed, He be white. 😛

Shaun King 

During a segment on #BlackLivesMatters activist Shaun King and the allegation he isn’t black at all, CNN host Don Lemon revealed that he had spoken to a family member of King’s who confirmed he was white.“A family member tells CNN that both of King’s parents are white,”Lemon said on Wednesday night’s edition of CNN Tonight.Conservative websites have also accused King of embellishing or fabricating a racial hate crime during his high school days. The same family member told Lemon that the altercation he had in high school was racially motivated… but because King was “a white guy dating a black girl.” Lemon also revealed that he had a conversation with King about his racial identity. “Initially he did not answer but later referred to himself as biracial,” he said. “But then when I asked him if that’s what it shows on his birth certificate I did not hear back from him. No answer on that.”Source: Family Member Confirms to CNN That Shaun King is White | Mediaite

What some people won’t do to get their 15 minutes. 🙄

Others: BREITBART.COM, The PJ Tatler, Raw Story, Vox Popoli, The Daily Caller and The Gateway Pundit (via Memeorandum)