Video: Open Message to Michelle Malkin and Karl Rove

First of all, before you watch my video; Go read this article here, it will open in a new window — then come back here.

After reading that article, I went to twitter and really spoke my mind:

I am the type of person, if I make a mistake; I will admit it. I am also the type of person, that when I feel that I am right, I will back it up. So, I made this video:

I will simply end this blog posting with this; as I said in the video. To Michelle Malkin and Karl Rove; clean up the crap in your own party, before you unleash on my home town. The Republican Party is just as evil, just as screwed up and just hypocritical about many things, including foreign policy.  I agree on Terrorism, it is a problem. But the Republican Party’s nominee for 2000 and 2004, who won those elections handled 9/11 in a wrong-headed way. Because of this, we are now having the problems in the middle east that we are having now. Maybe you should work to fix the problems with your party’s foreign policy and let Detroit sort out its own problems.

Thank You.


…and of course, Michelle Malkin’s resident useful idiot agrees with her.

Update: ….and if this isn’t bad enough, we have Andrew Breitbart meeting with Bill Ayers. You see now why I don’t want anything to do with the Republican Party and the majority of the Conservatives; or those who call themselves Conservative? 🙄

Update #2: In my video, I made a reference to Michelle Malkin using Frankfort School tactics, this is what I was referring to here:

Others: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, The Atlantic Wire, New York Magazine, The Nation, Wonkette, Hollywood Reporter,, The Hill, The Moderate Voice, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, National Review, PopWatch, emptywheel, Poynter, ABCNEWS, Taylor Marsh, Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story, The Daily Caller, Hullabaloo and Daily Kos (via Memeornadum)

Video: Charlotte Bergmann takes a verbal berating from a racist black radio host

This comes with a Hat Tip to Smitty over at The Other McCain.

First of all here is the Billboard that she dared to put up:

The video:

I am going to write over here, what I wrote on Stacy’s blog, in the comments section:

If I were that Woman’s hubby….That would be a dead black man. Quote me on that. That was bullshit. That was NOT an intelligent black man, speaking to a black woman; that was a feral NEGRO asshole being a dick to a black lady.

….and they wonder why I won’t vote Democratic Party no more. It is the same mentally that those corrupt Detroit Police officers carried that shot my cousin Michael Hill on July 11, 1994. That whitey is evil…

Why don’t want them around me, ever. 😡

In case you are wondering, I’m talking about this Cousin here:

My Cousin, Michael Hill -Mowed down by three corrupt Detroit negro cops in 1994.

So, yeah, I have attitude towards blacks, especially liberal black Democrats. 😡

Charlotte’s running for Tennessee’s 9th district, help her win and put people like this asshole in check.


Over as quick as it started

I offer to help someone, and what happens? All hell breaks loose.
Yeah, I offered to help The Lonely Conservative, after she broke her arm. I guess I am not enough of a far right winger for some of her commenters and they unleashed on me in the comments section and when I tried to defend myself; I get told to not to call her “regulars” names.
Anyhow, I basically decided that If I could not go back at the idiots who were essentially calling me a phony, because I was not slobbering Ron Paul fanatic; that I no longer wanted to write there. So, I am not writing at Lonely Conservative anymore
This is why I never allowed any co-bloggers on my site; because it creates an Blog that seems bi-polar in nature. One person saying this and another person saying that. I admit it, I felt a little odd writing over on someone else’s blog and most likely, I will not be doing that again, ever. I am someone who believes in pragmatism, and I have never been an extreme ideologue either way. Heck, even as a “Left of center,” half-assed as that was, I found myself in big-time disagreement with the extreme left’s ideology; especially when it came to abortion and gay rights.
I also am not your “typical” Conservative. I am essentially an “inner city transplant,” I moved out of the city of Detroit in 1989. I guess my heart never really left the city. Because when I saw what was in those Ron Paul newsletters, in 2008 and again here in 2011; I really got angry over it.  I have nothing against the suburbs or the white people who live in them; but I have zero use for the extreme racial bigotry that exists in some of them.
So, while I am grateful for “Mrs. B” for allowing me over there; I just do not think it was in my best interest to continue writing there. Especially, when you have racist bigots in the comment section berating you constantly. I just do not need that, at all. Hopefully she finds someone who’s more of a match to her site. Quite obviously, I was not it.
Ah well. It was fun while it lasted.

Here come the trolls

I get this in the comments section.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post “A message of goodwill“:
Hey cocksmoker, what happened to your website? Mommy quit giving you the money to pay the host? Tell all these peeps about how you live in mommys basement and have to do drugs cuz you are a tard.

Nice, just when I try being nice to the other side, this crap pops up. Guess I’ll have to lock down the comments section.

Why I see it, you don’t have the balls to say who you are, then you are not worth a crap in my book. Cowardly pricks.

For the record, this is what happened to my old site.