A Very Funny Song and Video

At least, I think so anyway…

Via Huffpo:

Kiss The Ring

There’s a space at the table for everyone
From the crackpot fringe to the favorite sons, bring them in
Bow down and kiss the ring
Cozy up to the zealots and disown their quotes
From the hellfire preachers to the talk show hosts bickering
Kiss kiss, kiss the ring

Sign all the checks to the bottom of the deck
if it deals you a hand you can win
And I know it’s just as well that a special place in hell
it can wait if they can help you get in
The purple hearts and silver stars that got you where you are
No they won’t add up to a thing
‘Cause all the guards on patrol in the circles that you roll
Will never ever let you make it anywhere unless you kiss the ring
Kiss the ring

Peeling off the cover of the old façade
If you can’t beat them then give them a job, yes it’s odd
The very same thugs that did you in
There’s a reputation that you might’ve once deserved
Before the Straight Talk Express hit Dead Man’s Curve
Even though I never agreed with you on much of anything

Put the bus in reverse as your principles disperse
And let the big games begin
Say goodbye to your code as you move on down the road
It won’t do shit for you from here on in
The purple hearts and silver stars that got you where you are
No they won’t add up to a thing
So Senator, it’s time, let them kick you down the line
I hope that you don’t mind the taste of metal ’cause it’s time to kiss the ring
Kiss the wrong

I’m crossing your name off the list of people I respect but still disagree
If you expand your ranks to the likes of them it’ll never include the likes of m
Of course I want you to lose, but maybe just maybe with some dignity
But it don’t matter much how you do it, as long as you do
It’ll be just fine with me

Sign all the checks to the bottom of the deck
if it deals you a hand you can win
And I know it’s just as well that a special place in hell
it can wait if they can help you get in
The purple hearts and silver stars that got you where you are
No they won’t add up to a thing
‘Cause all the guards on patrol in the circles that you roll
Will never ever let you make it anywhere unless you kiss the ring
Kiss the ring

I’m right of center, and I think that’s downright funny. Rolling on the floor

Breaking News: Controversial Minister leaves Obama campaign

This story in from MSNBC:

Minister leaves Obama campaign – Decision ’08- msnbc.com

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of “guilt by association.”

Obama’s campaign announced that the minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., had left its spiritual advisory committee after videotapes of his sermons again ignited fierce debate in news accounts and political blogs.

Obama did not clarify whether Wright volunteered to leave his African American Religious Leadership Committee, a loose group of supporters associated with the campaign, or whether the campaign asked him to leave.


Here is the Interview by Keith Olbermann, from Countdown on MSNBC:


No Transcript Available at this time, one will be posted when it becomes available at MSNBC’s site.

I think Obama has done a good job on dousing this fire. Keith Olbermann actually came in, on a day off to get this story and interview Obama himself, as to get the story straight.  That says much about Olbermann. I commend him for doing that.

Hopefully this will die down, Because I think it’s a little overblown, myself. However, realistically, I do know that some idiotic 527 group will try their best to "swiftboat", Obama on this issue. You can bet on that.

Barack Obama is not a Covert Muslim….It's Worse…

He’s a Black Nationalist…….or at least his Pastor is.

This is seriously not good, at all.

The story via ABC News:

Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s south side, has a long history of what even Obama’s campaign aides concede is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own "terrorism."

In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, "I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial." He said Rev. Wright "is like an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with," telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family.

Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."


Money Quote:

JEREMIAH WRIGHT: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America? No, no, no! Not God bless America. God damn America! It’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating its citizens as less than human!"

This could be possibly deadly for Obama’s Campaign. If people fear this man, and know Obama is connected to him, they will not vote for him.

Whether the Liberals want to hear this or not, White people are going to see this, and quite frankly, freak out. Honestly? It kind of freaks me out.

The only way that Obama might be able to deflect this sort of thing, will be to sever ties with that Church, totally. I highly doubt that this will happen, because that would be going against his own people. I mean, that would be the equivalent of John McCain severing ties with his own Mother. It just isn’t going to happen. Passions run deep among the black community.

So, who is to blame for this vicious Black Nationalism? Our white forefathers. Whether the Conservatives want to hear it, or not. How? When you import a race of people as slaves and keep them as slaves, like we did, and treat them as sub-par human beings, like the United States did, for many, many years, this sort of thing fosters and it has been fostering for many years.

Obama’s Pastor’s faulty interpretation of the Bible aside, His rage and rhetoric are legit, and the United States dirty past is responsible for this. What will stop it? Nothing. The damage has been done, you cannot undo what people have done, the rage and bitterness in the black community is still there, it will always be there. The United States fickle attitude towards slavery and mistreatment toward blacks, in the south, is the reason for this.

Others: The Moderate Voice, michellemalkin.com, Instapundit.com, TownHall Blog, Little Green Footballs, Outside The Beltway, The Corner, NO QUARTER, The Carpetbagger Report, Oliver Willis, Once Upon a Time, Sweetness & Light, Confederate Yankee, Riehl World View, American Spectator, Pat Dollard, Taylor Marsh, PunditGuy, Sister Toldjah, PrestoPundit, Hot Air, Balloon Juice, A Blog For All, Macsmind, The Campaign Spot, Gateway Pundit, Maggie’s Farm, Cold Fury, USS Neverdock, The Mahatma X Files and INSTAPUTZ (and More via Memeorandum)

Obama snags Mississippi

He’s gaining by the minute.

Obama Wins Mississippi (via MSNBC)

NBC News declared Barack Obama as the projected winner in the Mississippi primary on Tuesday, the latest in a string of racially polarized contests across the Deep South and a final tune-up before April’s high-stakes race with Hillary Rodham Clinton in Pennsylvania.

Obama was winning roughly 90 percent of the black vote but only about one-third of the white vote, extending a pattern that carried him to victory in earlier primaries in South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana.

I think, considering what Hillary Clinton’s surrogate said about Barack Obama, This is just payback. I mean, Hillary, I believe is trying to cause division in the Democrat Party. I think it’s immature and shows much about her.

Senator Obama did an interview on a special late edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews. He basically repeated his talking points, however, he did answer the nasty stuff said about him very well. That says much about Obama’s character.


Here’s The Video:

Of course, the pundits are saying it was a easy win, because, according to the "Pundits" or as I like to call them, the educated Political idiots, say that it is because of the large African-American Population, which is, in my opinion, simple-minded and short sighted. He won because people believe in the man, is that so hard for the Media to admit that? Confused

More on the Obama Victory @ Memeorandum

Snort Worthy Story of the day….

D’oh! Doh

The Story: Local girl makes unexpected appearance in Hillary ad (Via KING5.com)

The Video:


The political ad that sparked nationwide controversy turns out to have a surprising local connection.

One of the actors in the Hillary Clinton ad was shocked to see herself, especially because she’s a fierce supporter of Barack Obama.

The so-called "red-phone ad" was played all over the country and helped turn the tide for Hillary Clinton leading up to her big win in Ohio. The commercial suggested Barack Obama was too inexperienced to handle a national crisis.

But the young girl starring in the ad will actually be voting age next month and says she’s no fan of Hillary Clinton

I’d be willing to bet that someone in the Hillary camp is feeling about "that" high right now. LaughingRolling on the floor

Others: TPM Election Central, The Newshoggers, Spin Cycle, Comments from Left Field, Buckeye State Blog, Fox News, Wake up America, Ohio Daily Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Will someone please tell Hart Coulter to shut up?

Um…. Didn’t Karl Rove say NOT to do this?

The Video:


From the 3 p.m. ET hour of the March 6 edition of MSNBC Live:

COULTER: I don’t think — I must say, I tend not to think that the Democrats are gonna need my help. I mean, it looks to me as if it’s going to be Bob Dole redux. I mean, terrorism does throw things off this year, but if you assume, as I tend to, that this is going to be a Democrat year, the choice is between B. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. And I do think Hillary Clinton would be tougher with the terrorists. I think she’d probably be worse on domestic policy, but right now, the war on terrorism has me more concerned.

ROBACH: And you say, "B. Hussein Obama."


ROBACH: Why don’t you like to say "Barack Obama"?

COULTER: Because I think it’s funny. I mean, it wouldn’t be — this hysteria from the Democrats about how you can’t call him by his middle name. Well, we’re calling him by his middle name precisely because it makes Democrats hysterical. Of course there’s a reason we call him that.

ROBACH: All right. And it’s interesting you bring up obviously the war on terror, because I was just actually reviewing your YouTube moment with Sean Hannity.

I included this clip because, I want you to see the mentality of the far right. They think this is funny. I will say this, as a Right of Center type of a person, that this sort of thing. Will do absolutely nothing, but alienate the majority of Americans.

Of course, people like Ann Coulter aren’t exactly known for their overreaching brilliance. Rolling Eyes