Video: What the Government is doing with your internet and phone calls

My friends, I knew this was big, but I had no idea it was this big. 😯

This video comes via Democracy Now:

Also too, unlike the anti-american idiots at WSJ; no, I do not support this one iota. I agree with Michelle Malkin, it is overreach of the highest order and yes, it is dangerous as hell.

I will say this, as someone who is not much of a Democratic Party supporter anymore; my friends, we might just be witnessing what might just be the end or at least the long-term waylaying of the Democratic Party for a long time to come. I can tell you now, that many Americans who voted for President Obama are feeling like suckers who were sold a bag of lemons. Because from what I have seen, Democrats are absolutely furious about this little revelation.

Here is perfect example: (Via)

and another: (via)

Of course, there are stays; my friends, I present to you the biggest damned idiot on television:

AllahPundit writes about this moron, and man is he ever right about this guy.

Take it away AP:

Matthews has made this point many times before, usually with references to Horatio Alger, but it feels extra special after a long week of President Perfect completely betraying the Hopenchange ethos of his first presidential campaign. It’s not the cheap racial demagoguery that gets me here; that’s par for the course both for him and his network, where you’ll find far dumber examples of it than this. What gets me is that a guy who’s spent his adult life in politics reacts to the dynamics of ideological differences and partisanship like a college student would. Righties dislike O because he’s a statist liberal, and sometimes an aggressive one; if Hillary wins, she’ll be hated for the same reason. Obama’s personal behavior is better than lots of pols’, but plenty of politicians who are more or less decent people in their personal conduct are roundly hated by the other team. Paul Ryan’s a nice guy with a lovely family whom the lefty commentariat loathes because they think he wants to kill grandma. Marco Rubio also seems like a decent person with a nice family; he’ll be the second coming of Hitler in 2016 to the left if he’s the nominee, his shilling for immigration reform notwithstanding. Many people who know Mitt Romney will tell you he’s a warm, generous guy in person; he’s lived cleanly too, apart from his unforgivable crime of making lots and lots of money in business. (Note Matthews’s reference to “money-grubbing” in the clip. For shame, Mitt.) All of them already are or will be regarded by liberals as monsters, not because they have any deep objection to them as people but because they’re roadblocks on the path to the society liberals want America to be. That’s politics. When you know the way to paradise, everyone in your way is the devil. And every single person reading this grasps that already. So how is it the guy who doesn’t, who shrieks like a five-year-old over political animosities, has his own TV show?

Very well put. Also too, and please know this okay? The only reason I am linking to on this is for following reasons:

  1. Because I happened to see the videos there and I happened to have liked what AllahPundit said. 
  2. It is considered in blogging to be unethical to not cite sources of where you get your videos from. Yes, I know, people have used stuff here and no bothered to cite me as the source. It happens. But, I happen to believe in ethics and integrity. Because of this I cite my sources, all the time. I could care less about the hits or lack of; although, I will confess that the trackback links are nice. But, I really do not get a good deal of traffic from So, the accusations of my link whoring are baseless.


Video: Obama Administration Scandals — Seriously?

It’s the token libertarian girl with another great video:

What I posted to the comment section of her youtube channel…:

Posted to the blog. …and you are SOOOOOO right about Syria. On the Government’s side we have Hezbollah, who hates the USA and wants to kill us. On the other, you have people being bankrolled and supported by Al-Qaeda; and they hate us pretty badly too.

It is a no win situation. The cute part is, you have idiot chickenhawk Neocons like John McCain going over there and giving support to terrorists! HELLO!!! Did that idiot forget what 9/11 was all about?!?!

Anyhow, nice video. Keep it up!

UPDATED – It’s official: The Obama Administration is in deep trouble and I am done defending them

My friends, I was very, very wrong and for that, I am terribly sorry. 🙁

I said that I believed that the entire Benghazi, Libya debacle was over-hyped by the Republicans; and I still believe that, to a point.

However, there are many things that have come up since then, which I simply cannot defend.

They are:

  1. The IRS targeting Jewish groups.  – I mean, honestly, what the hell were the IRS and Obama’s people thinking when they let this one happen?
  2. IRS targeting Conservative groups in Washington and Elsewhere. — Did they not know that this would be exposed?
  3. DOJ going after the AP – This is borderline Watergate, so says a watergate player. — Again, what the hell were these people thinking?

My friends, the “Giving the benefit of the doubt” of the President and his Administration by this writer and blogger are over. There is no doubt in my mind that the Obama administration; much like the Administration of George W. Bush, became consumed with a lust for power and abused and exploited the office of President of the United States and the instruments of Governmental office for political purposes.

I leave you with two videos:

Update: Better clip via The American Spectator:

The Democrats have screwed themselves out of ever winning an election; for like oh, maybe the next 2 major election cycles. This is the sad part, Obama and his Administration promised Americans that he would be a clean break from the policies and practices of President George W. Bush and his Administration and sadly, it turns out that Obama and his Administration are just as bad; if not even worse.   As I wrote before, it is sad ending to a Presidency that offered so much to give; but ended up delivering little or nothing at all, in the realm of change.

It is going to be a long, hot, nasty, political summer for America, Americans, Black Liberal Americans and for Washington D.C.. I just hope that cool heads prevail. But, I really do fear the worst in yet to come.

Blogger Round Up #1: (viaYahoo! NewsJustOneMinuteMichelle MalkinNew York TimesSunlight Foundation BlogBBCWall Street JournalRight AirThe WeekThe Daily CallerThe HillDaily KosFirst ReadThe Maddow BlogPostPartisanThe FixWhite House DossierThe Other McCainBetsy’s PageDa Tech Guy On DaRadio BlogScared Monkeys,msnbc.comObsidian WingsWeasel ZippersJammie Wearing FoolsTwitchyNational Review,The Lonely ConservativePower LineConservatives4Palin and CBS DC

Blogger Round Up #2: (viaYahoo! NewsWashington MonthlyBuzzFeedThe WeekAssociated PressHit & Run,News DeskFox NewsOpen Channelmsnbc.comemptywheelGuardianWorldViewsPatterico’s PontificationsThe Huffington PostNo More Mister Nice BlogUSA TodayThe HillWeekly StandardPoynterThe Daily CallerThe Volokh ConspiracyErik WempleThinkProgressRight Wing NewsTaylor MarshScared MonkeysAddicting Infoamericanthinker.comCNN,CANNONFIREThe BLTPJ MediaNO QUARTER USA NETThe Moderate VoiceThe Hinterland GazetteNationalJournal.comHot AirWashington Free BeaconWashington ExaminerWired,PoliticoWeasel ZippersGawkerTHE DEFINITIVE SOURCEHullabalooEd DriscollThe Verge,The Gateway PunditSPJ NewsThe PJ TatlerNational ReviewNational Republican …,Mother JonesLe·gal In·sur·rec· tionSister ToldjahOutside the BeltwayWonketteTalkLeft andLawfaremore at Mediagazer »

Update #1: Franklin Graham says they were targeted. Those rat bastards have no shame at all. 😡

 Update #2:  Obama Admin’s IRS targeted reporter who gave hard interview.

Update #3: I am just going to say this and get it off my chest:


Roundup #3: The Gateway PunditSister ToldjahWeasel ZippersWashington Free BeaconRule of LawBuzzFeedViralReadJammie Wearing Fools,The PJ TatlerVodkaPundit and Hot Air

Video: Judge Jeanine’s “fact based” takedown the Obama Administration on Benghazi

I put fact based in quotes, because of where she works. Because folks, the fact is, this is same network, who defended George W. Bush until it was no longer good for business and they knew that if they continued doing it that the credibility of the network was at stake.

Now, as I have written more than once,  I believe that most, if not all of this, is partisan theater. It is and it is getting nasty.

Having said that, this video here makes a very good case against the President and Hillary Clinton. If the Democrats are going to defend this President, they should try doing a better job than they are doing so far. Because this my friends, is downright deadly.

I think that we Christians ought to pray for stability of our Nation. Because I fear that all hell is about to break loose.


Videos: The anti-Obama white liberal Democrat left sees blood in the water

Continuing the partisan witch hunt against President Obama that I have been writing about here for the past week.

First up, Kristian Powers, a white Hillary supporter, takes her shots at the President: (Via NewsBusters)

Next up is the Democrat Party’s version of Ron Paul basically, there are Moonbats and there is this guy; he is taking a break from his UFO chasing to get his shot in on the President — guess he is still pissed off about not getting the Democratic Party nomination. Click the image to watch:

Click the image to watch Senator Moonbeam get his digs in on the President.

I hate to be the one to say that I knew this was coming; but, I did. I said this a long while back, that because of the White House’s lack of leadership on the healthcare bill and because of the people spurned by the Obama administration and Obama during the election —- that Obama would end up paying for what he did. Well, now, it is payment time. There is blood in the water and the sharks are circling; both on the right and on the left as well.

The general rule in beltway politics is this; you watch my back, I will watch yours. The rule also is: You screw me and I screw you even harder. During various times during Obama’s election in 2008 and in 2012, Obama screwed various people over. Those people are getting their paybacks now. It is a partisan game for the right, and it is a political game for the left. The sick thing is; Hillary got tangled up in it all, which will deep six her Presidential aspirations, if there were any.

It is a sad ending to a Presidential Administration which promised so much and yet, delivered so little.