Let’s not get carried away please

Listen, I stand for Israel as much as the next Conservative. But this article here, is borderline idiotic:

So Paul Krugman phoned in his periodic “Keynes Was Right” column today, arguing that the Obama Porkulus failed only because, like “true” Communism, it wasn’t tried vigorously or faithfully enough.

I wonder if Krugman also credits Keynes’s views on Jews, which British blogger Damian Thompson of The Telegraph brings to our attention.

via Keynes Was Right–About the Jews? | Power Line.

I mean, to make this sort of a comment to a man, who happens to be a liberal and Jewish, coming from another Jewish person is about the worst backhanded insult ever.

Now this point here, I will not contest:

Anti-Semitism used to be a property of the Right, yet it’s worth pointing out that today many of the intellectual heroes of the right are Jews, such as Milton Friedman, Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, etc., or that anti-Semitism has become almost wholly the province of the Left today.

I got news for Mr. Hayward; it is still a property of the right. Ron Paul is a perfect example. Although it is far to point out that Ron Paul’s faction of the Republican Party is a very small one. One that believes in “Limited Freedom” for those who are White and Christian only. Although, to be fair, Rick Santorum basically feels the same way; the whole extremist Christian bigot.

My overall point here is this; we should be very careful about dropping the Anti-Semite flag during a political football game. It hurts those who are innocent of said charges. Just ask me.

Others: Wizbang, Ed Driscoll


Politics and Common Sense

There seems to be a disturbing affliction in politics in this modern age and in the no-so-modern age as well. It seems to afflict a good number of people, who dare to make their careers in what has commonly become known as the “beltway.” This affliction only seems to be found among those who are of the ruling class, or at least among those who have chosen to live their lives as public servants. I am referring, of course, to something that is usually found more commonly among the working class and everyday families and individual people all across this Country —- Good old-fashioned common sense.

There is, sadly, in this modern day age a real honest shortage of common sense; those who have any semblance of common sense and actually use it are truly blessed. However, in my older years, I am finding that education level to common sense ratio to be lower among those who are of the higher level of education class — classic example; Ron Paul.

I am of course referring to the issue of the newsletters that were published with Ron Paul’s name attached to them back in the 1990’s. It appears that again the liberal left and of course, the Wilsonian Neo-Conservative right are again bringing these newsletters to light — and rightly so. I have seen the contents of these newsletters for myself, as someone who did not grow up in what I like to call the “White Tidy” suburbs; but rather on the Southwest Side of Detroit, Michigan or as it is now commonly called the “inner city” or as I sometimes call it “The Ghetto.”

I was very appalled by what I read in those newsletters. I detest Multiculturalism; because Multiculturalism is liberal socialist code-speak for “Be ashamed that you are white.” However, my disdain of this liberal practice does not equate my hatred of any other race. This is why when I read those newsletters and saw what sort of bigoted filth was in them against blacks, Latinas and yes Jews. The little boy who grew up around many different sorts of ethnic backgrounds, in the City of Detroit, was quite angry that a man, much less a public elected official would allow such tripe in something attributed to him by name.

Whether or not the Newsletters were penned by Ron Paul or not is a non-issue to me. What is an issue to me is that Ron Paul never took the time to look at these newsletters to see what was in them. Again, this simply goes back to the thing I spoke of above — common sense. Ron Paul seems to have a lack of common sense. I believe that speaks of his character and judgment. Furthermore, the fact that he does fellowship with those of a bigoted mindset is telling of his personality. A perfect example, receiving donations from Don Black and David Duke who are the founders of the Neo-Nazi website Stormfront.org and former Klansmen — and not bothering to return said donations.

Again, this all goes back to the very thing that is lack amongst the political ruling class in this Country — Common Sense — and it is seriously lacking on Ron Paul’s part.

Farewell to a intellectual great

I am coming out of my self-imposed hiatus to bid farewell to someone whom I disagreed with greatly.  I am referring to the passing of the avowed atheist Christopher Hitchens.  Admittedly, I disagreed very highly with his denial of living God; However, I admired his stance on Muslims and their desire to overthrow of American and western values.  Not only this; the man was absolutely an intellectual giant.  Something that is much lacking in the Conservative and even Christian circles of this day and age of dumb-downed society.    
I believe the man should be respected in this sphere of existence for his refusing to back down from his political and personal philosophies.  His rejection of the existence of a higher power is one that will be remembered and admired by some.  It seems so unfair, that someone of that intellectual caliber would be taken down in such a horrible way.  I will not, unlike someone on the Christian right, use this as a terrible opportunity to slander the man to advance a Religious agenda.  There are some, that would partake in such high school style of idiocy and I will simply use the words of the risen Saviour of the World, Jesus Christ; “They have their reward.”
I wish nothing but the very best to the Hitchens family, especially to his Brother; who must be going through hell right now.
Rest in peace Hitch; you genius bastard you.

Gingrich sails into lead

Via PPP:

Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in PPP’s national polling.  He’s at 28% to 25% for Herman Cain and 18% for Mitt Romney.  The rest of the Republican field is increasingly looking like a bunch of also rans: Rick Perry is at 6%, Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul at 5%, Jon Huntsman at 3%, and Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum each at 1%.

Compared to a month ago Gingrich is up 13 points, while Cain has dropped by 5 points and Romney has gone down by 4.  Although a fair amount of skepticism remains about the recent allegations against Cain there is no doubt they are taking a toll on his image- his net favorability is down 25 points over the last month from +51 (66/15) to only +26 (57/31). What is perhaps a little more surprising is that Romney’s favorability is at a 6 month low in our polling too with only 48% of voters seeing him favorably to 39% with a negative opinion.

Gingrich’s lead caps an amazing comeback he’s made over the last 5 months.  In June his favorability nationally with Republican voters plummeted all the way to 36/49. Now he’s at 68/23, representing a 58 point improvement in his spread since then. As recently as August Gingrich was mired in single digits at 7%, and even in September he was at just 10%.  He’s climbed 18 points in less than 2 months.

There’s reason to think that if Cain continues to fade, Gingrich will continue to gain.  Among Cain’s supporters 73% have a favorable opinion of Gingrich to only 21% with a negative one. That compares to a 33/55 spread for Romney with Cain voters and a 32/53 one for Perry.  They like Gingrich a whole lot more than they do the other serious candidates in the race.

Which means, I will be voting libertarian. Sorry, I am not voting for that creep; period, end of story. 

Blogger Round up here.

Rich White Honkey Michael Moore lives it up

While the “99%” Blacks, Latinos — and yes, poor white people protest in the streets.

Photos via Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood:

Big Hollywood says:

The fact is that Moore is so wealthy that he does not need to worry about his income. According to public tax records, Moore owns a massive vacation home on Torch Lake, Michigan–one of the most elite communities in the United States–in addition to his posh Manhattan residence.

Through an independent source, Big Hollywood has obtained exclusive photographs of the house matching the address of Moore’s waterfront mansion. It is the kind of luxurious summer home that 99 percent of Americans can only dream of owning.


Property values on Torch Lake, according to one real estate website, range “from $400,000 to plus $3 million.”

Moore’s property has been officially assessed at close to $1 million (see below; we have redacted Moore’s addresses and parcel number). That is likely a gross underestimate, but nevertheless places Moore’s vacation home near the top one percent of home values in affluent Forest Home Township, and among the upper crust of residential properties in the state of Michigan. (Update 11/11/11: Several readers have pointed out that in Michigan, the S.E.V. is half the estimated fair market value of the home, so Moore’s Torch Lake vacation home is likely worth close to $2 million.)

In addition, according to statistics from 2009, Forest Home Township has no black residents. The township is roughly 98 percent white. Call that 99 percent, and Moore’s claim to be among “the 99 percent” begins to have some basis in reality.

No one begrudges Moore his wealth, but it is deceitful for him to claim poverty while encouraging class warfare among other Americans. It is also purely narcissistic and selfish for Moore to back radical and destructive socialist policies that would deny other Americans the opportunity to become as rich as he is.

More photos on Moore’s home:

Below are some additional photographs of Moore’s vacation home in Torch Lake. The first shows the front entrance to the property; we have decided not to include a photograph of Moore’s mailbox, which features an address matching the one on the property assessment. The second and third photographs show alternate perspectives of Moore’s home and property when viewed from Torch Lake.

I can really see what Andrew is driving at here; why claim to be of the 99%, when you are not even in the same ballpark as them. Besides all that; and I think I’ll share this, it comes via Wikipedia:

After dropping out of the University of Michigan–Flint following his freshman year (where he wrote for the student newspaper The Michigan Times), Moore worked at the local Buick plant.[18] At 22 he founded the alternative weekly magazine The Flint Voice, which soon changed its name to The Michigan Voice as it expanded to cover the entire state. In 1986, when Moore became the editor of Mother Jones, a liberal political magazine, he moved to California and The Michigan Voice was shut down.

After four months at Mother Jones, Moore was fired. Matt Labash of The Weekly Standard reported this was for refusing to print an article by Paul Berman that was critical of the Sandinista human rights record in Nicaragua.[19] Moore refused to run the article, believing it to be inaccurate. “The article was flatly wrong and the worst kind of patronizing bullshit. You would scarcely know from it that the United States had been at war with Nicaragua for the last five years.”[20] Moore believes that Mother Jones fired him because of the publisher’s refusal to allow him to cover a story on the GM plant closings in his hometown of Flint, Michigan. He responded by putting laid-off GM worker Ben Hamper (who was also writing for the same magazine at the time) on the magazine’s cover, leading to his termination. Moore sued for wrongful dismissal, and settled out of court for $58,000, providing him with seed money for his first film, Roger & Me.[21]


That is right kiddies, Michael Moore started making movies and got famous for disobeying his bosses and suing his employer. Disappointed smile 

I will also tell you this; I am in constant contact with and am friends with a retired UAW President from Flint, I will not publish his name, but every time he speaks of Michael Moore, he does not have much good to say about him at all.

So, to the liberals who read this blog, remember this, when you are out there protesting against all that wealth; better yet, find out where Michael Moore lives, and go protest at his house. Shifty

Others: Don Surber, Weasel Zippers, nation.foxnews.com and Michelle Malkin

UPDATE: Memo to Herman Cain PAC: You’re not helping!–The site is a HOAX!

I have written about Herman Cain’s troubles here, Here, and on my old blog here. But I must say, this — is not helping Herman Cain’s case one bit….

Via Herman Cain PAC:

Ew, gross! Who the hell does this ugly b1tch think she’s fooling?

Just to be clear, Karen Kraushaar is the one on the left.

Via The Daily…

Karen Kraushaar currently serves as a communications director at the Inspector General’s Office of the Treasury Department, a position she has held since last year. She did not return phone messages left by The Daily.

Kraushaar, who lives in Maryland, has no desire to speak publicly about the complaint she filed against Cain, letting her superiors know “about a series of inappropriate behaviors and unwanted advances from the CEO,” her attorney, Joel Bennett, said recently.

There’s supposed to be a picture there, but the server is like overloaded with traffic. Anyhow, if Herman Cain wants to be taken seriously in this election and by this blogger, he needs to reign in what is being printed with his name on it. This is not look good for him at all.

I mean, a black man running for President; calling a white woman an ugly bitch is not a good idea. Just….no… does not work.

UPDATE! Turns out. The site is a Hoax. see here

Others: Gawker, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Because I Can, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Hinterland Gazette, Mercury Rising, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Business Insider and Wizbang

Fifth woman now accusing Cain of bad behavior

Remember earlier, when I said this whole thing just went Kookie with Herman Cain?

Forget that, it’s well beyond that now; it’s serious. This guy should not be nowhere near any place that has any sort of a female staff.

The Washington Examiner reports: (H/T HotAir Headlines)

A former employee of the United States Agency for International Development says Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain asked her to help arrange a dinner date for him with a female audience member following a speech he delivered nine years ago.

Donna Donella, 40, of Arlington, said the USAID paid Cain to deliver a speech to businessmen and women in Egypt in 2002, during which an Egyptian businesswoman in her 30s asked Cain a question.

“And after the seminar was over,” Donella told The Washington Examiner, “Cain came over to me and a colleague and said, ‘Could you put me in touch with that lovely young lady who asked the question, so I can give her a more thorough answer over dinner?'”

Donella, who no longer works for USAID, said they were suspicious of Cain’s motives and declined to set up the date. Cain responded, “Then you and I can have dinner.” That’s when two female colleagues intervened and suggested they all go to dinner together, Donella said.

Cain exhibited no inappropriate sexual behavior during the dinner, though he did order two $400 bottles of wine and stuck the women with the bill, she said.

The next time the women heard from Cain was Christmas, when he sent them his gospel CD.

Donella said she felt it was important to describe her encounter with Cain after hearing more serious allegations of sexual harassment brought by other women.

“I couldn’t swear that he had some untoward intentions, but we all thought his tone was suspect and we didn’t feel comfortable putting him in touch with that woman,” Donella recalled.

I am beginning to believe that Mr. Cain needs to do something here and quick; or he simply needs to stop and go home. This not only looks bad for him; but it is really hurting the image of the Republican Party. I liked this man, when he first started; but I will be the first to tell you, I am having serious doubts about him now. I will also say this. I have seen Herman Cain’s reaction to these stories so far; and I am not sure I like his attitude about them.

I also happen to agree with Tim Carney, we should not play the race on Herman Cain at all; because that is what the left wants; if Herman Cain cannot defend himself or refuses to do so and gives the impression that he is being picked on, because he is black —- then he needs to get out of the race, period, end of story. —- that is what would happened to someone if they were white, so why should not Herman Cain be able to run by the rules? Herman Cain should not be treated any differently than anyone else, just because he is black and Conservative. Although, between you and me, Herman Cain’s Conservatism, especially along the social line, is in serious question.

Video: A good reason why I am not a Democrat

This comes via Weasel Zippers: (H/T to GeeekGirl on twitter)

This has to be the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard:


We don’t see them dealing with this in a forthright way at all; it’s certainly not a presidential way. It’s not even really a professional way to deal with it, as a politician. But this is a major moment for the GOP because Cain is a really important candidate, perhaps more important than any of the other candidates because he serves a massive psychological purpose. Because there’s a lot of people in the GOP who’ve been critical of Obama and have been made to feel that they are racist because of their criticism. Some of it has been racist, some of it has been reasonable, some of it has been business as usual Republican/Democrat stuff. Ok. Cain comes along, offering salvation, liberation. You’re not racist if you support Herman Cain. So now they have this Herman Cain card they can throw at us any time they are made to feel racist. So this is like a beautiful thing for them. So they need him to succeed as long as they can deal with him so that they can get their Cain card and make it as valuable as possible.

Well, I mean, Cain is giving comfort to racism the way that he purports himself, as we’ve discussed before on this show, so, I mean, this is not the person that you can hold up as, well, see, I’m not a racist, I love Herman Cain.

What is it with Democrats and race? It is like they just wanted to continue to stoke that fire of racial hatred between blacks and whites. Oh, I know why! It gets them votes.

The Southern Avenger on American Empire and Israel

Note to all my readers: I am posting these videos here, because I happen to believe in a diversity of opinion and discussion. The opinions expressed in these video should NOT be considered an opinion of the owner of this blog. I simply believe that ALL VOICES, not just a collective few, should be heard in the continuing discussion that is post-Bush Conservative Politics.


Transcript Here

Transcript Here

Terri Schiavo's former Husband proves to the world, just what kind of a tool he really is

What a tool:

Michael Schiavo - Tool-At-Large

Over 5 years after the very public, tragic and court-ordered execution of Terri Schindler Schiavo, the Schindler family still fights Terri’s husband who sought and secured legal permission to murder his disabled wife by dehydration. Michael Schiavo, Terri’s former husband, accuses Terri’s family of trying to exploit her saga by raising money for the foundation named after her, and the media has been too happy to accommodate his platform and buttress his attacks.

Started while Terri was still alive as Terri’s Fight, the foundation assists other disabled members of our society who may be deprived of their legal rights and medical care. The organization is run by Terri’s mother, Mary Schindler, her brother, Bobby Schindler, who serves as the spokesman for the organization, and Terri's sister, Suzanne Schindler Vitadamo. The Schindler family began the foundation to defray the legal expenses and the costs of providing Terri the rehabilitative treatment and medical care of which Michael barbarically deprived her to thwart her recovery.

Following Terri’s painful involuntary euthanasia death in 2005, the Schindler family changed the name to the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, and the organization has only has raised a modest amount of money, less than 6 figures, to support disabled people like her. Through the foundation, www.TerrisFight.org, Terri’s family has fielded countless calls from Texans due to the draconian Texas Advance Directives Act (Chapter 166.046 of the Health and Safety Code). The foundation has assisted TX Right to Life in our efforts to protect the disabled from the denial and withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment.

Michael Schiavo claims that a court document gives him rights to the name Terri Schiavo, and he alleges that no one can use her name without his permission. His attorney has written to the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, instructing Terri’s family to cease and desist using her name. Peculiarly, the man who denied Terri rehabilitative treatment because he wanted the money left for her medical care to himself, is now accusing Terri’s family of profiteering with her name.

via Terri Schiavo’s foundation sued by Michael Schiavo :: :: ProLifeBlogs.

The real kicker is this:

Ironically, Michael attempted to profit politically from Terri’s death, by starting a political action committee, called Terri’s PAC, to oppose “Bible-thumping politicians” who fought to protect her life. Eventually, the FEC closed down his PAC after repeated fines for late reports and violation of reporting guidelines.

Oh Yeah, this dude is a serious tool. I remember this case and it broke my heart to see what this man did to this woman. He was a heartless killer. Now he is proving to the World, just what kind of heartless tool that he really is.