Quote of the Day Part 1

Wow! 😮

Holder was eight years old half a century ago. The desegregation of schools had barely begun. The “dream” of Martin Luther King, Jr. was still ringing in the people’s ears and he had only recently been murdered. Black men and women did not figure in our national politics. Black teenagers did not then reasonably aspire to do well at school -the odds were against them–or hope to graduate, as Holder did, from Columbia University (as Barack Obama also did) and from the Columbia Law School. There were no black generals or managing partners of law firms or presidents of the best institutions of higher learning or CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and not many black people at all in the solid middle class. And almost none in the upper middle class. How many blacks were actually rich or even super-rich? No, America is not racial paradise. But it is more integrated, much more integrated than Great Britain and France which used to disdain our bigoted traditions and habits. No longer, believe me, no longer.

Kudos to the person that had the guts to say this in public! 😀

Trackposted to Nuke’s, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, , Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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A very valid point

I must say that I agree with this:

Our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, says that America is a “nation of cowards” when it comes to race relations. The race-baiting cabinet official made his remarks yesterday in honor of Black History Month. Apparently being the first black attorney general serving under the first black president isn’t indicative of progress according to Holder. Listening to him, you’d think that Jim Crow had just ended with Obama’s election.

Holder’s insulting remarks were no doubt aimed at white Americans, particularly those who didn’t vote for Obama. That’s why Holder dragged out the tired rhetoric about “the need to confront our racial past and to understand our racial present.” It’s the same white-guilt lecturing we’ve always heard before. Yet what makes this event noteworthy is the fact that a sitting attorney general is saying this nonsense, implying that he’ll be incorporating this racialism into public policy at the Justice Department.

In their never-ending work to preserve victimhood for racial minorities, the Left will now have the perfect spokesman to help with that task. No, the real cowards are self-righteous liberals like Holder who build themselves up by tearing down Middle America for cheap political gain. If the fires of racism still exist in America (and they do), then it’s only because people like Holder keep stoking the embers. His political career depends upon it.

via Holder’s Racialist Lecturing | Conservative Heritage Times.

The only thing that I can really add to this is, that the Liberal African-American Community, led by the leadership within the Democratic Party wants to use racism as a false flag, to limit dissent and freedom of speech towards those, who disagree with their Race Baiting and more broadly disagree with their socialist agenda.

Which is just about as bad as the Identity Politics on the far right, amongst the Republicans. When it comes to the Jewish Community. What I am trying to say is, that I have nothing against the Jewish people, at all. But I refuse to be held responsible for what happened to the Jews in Germany.  This is Identity Politics and the pushing of the “White Guilt” mentality. Again, let me be clear, I have zero against Jews, Israel, or their right to exist. But, I will not “Kiss up” to them at all. Neither will I do this to the African-American Community. I did not put them in chains, and I will not feel a bit of guilt for what happened to them 300 years ago. Because I did not have anything to do with it.

The problem with what I just wrote above is, that when a “Zionist” or a Race Baiting Liberals reads what I wrote; the first thing they will do is, play the race card. Which garners them support and paints the person that says these things, as Nazi’s and Hatemongers, and it’s bullshit. Because I do not hate. I just will not made to feel guilty for something that I did not have a part in; Period.

Race baiting and White Guilt is insane and Anti-American as hell.

Regarding the New York Post's apology

Regarding the New York Post’s Apology and the other stupidity.

I dunno, what ya’ll think?

Family Resemblance?
Family Resemblance?

So, like Michelle said; Sue me.

Other likemided people: Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Pat Dollard and JOSHUAPUNDIT

Yeah, I know what I wrote here. I still feel that way too. But this is not about Racism, this is about the Liberal Democrats controlling Conservatives right to free speech. The, ahem, chimps Liberal Black Democrats want to control what we honkey White Conservatives write, and I think it is a bunch of bullshit.

So, bring it on, there Mr. “Interloper”.  I dare ya.

Chris Muir also weighs in here:

Racism, Race Baiting and the Stoking of Racial Resentment

Here my latest entry, to my column called Slightly Right:

I am writing this because it needs to be written, especially from someone of my political leanings.  Today was quite the interesting day when it comes to race relations.  Earlier in the day, our Country’s new Attorney General; Eric Holder, castigated the United States of America, by saying that we were a “Nation of cowards,” when it comes to race relations.  I found this to be quite the interesting remark considering that the United States of America just elected an African-American as the Nation’s 44’th President,  not to mention the fact that Congress just confirmed Eric Holder to be the first African-American Attorney General. This is a form of race baiting, not to mention that fact that it is a form of stoking the racial resentment in this country.  Conversely, this is what the Democratic Party promotes and even encourage within the Party.  In the Democratic Party, it always seems like it is still 1964, before the civil rights act was passed. The Democratic Party does this, so that they can control the people and keep them around for the votes come election time.  Someone who is a bit nastier than me would refer to them as “useful idiots,” However; I am not that kind of a person.

What I just wrote about is just one of the many culprits of racial disharmony in this country and is commonly found in the Liberal circles.  Another culprit that is, in this writer’s opinion, just as bad a race baiting and that is abject racism.  A sick example of that is the cartoon that was published in the New York Post yesterday.  The cartoon was supposedly, and I use that term in the strongest way possible, a piece of satire.  The problem is the only person or persons that were laughing, was the man who drew the cartoon and the editorial staff at The New York Post. The rest of sane rational America was standing with their arms folded and toes tapping wondering just what were the New York Post thinking, when they allowed this cartoon to published?

As I have written on my blog many times, racism is just plain wrong, as is Race Baiting and this continual stoking of the racial resentments in this Country.  I will be the first person to admit, that the Liberals do the stoking, just as much as those of the Conservative side of the political fence.  It is this writers opinion that the only thing worse than a race baiter, who continually attempts to stoke the resentment between the races by continually waving the victim flag every time someone says something that is considered out of line or politically incorrect.  That is the person in the Anglo-Saxon race that says or does something intentionally offensive to cause those of the African-American race to have a knee jerk reaction.  This is more of that stoking of the flames of the historic racial resentment.

The cartoon that was published yesterday by the New York Post was classless, tasteless and downright offensive, considering that this Nation just recently took a major step, in a long list of steps of burying this nations past of ugliness towards those of the African-American race.  The only purpose of that cartoon was to stoke the flames of the resentment between the Black and White races in the country.  Furthermore, the response of the New York Post Editorial board when pressed about the issue was the typical arrogant demagoguery position of that paper.

Frankly, I am quite shocked that Rupert Murdoch, a man who is supposedly a born-again Christian and himself a immigrant from Australia would even allow this sort of tripe to be published in one of his newspapers. I do truly believe that in the quest to strike a humorous home run, the New York Post unfortunately stuck out, and quite horribly so.

New AG Eric Holder is nothing more than a race baiting shill for the left

Maybe it is just me. But am I the only person that see’s a alarming similarity between this video here:

….and this video here: (Content Warning)

Just sayin’

Others: Weekly Standard, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Riehl World View, The Campaign Spot, Cold Fury

The White House is Hiring – Liberals only need apply

This is pretty funny.

We’re happy to announce that the jobs application feature is now live on WhiteHouse.gov. The Jobs Application feature enables people everywhere to apply to be considered for a political appointment in President Obama’s Administration. You can get to it by clicking on the “Jobs” link at the very bottom of each of the pages on WhiteHouse.gov.

That link will take you to a page which tells you a little bit more about the application process, with a a button at the bottom marked, “Begin Application Form.” That’s where you fill out your information, upload a resume, and tell us what kinds of positions you’re interested in. But a quick heads up – you have to complete the application in one session, and it’s going to take you about 15 minutes to do it. So before you start, you might want to print the Paper Application, gather up the information you’ll need, then sign back in.

via The White House – Blog Post – Apply for a job.

Of course, if you are White, Bitter, Clingy, Anti-Illegal immigration,  Conservative type; you need not apply. Only Black,  God-Denying, Baby Killing, Gay Enabling, Open border Advocate, Liberals need bother applying.

Red State Update on Obama's Stimulus News Conference

Jackie and Dunlap on Obama’s first prime-time news conference. Stimulus pimpin’ and Elkhart bashin’ ensue.

Members of the Black Press not Happy with President Obama

I have some very different feelings than you think about this story, I will explain below…:

After the first black president completed his first prime-time press conference, the black press was red hot.

“We were window dressing,” said Hazel Edney, a reporter with the National Newspaper Publishers Association, also known as the Black Press of America. “We were nothing more than window dressing.”

As the media filed into the stately White House East Room on Monday night, the reporter was shocked to find herself in the front row. Alongside her were the top news agencies, Associated Press, Reuters; also up front, 86-year-old Helen Thomas, who started covering presidents 50 years ago.

Alongside the most prominent journalists in America was Tiffany Cross from Black Entertainment Television. Like Miss Edney, she didn’t know why she was in first-class while all the television networks – every single one – was exiled to the steerage compartment.

“I really don’t know why I’m up here,” Miss Cross said with a shy smile.

While most on the front row got to pose a question to President Obama, the two reporters from the black press did not. Nor did any other black-press reporter, for that matter.

“This was like Reagan, when he’d put all the blacks up front,” said another prominent but visibly peeved black-press reporter who asked to remain anonymous. “He oughta’ be ashamed.”

via Washington Times – CURL: Obama snubs black press.

As I said above, I have mixed feelings about this report; I tend to believe that this report is one those “Let’s stir the pot and see what happens,” kind of reports. President Obama, to his credit, did not run a “Black Power” Presidential campaign, if he had done so, the American people would have been turn off and President Obama would not have made it out of the Primary.

As much as I respect the reporting of the Washington Times and their Conservative stance, I believe that this story is nothing more of the rattling of the race baiting sabers that the Far Right Wing bunch are known for. Yes, that is correct, I am a moderate Conservative and I am admitting that there is a certain bit of reverse race baiting that goes on in those circles. It is a sad fact, but it is the truth.

Michael Steele elected Republican National Committee Chairman

First the video of remarks by Steele:

Via The Politico:

Former Maryland Lt. Gov Michael Steele triumphed over four opponents in the race for Republican National Committee chairman Friday, giving the party its first black chairman as well as a forceful communicator at a time of political weakness.

“This is awesome,” Steele told RNC members in a victory speech. “It is with a great deal of humility and a sense of service that I accept and appreciate and thank all of you for the opportunity to serve.”

Steele emerged victorious from a lengthy, six-ballot voting process. Running against him were incumbent RNC Chair Mike Duncan, South Carolina Republican Party Chair Katon Dawson, Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell.

I will say it. I am glad to see that the Republican Party has elected an African-American. This will render the days of post-race racialism null and void.

…and for that, I am very glad. 😀

Maybe now some of the more Conservative Democrats, which have avoided the Republican Party because of it being perceived as a “White Man’s Party”, will come on over to the party of sanity.

One can only hope.

Memeornadum is now providing Coverage

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wingless – Alastair Crooke on Gaza & Hamas – living in the twilight zone!, Wingless – Sura 5:32 – When Killing isn’t Murder, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, third world county, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Wingless – What Lead to Cast Lead, The World According to Carl, Wingless – Cuba: Beautiful Country, People…Not so Beautiful System…, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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