Michigan Supreme Court rejects lawsuit to take Trump off the ballot

I think this is good idea, I will explain after the quote.

Via CNN:

The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot based on the US Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban.”

The outcome, which was generally expected, is a victory for the former president, though an effort to remove him could be renewed for the general election. Wednesday’s decision contrasts with the recent ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court, which kicked Trump off its primary ballot because of his role in the January 6 Capitol riot. That decision has been paused pending an appeal.


The Michigan Court of Claims judge who first got the case said state law doesn’t give election officials any leeway to police the eligibility of presidential primary candidates. He also said the case raised a political question that shouldn’t be decided in the courts.

His decision was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals, which said: “At the moment, the only event about to occur is the presidential primary election. But as explained, whether Trump is disqualified is irrelevant to his placement on that particular ballot.”

The order from the Michigan Supreme Court was unsigned, and the court did not release a vote count.

I know, I said that I would not be writing about Trump. However, this to me, is less about Donald Trump, and more about election law and the constitution.

The reason I believe that this is a good thing, not because I support Trump; I do not hate the man, I just did not like the way he acted, while he was in the White House. However, I feel that the voters should decide who wins the Primary election and not the courts.

I have never believed that the Government should ever decide election. Because that basically is federalized elections. Let the people decide, not the court. This is why I felt that the Supreme Court should have never gotten involved in the 2000 election, with Bush vs Gore.

So, for once, Michigan made a good decision.

Others: Townhall, The Hill, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, HotAir, The Daily Beast, The Messenger, Washington Times, Axios, Vanity Fair, NBC News, NPR, Bloomberg, Fox News, USA Today, Blaze Media, UPI, Breitbart, Reuters, PoliticusUSA, DNyuz, RedState, Raw Story, Twitchy, Detroit Free Press, ABC News, The New Civil Rights Movement, Semafor, Mother Jones, Michigan Advance, National Review, WFLA-TV, CBS News, New York Times, Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, Denver Post, Talking Points Memo, The National Pulse+, Election Law Blog and The Post Millennial

Israel vows to fight Hamas till the end

I personally hope that Israel does this, because what happened on October 7, 2023 was a Terrorist attack and should be prosecuted until Hamas is totally defeated.

The Story via AP:

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli forces on Tuesday expanded their ground offensiveinto urban refugee camps in central Gaza after bombarding the crowded Palestinian communities and ordering residents to evacuate. Gaza’s main telecom provider announced another “complete interruption” of services in the besieged territory.

The military’s announcement of the new battle zone threatens further destruction in a war that Israel says will last for “many months” as it vows to crush the ruling Hamas militant group after its Oct. 7 attack. Israeli forces have been engaged in heavy urban fighting in northern Gaza and the southern city of Khan Younis, driving Palestinians into ever-smaller areas in search of refuge.

The U.S. said Israel’s minister for strategic affairs, Ron Dermer, was meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan. Despite U.S. calls for Israel to curb civilian casualties and international pressure for a cease-fire, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the military was deepening the fighting.

Benjamin Netanyahu says the war with Hamas will never end, until the following happens: (via WSJ)

Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinian society must be deradicalized. These are the three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza.

First, Hamas, a key Iranian proxy, must be destroyed. The U.S., U.K., France, Germany and many other countries support Israel’s intention to demolish the terror group. To achieve that goal, its military capabilities must be dismantled and its political rule over Gaza must end. Hamas’s leaders have vowed to repeat the Oct. 7 massacre “again and again.” That is why their destruction is the only proportional response to prevent the repeat of such horrific atrocities. Anything less guarantees more war and more bloodshed.

In destroying Hamas, Israel will continue to act in full compliance with international law. This is especially challenging because an integral part of Hamas’s strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas places its terrorist infrastructure inside and underneath homes, hospitals, mosques, schools and other civilian sites, deliberately putting the Palestinian population at risk.

Israel does its best to minimize civilian casualties by dropping leaflets, sending text messages and using other means to warn Gazans to get out of harm’s way. Hamas by contrast does its utmost to keep Palestinians in harm’s way—often at gunpoint.

Unjustly blaming Israel for these casualties will only encourage Hamas and other terror organizations around the world to use human shields. To render this cruel and cynical strategy ineffective, the international community must place the blame for these casualties squarely on Hamas. It must recognize that Israel is fighting the bigger battle of the civilized world against barbarism.

Second, Gaza must be demilitarized. Israel must ensure that the territory is never again used as a base to attack it. Among other things, this will require establishing a temporary security zone on the perimeter of Gaza and an inspection mechanism on the border between Gaza and Egypt that meets Israel’s security needs and prevents smuggling of weapons into the territory.

The expectation that the Palestinian Authority will demilitarize Gaza is a pipe dream. It currently funds and glorifies terrorism in Judea and Samaria and educates Palestinian children to seek the destruction of Israel. Not surprisingly it has shown neither the capability nor the will to demilitarize Gaza. It failed to do so before Hamas booted it out of the territory in 2007, and it has failed to do so in the territories under its control today. For the foreseeable future Israel will have to retain overriding security responsibility over Gaza.

Third, Gaza will have to be deradicalized. Schools must teach children to cherish life rather than death, and imams must cease to preach for the murder of Jews. Palestinian civil society needs to be transformed so that its people support fighting terrorism rather than funding it.

That will likely require courageous and moral leadership. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas can’t even bring himself to condemn the Oct. 7 atrocities. Several of his ministers deny that the murders and rapes happened or accuse Israel of perpetrating these horrific crimes against its own people. Another threatened that a similar attack would be carried out in Judea and Samaria.

Successful deradicalization took place in Germany and Japan after the Allied victory in World War II. Today, both nations are great allies of the U.S. and promote peace, stability and prosperity in Europe and Asia.

More recently, since the 9/11 attacks, visionary Arab leaders in the Gulf have led efforts to deradicalize their societies and transform their countries. Israel has since forged the historic Abraham Accords and today enjoys peace agreements with six Arab states. Such a cultural transformation will be possible in Gaza only among Palestinians who don’t seek the destruction of Israel.

Once Hamas is destroyed, Gaza is demilitarized and Palestinian society begins a deradicalization process, Gaza can be rebuilt and the prospects of a broader peace in the Middle East will become a reality

I agree with all of the above. Furthermore, I believe that Israel should send fighter jets into Qatar and bomb the nice hotel that Hamas leadership is staying in; cut the head off the snake. Israel should carpet bomb the south of Lebanon and destroy hezbollah and its leadership. The United States should tell the other middle eastern countries; “ you so much as even think attacking Israel an we will Nuke your Country off the face of the Earth.”

God bless Israel.

Why I am not writing about Trump

For starters, I did withdraw my support of Trump long ago. This was long before January 6 and the things that happened then.

So, if you see headlines like these here. I will not be writing about them.

I believe in Country first, and not Trump or Republican Party first.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Says, “Nope”

Second look at Gavin Newsom? Just kidding! He is an idiot, who just happens to disagree with the people, who want to remove Trump from the ballot in California.

Via Politico:

LOS ANGELES — Gov. Gavin Newsom has a message for California politicians eager to follow Colorado’s lead to block former President Donald Trump from the ballot: Cool your jets.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled this week that Trump was ineligible to run for president because he fomented the Jan. 6 insurrection. The decision breathed life into efforts across the country, including in California, to disqualify the former president for violating the 14th Amendment.

But in a Friday afternoon statement, Newsom telegraphed to his fellow California Democrats not to get ahead of the U.S. Supreme Court, which will almost certainly be the final arbiter of that decision.

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy,” Newsom said, “but in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

His remarks threw cold water on numerous attempts by elected officials to seize on the Colorado decision.

I have to give hm credit, he is correct, however, many people in California disagree with him. Including his Lt. Governor and many others.

Others: The Messenger, Washington Examiner, National Review, New York Post, The Hill, NBC News, One America News Network and New York Times

Russia’s Putin is supposedly wanting to end the war.

I say “Supposedly”, because quite frankly, I simply do not believe it at all. Putin’s ego, will not allow him to just stop. Putin wants all of Ukraine.

Via NYT:

President Vladimir V. Putin’s confidence seems to know no bounds.

Buoyed by Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive and flagging Western support, Mr. Putin says that Russia’s war goals have not changed. Addressing his generals on Tuesday, he boasted that Ukraine was so beleaguered that Russia’s invading troops were doing “what we want.”

“We won’t give up what’s ours,” he pledged, adding dismissively, “If they want to negotiate, let them negotiate.”

But in a recent push of back-channel diplomacy, Mr. Putin has been sending a different message: He is ready to make a deal.

Mr. Putin has been signaling through intermediaries since at least September that he is open to a cease-fire that freezes the fighting along the current lines, far short of his ambitions to dominate Ukraine, two former senior Russian officials close to the Kremlin and American and international officials who have received the message from Mr. Putin’s envoys say.

You should go read the rest of that; frankly, I do not believe it one bit. Putin is a nationalist. He believed that the break-up of the Soviet Union was a mistake, he had said as such.

While it might be wishful thinking, I just seriously doubt that there is even a kernel of truth to this story.

Others: The Messenger, USA Today, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal

In case you are wondering..

In case you re wondering as to why I am suddenly writing so much again.

I got a new iPad. Yes, you read that right, I got an apple product. It was a Christmas present from my lovely Mother.

Here it is:

It is not the really big one, But it was from my Mom and I love it. It has been a bit of a learning curve. But, I am getting the hang of it.

Thanks Mom. 🥰

New Covid-19 variant JN.1 is spreading

Now let me start this blog entry by saying, that I am NOT a COVID denier. The only issue that I had, is that the Covid shot was fast tracked, without enough testing to suit me. Now, having said all of that; it appears that there is another strain of the COVID virus,

The story via CBS NEWS:

The new COVID-19 variant that scientists call JN.1 now makes up about 44.1% of COVID-19 cases across the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated Friday, marking another week of the fast-spreading variant’s steep rise in the U.S.

The increase is more than two times larger than the 21.3% that the CDC now estimates the strain made up of infections for the week ending Dec. 9, after Thanksgiving.

Among regions with enough data reported from testing labs to produce these latest projections, the CDC estimates that JN.1’s prevalence is largest in the Northeast region spanning New Jersey and New York, where the strain is 56.9% of cases in those states.

These new estimates come as other countries have also tracked a rapid ascent in JN.1’s prevalence across recent weeks, prompting the World Health Organization to step up the strain’s classification to “variant of interest” on Tuesday – its second highest tier.

Authorities have so far not reported different or more severe symptoms from JN.1 compared to previous strains.

Those percentages worry me a bit. I worry that many people will not take this new strain seriously and another pandemic might begin. Plus, there seems to still be a small group on the right, despite the ample evidence to the contrary, that Covid-19 was an invention of the Government for control of the masses. Which is, of course, a bunch of inane bullshit.

So, my advice to anyone reading this, if you are older, or what they call elderly, get the shot. If you do not want to do that, wear a mask when you go out in public. If you feel bad, see a doctor. Do not let this virus kill you, just to own the liberals, like some other blogs and websites would have you do.

Others: NDTV, Forbes, NBC News, Deseret News, Metro.co.ukand Boston Herald

John Schneider posts questionable tweet

This comes via dateline:

EXCLUSIVE: John Schneider may now be insisting he never threatened the life of President Joe Biden, but the Secret Service beg to differ.

The federal agency charged with protecting POTUS, the Vice President and their immediate families, as well as major political candidates and high level government officials, have opened a probe into statements the former Dukes of Hazzard star made online against the President and his son Hunter Biden earlier today, Deadline has learned.

The tweet in question:

John for his part says:

Seriously, folks?” said Schneider to Deadline today in the second of two statements on his Biden remarks. “This is my final comment on this. I neither said nor implied any such thing. Despite headlines claiming otherwise, in my post, I absolutely did not call for an act of violence or threaten a U.S. president as many other celebrities have done in the past. I suggest you re-read my actual post and pay attention to the words before believing this nonsense.”

“It’s my position, which I am entitled to have, that some of our nations leaders in Washington have lost their way, and corruption runs rampant, both on our nation’s borders and abroad,” Schneider went on to say. “Transparency and accountability must happen in order for our constitutional republic to survive. There is no threat implied or otherwise in that statement.”

See John, the problem is that, saying stuff like that is a class D felony. You might that you are free to say this. But, you are not. Because our Federal Government can and will investigate your tweet and most likely pay you a visit.

You see, a do have freedom of speech. But, when any sort of speech, that even remotely reads like a threat, will be investigated.

I figured John would be smarter than that.

Catholics are actually growing a pair

Finally, the Catholics are growing a pair against the liberal left.

From the Washington Examiner:

Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, an all-women’s Catholic college, has reversed a controversial decision to admit biological males who identify as women.

In an email to the college’s community, Saint Mary’s College President Katie Conboy said the university is reverting back to its prior policy of only admitting biological women after the college’s initial decision to admit males who identify as women was roundly condemned.

Good on this college for standing up for what is right. For many years, the Catholic Church, stood for their beliefs. Only recently, due to this liberal pope, they have begun to slip. Good on this college for sticking to their guns. They should have done this in the first place.

It might be back peddling, but I will take it.

Others: The Daily Caller, The Daily Signal and The Daily Register