
Seen over on HotAir.com:

This is not going to go over well, at all. 

Oy…… Not good, not good at all. DohWaitingRolling EyesSurprise

Update: I changed the video, a new version has been posted. Huffo is reporting that the video is either a fabrication or falsely reported.

More reactions via Memeorandum

Jaun McSame gets asked "The Question"…

Yes, he got asked, "The Question!"

The problem is, as to whom, asked that question.

The far lefty, Commie, Liberal Blogs are breathlessly reporting that the guy was, in fact, a Baptist Minister.

There’s only one little problem with that story!

It is totally and unequivocally false. 

The man was a former staff member for Joe Biden and is now a supporter of none of than, you guessed it, B. Hussein Obama. 

There’s video of the incident, I’m not going to bother putting it here. This is just one of those fool hardy attempts by the left to distract the media’s attention away from the fact, that Barry’s got some quite interesting friends, Pastors, terrorist buddies and he is running for President of the United States of America.

I think it is high time that people woke and really seen the Democrat Party for what it has become. A group of criminal thugs and goons, who are more interested in having a communist, socialist society, than a free republic. 

B. Hussein Obama is a perfect embodiment of such a society.

Liberal Crybabies

Via e-mail inbox of The Republican Party’s house queer:

I’ll just put that out there. If Obama is done in by this whole Wright thing I am done with politics. I can’t invest myself in something that is so sure to disappoint me time and time and time again. If the Democratic party decides that it can not risk nominating a great and decent African American man because his pastor is a scary African American man, it does not deserve power because it will have caved to what is worst about America. Racists on both sides of the divide will rejoice at having taking down the biggest threat to their belief system since Martin Luther King….and young people like myself will burrow deeper into to the holes we were in before Barack Obama dug us out.

Now how should I put this???? Let’s here:

Maybe I should turn it up a little:

and of course, the real Democrat Party Logo…


Whining crybabies, let ’em go back into their holes where they belong. If they were that stupid to put their faith into some inexperienced house Negro. Then they deserve to be let down…


Others: The Other McCain, TigerHawk and StephenBainbridge.com

Obama speaks out Wrights comments

It seems that Obama has finally spoken out against Rev. Wright.

Here is the Video:


Okay, I’ve watched the video and here is my official, right of center, political opinion about it.

First off, I do commend Senator Obama for coming out with the stern statement that he did, I think it shows that he doesn’t support this sort of mentality possessed by his Pastor. 

However, personally, I could never look at Obama, the same way that I did before all this stuff came out about Rev. Wright. I could never trust him. I will not vote for him, should he get the party’s nomination. I will vote for a third party candidate, if there is one. If a libertarian is on the Michigan Ballot or a Constitutional Party candidate is on the ballot in Michigan, I will vote for that person, as I do not want the specter of knowing that I voted for a person that embraces Liberation Theology on my conscious.

I realize that he isn’t Rev. Wright, but I also know that he spent many years in that Church, and if he says that he didn’t hear that sort of stuff, he is either lying or did not pay attention. 

I also believe that it speaks to the common sense of Senator Obama, he should have had the foresight to vet the sermons that his Pastor had made, even after he had left Chicago. He should have known, that even some of the more mild things that Rev. Wright has said would have been perceived as incinerary and radical by those who have not been exposed to the black culture and the black Church. His inability to do this, shows a lack of good common sense on his part. I do not wish this sort of a person to be my President. 

I wish Senator Obama the best of luck in the remainder of this Primary, but as of this moment, I will no longer be someone who supports this man or his candidacy for President of the United States of America.

This is the last thing that I will ever publish on this Blog about this subject regarding Obama and his Pastor.

The Rev Wright fallout continues….

See Here.

There are a growing number of Black people who are saying, "Whoa! Wait a Minute! That man doesn’t speak for me or my Church!"

Now that, I can understand. I will admit this, I grew up around blacks, When I lived in Detroit, I also went to School with them, I did go to Private Schools, but I did go to school with black people, and I never heard anything like, what Rev. Wright said at both of those speeches.

I guess what I am trying to make clear here is, that Liberation Theology is NOT a universally held doctrine amongst black Christians and in their Churches. Liberation Theology is a Liberal Christian doctrine, which has smatterings of Marxism in it. We all know that Marxism is the building blocks for Communism. It is also a known fact that the Democrat Party is the party of socialism, or at least embraces some of the tenants of a socialist agenda.

I also noticed something else rather alarming, Rev. Wright in what is known, as a believer in a very Liberal Christian Theological doctrine, called Universalism.

Universalism is basically a teaching that basically, "All Paths lead to God"… there’s only ONE little problem with that whole idea.  That is this, and if I come off sounding preachy here, I apologize, this is supposed to be a Political Blog and not a Christian one, But I must speak out against falsehoods being taught on national TV. The problem is this right here….:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6 KJV)

Essentially, this scripture says, that Islam is a LIE, That buddhism is a LIE, that Roman Catholicism is a LIE, When it says that it is the "Mother Church". that ANY OTHER Religion out there, that doesn’t believe that JESUS CHRIST is the ONE and ONLY Messiah and that the Holy Bible, with it’s 66 Books is the Holy Scriptures , it is, for all intents and purposes, A LIE CRAFTED OUT THE PIT OF THE DEVIL’S HELL!

Let me be absolutely clear, I make absolutely no bones about it. I believe that there is ONLY ONE WAY to Eternal Salvation, and that is through Jesus Christ. Not by a Church, Not by good works, not by being a good ol’ boy. Only by Jesus Christ and by Accepting him as your personal Saviour. 

As to Rev. Wrights weak defense to to that Doctrine, which was:

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. (John 10:16 KJV)

What that was referring to, were other converts that Christ had met along the way, in other cites and the like, not of other gods or anything of that Nature. That is one of the weakest defenses of the liberal universalist doctrine out there. 

Okay, enough Bible study for one day…. I hope that I explained this where everyone can understand it.

Wright Speaks….

Yes, He did speak.

Yes, I did listen to the WHOLE thing.

Yes, he did have some valid points.

Yes, there are people who do not like what he said, which is no surprise to me.

The only people who will just reject outright everything that he says, are racist bigots, who are haters. To that I say, they can, frankly, go to hell. They know who they are. 

The reaction seems to be mixed, so far. Which is no surprise.

As someone who grew up in Southwest Detroit and grew up around Whites, Mexicans, and yes, Black people…. I can see where Wright is coming from.

Do I think his comments, that were made right after September 11, 2001, were okay???  No. I think that they were misguided, hateful and just plain wrong.

But the one’s made last night, were justified, and made a good deal of sense. At least to me, this is because I came from a multi-cultural background. Most people that will listen to this and take critical stance, are the pasty white people, who have never hung around anyone other than their own kind, and quite frankly, belong on the forums over at Stormfront.org.

That is all….

Update: I also listened to the second speech. I will make this absolutely clear. This man is a believer in "Black Liberation Theology", which is a derivative of "Liberation Theology". This doctrine is, in fact, a Marxist Theology. So, as far as I am concerned, Rev. Jeremiah Wright is nothing more, than a black communist. If Barack Obama agrees with ANY aspect of what this man says, Religious or Political, he is, in fact, a Marxist, and I will NOT be voting for him, should he secure the nomination of the Democrat Party. I do not want to be responsible for the election of a closet communist in our White House.

Update 2: Here’s the Video: