Why I am not blogging about Baltimore

I realize that some of you are most likely wondering, “Why is he not writing about the Baltimore situation?”

Because, quite frankly, I believe that is a total waste of time. Like I wrote about the local story here about the guy who got shot by the feds here, when they were trying to arrest him:

The man was armed with a hammer, he tried to attack a federal officer, and he got shot. Just another day in the big city. But, as you know, because he is black, as was the agent that shot him; because of the stuff happening everywhere now, the left and their media lap-dogs are going to exploit this, in hopes that there is another riot in Detroit.

Because that, is what marxists do. Marxists exploit stuff like this to disrupt the system. You watch and see, summer is coming and Detroit has a white mayor. You watch, another uprising is coming and the marxists will be in the middle of it.

Despite the fact that 3 of the officers involved in the situation in Baltimore were black, like here in Detroit where the fed agent was black, who shot the suspect — none of that matters. It is going to be portrayed as a evil white police force or in the case here in Detroit as a evil white Government killing blacks.

It is especially hazardous to one’s well being and livelihood, if you happen to be white and have an opinion that is not a part of the demented liberal socialist marxist politically correct stripe. Which is something Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Teana Walsh found out the hard way:

Days after posting her opinion on how to deal with protesters and looters in Baltimore, Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Teana Walsh resigned.

Walsh, 35, did not make public comments about her resignation. The resignation was sent to Prosecutor Kym Worthy Friday afternoon in response to push back for her Facebook post about shooting people in Baltimore.

Her post, from April 27, read in part “So I am watching the news in Baltimore and see large swarms of people throwing bricks, etc at police who are fleeing from their assaults … 15 in the hospital already.”

“Solution. Simple. Shoot em. Period. End of discussion. I don’t care what causes the protesters to turn violent…what the ‘they did it because’ reason is…no way is this acceptable. Flipping disgusting.”

 Walsh, who was on maternity leave, was set to be disciplined for the post. Instead she voluntarily resigned.

“This afternoon Assistant Prosecutor Teana Walsh called Prosecutor Kym Worthy to announce that she is voluntarily resigning her position with the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office,” spokeswoman Maria Miller said in a release. “During her tenure in the office, Teana Walsh has been known for her great work ethic and her compassion for victims of crime and their families. Her post was up online briefly and she immediately took it down. The post was completely out of character for her and certainly does not reflect the person that we know.”

Worthy called the potential discipline an “internal matter,” and didn’t say what it would have been.

Activist group Progress Michigan released a statement about the incident calling into question all of Walsh’s work with the department.

“Kym Worthy must conduct a thorough review of Walsh’s conduct,” Lonnie Scott, executive director for Progress Michigan said in a release. “For an assistant county prosecutor to call for the summary execution of disenfranchised and angered citizens shows she has little regard for justice or due process.”

The organization claims it “holds public officials and government accountable,” in its mission statement.

Just so everyone knows Teana Walsh looks like this:

So, white people cannot have an opinion, that truly is a righteous opinion about what happened in Baltimore? It sure appears that way. But then again, that is what happens when you let Marxists rule the Country.

Update: Teana Walsh’s part of this story, is now a Memeorandum thread, with the usual left-wing suspects weighing in.

Special Comment: “You are too much of a p*ssy to shoot me.”

Those are the last recorded words of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black man, who decided that it would be cute to try to football tackle a Ferguson, Missouri police officer named Darren Wilson, who also happened to be a white man.

A grand jury was convened, and the decision took a very long time. All the facts were considered. Witnesses were questioned, inconsistencies and outright lies were discarded. The facts are that this black man of 18 years of age and crazed on THC, attacked a white officer and was shot dead. Officer Darren Wilson was doing his job and because of that, was not convicted.

So, why is it that Ferguson last night basically went up like a match stick and is threatening to do so tonight? The simple answer is this here: Cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism is embedded deeply into the community and into the psyche of good part of the black race. There are exceptions to this rule; but not very many at all. It is not only in the black race, but also in the good majority of the Latino races as well, especially among Mexicans.

These Marxist uprisings or as they are commonly called, “Protests” are springing up all over the country. In fact, even here in Detroit there are protests, on the freeways. Think about that for a second: People here in Detroit are actually taking the freeways here in Detroit, risking getting killed, and getting arrested, to supposedly “Protest” about a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri doing his job.

This which is happening now, underscores my issue with the black race in general; and that is that if a white police officer or even a white person kills a black man or woman; it is considered a national story and a horrible crime. However, if a black man or police officer kills a white man, it is seen as no big deal. Let us just be real about this whole thing, shall we? If the police officer in Ferguson were black and this 18-year-old kid were white — you would have never heard about it in the media.

However, because this whole story fits the liberal progressive and Cultural Marxist narrative, it is a national news story. This is what gives that racial grievance-mongering crowd oxygen into their movement. The sick and insidious part is that the current President of the United States of America and the United States of America Attorney General have basically given these thugs the wink and a nod to carry out these Marxist uprisings. This is also what happens when you have a Democrat Governor and a Democrat Prosecutor who declined to convict, knowing full well that this decision would spark riots and uprisings across the Country.

However, the tide is turning. Americans are seeing what they elected in 2008 and in 2012. Republicans made some serious gains in many important places; even in Illinois, which is very shocking. It is expected that the Republicans will do well in 2016 and maybe then, we can get this Nation back on its rightful track.

This is, if we even make it to 2016.

(cross-posted at Beforeitsnews.com)



UPDATED: Removed Cannonfire from the Blogroll


Because of this:

The next sentence contains the most politically incorrect words ever found on this blog. I’ve become a semi-regular Chick-Fil-A customer. To be specific: About once a month, I take the train out to the Chick-Fil-A in Hunt Valley, a restaurant run by outrageously dorky white people. It’s the epicenter of honkiness in the Western hemisphere.

Let’s admit it: Part of the reason we go to certain restaurants is to acquaint ourselves with the stereotypical trappings of a foreign culture. You go to a Mexican restaurant expecting to hear the Spanish language (or at least the accent), and you want to see tiled floors and tiled bathrooms and bullfighting posters and, well, lots of other Mexican stuff. You go to a Greek restaurant because you want to be around lively people who say “Opa!” a lot. You go to Buca di Beppo because you want the Pope room, and you want to feel that somewhere nearby there are a couple of guys in dark suits figuring out how to whack the entire Tattaglia family.

As awful as it sounds, I don’t enjoy going to the Chick-Fil-A near my home. That one is staffed by a lot of black people who are very competent, very friendly, and very dull. They just don’t make me giggle. No, when I wolf down a chicken sandwich and waffle fries, I want to do it while people-watching the hilariously pale. Their antics perpetually challenge me to keep a straight face. The women wear perfume and dresses and sky blue sweaters, and their hair is always the color of safflower oil. The men sport the kind of haircuts men got in the 1950s, and they say God Bless a lot. On my last visit, they were talking Wheel of Fortune. And football. And Intelligent Design. And Ronald Reagan. Yep, good ol’ Ronald Reagan: Now there was a real president. He finally got rid of the deficit before that damned Dimmycrat Bill Clinton ran it up sky-high again.

Besides that fact that his statements about the Ronald Reagan are totally wrong and his stereotyping of White people is simply moronic and juvenile at best; the underlying thing here is that this is nothing more than, I assume, black on white racism. There is nothing that I detest more than true blue white racists and that is black racists. It is something I have personal experience with, as does my own family.

So, he is gone; I may not be the biggest “right-wing” blog in the conservative blogosphere; but I will be darned if I will link to a blog that fosters that sort of anti-white mentality and racism. I only added Mr. Cannon’s blog, because he was critical of Obama. I guess he is not the Democrat that I thought he was; my mistake.

Update: For the record, Mr. Cannon was reacting to this here: (Via TPM)

Oversimplified. But, quite accurate.

Update #2: For those who might have an issue with the above that I wrote. Could you imagine, if someone like me, had written on a Conservative blog, something to the effect of, “I was down at the local chicken shack here — I like going there, because it is the most “niggered up” business on the planet!” I mean, the howls of accusation of racism would be deafening; but yet, this prick can write something like this? It is a double standard and it is a bunch of bullcrap! 😡 For the record, however, Chicken Shack around here, was founded by white people; funny that. 🙄

Update #3: Joe Cannon is not black, he says; although there is no picture to prove that one. So, he must one of those self hating white guys, or anti-white white people who like to denigrate white people; especially those whom he disagrees with politically. It is a typical tactic of the liberal left. The real kicker is this; He comes back with the whole, “Oh, I am just kidding!” disclaimer. Yeah right. 🙄 If I drove over to the east side of Detroit here and walked into a party store and started saying, “What a bunch of stupid niggers!” and then said, “Oh, I am kidding!” You know darned well what would happen to me! I’d get my arse kicked or my throat cut! But, the liberal idiot can do that stuff? Something is wrong with that party man, and I mean bad. Not to mention this little article here that Cannon wrote about Israel. Now where did I hear this before?:

Same thing, different day. 🙄

With Video: Johnathan Gentry is the smartest black man in America

This video is epic and very timely. (Via The Blaze)

Here’s his interview on Fox and Friends:

If more African-Americans thought more like this guy, and less like Al “interloper” Sharpton and Jesse “hymietown” Jackson; this Country would be a much nicer and safer place for everyone.

Unbelieveable Video: Dumb black woman demands free water from store, because of slavery!

I must confess, I could only stand to watch this for about one minute or so. Before I had to shut it off. This is unreal. 🙄


Yes, all black people should get free water; and other stuff, because of slavery. 🙄

(Via Conservative Outfitters)

More Black on White Crime: Huntersville, NC

Multiculturalism at it’s finest. If the races were reversed on this story; it would be national news. But, because it is a white guy, being shot by thug blacks; there is nothing to see here, move along. 🙄 😡

The Story via WCCB-TV in Huntersville, NC:

CHARLOTTE, NC– One day after a deadly shooting happened inside of a Huntersville apartment complex, the police caution tape is gone and lots of questions remain unanswered. Wednesday evening, 19-year-old Peter Jordan was shot and killed outside of apartment G at the Landings at Northcross apartments located off Sam Furr Road near I-77 and Birkdale Village.

Huntersville Police say Jordan did not live at the complex, and that they are searching for suspects based on eyewitness accounts from area residents. “They observed a black Chevrolet Impala occupied by three to four black males leaving the area at a high rate of speed,” says Capt. Kevin Johnston with the Huntersville Police Department.

As the search for the suspects continues, residents living in nearby apartments recall a frightening evening that has rattled their community. One woman we spoke with says she is too nervous to leave her apartment. Another resident says she is walking her dog earlier than usual to avoid being out after dark. She says her heart goes out to Jordan’s family.
Jordan’s family members posted on facebook that his funeral is taking place on Sunday at the Raymer-Kepner Funeral Home in Huntersville.

Of course, the liberal media basically says, “He had it coming, because he is white and his people kept blacks as slaves. So, it is justified.”

I feel for the family, I really do. I feel their pain. My family has been there. Hopefully, this family gets justice; because my family never really did. 🙁 😥

Trader Joe’s drops plan to build store in Portland, Oregon because of black racism

No, this isn’t a joke.

This story comes via TopConservativeNews.com, who notes the following:

Notice that it is perfectly acceptable for black people to oppose the demographic change of their neighborhood. If the races had been reversed, the national media would be screaming “RACISM!”

Consider this statement from the Portland African American Leadership Forum. They “remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community.” This would be a national controversy if the races were reversed. They would be denounced as the Ku Klux Klan.

The story via AP:

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Trader Joe’s grocery-store chain has dropped a plan to open a new store in the heart of the city’s historically African-American neighborhood after activists said the development would price black residents out of the area.


The grocer, whose stores are found in urban neighborhoods across the nation, said Monday it wouldn’t press its plan, given community resistance, The Oregonian (http://bit.ly/1n7Jyqb ) reported.

“We open a limited number of stores each year, in communities across the country,” it said in a statement. “We run neighborhood stores, and our approach is simple: If a neighborhood does not want a Trader Joe’s, we understand, and we won’t open the store in question.”

The Portland Development Commission had offered a steep discount to the grocer on a parcel of nearly two acres that was appraised at up to $2.9 million: a purchase price of slightly more than $500,000. The lot is at Northeast Alberta Street and Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and has been vacant for years.

So, why did Trader Joe’s decide not to build there, well for two reasons:

Critics said the development would displace residents and perpetuate income inequality in one of the most rapidly gentrifying ZIP codes in the nation.

…and the biggest reason? This:

The Portland African American Leadership Forum said the development commission had in the past made promises about preventing projects from displacing community members but hadn’t fulfilled them.

It sent the city a letter saying it would “remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community.” It said the grocery-store development would “increase the desirability of the neighborhood,” for “non-oppressed populations.”

Mayor Charlie Hales and the urban renewal agency’s executive director, Patrick Quinton, signed a letter in January that described what they said was the commission’s contributions “to the destructive impact of gentrification and displacement on the African American community.


We don’t want no honkeys in our neighborhood! If you ain’t black, we don’t want your business here!

Now, could you imagine, if a business, who was owned by a black man, wanted to open a store, say in like Troy, Michigan or Rochester Hills, Michigan; which are, for what it is worth, predominantly upper middle class/wealthy class, white neighborhoods and a group of white people starting complaining about it and starting saying that it would cause the neighborhood to go into decline? Man, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be all over it!

There would huge protests and it would be all over the media. However, because this is a black thing, and the company is white owned; it is no big deal, nothing to see here, move along. 🙄

This is why I continue to run this blog; regardless of the fact that I make little or nothing on this blog at all, despite the fact that I make little or nothing on this blog, since Google Adsense dropped me. Because this sort of stuff is NOT reported by the national media; least of all by MSNBC and CNN. Fox News most likely will not touch it either, because of the taboo subject.

Furthermore, I believe that the Conservative right just will not touch this one; because they are afraid of being called racists. I do not have such issues. I simply do not care what blacks really think of me; least of all black liberals. Considering what happened to my cousin and myself; I think I’ve earned the right to point this stuff out.

By the way; these are Obama’s people and don’t you ever forget it. 😡