Petraeus briefly passes out during hearing

I really did not want to blog about this, because quite frankly, I do not consider it to be even news. But, eh, it’s content, I guess.

The Video, John McCain’s reaction is interesting:

The Story:

Gen. David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command, briefly collapsed at a Senate Armed Services hearing on progress in Afghanistan.

Petraeus was about to answer a question when he went silent and passed out in front of the microphone. He quickly recovered, but the hearing went into recess and Petraeus was able to walk out under his own power.

He later returned to the hearing room and joked that he had felt “lightheaded” — but that the condition was not caused by questioning from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

“I just got dehydrated,” Petraeus said.

Despite Petraeus wanting to go ahead with the hearing, chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) postponed it until Wednesday.

via Petraeus briefly collapses at Senate hearing on Afghanistan – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

Of course, there is nothing funny about a guy falling out. But, he is okay. Just did not eat and was most likely overcome from the heat of the lights.

There was one funny headline, from the place that’s known for such stuff:

John McCain Nearly Bores David Patraeus To Death

HEH! Now, that was funny… 😛

Not to be outdone, Michelle Malkin Snarks:

Gatorade and Power Bars, stat.

Ed Morrissey over at remarks:

John McCain’s reaction is telling.

Well, gee Ed, what did you want McCain to do? —- Hop across the damned table and rescue the man himself? Give the guy a break, he is older than my Dad! 🙄

On the other side of the political fence, at least in my eyes. Some nasty comments were observed. The Racist, Anti-Semitic, hatemonger bastard Lew Rockwell used the occasion to insult one of our Military’s finest leaders:

Did Petraeus fall asleep while talking to McCain at a phony hearing, or was it the weight of all the innocents he’s collaterally damaged on his conscience, or his killion “medals”? He claims he was water deprived, just like his prisoners in the camps. BTW, look for this man on a pale horse to run for president as a Republican.

You know, I am quite known for my controversial comments too. It is time I started doing that sort of a thing again here. Here is hoping the Lew Rockwell is found dead, face down in a pool of his own blood — from a Brain Aneurysm. America would be such a better place for it. Not to mention the Conservative/Libertarian world.

More leftest hate-mongering here. If only we could send them all off to camps to be reprogrammed.

Update on the PayPal Situation and Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller updates everyone on her little scrap with PayPal that lead many, including me to cancel our accounts:

And so today, about an hour ago, a very pleasant and rather deliberately clueless executive called me from paypal to say it was all a big misunderstanding and Atlas would be reinstated (and the subsequent restriction of SIOA and FDI removed also).

Not so fast, Leslie.

I asked her why I was singled out and who designated me as a hate speech site, and on what basis? Why was revolution muslim (which threatened to murder the producers of Comedy Central) and Imam Awlaki DVDs part of the paypal stable of vendors? She said she was “unaware of a hate speech designation and would inquire and call me back.”

And so she did.

She said Atlas was mistakenly designated when “in review.” I asked why was Atlas in review. Paypal has been on this website since 2005. She did not have an answer. I asked what recourse do smaller websites have? As this is my real concern. My soapbox is pretty big, but what about small blogs?

I told Leslie that reinstating me was not good enough. If a site is designated a “hate site,” who decides? Once designated, you have two choices — lose paypal, or change content. Unfair, mon frere. Leslie agreed. She said she was going to recommend a third choice so that one could contest the designation before a mandatory choice had to be made of either signing off of paypal or changing content.

Frankly, I find this weak. They should remove the designation altogether. If they are going to allow jihadis to raise dough using paypal, what’s the point of any hate speech designation?

Needless to say, I am not going back. I told her that, too. She wished I would reconsider. But, no. I am sticking with Gpal — the G stands for guns 🙂

via Paypal Called, Paypal Caved – Atlas Shrugs.

Some goes here, I am not going back to PayPal either, at least not for Blog Donations. I may, at a much later date, set up a PayPal address for non-blog related matters. But for Blog-Related Donations, I will be using GPal. Because I just do not need some liberal driving by here and reporting me to PayPal for hate speech. Pamela has more resources to fight such a charge, I do not.

Freedom of Speech is a priceless thing, and I realize that Companies like PayPal are not obligated to uphold freedom of speech laws. But we as Patriotic Americans also have the right to take our Business elsewhere, which I, Pam and a few others have done.

I will also make another note. I notice that other Bloggers who commented on this story; had much to say about it. But most of them are all still on PayPal. To you all, you are all nothing, but spineless cowards. Talk is one thing, actions are another, most of you sat praising Pamela Geller, all the while remaining on PayPal. You call that loyalty to America? Please. Actions speak louder the words, and you all said your peace during that little stand off. I am ashamed to call you my fellow Conservatives. I took action, I left E-Bay the minute that I become aware of this situation; I did at first want to keep out of it, then I realized, that it could have been me. Which is more that I can say for some of you. This will be remembered the next time one of you idiots gets yourself in some serious hot water with the other side of the political fence. I will just keep my little mouth shut too. Two can play that game people. Remember that.

Others: Israel Matzav and

Farewell Paypal, until you fix this problem

I am a little late to the trough on this one. But I figured it did deserve a few lines of my support.

As some of you might know, PayPal has sent Pamela Geller a threat, that if she did not remove their badges from her blogs, that they would close her account. Well, that will never do. This flies into my libertarian radar; what I mean is this — Freedom of Speech is Freedom Speech is Freedom of Speech. I do not care if it is Pamela Geller, David Duke, or Fred Phelps of “God Hates Fags” fame. The point is that the first amendment applies to everyone, including Pamela Geller and her quest against those who wish to convert American into an Islamic Country. Which is, by the way, something that I personally happen to support.

So, having said that, Last night, I actually closed my PayPal account, that I have owned since the late 1990’s. At first, I thought of ignoring Pamela’s plight. I figured, “Eh, Sling Poo, attract flies…”. Then it dawned on me, I’ve slung my fair share of poo around myself and I have also paid a price for it. Now, do I think Pamela would return the favor? No, I don’t. But there is a Bible verse, you know, that thing that God actually wrote? Anyhow, A Bible verse that comes to mind, these are the actual Words of the Lord Jesus Christ, That would be God’s Son:

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. (Luke 6:31 – King James Version)

….and So, that is why I did it. Until PayPal backs down. I will not be doing business with them, at all. I now use Gpay for all donations here.

Sometimes have you have to stand, for what you feel is right. So, here I stand. 😀

Others: YID With LID, AmSpecBlog, Outside the Beltway, Gates of Vienna, Pajamas MediaThe Jawa Report, Jihad Watch, Israel Matzav, The Other McCain, five feet of fury., Jay Currie and American Power

UPDATED: Memo to Charles Johnson: What do you honestly expect? The Plot thickens!

A few days ago, I watched something happen.  As you might have heard, Reuters doctored some photos of that Flotilla raid that was carried out by Israel.  Well, good old Chuckie Johnson noticed that some of the photos had been altered, and by using his Photoshop skills, he was able to lighten said photos and expose the fraud.  Johnson was also able to point out that one of photographers on the Flotilla was tied to a terrorist group.

What happened next was something that I knew was coming eventually.  Sammy over at Yid With a Lid saw the story at LGF, and posted his own story about it.  AllahPundit saw the photos on Sammy’s Blog and posted the story at, with Photos.  Now at this point Charles Johnson is ticked off and puts a posting up calling AllahPundit an assortment of nasty names, among them a thief.

Now everything beyond this point is my personal opinion, please keep this in mind when you read the rest, please.

Mr. Johnson.  I have no idea whether you actually read this blog or not.  Nor do I honestly give a crap. However, facts my friend are facts.  Has this man forgotten just how badly he stabbed the right in the back? Has Charles Johnson forgotten how badly that he defamed Pamela Geller, by calling her a Nazi Sympathizer?  This happened more than once by the way; the first time almost ruined her blogging career.  Now, I am the last person to carry water for Pamela Geller – Because some of the stuff that she blogs about, is simply not my cup of tea. (So to speak….) – But to do what Charles Johnson did to her, on more than one occasion, Sorry, but that is just unacceptable.

Here is the bottom line and my main point.  Charles Johnson is an idiot; he has defamed many on the right, including me at one point.  I made a little funny once and the moron banned me from viewing his blog.  Anyhow, the man has gone out of his way to defame many on the right.  So, why should he be surprised when those on the right that he continually slimes are not so enthusiastic to credit him with photo shopping a few photos?

As I said in the title, Charles Johnson, what do you honestly expect?

Update #2: Ace over at Ace of Spades links in and also reports:

Did Charles Johnson Refuse to Credit The Real Story Breaker? Elder of Ziyon had it first.

CJ credits “Kilgore Trout” with the “find.” Okay, where did he find it?

The plot thickens….

The Sunday Afternoon Stroll Around the Blogosphere

Some Stuff to Announce:

  1. As you might have noticed, I am running a new affiliate program for Gold and Silver. Please, check it out. They also have a cool newsletter that you can sign up for.
  2. I also have a new referral system for BlogAds. I am a part of the following hives: 1. Conservative Advertising Hive 2. Evangelical (!) Bloggers, International Bloggers, Government Relations Blogger Network, Gun Bloggers and Southern Bloggers. So, if you’re looking for some sort of advertising. Check BlogAds out!

Gun Blogger Round Up:

  1. Les Jones does Pants Blogging.
  2. NRA’s Blog does a piece on Boy Scouts and Guns.
  3. Say Uncle is always good for gun blogging. I’d point to a post, but they’re all good! 😀 Think of him as the Instapundit of the Gun Blogging World. I don’t read him nearly enough.
  4. Traction Control is not getting his Corvette this summer. Awwww… Poor Guy. Sounds like it’s time for a new “Boss” if you ask me. I’m just sayin’! 😉 😛 😀

Conservative Blogger Round Up:

  1. Of course, Smitty does his roundup and forgets about me, as always. 🙄
  2. A dusty frame is visiting family again and her hubby passed his CDL License. Excellent!
  3. Ace of Spades HQ has a interesting poll up.
  4. Alternative Right is still trying to turn the clock back to the Pre-William F. Buckley days.
  5. Stacy McCain is trying to keep the fags out of the Military over at AmSpecBlog.
  6. Ann Althouse cannot concentrate….Ooooh, Look Shiny!
  7. Another Black Conservative Asks, “What the hell is going on in South Carolina?!?!” Good Question… I’d say too many triple whoppers for Dinner for that idiot. 😉
  8. The Barking Moonbat Early Warning System has a VERY political incorrect video up. I got one word to say, well, four… Oh no, no, no……. 😯 😮
  9. Be John Galt talks about “The Longest Day
  10. POWIP Remembers D-Day
  11. The Recovering Liberal on Wonkette.
  12. Republican Michigander on the Governors race in Michigan
  13. Return of the Conservatives remembers D-Day
  14. Right Wing News has a great video up.
  15. Bob McCarty writes about the misdeeds of Congressman Phil Hare. (rabbit congressmen? Hmmm…)
  16. Kelly O’Connell over at Canadian Free Press has an article up called “Great Highlights in Marxist “Leadership”: Or, When Change Turns Malignant” — Just an FYI… Pop-ups galore over there. Might want to enable your blocker.
  17. Cold Fury Laments the demise of the Mercury.
  18. Da-Tech Guy is still begging for money. 😉 😛 😆 …and yes, he does look much better than Andrew Sullivan. Anyone does for that matter. 😉
  19. Fausta’s Blog explains what is wrong with the Obama Administration, Mentally… (Well, besides being liberal. 😉 )
  20. Founding Bloggers agree…. with Mayor Daley?!?! RINOS! 😉
  21. Front Porch Republic has a great article on the oil spill in the gulf.
  22. Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit on the Pope and Radical Islam. “He Gets it, Obama does not
  23. GM’s Place lays the smack down on Amoz Oz.
  24. Grandpa John’s makes some very politically incorrect humor.
  25. GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD remembers D-Day.
  26., who still deaf to trackbacks, has a poll up for the stupidest thing the idiot President did this week. (besides wake up and breathe.)
  27. Humane Pursuits has an article up on the Moral Element of AIDS.
  28. Jeanie-ology has a article up on Condoms.
  29. JoshuaPundit comments on Helen Thomas
  30. Jumping in pools asks, “What the hell is going on in this World?” — Good question.
  31. The Left Coast Rebel remembers D-Day
  32. Libertas on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
  33. MacsMind on the Kagan Docs
  34. Neptunus Lex, Who I happen to think is a great blogger, remembers D-Day.
  35. Scott over at Powerline on the Flotilla Incident
  36. Public Secrets remembers D-Day
  37. Right Wing Nut House on the Gaza Incident
  38. Saber Point on Helen Thomas.
  39. Secular Right on “Jews & genetics
  40. SluBlog on Memorial Day
  41. Stop the ACLU on Rahm Emanuel
  42. Street Wise Pundit on….the Anti-Christ? Hmmmm.
  43. Texas Fred on the Mexican Police and Corruption.
  44. That’s Right on New Jersey Republican politics.
  45. The American Thinker ponders, What if D-Day had been reported by the modern day press?
  46. The Astute Bloggers remember D-Day
  47. The Blogmocracy has a Prayer List up.
  48. The Classic Liberal says that “CPI is a lie”
  49. The Cloakroom has a very interesting posting up
  50. Jonah Goldberg at The Corner has an interesting post up.
  51. The Sad Red Earth on OCID
  52. Eric over at THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS says “Give Seattle Canada!”
  53. The Vail Spot asks, “What Ailes this Country?”
  54. TigerHawk has a great poem up.
  55. Wake up America on Helen Thomas
  56. What Bubba Knows has a great posting up.

That’s it for this week! Any suggestions for next week? Contact me via the Blog with your best posting!

It's good work, when you can get it

The key word being “if”:

Only five years ago, the progressive political blogosphere was still predominately a gathering place for amateur (that is, unpaid or barely paid) journalists and activists unattached to existing media companies and advocacy organizations. Those days are almost completely over. Now, the progressive blogosphere is almost entirely professionalized, and inextricably linked to existing media companies and advocacy organizations.

This transformation has been brought about by three developments (fellow bloggers, please forgive me in advance if I fail to mention your or your blog as an example):

1. Established media companies and advocacy organizations hiring bloggers to blog, full-time: The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Center for American Progress, Salon, CQ, Atlantic, Washington Monthly, the American Independent News Network, and more have all hired hired bloggers to blog, full-time. Many of these bloggers, such as fivethirtyeight, Unclaimed Territory, or the Carpetbagger Report, operated their blogs independently of any established organization, and were key hubs in the “amateur” or “independent” progressive blogosphere. Now, those bloggers do pretty much the same thing they did before, they just (quite understandably) do it for a much better salary from an established organization.

2. Previously “amateur” progressive blogs became professional operations: Another trend, less common than the first, has been for blogs like Daily Kos, Fire Dog Lake and Talking Points Memo to transform themselves from hobbies into professional media outlets and / or activist organizations. These blogs have increased their revenue stream to the point where they can hire multiple full-time staff.

3. Bloggers translate blogging into consulting and advocacy work: Many bloggers have also found a way to make a living by combining their blogging with blog-friendly advocacy and consulting work. This is actually the path I am currently following, as are, I believe, Oliver Willis, Atrios, Jerome Armstrong, and more. This involves finding part-time or full time work in politics that is conducive to still maintaining a full-time blog (which also generates a part-time income).

via Open Left:: Amateur blogosphere, RIP.

Look, I am not going to do the pile-on here, but I will say this; Chris Bowers does have a point. The problem is, Bowers sounds like he whining because no one bought him out. The same thing, which Bowers is referring to, has happened and continues to happen on the right too. Michelle Malkin off-loaded her mega-Conservative site off to a Conservative Media conglomerate Salem Communications for a hefty price tag, I am told.   So, this is not anything new.

So far, no one has offered me a job in politics or in the world of “New Media.” Nor has anyone offered to buy out my blog or anything of that sort. Not that I have been pimping myself out either. I know what my qualifications are.  I mean, there would have to be a check with a one and WHOLE BUNCH of zeros in front of it, before I would give this baby up. Couple hundred million and I would consider it. Otherwise, you all will have to contend with me for a long time to come. 😉

Others: JammieWearingFool and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

How come stuff like this doesn't happen to me?

Man, how come I cannot get this lucky?


Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state.

One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe it or not. Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.

At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.  Preserving my ability to shoot straight – free from threats and intimidation – is essential to my professional livelihood, while being able to look myself in the mirror each day is essential to who I am as a person.

The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.

Beyond these considerations, this website is fighting for several fundamental ideals – academic opportunity for all of our state’s children, the promotion of individual liberty, and the creation of a more prosperous economic climate, to name just a few.  These ideals obviously matter a great deal to me – which is why I fight so hard for them – and why I cannot (and will not) permit anyone to compromise my ability to continue fighting for them.

In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that.  In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in. For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website, the candidate I am referring to is S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.   Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose – particularly in the wake of the scandal that consumed my former boss, Gov. Mark Sanford.

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media.  I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week.  Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

The truth in this case is what it is.  Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.

That’s it.

I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.

It is what it is, and aside from the Haley family – Michael, Nikki, Rena and Nalin – I feel no need to apologize or explain myself to anyone. People are human. We make mistakes. And as I have learned from experience, the key to life isn’t the mistakes we make, it’s how we choose to handle them.

I do owe my wife, Katrina, an apology for failing to disclose certain things that took place prior to our marriage. I know that’s not the technical definition of infidelity, but it is a form of unfaithfulness that has broken the trust between us – a trust which must now be rebuilt. I also owe her an apology for the storm that my family has been facing for the past few weeks, and the storm we will no doubt continue to face in the weeks to come.

In preemptively addressing this matter, I am well aware that conspiracy theories will abound regarding my motives. In fact, I have already been assigned so many roles in so many different conspiracies that I have lost count of which villain I’m supposed to be playing. I also know that no matter what I do, I will be end up being smeared in some form or fashion by someone.

That’s fine.

I can sleep at night knowing I handled this the best way I knew how (the way my wife and I decided together that it needed to be handled), which was to simply tell the truth.

After that, wherever the chips fall, they fall. That’s the way it’s always been on this website, and that’s the way it will continue to be moving forward.

The Va-Va-Voom in question?

Oh Yeah, I'd hit it!

I mean, she could have screwed me all day long and no one would care! Well, maybe except her husband. I’m not married, so, the damage would be minimal. But NOOOO.. she has to go oink some married blogger and a farking moronic one at that!

It’s quite obvious these women need to be more aware of me. Hey, Married hot women! I am available for sex slavery you know! 😀 😉 😛 😆 😮 😯

I should report that she is denying the charges. But of course! 🙄

Others: Public Policy Polling, Politics Daily, Erick’s blog, Ben Smith’s Blog,, Charleston City Paper, The New Ledger, Hot Air, National Review, CNN, RedState, No More Mister Nice Blog, The American Conservative, Mediaite, FrumForum, Talking Points Memo,, The Other McCain, Daily Kos, The Hill, The Daily Caller, TPMMuckraker, Riehl World View, The Corner on National …, The Political Carnival and skippy the bush kangaroo — More via Memeorandum

The Tea Party Movement's New Anthem?

The first thing I thought when I saw this was, “Holy chit!”

But I’ll let you watch and decide….

This comes via Facebook:

(Uploaded the Video to LiveLeak before Youtube takes it down…) Couldn’t get that stupid embed to work. Grrr.

Update: Instalanch! Thanks to Ed Driscoll! 😀

Welcome to all of Glenn’s readers! Make yourself at home, please. 🙂

Update # 2: Vote this up on Digg! by Clicking here. Vote it up on Reddit, by clicking here. Vote it up on StumbleUpon, by clicking here.

Update #3: Quantum Conservative Links in, Thanks!

Update #4: …and if anyone really cares, I made this myself about a year ago…:

Update #5: Not to sound like a rip off of this guy, But….. HIT THE FREAKIN’ TIP JAR! It’s been a slow month for the blog revenue and I could really use the help. I am in Michigan and the job market is well, um, you know — bad? Thanks! If you cannot, there is ZERO pressure. But those of you who can…. *Please?* (Puppy Dog eyes here…)

Update #8: Thanks to Hugh in MA for the Donation! (I’ll list all donations here!)

Update #6: The Freepers Link in, Thanks Guys, you’re awesome! 😀

Update #7: 3,292 hits this morning BEFORE 8:00 AM EST… 4,010 blog hits as of 8:20AM EST 6,508 as of 1:42 P.M. 7,078 hits on this Blog Entry alone Yesterday. Amazing. 🙂

Stupidity from Moderation Que

This is a perfect example of what will get you banned from commenting on my blog.

Some tool commenting on this posting, left the following comment:

Author : Gorko (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
This guy looks like a (snipped) to me.

Here are the reasons why I did not approve this guy’s comment:

  1. I do not know this guy
  2. I do not really know Cassie’s Hubby.
  3. Cassie’s hubby is U.S. Military.
  4. The comment was insulting
  5. The comment was trollish
  6. The comment was not even remotely funny.
  7. This is my blog, and ultimately I decide what is acceptable and what is not; and this was not.

I trace routed this idiot, and it appears he’s on some sort of a cruise. Maybe on the pacific princess? Anyhow, it was not cool and I blocked his IP. Don’t come here and insult me or other people that are my friends.

That is all.