Why do Conservatives do dumb stuff like this?

Jim Hoft, who has been known to link to White Nationalist websites, links to some far right wing Blogger. Who takes his camera and goes after some liberal journalist. He gets bumped and whines about it.

Click the picture to watch the video:

As I wrote on this idiot’s blog. Dude, I would kicked you square in the fucking balls and called the damn cops. You were acting like a total fucking asshole. You being a Conservative, does not entitle you to act like some fucking asshole with a Camera. Then to top it off, when you actually got bumped, which really didn’t amount to anything serious; you start acting like a fucking asshole and then go whine about it on your blog. In short, you were acting like some fucking idiot liberal. Grow up and quite bringing a bad name to the Conservative movement.  ya damn tool. 🙄

That is all.

HotAir.com Acquired by Salem Communications

Whew. My body clock picked the wrong time go all wonky. 😯

Mediaite has the story:

CPAC hasn’t even officially started and already its making news. Mediaite has learned that leading center-right web site Hot Air has been acquired by Salem Communications for an undisclosed sum. Sources close to the deal claim that Michelle Malkin, the conservative pundit and sole owner of Hot Air, has been in talks with Salem for some time, but the announcement was timed to coincide with the Conservative Political Action Conference, which opens tomorrow in Washington D.C.

Hot Air is one of the biggest, most influential conservative sites on the Web and was launched on April 24, 2006, with Michelle Malkin as founder/CEO (though she remains editorially focused on her own blog MichelleMalkin.com and her own writing and television appearances.) Hot Air is managed on a day-to-day basis by editors Ed Morrissey and the mysterious AllahPundit, who are reported to be part of the deal in the sale of to Salem, and absolutely essential to the core value of Hot Air. We are told that, from a user’s perspective, Hot Air will remain the same despite the change in ownership.

Admittedly, I am a daily reader of HotAir.com, and I have been for a long time. I sort of knew something of this nature was coming. I just did not know what or when. So, this really does not come as any surprise to me at all. My best wishes to Ed and yes, to Allah as well. I hope that it all works out for both of them.

The Blog reactions are mixed, and some are quite funny:

Of Course, Ed’s reaction is “No Comment!

Joe over at the Moderate Voice, “Someone Bought Congress??!?

Ben Smith at The Politico: “This is, among other things, a mark of how hard it’s getting to talk about “old” and “new” media, as one buys the other.”

Robert Stacy McCain lets it fly:

“This certainly should be interesting”

“Congratulations to Michelle Malkin on divesting herself of the atheist Eeyore — at a handsome profit, we certainly hope.”

“While I’m always for rent, no one has yet tried to buy me. On the other hand, I’ve had several lucrative offers for Smitty . . .”

I am assuming those offers came from all endowed women. 😉

James Joyner, as always, is bit more civilized than the rest of us crazies:

One presumes that Salem is sincere on this score, in that the Hot Air property will lose most of its value if it becomes something other than what readers expect.   And Morrissey’s word on this has additional weight, in that he made the transition from his own solo site (Captain’s Quarters) to the more red meat-oriented Hot Air with no discernible change in his style or editorial choices.

And hearty congrats to Michelle Malkin on what one presumes was a lucrative buy-out.  While her politics are harder right than mine and her writing style more polemical, she’s a sweet lady and an incredibly hard worker.  She got started blogging more than a year after I did but hit the ground running, instantly figuring out how the game was played and doing it better than just about anyone else.  She’s managed to spin off the success of her eponymous blog into the Hot Air project, which became even bigger.

Guy Benson over at NRO writes:

Ed and Allahpundit do excellent work and thrive in the site’s entertaining, accessible and informative format.

What a suck up! I kid I kid!!! 😉

Another Black Conservative:

I wonder if this means that Michelle Malkin will be blogging more often at her site?  Hey Michelle, if you need an extra hand now, I know a certain black conservative with some extra time on his hands…

Ace says it’s all about “Crazy Blog Money”:

Salem also owns Townhall.

Good for them!

Little Miss Whatshername ain’t happy about it.

Instapundit: “Is InstaPundit for sale, you ask? A better question: Who would buy it?”

and even more reaction:

Again, my best to Ed and to Allah. This can only be a good thing for those guys. Onward and upward! 😀

Seriously Dan, is this the best you have?

The dude disagrees with Megan McCain and the best this moron can do is mock her damned weight? 😡

How fucking Juvenile can you be? 🙄

This is the same asshole, who offered up my IP address to anyone who wanted it; all because I said something about Obama, that he deemed racist. But the very next day publishes the very unfunny and quite racist “OSAMA-OBAMA’ moniker on his own damned blog. He removed it, after I said something about it. I wish I had screen capped it, but I didn’t.

This is the stupidity that I refer to in my Blog’s subtitle at the top.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Dan Riehl.

Another Update on Jim Treacher

This poor guy really has it bed. Thoughts are with him.

I’m typing this from a hospital bed, with an oxygen monitor on my finger that’s making it difficult to navigate the keyboard. I’m going to ask the nurse to move the monitor to one of my toes, because I can’t quite do it myself yet. My left leg is wrapped in bandages and locked into what they call an immobilizer, which is very aptly named. I can’t move anything from my hip to my ankle, nor do i want to. Everything in-between hurts because of the shattered tibia I suffered Wednesday night when I was crossing the street, within the crosswalk, with the light, and a State Department security officer named Mike McGuinn made an illegal left turn and ran right into me. This happened on 22nd and M, not 26th and M as specified on the jaywalking citation I was issued that same evening.

But this is supposed to be a medical status update, so let’s get back to that. I’m not clear on all the technical details, but during the surgery, basically they had to take all the broken pieces of bone and stick them together with some sort of bone paste. They shaped a new bone out of that. And then there’s a piece of metal attached to something somewhere, but again, I’ll have to get back to you on the details. Knee injuries can be pretty complex, I guess. So that’s on the outside of my knee. There’s still some weird stuff going on deeper inside, with torn cartilage and stuff, but I’m not exactly sure how that heals up. They’ve still got some more work to do. I’ll need to do some more reading on this sort of knee injury. I’m not a doctor. I just know it hurts like hell.

via An update on my medical status | The DC Trawler.

Just when you think you got it bad, you read stuff like this and you remember; life ain’t so bad after all.

Robert Stacy McCain, Charles Johnson and Yours Truly

A bit of a more direct follow up to my last posting.

I went back, and looked at the original e-mails exchanged between Me and R.S. McCain, which were also CC’ed to Smitty.

Here’s what happened, I sent R.S. McCain (and Smitty) a e-mail requesting linkage to this posting here. In this e-mail, I TOLD Mr. McCain that the posting would NOT go live till 9:00 A.M. EST. He writes me back the following:

From Robert Stacy McCain
to Patrick ,
Chris Smith
date Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:21 AM
subject Re: Stacy, I need a favor Bud…. 🙂
mailed-by att.net
signed-by att.net

8:21 AM (18 hours ago)

That link is returning a 404. — RSM

————– Original message from Patrick : ————–
– Hide quoted text –


Would it be too much to ask to get a money bomb going for this guy here?


The posting will be live at 9:00 A.M. EST.

I want to see a Republican, a damn good Republican win the Michigan Governor’s race. Democrats have bankrupted this state good. We need jobs, not more Democratic Party B.S.




Notice the time I have highlighted up there?

Two things that come to mind. Either Stacy is a complete DOLT, when it comes to blogging and has zero clue what a scheduled posting means or what the term “go live” means, or he needs to buy a watch! Most likely both. 🙄

“Okay, so why’d you blow your stack at McCain?”

Mainly because I figured that he was just being a prick about me not liking Palin. Especially after reading this posting here. Especially, after I had written this posting here. I still feel the same way, Palin endorsed a guy who’s got some questionable stuff in his closet, not to mention friends.

For those of you who think I am turning into Charles Foster Johnson Jr.

I have one thing to say —- With due respect to my Black and Latino friends in Southwest Detroit:


Speaking of him, can we please stop with this sort of stupidity with him already? Yes, I know what he did to Pamela Galler; I thought it was awful, I know he parted ways with the “right.” Fine, he did, c’est la vie, stuff happens, serves those right for assuming something that wasn’t. Sending stuff that makes us all look rather dumb. (Like I really need any help with that, as you can see above….)

So, to Robert Stacy McCain. I apologize for flying off the handle. I do that sometimes. I have an excuse — a very weak one, but it’s an excuse. My left shoulder/Arm/Neck area has been KILLING ME, for the last few days. I’ve been a bit grumpy as a result of it. Quite Bluntly; This shit hurts like hell. I am not really sure what I did, I believe I slept funny or something. This has happened before and yes, it was very painful. Took a few days for me to get over it.

So, to ALL of his friends — NO I am not going to turn into another asshole stalker with a hard on for RSM. I just felt it a bit fishy, I still do. I just do not really know Stacy all that well and I assumed something. It happens.

That is all.

Cutting bait

I hate having to do it.  However, I believe in standing up for one’s convictions.  Therefore, if you look in my Blogroll section, you will see that I removed two names.  I did this because I am sick and tired of the little game being played by a Blogger, of whom I will never link to again; the game is this, if you do not support Sarah Palin, I will not link to you or anything.  I requested some help and was told barefaced lie; all because I happen to think, Sarah Palin is an idiot dolt.  I hate to be a prick about it, but two can play that game.  Say goodbye to your place on my blogroll sir.

Therefore, In essence, I am cutting bait with him and his crowd.  Oh, I am not joining the left.  I am just going to be quite selective whom I associate myself with from now on. I may do some more removing of names that I really do not feel comfortable having on my blog. I tried the “Do not harm” approach and I see it is getting me nowhere.  That is, because if you do not fit in with their little clan, (or should I say Klan?) you are ignored, lied to, and so forth.

I tried to be the nice person, I tried to look past other people’s opinions; but it just did not work.  Therefore, I am done with it.  From here on out, I am looking out for me and myself only.  Screw the rest of them.