Living proof that liberal Democrats are classless assholes

Warning: This blog posting contains swearing! If that bothers you; plug your ears! 😉

Sorry to say it; but this right here, pretty much seals the deal for me. I am officially done with Democratic Party.  Come next election, I will vote Republican or Libertarian or I just won’t vote.

The Story:

Today, four past Presidents and current President Barack Obama were in Dallas, Texas to commemorate the completion of the George W. Bush Presidential Center. It wasn’t a day for politics, but of public service. The “five Presidents” make up the world’s most exclusive club.

Though, the Dallas County Democratic Party didn’t get the memo. They posted a photoshop of President Obama holding bunny ears behind former President George W. Bush.

via ViralRead » Dallas Democrats Photoshop President Obama in Bush Center Photo.

The Photoshop in question:

Texas Democrats and The Democratic National Committee —- Classy as always!

Now honestly folks, I admit it, I was not a Bush fan; he came into power, when I still was working and at time, I was not really following politics. Back then, my political involvement was going to the voting booth and pulling for the Democratic Party, which I did in 2000. Other than that, I really did not care for it at all. I figured they were all crooks, and I just figured that the Democrats were less of crooks than the others.

Needless to say, I have come a good way since then; and I will admit, I agreed at first with the President’s decision to invade Iraq and then when it came very clear that there were no WMD’s, but merely parts; my support of the Iraq War ended. Having said all of that; I am glad that the Iraq War ended like it did, with the USA on top and you know what? We won the goddamned thing. Funny how the idiotic liberal left refuses to even acknowledge that very fact.

Having said all the above; my open question to the Democratic Party and to the liberal left of all shades and stripes is this right here —- Is really entirely necessary to act like complete and absolute fucking assholes towards a former President like this? Is it really? Does it really help your progressive cause to act like fucking school children; all because a President spanked your sorry asses in TWO election cycles?  

Now, please, keep in mind; I do not write this as some sort of rich Republican white guy, who has never voted Democratic Party before in my life.  I am writing this as someone who voted Democratic Party as recently as 2000 for Al Gore and in 2004 for John Kerry. Furthermore, I write this as a son of a retired General Motors Worker and UAW retiree member, who has, with his wife, consistently voted for the Democratic Party since he came to Michigan and married.

It is sad to see that the Democratic Party has honestly gotten that petty, that they feel the need to act that childish. 🙄