Living proof that liberal Democrats are classless assholes

Warning: This blog posting contains swearing! If that bothers you; plug your ears! 😉

Sorry to say it; but this right here, pretty much seals the deal for me. I am officially done with Democratic Party.  Come next election, I will vote Republican or Libertarian or I just won’t vote.

The Story:

Today, four past Presidents and current President Barack Obama were in Dallas, Texas to commemorate the completion of the George W. Bush Presidential Center. It wasn’t a day for politics, but of public service. The “five Presidents” make up the world’s most exclusive club.

Though, the Dallas County Democratic Party didn’t get the memo. They posted a photoshop of President Obama holding bunny ears behind former President George W. Bush.

via ViralRead » Dallas Democrats Photoshop President Obama in Bush Center Photo.

The Photoshop in question:

Texas Democrats and The Democratic National Committee —- Classy as always!

Now honestly folks, I admit it, I was not a Bush fan; he came into power, when I still was working and at time, I was not really following politics. Back then, my political involvement was going to the voting booth and pulling for the Democratic Party, which I did in 2000. Other than that, I really did not care for it at all. I figured they were all crooks, and I just figured that the Democrats were less of crooks than the others.

Needless to say, I have come a good way since then; and I will admit, I agreed at first with the President’s decision to invade Iraq and then when it came very clear that there were no WMD’s, but merely parts; my support of the Iraq War ended. Having said all of that; I am glad that the Iraq War ended like it did, with the USA on top and you know what? We won the goddamned thing. Funny how the idiotic liberal left refuses to even acknowledge that very fact.

Having said all the above; my open question to the Democratic Party and to the liberal left of all shades and stripes is this right here —- Is really entirely necessary to act like complete and absolute fucking assholes towards a former President like this? Is it really? Does it really help your progressive cause to act like fucking school children; all because a President spanked your sorry asses in TWO election cycles?  

Now, please, keep in mind; I do not write this as some sort of rich Republican white guy, who has never voted Democratic Party before in my life.  I am writing this as someone who voted Democratic Party as recently as 2000 for Al Gore and in 2004 for John Kerry. Furthermore, I write this as a son of a retired General Motors Worker and UAW retiree member, who has, with his wife, consistently voted for the Democratic Party since he came to Michigan and married.

It is sad to see that the Democratic Party has honestly gotten that petty, that they feel the need to act that childish. 🙄

21 thoughts on “Living proof that liberal Democrats are classless assholes

  1. Hey dumbass, the picture is photoshopped. In case you don’t know what that means it means someone altered the photo on their computer in order to make it seem like Obama did that. The actual images before they were edited show no such bunny ears – so why don’t you do a little investigative journalism before you start your bullshit ranting. FYI you’re angry over a fake image of something that never happened. Hopefully you still decide to not vote come next election because you could only hurt this country by exercising your right to vote. Take ten minutes to check up on the validity of something before going on a tirade against the government – people like you give conservatives a bad name. Idiot.

    1. I think I’ll just leave this one here for people to see how Democrats act when people like me challenge their stupid bullshit.

      I know it’s a photoshop, that was my point.

      Idiots. 🙄 😡

          1. what do you expect when you elect a (racist nonsense edited)

            Message from blog owner:


            I thank you for your comment. But, please refer to my comment rules, where it says and I quote:

            There will be no comments here that bash people of ethnically different backgrounds. Yes, I have issues with some of them, see here and here for details. However, this blog is NOT neo-nazi, white nationalist, or any other sort of thing. This is not, nor will it be ran as such. This is simply a Classic Constitutional Conservative Blog that happens to be ran by an Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible believing Baptist; nothing more, nothing less. If you feel a need to get your bigotry on somewhere, do it elsewhere.

            The reason for the change is this: For a while, I was writing about black on white crime; and as a result, I started attracting a crowd that I really do not support. While I believe that black on white crime is a very important issue, I simply am not too keen on having white nationalists commenting here. This is because most White Nationalists are liberals in disguise and too, they just hate, just to hate. Most times, their reasoning is
.simple. If you know what mean.

            Like I said, Sam, I get the point and sometimes, I have thought the same thing. But, this is more deeper than just Skin color. It is a poisonous political ideology and there are white people who believe the same very things.

    2. I know it’s been awhile since anyone has commented. But your response was so beyond ignorant I have to chime in. Of course the picture is photoshopped, that’s the point. Before you call someone a dumbass you should really check yourself. If anyone is hurting our country it’s people like you. Do yourself, the country and the world a favor and never vote again, never post another comment again, never give your opinion on anything again.

      Your ignorance is the new weapon of mass destruction.

      I also use to be a democrat, it’s brainless baphones like you that ran me out and completely ruined the democrat party.

      Jake Jacobson – You are a dumbass!!!

  2. It’s a photoshop, durpy. Look at how low Obama’s arm is going, it can’t go back up that high.

    1. Yes, I know. It’s a photoshop; that’s my whole point. Have the Democrats gotten that fucking lame and classless that they have to photoshop Obama giving Bush bunny ears?

      How fucking lame can you get? 🙄

  3. This is going to get a little partisan, but of all the “classless” things that Obama has done (Returning the bust of Churchill (yes, he did), not sending an official representative to Maggie Thatcher’s funeral (that’s ok, Texas sent a 15 year old girl. She held up our side. Of course she was The Iron Lady’s grand daughter and has more steel in her spine than half this administration just by birth), the whole thing with sending the Queen of England DVDs with the wrong sort encoding, and I’m sure a few more the press “forgot” to tell us–this isn’t a blip on the radar.

    Note that none of this is policy related, it’s not about Obama’s politics, it’s about him as a person.

    To quote the Philosopher Bill Cosby in his seminal work “Fat Albert”–“Like a school in summer time. No Class”.

    1. Oops, misunderstood. Minus 3 points for reading comprehension.

      Then again, the head of the organization sets the tone.

    2. If Bush or any other Republican did at least some of the same stupid things Obama did you think the press would keep quiet about it? No way Jose! The press would be pounding on Bush if he did just a tiny fraction of the things Obama has gotten away with.

      1. If Bush or any other Republican did at least some of the same stupid things Obama did you think the press would keep quiet about it? No way Jose! The press would be pounding on Bush if he did just a tiny fraction of the things Obama has gotten away with.

        Believe me, I know they would! 😀 Obama has gotten such a freakin’ pass with this media, that it is sickening. I knew this way early in the game. Which is why I wouldn’t vote for the idiot. For what it is worth; I was not a fan of Shillary either. I haven’t forgotten what happened in Waco, Texas in the 1990’s. I’m no fool.

        Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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