The Southern Avenger on "Steadfast Sanford"

When hundreds of protesters showed up at the South Carolina statehouse to protest Gov. Mark Sanford’s refusal to accept $700 million in federal stimulus, it was worth noting how Sanford doesn’t represent economic disaster – but perhaps the only chance we’ve got.

The Article referenced in this Video is found here

The Southern Avenger’s Blog

The Southern Avanger @ Taki’s Magazine

Ann Coulter and the Conservative Christian right at Odds?!?!?!

The Video:

The Story via Fox Business Channel:

American Right To Life today releases a YouTube video, The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups and its associated website,, documenting the growing rift between the right-wing pundit and popular Christian pro-family leaders. This cross-country sampling of conservative talk show hosts from Florida, Iowa, Colorado and California confronts the best-selling author on her repeated defense of those implementing homosexual marriage and tax-funded abortion.

More than just the title of her new best-seller, Guilty, may also describe Ann Coulter herself, according to American RTL president and Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough. “If she wants him elected, Ann Coulter will try to cover up a politician’s aggressive attacks on children and the family, it seems the only prerequisite is an R after his name.”

“Coulter can answer soft-ball criticism from the left,” says ARTL vice president and former Colorado Republican party chairman Steve Curtis, “but she always has ‘to run’ when Christian journalists document her misinformation and ask for a correction?” The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups shows Coulter repeatedly punting and ending interviews instead of answering valid questions.

Man, When Conservatives are turning against you. That’s pretty bad.

Ann Coulter Apology Website

American Right to Life Website

(H/T to AllahPundit on Twitter)

Update: Of course, I must confess, this is MY favorite video of Ann here: (Language Warning)

Quote of the Day

Sin has come a long way since the Garden of Eden, but its wages are still the same even though many would have us believe it’s all relevant in our evolutionary world – a sure sign of madness.

And where is the church in all this?

They’re right in the middle of it looking for market share with a designer Jesus.

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” –1st John 2:16-17

Guest Voice: Chuck Baldwin Says The Missouri State Police Think You And I Are Terrorists

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the owner of this Blog.

Thanks to a concerned Missouri state policeman, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host stated that he was alerted last week to a secret Missouri state police report that categorized supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself as “‘militia’ influenced terrorists.”  The report, he said, “instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.”

Ignoring the threat of Muslim terrorists, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report focuses on the so-called “militia movement” and “conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order.”

This report is not original, of course. During the Clinton administration, a Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation and Joint Terrorism Task Force explicitly designated “defenders” of the Constitution as “right-wing extremists.” However, the MIAC report significantly expands on earlier documents and is the first known document to actually name names.

According to the MIAC, opposition to world government, NAFTA, federalization of the states, and restrictive gun laws are a potential threat to the police. The MIAC report also refers to Aaron Russo’s film, “America: Freedom to Fascism.”

The story exposing the MIAC report states, “The MIAC report is particularly pernicious because it indoctrinates Missouri law enforcement in the belief that people who oppose confiscatory taxation, believe in the well-documented existence of a New World Order and world government (a Google search of this phrase will pull up numerous references made by scores of establishment  political leaders), and are opposed to the obvious expansion of the federal government at the expense of the states as violent extremists who are gunning for the police. It specifically targets supporters of mainstream political candidates and encourages police officers to consider them dangerous terrorists.”

See the report here:

Click here for report from

The Columbia Daily Tribune also carried the story last Saturday. It quoted Missouri resident Tim Neal of Miller County. “When Neal read the report, he couldn’t help but think it described him. A military veteran and a delegate to the 2008 Missouri Republican state convention, he didn’t appreciate being lumped in with groups like the Neo-Nazis.

“‘I was going down the list and thinking, “Check, that’s me,”‘ he said. ‘I’m a Ron Paul supporter, check. I talk about the North American union, check. I’ve got the “America: Freedom to Fascism” video loaned out to somebody right now. So that means I’m a domestic terrorist? Because I’ve got a video about the Federal Reserve?'”

The Tribune’s report also acknowledges, “The [MIAC] report’s most controversial passage states that militia ‘most commonly associate with third-party political groups’ and support presidential candidates such as Ron Paul, former Constitutional [sic] Party candidate Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate last year.”

The Tribune report also said, “Neal, who has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on his car, said the next time he is pulled over by a police officer, he won’t know whether it’s because he was speeding or because of his political views.”

See the Columbia Tribune report here.

I realize that there are people who will dismiss this kind of story as insignificant. They shouldn’t. This is very serious and should be treated as such. Anyone who knows anything at all about history knows that before a state or national government can persecute–and commit acts of violence against–a group of people, they must first marginalize the group from society’s mainstream and categorize it as dangerous.

Rome did exactly that to Christians, as did Mao’s China; Hitler’s Germany did the same thing to Jews; Stalin’s Russia did the same thing to political dissenters, etc. That a State police agency in America would actually infer that people who supported Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or myself in a political campaign are somehow indistinguishable from violence-prone “militias” is beyond insulting: it is a smear campaign, and might should even be regarded as a hate crime!

Beyond that, the MIAC report paints with a very broad brush. In addition to supporting Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or myself, a review of the report reveals that opposition to any of the following risks someone being classified as a potential “domestic terrorist”:

  • The New World Order
  • The United Nations
  • Gun Control
  • The violation of Posse Comitatus
  • The Federal Reserve
  • The Income Tax
  • The Ammunition Accountability Act
  • A possible Constitutional Convention (Con Con)
  • The North American Union
  • Universal Service Program
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Abortion on demand
  • Illegal Immigration

Again, if you oppose any of the above, or if you supported Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or myself, you risk being labeled a “domestic terrorist,” according to the MIAC.

Do you not see how dangerous this kind of slanderous labeling can become? It could affect your flight status when you try to board an airline. It could affect your application for sensitive jobs. It could affect your adjudication before a court or judge. It could make you a target for aggressive law enforcement strategies. It could affect your being able to obtain a passport. It could affect one’s ability to purchase a firearm or receive a State concealed weapon permit.

This is very serious business! We are not talking about private opinions. We are talking about law enforcement agencies. And remember, most law enforcement agencies share these types of reports; therefore, how many other state police agencies have similar reports floating around? Probably several. Plus, how do we know that this report was not influenced by federal police agencies? We don’t.

Rest assured, I do not plan to take this lying down. As one who is personally named in the above report, I demand a public retraction and apology from the MIAC and Missouri State Police. I can tell you that my family is extremely distraught that their husband, father, and grandfather would be labeled in such a manner. I am also not ruling out legal action. In addition, I am discussing an appropriate response with Ron Paul and Bob Barr. I will keep readers posted as to what comes of these discussions (as I am at liberty to do so, of course).

In the meantime, I encourage everyone who believes in the freedom of speech and who believes that the MIAC report is an egregious miscarriage of justice to contact the appropriate Missouri police officials. Here is the contact information:

Email address:

Missouri Information Analysis Center
Division of Drugs & Crime Control
P. O. Box 568
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0568
Phone: 573-751-6422
Toll Free: 866-362-6422
Fax: 573-751-9950

And lest one thinks that none of this concerns him or her, I would like to remind you of the lament of Martin Niemoeller back in the days of Hitler’s Germany. Niemoeller was a decorated U-Boat Captain and pastor of great distinction. An avid anti-communist, Niemoeller at first supported Hitler’s rise to power and was hesitant to oppose the violations of civil rights against various groups he personally found distasteful. It did not take long, however, before Niemoeller realized that when laws protecting the rights of all were removed from some, no one was safe–including him. Unfortunately, he learned his lesson too late, as he, too, was persecuted and imprisoned by Hitler’s State Police. Here is what Niemoeller said about his indifference:

“They came first for the communists, and I did not speak up- because I was not a communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak up- because I was not a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak up- because I was not a Jew;
And then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak up.”

So, those of you who think you have nothing to fear because you did not vote for Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or me, or because you do not live in the State of Missouri need to think again. As I have repeatedly said, we either have freedom for all, or we have freedom for none. Truly, secret police reports such as the one above threaten the liberties of us all.

So, will you speak up now or wait until they come for you and no one is left to speak up?

Chuck Baldwin’s Website

Steele-Gate further explored

I have been reading the blog entries on the new Michael Steele Meme, that is now burning up the internet.

This issue has been the very reason, that I have flatly refused to join the Republican Party. Michael Steele was essentially mouthing the Libertarian position on abortion. Which is a woman has the right to do with her body, what she pleases. Which is what I feel. For the record, I believe abortion is murder; however, I find it quite ironic that those who preach and fight for limited Government, insist that the Government control of what a woman does with her body. The Religious Argument is that, ultimately; God is the creator of all Babies/Humans/Life. Which is fine, that argument works within the confines of a Church or Religious setting.  The problem is, that argument does NOT work outside of this setting and those who defend this mindset are borderline fascists, who want to force THEIR belief system down the throats of those who are not necessarily in agreement that there is even a God, at all.

Again, Abortion is a MORAL issue, it should never, ever, ever be a legislative issue. America was settled and founded as a Republic, not as a Theocracy; as what many of these “Pro-Lifers” want American to be.  That Republic paid a homage to the “God”, albeit a rather lame homage, but still it was there. It was never intended to signal that America was a Theocracy, ever.

Abortion, I feel, should have never been legalized in the first place; however, it was. We do not live in a utopain society, laws passed by the SCOTUS are a reflection of Society in General; and we must, as Americans respect those laws, least we fall into the trap of becoming an intolerant or Nazi state.

This issue is a perfect, clear cut, example of why Politics and Religion or Religious views should never, ever be mixed.

Further Coverage:

Others: Think Progress, Little Green Footballs, Firedoglake, CBS News, Hot Air, La Shawn Barber’s Corner, Villainous Company, Hotline On Call, Open Left, Weekly Standard, Daily Kos, The Atlantic Politics Channel, AmSpecBlog, Blog, Gates of Vienna, AMERICAblog NewsBob Cesca’s Awesome Blog!, The Note, Washington Monthly, Right Wing Watch, Hot Air, Blog, The Caucus, Salon, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Washington Wire, Talking Points Memo, MyDD, The Daily Dish, Ben Smith’s Blog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, JustOneMinute, Democracy in America, The Fix, The Huffington Post, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Balloon Juice, Talking Points Memo, MSNBC, Think Progress, AmSpecBlogPolitical Machine, The PoliticoBen Smith’s Blog, Alarming News

Bristol Palin Continued

You know, I have to laugh at these Neo-Conservative Apologists over at NRO’s “The Corner”, who want to gloss over the moral failing of the daughter of the worst Vice-President pick that the Republican Party ever made.

Some lady named Lisa Schiffren over there writes:

For all of the high-minded discussion of marriage policy on these pages and elsewhere, to me it looks very late. That train left a while ago. Even Corner readers, who will discuss choosing life vs. abortion, with endless passion, do not get so worked up about marriage. Which is why all I have to say is, “poor girl.”

Uh, Lisa? How about saying something along the lines of this; So much for those so-called moral values that Bristol’s Mom supposedly promotes, not to mention that entire party. How ironic that the Republican Party, the party that almost breaks it’s back to promote morality, almost to the point of attempting to legislate it; picks a woman, who’s daughter cannot even keep herself until marriage!

Does anyone else, besides me, see the irony here? 😮

An Interesting Video

Okay, I’d like some feedback on this video here. (H/T to this guy)

Not sure what to think…. Opinions Please.

The only part I really disagreed with is, the part about a Republican style of Government. I do not believe that it was referring to the modern day Republican Party, But rather was referring to a Republic style of Government and not the actual party itself.  This would be in contrast to British Monarchy or a, dare I say it?  A Socialist Democracy. 😀

Again, feedback, Please, comment!

(Via Freedoms Phoenix)