Amazing isn't it?

Michael Crowley over at TNR’s “The Stump” observers the following:

Watching MSNBC coverage of Obama’s rally in Raleigh, NC, I’m struck by this line from his stump speech:

When Bill Clinton was president your average wages and incomes went up $7,500. Under George Bush it went dow $2,000. So if I’ve get economic theories that are similar to Bill Clinton’s, and [McCain’s] got economic theories that are similar to George Bush’s–you can look and see which one worked and which didn’t.

Remember when he was running against the Clinton years?

It’s called wanting to get elected. Barry knew that if he didn’t suck up to Hillary and Bill who represent the “old 1990’s guard” of the Democratic Party, he’d never get elected. Plus, maybe Bubba wants to reign in on the Puma’s.

Although, it is a humorous thing to watch two people sucking up to one other, after ripping on one another weeks before. 😀

Not a Big Shocker

Via TNR’s “The Stump”:

US citizens living in Israel line-up to cast their ballots as they vote early for the US Presidential elections at a cultural centre in Jerusalem on October 28, 2008. A poll conducted by the Rabin Center for Israel Studies found that 46.6% of Israelis would vote for Republican nominee John McCain if given chance to elect a US president, while Democrat Barack Obama would receives 34% of votes. Others remained undecided. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Not a big surprise. Jewish voters have always favored the Republicans because of thier pro-Isreal stance. Nice Photo too. 🙂

If it even passes, it won't last long

Charles Johnson over at the Neo-Conservative Little Green Footballs is wondering aloud Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force“:

The Department of Defense’s current base budget is close to $500 billion. So if he meant that promise, he plans on a total defense budget of about a trillion dollars.

What exactly is Obama planning to do with a “civilian force” with such an astronomical level of funding?

A good question that I would like to know as well. But all this posturing and guessing and scaremongering is for naught. Because first off, there is no way in hell that there is going to be a Democratic “Super-Majority”. No way, no how, there’s too many damn right leaning states for that to happen and no damn Conservative Senator or Representative, worth their salt, is going to sit idly by and allow Obama to pass a bill enacting something like this, ever.

You ask what If I’m wrong? Well, I could be, it might just get passed, but let me clue you in on something. The first time one of these “Civilian National Security Force” officers walks up on someone who’s “Bitter and Clingy” and they haul off and empty a clip into one of those officers and he dies. Then the Government will get sued by the family. When that happens the program will be scrapped.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that this program will never, ever get out of congress, because first off, look at the insurance money the Government would have to put on each one of these officers, then they’d have to get them gun training, if the Government even allows them to be armed. (Knowing Liberals like I do, they would not be…) If they did not allow them to be, the only thing they’d be is glorified rent-a-cops.

So, I think much of the guessing and worrying about this is for no reason. Because it is not going to happen. Just chalk it up to one of Barry’s Promises to get elected. Which he will do and American will have to suffer for 4 to 8 years of Hyper-or Neo-Liberal rule. Thanks Bush! 🙄

Powerful video

(H/T to The Corner)

This one is about John Murtha, who lied about our Military members.

Vets for Freedom Website

When you’ve lost Zogby, You’ve lost the election.

Sigh…. SighIt only gets worse for McCain.

Zogby, A Republican owned Polling system has grim news for John McCain:

The race for President of the United States continued to tighten, as both Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain lost ground in a contest that is now a four–point game, the latest Reuters/C–SPAN/Zogby daily tracking telephone poll shows.

Obama lost 0.9 points and now stands at 49.0% in the tracking poll, while McCain lost 0.4 points and now stands at 44.7% support in a head–to–head match–up. Another 6.3% said they were undecided, up from 4.9% the day before.

McCain wins 87% of the Republican support, and Obama 84% of the Democratic support, and each candidate wins 11% of the opposing party’s support. Obama continues to lead among independent voters – his advantage now stands at 16 points, 51% to 35%.

McCain leads among men, 48% to 45%, while Obama leads among women by a larger 53% to 42% margin. Among white voters, McCain leads by a 53% to 41% margin. Among Hispanics, Obama leads, 66% to 28%, and among African Americans, Obama wins 88% to McCain’s 9%.

The numbers:

Week Four


Tracking Poll






Others/Not sure


Week Three


Tracking Poll


















Others/Not sure






Week Two


Tracking Poll


















Others/Not sure







Week One


Tracking Poll







47.9%< /p>











Others/Not sure






Wow… just wow…. I mean, who can spin that, McCain says it’s going to be a squeaker? Honestly? Is he reading the same polls as the rest of the world? I mean, Zogby! The Republican Poll company says you’re losing?!?! Unbelievable. Surprise

I do not dare use the word “landslide”. But It’s going to be a bad day on November 4.


Humph… So much for that tightening up bit!

Well, I go and Blog and Pew Research makes a monkey outta me. 🙄

Pew Research: Support Continues Downward Spiral

Barack Obama leads John McCain by a 52% to 36% margin in Pew’s latest nationwide survey of 1,325 registered voters. This is the fourth consecutive survey that has found support for the Republican candidate edging down. In contrast, since early October weekly Pew surveys have shown about the same number of respondents saying they back Obama. When the sample is narrowed to those most likely to vote, Obama leads by 53% to 38%.

A breakdown of voting intentions by demographic groups shows that since mid- September, McCain’s support has declined significantly across most voting blocs. Currently, McCain holds a statistically significant advantage only among white evangelical Protestants (aside from Republicans). In addition, Obama runs nearly even with McCain in the so-called red states, all of which George W. Bush won in 2004.

Just as ominous for the Republican candidate, Obama holds a 53% to 34% lead among the sizable minority of voters (15%) who say they have already voted. Among those who plan to vote early but have not yet voted (16% of voters), 56% support Obama, while 37% support McCain.

Guess I won’t be so quick on the draw next time. 😀

The Numbers:

Overall the point is valid, that John McCain just is not resonating with the rest of the American people.

It’s sad, but the truth.

Oy… Female Soldiers want to serve in the Military, and then whine when they get raped…

This is where my old school, Paleo-Conservative, Fundamental Baptist Self comes out…

Via The Corner on National Review Online

15 percent of recently returned female soldiers report a sexual trauma during service, compared to 0.7 percent of male soldiers, according to preliminary research results from a Department of Veteran Affairs study released at the American Public Health Association meeting in San Diego. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about this.

There’s a simple solution to this, and I just know someone is going to see this and is going to pop a vein when I say it. But, if these women would have stayed home and been wives to their husbands and Mothers to their Children, then they would not have never gotten raped in the first place. By no means do I justify the rapes, not at all. But the simple fact is that Women have fought for equal rights with men, led by that feminist Nazi Gloria Steinem. Now that they have these rights and one of them gets raped by a man who looses control, they want to be treated special, coddled and treated differently.

To HELL with that I say, if you cannot take the heat, stay the hell out of the Kitchen. The Military was originally designed for men, fighting men, to defend this country against our enemies. Women were not a part of the equation. That is because Women knew their place and it was not on the battlefield. But thanks to your stupid liberals, women are now a part of the Armed Forces and they’re getting raped.

….and they wonder why we had such a time winning in Iraq.

Mini Editorial: Charles Johnson does not speak for me.

There times like these, that I look at my fellow Conservatives and I have to wonder to myself, “Honestly, Are these people on a different planet than me or what?”

I was over reading the incoming links in my RSS reader and I saw a posting on Little Green Footballs.  It had to do with Barack Obama and his views of socialism.  I disagree with his views, let me say that from the preface; but the quote at Little Green Footballs slightly troubles me.

Here is the stuff in full:

The audio recording of Barack Obama espousing his socialist philosophy of “redistribution of wealth” is all over the Internet and Fox News today (although most other media outlets are ignoring it), but there’s another disturbing section on that tape that has so far escaped notice.

The link to the audio is here: Chicago Public Radio – Audio Library: Odyssey.

At about 15:30, Obama compares what was going on in the United States during the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education to … Nazi Germany. Yes, really. Here’s the quote:

“…just to take a, sort of a realist perspective…there’s a lot of change going on outside of the Court, um, that, that judges essentially have to take judicial notice of.  I mean you’ve got World War II, you’ve got uh, uh, uh, the doctrines of Nazism, that, that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what we have going on, back here at home.”

There you have it.  America is close to electing a President who compares his own country to Nazi Germany.

The truth is Obama was saying much more than that.  In Fact, Charles Johnson was parsing a quote to make a false accusation.

Oliver Willis, of whom I do not agree with much, makes a valid point:

I really wish this were some sort of brilliant parody, but these morons believe what they write.

I love this country second to none, but we do a disservice to ourselves if we truly try to pretend as if for hundreds of years America wasn’t a willing participant in the enslavement and subjugation of people. Particularly in the era Sen. Obama was discussing, America was part of the greatest liberation of all time, but we did so with a military segregated by race.  We simply were not practicing what we preached.

The mental midgets of Little Green Footballs have gone so far in their defense of the indefensible that they would rather defend the concept of segregation – and maybe slavery too – in order for them to attack Sen. Obama.

Well, I somewhat agree with Oliver wrote.  I highly doubt that Johnson was trying to defend segregation or slavery.  He was however parsing a quote to attempt to frame Obama in a light that really is not fair.

However, there was something that Oliver did say that I highly agree with, and that is this:

I love this country second to none, but we do a disservice to ourselves if we truly try to pretend as if for hundreds of years America wasn’t a willing participant in the enslavement and subjugation of people. Particularly in the era Sen. Obama was discussing, America was part of the greatest liberation of all time, but we did so with a military segregated by race.  We simply were not practicing what we preached.

I can honestly say that I do agree with this 100%.  It does trouble me, that there are members of the Conservative movement that justify, if not condone the mentality that Blacks are sub-par with the rest of America.  This is a sick and sad mentality to possess.  In fact, I have previously blogged about my feelings toward the subject of racism in this Presidential race.

I might not agree with Oliver Willis on some issues, but this one, I am with him 100%.  I just wish there were other Conservatives that would get their collective heads out of their asses long enough to see that Oliver and I are the ones who are correct and not the racists.  One can hope for that day, I suppose.

Blogs for Borders for 10/27/08

From my friends over at

The weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

The shadow campaign? Did you know there is another whole election campaign going on right under your nose? In another language?

Is America Balkanizing? We take a look.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. In this edition elderly Americans are preyed on by an illegal alien while a previously deported drug dealer shoots two NYC cops! When will the madness end?

Download for your Ipod here.

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Keith Olbermann to John McCain “Stand up and Lead!”

Let me just go on the record of saying that I totally concur and agree with this statement wholeheartedly.

Transcript: (Thanks to MSNBC)

Finally tonight, a Campaign Comment about the fraudulent race attack claim, since acknowledged and recanted, by a John McCain campaign volunteer in Pennsylvania. You know the story quite well by now.

It is a sad, demoralizing tale of a woman who can easily be summarized by the term "B-Actress." Ashley Todd was not sexually assaulted by a big black man.

He did not carve the letter "B" onto her face to punish her for supporting John McCain. It apparently never dawned on her, or resembled less a cut, than an abrasion done by a weapon no more sinister than a nail file. She was not even at the ATM where she claimed the attack took place. It apparently never dawned on her that the machine had security video and she wouldn’t be on it.

And clearly somewhere in her mind was a calculation that a story like this one, with layer upon layer of racial threat, could be some kind of game changer for the presidential candidate she worked to get elected in at least two states for at least two months.

Her saga is pathetic. She now claims mental illness. If this too is not true, Ms. Todd might think she’s pulling another fast one over on the rest of us. In fact her claim seems to be accurate whether she knows it or not.

And much more disturbingly, so was her calculation. At least until her story, in retrospect a ludicrous confection, fell apart and she had to confess her crime, she had inspired dozens, perhaps hundreds, of journalists and bloggers and all those in between on both political sides, to stand over this nation’s ever-present tinderbox of racial prejudice, and racial fear, and racial hatred.

And she had brought them all matches. We already know what the executive Vice President of Fox News had written while his organization was collectively perched next to that tinderbox, waiting for the slightest excuse to light it, and our nation, ablaze – the over-the-top caveat, thrown in for a window-dressing "balance" with not the slightest intent that it should be taken seriously:

"If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Sen. McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting."

That is the well-known part of what John Moody wrote. What preceded it was far less publicized, and far more important.

"Part of the appeal of, and the unspoken tension behind, Sen. Obama’s campaign is his transformational status as the first African-American to win a major party’s presidential nomination."That does not mean that he has erased the mutual distrust between black and white Americans, and this incident could become a watershed event in the 11 days before the election."If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Sen. Obama, not because they are racists, with due respect to Rep. John Murtha, but because they suddenly feel they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee."

Moody wrote that.

It wouldn’t be racism to suddenly blame Barack Obama for an attack on a white woman by a black man intending to punish her not supporting another black man. It would be a "watershed moment" because it somehow meant "they suddenly feel as if they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee."

Its only connection would be racial, but the response would not be racism. The tinderbox, again. And a very large match, provided by John Moody. I know this man. He is not stupid, not careless. He has, in fact, an educational background identical to my own, right down to the same college radio station. He knew what he was writing: a rationalization for racism.

That Moody should be fired, goes without saying. That if not fired, he should resign in shame, is also obvious.

Neither will happen, because there is no one of sufficient authority to reproach him  and the others  who but for Ashley Todd’s inability to maintain her inner hoaxster for more than two days, would have solemnly and grimly, and some secretly, happily, set the presidential campaign on its ear, and knocked this nation’s tenuous grip on the relationship between the races, off its axis.

Because there was nobody to say "no, don’t." This is where you come in, Sen. McCain. No histrionics from me to you this time, Senator. No yelling. Just a plea. Say something about this. Now. Say something strongly and succinctly about the unacceptability of what happened and how some of your supporters tried to exploit it.

I am not asking you to assume the responsibility for this, no matter how your campaign pushed this story. I have no doubt that in the mirror-image scenario, many of Senator Obama’s supporters would do the same.

But I also have no doubt that by this point in that mirror-image scenario, Sen. Obama would have said  something to try to stop the next Ashley Todd  and the next John Moody.

Senator, of all the things I don’t like about you or your campaign I have never thought you a racist. As imperfect as was your moment with the Minnesota woman, mumbling about Arabs, I thought it was the finest moment of your campaign.

I believe that you feel as I do – that racial hatred and prejudice have no place in this campaign, or in this country. I believe that you feel as I do – as Clarence Darrow said in a different time and different context: "I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by reason and judgment and understanding and faith…"

Sometimes, Sen. McCain, it is as if we are almost there. And then some unthinking act, like the one by Ashley Todd, throws us back against the rocks and we barely escape with our ship intact. In that time of foundering, Sen. McCain, far too few of us have a chance, to personally right the ship, to heal, instead of stand idly by, to make a difference in this oldest and most wearying of our struggles as a nation.

This chance, Sir, is yours. Say something. Or better yet, say something with Sen. Obama, about race and how we live with one another. Let this last week of the campaign be remembered, no matter how it turns out next Tuesday, as something other than the time Ashley Todd lied, and the John Moodys threatened, and you said nothing.

Sen. McCain , once again—grab the microphone.

The reason I say that I agree with the above is because this Nation has a horrible scar on it. That is the scare of racism. This woman’s actions simply further widened the gulf between the races and further escalated the tension between the races. This must stop. That tension sometimes festers itself in the form of the ugliness that I blogged about earlier.  

It is this writers opinion that if McCain does not do this, it could very well cost him; not only this race, but also his honor and reputation am
ongst, not just liberals, but the rest of American as well.

I posted this here, because I also have a deep disdain of those who claim to be Americans and yes, sometimes Conservatives, even Christian; and are racist bigots. This I am afraid is something that this party did inherit from the Democratic Party after the passage of the unconstitutional civil rights act of 1968. Many of the racists within that Democratic Party sought refuge from the mindset of racial harmony in the Republican Party. Thankfully, there were people, like the late William F. Buckley, who stood up to those people, fingered them, and exposed them for the racist bigots that they were. Admittedly, they are still within the confines of the Republican Party, but their roles have been diminished to the likes of sideline hecklers; More bark than bite.  

Yes, that is correct, I posted this, and if any Libertarian or Conservative, of any stripe does not like it, they, as Keith Olbermann foolishly said about those working in the Pentagon; frankly, can go to hell.