I’ve had it with President Donald Trump!

To give you some context to my decision. As you all know by now, Rosanna Barr made an ass of herself and lost her TV show.

Well, the President in his quest to make everything about him, tweeted this:

To which I responded:


This is when, I decided to drop the bomb on the President:

and with that folks, I declare, publicly, for the first time, that I am no longer in the pro-trump camp. This man has lost my support. Now, I am not switching sides. I am simply withdrawing support from this President. My political position, principles and convictions have not changed a bit. I just cannot support this President any longer. This has been a LONG time coming and it is finally gotten to the point with me, that I simply cannot continue to support this man.


Patrick Adkins


Eye on the Republic



Another good reason why I am not happy with President Donald Trump

Is this nutty idea that The President should be able to cancel the broadcast licenses of those in the press that he disagrees with. This is crazy talk and smacks of Hitler.

Here’s a snippet of the story and commentary from HotAir.com:

Yet, there are also plenty of conservatives and libertarian who have criticized Trump for his attack on the MSM. AP and Ed both wrote Trump was wrong in his challenge to the First Amendment. Katherine Timpf at National Review went even further, (correctly) using the “f-word,” as in fascism, in her condemnation.

Let me be clear: Calling for government control of the media is not a conservative view; it’s a fascist one. You’re fine to think that the government should control the media; you’re fine to espouse it — thanks, of course, to the First Amendment that you’re apparently totally fine with jeopardizing — but please understand that this idea is not compatible with conservative, or even traditionally American, values.

There’s no doubt the MSM has raised the dander of conservatives and libertarians, and for good reason. The newscaster plenty of people cite as an example of fair news, Walter Cronkite, wasn’t fair at all. Douglas Brinkley’s book Cronkite, written with participation from the ex-CBS News anchor’s family, showed Cronkite wasn’t biased, especially to Barry Goldwater. There’s also the stupidity of Dan Rather, who pushed the idea ex-President George W. Bush figured out a way to skip out on his service in the National Guard.

These are examples of biased press, and should cause people pause. It’s totally okay if someone decides to find another source for a story because it was written by an outlet which may or may not give someone a fair shot. That’s up to individuals, not the government. Yet, biased press is very much protected by the First Amendment. In fact, biased press is free press, whether it makes conservatives, libertarians, liberals, or socialists happy or furious. Federalists and Anti-Federalists used the press to put out their opinions on whether the Constitution should be approved. Jeffersonians used the press to get their viewpoints out to the masses.

It’s also important to remember it’s not just “conservatives” who have had issues with the press. California Senator Dianne Feinstein suggested only “real reporters” deserved to be protected in a 2013 media shield law (which should just be the First Amendment, but I digress). Her amendment thankfully failed.

But it shows both parties have issues with outlets which don’t give them favorable press, and there are politicians in both parties who want to see the press restricted. All political ideologies, especially those who believe in freedom and liberty, should reject this wholeheartedly.

If President Donald Trump thinks that he can control the media; he is very highly mistaken. I voted for this man; to tackle trade, secure the boarder and straighten out our fiscal mess. I did NOT vote for a fascist. This whole idea smacks of the German Nazi nonsense of the 1940’s and it needs to be stood up to and stopped.

This is America and here, we do not control the press, ever. End of Discussion.


Video: Eye on the Republic predicts the outcome of the Trump Administration

I was looking at the headlines this morning and I see this….

Via NYT:

WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.

But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. At one point last summer, Mr. Trump said at a campaign event that he hoped Russian intelligence services had stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and would make them public.

The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump. On the Russian side, the contacts also included members of the government outside of the intelligence services, they said. All of the current and former officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the continuing investigation is classified.

Here is my prediction as to what will happen to the Trump Administration:


Mother Jones, Breitbart, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Vox, The Atlantic, American Prospect, The Daily Caller, Talking Points Memo, ThinkProgress, Politico, NPR, FiveThirtyEight, The Hill, Daily Wire, Raw Story, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Business Insider, Infowars, PRI, The Week, Scripting News, IJR, MSNBC, NBC News, Salon, Fox News Insider, The Huffington Post, Hullabaloo, New York Magazine, Media Matters for America, CBS Philly, AOL, CBS New York, Shakesville, Gothamist, Political Insider blog, Common Dreams, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite, BillMoyers.com, Washington Monthly, Towleroad, CNN, No More Mister Nice Blog, TheBlaze, Hot Air, Power Line, BizPac Review, Just Security, Joe.My.God., alan.com, twitchy.com, Informed Comment, RT, AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …, The Resurgent, The FADER, Refinery29, Little Green Footballs, Lawyers, Guns & Money, TheStreet.com, Balloon Juice, Boing Boing and Axios, more at Mediagazer »

Trump takes the bait of the race-baiting left

Donald Trump is about to learn the price of taking the bait of the race-baiters of the left.

So, what happened is that John Lewis, a partisan and professional race-baiter, said that he did not feel that Donald Trump’s winning the election of 2016 was in his words, “Legit”.

Well, Trump was having none of this:

Now, based upon the reaction of the leftist media, you would have thought that President-elect Trump donned a Klan uniform and burned a cross on the White House lawn. But, he didn’t. He basically told Lewis to clean up his own backyard, before criticizing him.

President-elect Donald Trump is about to learn a cold, hard lesson in Washington politics, when it comes to race. There are scared cows that you do not tip, and John Lewis is one of them. In fact, half of the Democratic in D.C. won’t be there for his swearing-in.

It is sad really, and it is an example of how bad politics in this century has become.

Others, your mileage may vary:  New York Times, ThinkProgress, Common Dreams, No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice, Political Insider blog, Lawyers, Guns & Money, TheBlaze, alan.com, Mediaite, New Century Times, BizPac Review, The Daily Caller, The Week, twitchy.com, Talking Points Memo, Politico and NBC News, ThinkProgress, NBC News, Political Insider blog, Politicus USA, alan.com, The Hill, BizPac Review, The Week and twitchy.com, Vox, New Century Times, Talking Points Memo, CBS New York, TheBlaze, Shareblue, CNBC, Politicus USA, Raw Story, Gothamist, The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, Occidental Dissent and Washington Times, Hot Air, NPR, Jamie Dupree and The Ring of Fire Network, New York Times, Mashable, BizPac Review and Occidental Dissent

One thing that bothers me about Trump

While looking at this article here, I happened to have stumble upon this video. Yes, this does bother me about our next President.

The video:

Perhaps this man is correct:

Olbermann’s bombast and personality aside….the next 8 years and yes, there will be 8 years; are going to be very interesting. I haven’t started regretting my vote yet…. But, I am going to be watching….very closely.

National Review actually says something nice about Donald Trump

Well, this is different….:

For all his known vulnerabilities, Trump has often proven to be a highly effective operator when he focuses on getting what he wants. That’s exactly what worries left-wing groups and Democrats. Having underestimated him for so long, they now fear he won’t easily be forced to slow down or change course as he moves to overturn their agenda. – Source: Trump Moves Right, Pleasing Conservatives, Alarming Democrats | National Review

This is coming from a political rag that had zero, zilch, Nada, nothing to say about Donald Trump during the election. As far as his “known vulnerabilities”, the one he has is that he does not have his nose stuck up the butt of the neocon Republican establishment.

As far as Donald Trump is concerned; the proof is in the pudding. I am taking a wait and see approach to him, just like I did President Obama. If things change, I will have nothing bad to say about him. If they do not, I will criticize him, just like I did Obama. Talk is cheap. I want action, and so far, I have not seen anything great out of Trump; just a bunch of talk.

Others: Shot in the Dark


Sen. Joe Lieberman is absolutely correct about the future of the Democratic Party

I saw this on Memeorandum.com and I was quite happy that this man said it.

Via The Hill:

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) argues the Democratic Party will not win elections if the liberal wing of the party takes over.

“Here is my fear about the future of the Democratic Party. In a way, relatively speaking, Hillary Clinton was representative of … center-left of the Democratic Party, not the pure left,” Lieberman said in a radio interview with John Catsimatidis on Sunday.

“Now I think there will be a real attempt by the left-left of the Democratic Party to take over the party, and I don’t think that’s the way to go to make it an effective party,” he continued.“It’s certainly not the party that I got drawn to … it’s not the party that I worked so hard for when Bill Clinton was president and it’s not going to be a winning party.”

Sen. Lieberman also warned:

“To me, both parties better watch out not to go back to the extremes — left and right — and not working with each other. I think that the public really wants both parties to get together, work together and solve some of the problems of our country, make the future better,” he said.

Sen. Lieberman is absolutely correct. The Democratic Party, as a whole, from 2007 until now has lurched further to the left, than it was back when Bill Clinton lost. They have embraced such nonsense as “Social Justice Warrior” idiotic nonsense, they have taken political correctness to a maddening extreme and it shows; many people who I know personally, who were life long Democrats, basically decided that the Democratic Party did not represent them anymore and voted for Trump.

The truth is that the Democratic Party needs to get its act together or risk being relegated to the dustbin of history; where people talk about a once great party that destroyed itself from within. This happening, would be a shame; because the truth is folks, the Democratic Party was responsible for some of the greatest achievements in the early twentieth century, that made the lives of the working middle class in this Country, so much better.

Things like: Social Security, Medicare, Labor Laws, Child Labor Laws, 40 hour work week — all of those much needed accomplishments, were done by the Democrats.

All of that to be thrown to the wind, because of a few uppity extremist minorities?  This seems quite foolish. I would hope that the Democratic Party would come to its senses.

Slate Star Codex to the left: Just stop

I saw this and I was quite surprised that someone, who is not a Trump supporter would write it. Here is the summation of what he wrote:

Stop fearmongering. Somewhere in America, there are still like three or four people who believe the media, and those people are cowering in their houses waiting for the death squads.

Stop crying wolf. God forbid, one day we might have somebody who doesn’t give speeches about how diversity makes this country great and how he wants to fight for minorities, who doesn’t pose holding a rainbow flag and state that he proudly supports transgender people, who doesn’t outperform his party among minority voters, who wasn’t the leader of the Salute to Israel Parade, and who doesn’t offer minorities major cabinet positions. And we won’t be able to call that guy an “openly white supremacist Nazi homophobe”, because we already wasted all those terms this year.

Stop talking about dog whistles. The kabbalistic similarities between “dog-whistling” and “wolf-crying” are too obvious to ignore.

Stop writing articles breathlessly following everything the KKK says. Stop writing several times more articles about the KKK than there are actual Klansmen. Remember that thing where Trump started out as a random joke, and then the media covered him way more than any other candidate because he was so outrageous, and gave him what was essentially free advertising, and then he became President-elect of the United States? Is the lesson you learned from this experience that you need 24-7 coverage of the Ku Klux Klan?


Stop saying that being against crime is a dog whistle for racism. Have you ever met a crime victim? They don’t like crime. I work with people from a poor area, and a lot of them have been raped, or permanently disfigured, or had people close to them murdered. You know what these people have in common? They don’t like crime When you say “the only reason someone could talk about law and order is that they secretly hate black people, because, y’know, all criminals are black”, not only are you an idiot, you’re a racist. Also, I judge you for not having read the polls saying that nonwhites are way more concerned about crime than white people are.

Stop turning everything into identity politics. The only thing the media has been able to do for the last five years is shout “IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS IDENTITY POLITICS!” at everything, and then when the right wing finally says “Um, i…den-tity….poli-tics?” you freak out and figure that the only way they could have possibly learned that phrase is from the KKK.

Stop calling Trump voters racist. A metaphor: we have freedom of speech not because all speech is good, but because the temptation to ban speech is so great that, unless given a blanket prohibition, it would slide into universal censorship of any unpopular opinion. Likewise, I would recommend you stop calling Trump voters racist – not because none of them are, but because as soon as you give yourself that opportunity, it’s a slippery slope down to “anyone who disagrees with me on anything does so entirely out of raw seething hatred, and my entire outgroup is secret members of the KKK and so I am justified in considering them worthless human trash”. I’m not saying you’re teetering on the edge of that slope. I’m saying you’re way at the bottom, covered by dozens of feet of fallen rocks and snow. Also, I hear that accusing people of racism constantly for no reason is the best way to get them to vote for your candidate next time around. Assuming there is a next time.

Stop centering criticism of Donald Trump around this sort of stuff, and switch to literally anything else. Here is an incompetent thin-skinned ignorant boorish fraudulent omnihypocritical demagogue with no idea how to run a country, whose philosophy of governance basically boils down to “I’m going to win and not lose, details to be filled in later”, and all you can do is repeat, again and again, how he seems popular among weird Internet teenagers who post frog memes. In the middle of an emotionally incontinent reality TV show host getting his hand on the nuclear button, your chief complaint is that in the middle of a few dozen denunciations of the KKK, he once delayed denouncing the KKK for an entire 24 hours before going back to denouncing it again. When a guy who says outright that he won’t respect elections unless he wins them does, somehow, win an election, the headlines are how he once said he didn’t like globalists which means he must be anti-Semitic.

Stop making people suicidal. Stop telling people they’re going to be killed. Stop terrifying children. Stop giving racism free advertising. Stop trying to convince Americans that all the other Americans hate them. Stop. Stop. Stop.

A-farking-men. About time someone outside of the conservative bubble wrote that.

Others: The American Conservative and Samizdata

Chuck Balwin is right, we must stay awake

I saw this, and I must say he is absolutely correct.

Chuck Balwin says:

Now that Donald Trump has won the presidential election, most of the people who voted for him (along with most of the rest of the world) are breathing a huge sigh of relief. As I wrote earlier, a Hillary Clinton presidency was not only a threat to whatever liberties the American people have left, it was a threat to the peace and stability of the entire planet. Except for the radical protesters (most of whom did not even vote in the election and many of whom were paid to riot) who are making royal jackasses out of themselves in Portland, Oregon, and California, the perverts in Hollywood, and the presstitutes in the mainstream media, most of the nation (and the world with maybe the exception of China and Saudi Arabia) is feeling REALLY GOOD about the election.

However, I want to caution Trump supporters that the last thing they can afford to do right now is what conservatives normally do after a Republican wins the White House: go into a deep state of complacency. With the exception of stopping another Clinton from obtaining the White House (yes, that is HUGE), a Trump election accomplishes nothing. It is not the candidate, Donald Trump, that is going to govern from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is the president, Donald Trump, that will govern. And what kind of president Trump will make is yet to be seen.

I well remember when George W. Bush was elected President. The entire conservative, Christian, and Republican worlds fell into a state of extended hibernation. And G.W. Bush went on to trample more of our constitutional liberties than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama combined. This could only happen because he faced no resistance from the Republican Party or Christians and conservatives in general. They were sound asleep.

If the people who supported Donald Trump go to sleep now, there will be no going back. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the course of a nation. Frankly, if this opportunity is squandered, there likely will not be another one in most of our lifetimes

He could not be more correct. As much as I would like to believe that Donald Trump will be the next Ronald Reagan; I have a sinking feeling that he is going to be another George W bush.

I have this sinking feeling that he is going to get up there and the Washington establishment, the neoconservatives and the globalists are going to put pressure on him and tell him, “if you don’t follow our rules, we’re going to make your life miserable and dig up dirt on you that was repressed during the election.”

You have to understand something the globalists control everything; they control our media, they control the banking system and they also control our politics in both parties and if a candidate does not play by their rules, they can destroy him and I think Trump might know this and might have to back off some of his promises…. in order to save his own neck.

Because if he does not do this, what happened to Ronald Reagan not long after he was elected president; could happen to Donald Trump and I’m sure you know what I mean.

Because if you remember, when Reagan first came into office he was a anti establishment kind of a renegade type president; who didn’t play by the rules. After what happened to him happened, he softened his stance and begin to play by the rules.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist as a rule. But, I don’t trust these bastards; no further than I can throw them. The globalists, the media, the bankers; they’re not trustworthy people and they play dirty… when they have to.

EXCLUSIVE AT EYE ON THE REPUBLIC: Video: Prediction that Steve Bannon will be removed

I happen to notice these stories:

Here is my previous blog posting. 

and now, my commentary:



Others: USA Today, The Hill, Washington Post, Front Page Magazine, The Lid, Daily Kos, CNN, Mediaite, Mother Jones, Media Matters for America, Correct The Record, Common Dreams, Business Insider, NPR, Hot Air, Vox, Big Think, BizPac Review, Hullabaloo, Salon, The Times of Israel, The New Civil Rights Movement, Breitbart, National Review, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Raw Story, The Daily Caller, Boing Boing, Southern Poverty Law Center, The Root, AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …, Jezebel, NBC News, The Daily Beast, RedState, The Huffington Post, Guardian, Joe.My.God., ABC News, Political Insider blog, RT, TheBlaze, WORLD, Media Matters for America and Talking Points Memo, Talking Points Memo and RedState, CNNMoney, Little Green Footballs, Washington Post, The Lid, Washingtonian, Mediaite, Law News, TheBlaze, New York Magazine and The Week, more at Mediagazer »