To those offended by Akin’s comments

To the softies who were offended by Akin’s comments, I have one simple question; since when do the Femi-Nazi’s control the GOP?

Anyhow, I think it’s incredibly stupid, and some broads and maybe some guys too —- really need to change their tampons and get over themselves. I mean —- seriously! 🙄

Anyhow, in that spirit, I present a few of the best damned Rock and Roll songs ever recorded:

I hate to say that some of them having it coming; but, the way some of them dress these days. —- Jeeez. 🙄  In some places, you don’t need to go to a strip joint! Just go to the mall, you’ll see all the boobs and hoo-haa’s that you want. 🙄  Why I see it, don’t want your goddamned vagina penetrated, put some freakin’ clothes on! Yes, I said that, quote me on it, please.  Thank you and:

Just my opinion; you can disagree, stupidity is not illegal. If it were, 90% of Democrats would be in jail! 😛

Links to all the sissy liberals and dumb ass Conservatives whining about this story: Boston Globe, ThinkProgress, Fox News, Associated Press, Washington Wire, Politico, BREITBART.COM, Newsy, CBS News, Guardian, First Read, Erick’s blog, Washington Examiner, Addicting Info, The Democratic Daily, Hullabaloo, The Fix, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, Ballot Box, Show Me Progress, Taylor Marsh, Hit & Run, The Gateway Pundit, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, USA Today, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Hot Air, Wake up America, The Caucus, Little Green Footballs, 2012 Decoded, The PJ Tatler, Outside the Beltway, The Hinterland Gazette, Shakesville, The Huffington Post, The Raw Story and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, more at Mediagazer »  (Via Memeorandum)

Update: Looks like me and this guy here are on the same wavelength. Also too, this guy here has a great, sensible article on what happened with Akin’s comments.

Update #2: Jim Hoft makes a VERY good point:

In 2008 Claire McCaskill accused Bush of allowing people to die in New Orleans because they were poor and black.

“George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black.”

For some reason the media completely ignored this.

Interesting, wonder why nobody told her to resign? Well, I know why; it’s a rhetorical question. Funny how that works, no? 🙄

Video: Bristol Palin’s son demonstrates Palin family’s blatant hypocrisy

This comes from somewhere that I normally would not link to in a million years.

This video does not sadden me, it angers me greatly. All during the 2008 election, the left contended that this family were nothing more than two-bit fakes, when it came to social Conservatism. It was first suspected when Bristol came out as pregnant. It was also was confirmed, when Bristol and her younger sister and some friends, made some rather nasty comments on a posting in the comments section of her Facebook page. Now, there is this above.

When will Fox News, and the rest of the conservative community finally say that enough is enough and finally wake up to the fact that entire Palin family; are nothing more than a bunch of two-bit charlatans, who are using the Conservative Christian banner as nothing more than an means to make money? I have been a born again Christian for 30 years. (I have not always acted like it and even spent time far away from the Lord. But I digress. ) I have spent more than my fair share of time, in Church and around Christians. The Christians that I know, do not talk like that, and they do not allow their children to talk like that either! Because if their talked like that; they would either get their mouths washed out with soap or, they would get their little behinds spanked. I can also say that this was the case with yours truly too.

Am I being judgmental? No, I am simply saying that there is a Godly way of raising a child and it is quite obvious to me, that Bristol Palin is not doing that; and because she is such a public figure, she most certainly should be held to a higher standard, than most parents. What I also find to be absolutely laughable, is that somehow or another; Bristol Palin is being held up as some sort of Christian role model for young Christian girls. Further more, that child did not just make up that little word up; take two guesses where he learned it from and your first one does not count. In other words, the child is repeating what he heard his mommy say!

I leave you with this:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 KJV)


Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. (Proverbs 22:15 KJV)

Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. (Proverbs 23:13-14 KJV)

The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall. Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul. Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:15-18 KJV)

This, according to Word of God, is where Bristol Palin is a massive failure. Modernist Christians will disagree with this, of course; because they reject the Word of God as the final authority. But we Baptist’s know this to be very true. Another thought too; it is quite obvious that Bristol Palin, much like her mother, is a feminist, which is a liberal progressive idea — and it very much shows in her child rearing.

UPDATE: Bristol says he did not make a “gay” slur as Huffpo reported, but rather used the word, which Van Halen called “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.” Just the same, the kid should get its mouth washed out with soap. Bristol writes this for a silly excuse:

Lifetime filmed over 12 months (on and off) and they caught a moment on film that would cause any parent to be red in the face. Tripp is always surrounded by adults – around the campfires with cousins and their friends, at the shop with my dad and his snowmachine buddies. He’s apparently picked up some language that I’d prefer he not use. On national television or at home.

I got twenty bucks that says she uses the language too. Also too, some Christian family. I was under the impression that all of Palin family were Christians. Either way, it’s a flimsy excuse. Just more perfect example of a fatherless child and a lousy mother.

Living proof that liberals are classless human beings

Before we begin, a little music….:

For your reading pleasure:

DougJ / Balloon Juice:  Bad like Jesse James
BooMan / Booman Tribune:   Welcome Back to Palinville  —  I think Steve M. is right.

Go read that stuff and come back here. I’ll wait.

Now, did you read that? Let me ask you this; what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal like that? Just a note: Andrew Breitbart did say some nasty things about Ted Kennedy, which is why I was not a huge fan of his. But, still, what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal blogger, or public figure who was liberal? We would be poo poo’ed from one end of spectrum to the other!  Not only this, but if someone said something as nasty as what this “no more Mr. nice blog” said and it was about a liberal; the Non-Fox media would be all over it. However, because it is a liberal blogger, and a nasty son-of-a-bitch one at that, not a word is said about it.

My friends, this right here; along with a good deal of other issues, is why this skeptical left-of-center, American populist kind of a guy simply walked away from the Democrats in 2008 and has not looked back since.  They have nothing anymore, nothing that this skeptical person wants to buy anymore. All they have is nastiness, like this; class warfare, and racial resentment. They have no solutions, they have nothing for the middle class and the working man. They are the party of the minority and the identity politics crowd; the part of hand outs and freeloaders.

It is truly a sad thing to behold, all the years of work done by great statesmen, like Roosevelt, Truman and many before them; is being squandered by people who simply hate this Country, its morals and its legacy. These are the ones who gave us LBJ and his disastrous “great society.” They are the ones who gave us Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now this disastrous neo-leftist Barack Hussein Obama.

The Democratic Party, which President Ronald Reagan referred to as the “Honorable Party” has given way to the neo-leftist party.  They proved that to me, when the Obama campaign basically used Chicago-style tactics of death threats and dirty pool against a fellow Democrat. This is why I left them; because the honor left that party long ago. Not only that, but the Democrats scheme to bring down our capitalist system though the passage of a clause of to a bill, which turned out to be a rather benign piece of legislation into a ticking time bomb.

Yes, that my friends, is the party that I made the horrible mistake of voting for until 2008, when I finally stopped making excuses for them and realized that party had finally become — and that is a cesspool of hate, racial resentment, class warfare, murder (of babies), God denial and more. I simply had enough and switched to the side that honors God, America and the individual. No, I do not mean the Republican Party — I mean the side of Conservatism.

It is a choice that I do not regret.

Update: Apparently one of the liberals objects to my linking to him. Two words: Tough rocks. He also seems to have a bit of reading comprehension problem; which is typical of the left.  He also sent one of his sock puppets to argue with me. Sorry, I don’t argue with idiots, and ya’ll bunch of idiots. But, thanks just the same for the traffic. 😀


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz needs to put on her Tzniut and shut the hell up

Honestly, this woman needs to put on her Tzniut and shut the hell up.

The Video:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The Quote:

“You know, this is a campaign for president of the United States. Mitt Romney is running for president of the United States. He and his campaign leadership need to put their big boy and big girl pants on and defend his record,” DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said on MSNBC today.

“They don’t want to show us his record. They’re running the most secretive campaign for president of a major party in history,” she added.

This stupid woman has about as much credibility as President Barack Obama. Again, proving that the Democrats chose Identity Politics over experience.

I really hope that the Democrats enjoy losing in November, because that is right where they are headed.

More @

Video: Second look at George Will?


On the other hand, Susie Madrak needs to seriously look into changing her tampon.

Michelle Malkin is wrong about racism in the Tea Party

First off, let me say this; I do not believe that the Tea Party movement itself was racist at all. In fact, it never was a centralized movement.  In most movements, like the Tea Party movement; there will be people who do things that do not represent the movement as a whole.

So, when I see Michelle Malkin blatantly denying the fact that there were racists in the Tea Party movement, I have to say, “oh really?”

A quick search of Google Images brings up quite a few racist signs and images:

and this is not racist Michelle? (even though it is misspelled...)
And this is not racist?

Here is the one that really bothered me, and this dude ended up in jail for this too:

A "Death to Obama" sign... But, that's not racist, so says Michelle Malkin


Nope, No racism here! Only thing missing here is the N-word and that makes okay, according to Michelle Malkin

This image was used on signs and passed around in e-mails, by Tea Party supporters. (I know, I used to see it on facebook and in e-mails I would get from other Tea Party supporters. That until I told the idiots to quit sending me racist crap like that….)

But this is not racist according to Michelle Malkin (Willful blindness much Michelle?)

There is more, much more to see, just click this link to look at the results of a Google Images search.

Again, let me be clear; I am not calling the entire Tea Party movement racist as a whole, that is collectivism and this blogger is not a collectivist. In other words, I do not dismiss the movement in it’s entirety, as racist; but I will say that there were people who were carrying racist signs, not to mention doing stuff like this:

This is Chris Broughton, and yes, he is black, and he is a Ron Paul fan and yes, he was carry an assault rifle at a Obama event. My question is why? I think I know the reason and I think you do too. But, the Tea Party is just peaceful people... Most of them anyhow...

My point to this posting is this; The OWS crowd are a violent group and yes it does include anarchists, who do try and blow up bridges.  However, the Tea Party is not without its own individual nuts and looney tunes, who did bring a tarnish to the good name of the Party. Not to mention all of the infighting that went on with various groups.

However, my more intellectual point is this; to what end was all of this even done?   I mean, the Republican Party did not change one wit.  Oh sure, there were a few Senators who were elected as result of the grassroots surge.  However, the Republican Party’s  coronation of a Mormon George W. Bush is telling; and let me tell you something, if you think for one second that Mitt Romney is going to rip out Obamacare, you are crazy.  Oh sure, he will remove the mandate and anything else that seems to infringe on basic American rights.  However, I do not believe that he will remove the entire package.

Which makes me have to really wonder aloud, what exactly did the Tea Party accomplish; outside of the rhetorical flourishes?  Absolutely nothing.  Government is still there and it is still imposing upon our basic human rights.  All of those borderline racist signs, all of the verbal clashes, all of the excitement were for naught.

This was not to hurt Michelle Malkin herself; but it was to point out the Republican/Conservative/Fox News/Sean Hannity right’s willful blindness to the racism of the Tea Party — which was, and is still there very much so, to this very day.

Read this and try not to puke.


Egypt’s National Council for Women is campaigning against the changes, saying that ‘marginalising and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country’s human development’.

Dr Mervat al-Talawi, head of the NCW, wrote to the Egyptian People’s Assembly Speaker Dr Saad al-Katatni addressing her concerns.

Egyptian journalist Amro Abdul Samea reported in the al-Ahram newspaper that Talawi complained about the legislations which are being introduced under ‘alleged religious interpretations’.

via Outrage as Egypt plans ‘farewell intercourse law’ so husbands can have sex with dead wives up to six hours AFTER their death | Mail Online.

Gross. Hmm, I wonder if Samantha Power would support something like this? or…. dare I say it? Obama? Hmmmm…

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report, The Daily Caller, A Blog For All, Weasel Zippers, Atlas Shrugs, Clayton Cramer’s Blog and The Daily Dish

HotAir’s Tina Korbe moves on

I was actually sad to see this. It appears that HotAir’s Tina Korbe is moving on to greener pastures.

You can read Ed’s posting here and Tina’s final posting here.

Just a personal note of observation; I did not always agree with her and I even once gently criticized her. But, I always respected her opinions —– even if I did not agree with them all. I also noticed another thing too; the commenters over at could be downright brutal with Tina. I believe this was fueled by resentment of a woman blogging at HotAir or something. I never made my criticisms of Tina personal. I simply stated that I disagreed with her. Some of the comments on Tina’s postings were personal, brutal, sexist and nasty. So, I can see why Tina left.

Either way, I wish Tina the best. She is a very smart woman, that I am sure will do well in whatever she does. Tina is also a very, very, beautiful woman; and the man she is going to marry is going to be one lucky guy. I wish him and Tina the very best. 🙂


Did the Barack Obama Campaign threaten Chelsea Clinton’s life to keep Bill Clinton quiet on Obama’s Eligibility?

This is wild.

Check out the video:

The Story:

Most people in the US, especially Democrats, believe that the Obama Birther Movement was started by Republicans and or the Tea Party. They believe it is a smear campaign aimed to tarnish the image of their hero of change. But they may be shocked to learn that the Birther Movement was actually started by former President Bill Clinton and Hillary back in 2008.

Bettina Viviano was a vice president with Amblin Enterntainment, Steven Spielberg’s company, before launching her own film production company in 1990. In 2008, Viviano was asked to produce a documentary about voter fraud within the Democratic Party. At the time, she says she was not a Democrat or a Republican and in fact had never voted in an election. She went into the project with the sole purpose of producing the best and most accurate documentary possible.

During the documentary process, Viviano says that she quickly became aware of just how dangerous and insidious the Obama campaign was. A number of the Democrats she interviewed refused to appear on camera and told her that their lives and property had been threatened by people working with the Obama campaign.

She also heard former President Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be president because of his lack of birth records. In fact, she said it was common knowledge around many top Democrats. Bill Clinton has often said that he would go public with the information when the time was right.

Before that could happen, his close friend and head of the Arkansas Democratic Party, Bill Gwatney was murdered in his office and then someone told Bill that he was next if he said anything about Obama’s eligibility. In the video below, she said that Clinton was not intimidated until someone associated with the Obama campaign told him that his daughter Chelsea would be next if he opened his mouth. From that point on, the Clinton’s remained silent about Obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof.

via Did Barack Obama Campaign Threaten Life of Chelsea Clinton to Keep Parents Silent on Obama’s Ineligibility? – Godfather Politics.

Normally, I would not give a story like this the time of day; but I put nothing and I mean nothing past Barack Obama. I remember that murder story and at the time, I sort of thought about what was said above, but I figured maybe it was explainable. But, I have to say; no motive? Something stinks here and I believe this might be actually true or at least partially true.  I believe an Congressional Investigation into this is warranted, however, I will not hold my breath, least I turn blue and croak.

I really think that it is time that the Republican Party finally grew a pair of gonads and actually started taking this whole eligibility thing seriously. Because if this President actually did this; who is to say that another President, like a Republican one could not do it. An investigation by the FBI should be conducted; unless of course, the FBI is in on it too. Which would have to be, seeing they are the ones who clear someone to be President in the first place.

Either way, it’s time for answers.

Sorry Tina, But that is not what the Bible says!

Here I go again, criticizing what I know to be wrong and it coming from a so-called Catholic and Christian; not to mention a so-called Conservative blog. I have done this before, and now it appears that I have to do it again.

Tina Korbe discussing how Catholics are up in arms about the Obama Administration’s Birth Control mandate:

Ms. Fluke, I resent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love.

via Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air.

Yeah, they’re equal, the classic feminist argument. Trouble is, it is not even remotely Biblical.

Quoting the Word of God:

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. — (1 Timothy 2:11-15 KJV)

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.  (Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV)

This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. — (Ephesians 5:32-33 KJV)

If I were Tina’s fiancee, and I saw that she wrote this; and I would head over to Tina’s house, take my ring back and inform her that I was breaking off the engagement. Because when a woman says the word “equal” she usually means “as great or greater than the man.” Which usually means that she intends to rule her man, like most feminists usually do.  This is not a Christian mentality, this is a Satanic and quite ungodly mentality that is usually associated with the liberal left in this Country.

But then again, we are dealing with the blog that is quite known for its Neoconservative political positions and also for it’s quite ungodly friendliness to the Sodomite lifestyle.