Editorial: President Obama, You Must Order an Investigation, NOW!

I started Blogging on February of 2006, I started out as a independent Blogger, a bit of a “Left of Center” type; I began because I broke off a relationship with a Church. This was due to a pastor royally stabbing me in the back. Around that same time, CNN did a special on just how mismanaged the Iraq had been; not long after this, it was revealed that there were absolutely no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, at all. This is when I knew that it was time to go back to something I did well at, as a young boy; writing.

When Bush won in 2000, I did not think much of it, I, like most of the country, was very tired of hearing about ongoing Clinton scandal. I felt that Bill Clinton had disgraced the White House, I had voted for him, twice and now I was hearing that he had disgraced that White House by giving oral sex to an intern. I was quite miffed about it. However, I figured America would get past it. When Al Gore lost, I did not go to pieces; I really did not follow politics as I do now. To me, they were all the same, elect the best person, and hope he does the job. That was at the time, my philosophy, if you want to call it that. Besides, I was very busy working a job that kept me working almost fifty hours a week, if not more. In short, I was about as far away from politics as one can be and I did not care that much for it.

However, in 2006, after the event described above happened, I began to read online and see in the news reports the Bush was wrong about Iraq. That began to tip my suspicions about him. Thus began my venture into the world of Blogging. I did not and still do not consider myself a Democrat, I could never run with those who believe that the Government is the solution to world’s problems. Furthermore, I could never align myself with a group of people that believe that making a profit is evil. However, something that Bush was doing just did not seem right. At the time, I thought calling my Blog, “The Populist” was a perfect solution. I always felt that the Government should be, “of, for, and by we the people.” The problem with that is, that I was quite unaware that the Populist Party that existed between the period of 1884 and 1908, is quite different from the Democratic Party of today. I know this to be the case now.

I never was a far left Democrat, While I am all for the supporting of the middle class, and I feel unions have their place too. I feel abortion is just morally wrong, at the same time, however, I feel that it should never be a legislative issue, at all. Further, I believe, as a Christian that the homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong. Nevertheless, I believe that if someone wants to carry out that lifestyle behind closed doors that is that person’s business. However, I do not believe that our Nation’s constitution should be modified to change the definition of marriage. I guess you would call me a “Reagan Democrat.”

I crossed to the “right of center” political stance because of what took place in this election. I watched a party that I voted for, since I was eligible to vote at age 18, basically take the principles it was founded upon and toss them in to the wind, all to elected a man, that was, I felt, not even remotely qualified to President of the United States.

Having said all of this, I find myself back here at the writing tablet, angry again. This time because of a serious revelation that the now Former President of the United States of America was actually using his powers as President of the United States to spy upon the people of this nation. That is correct, this is not a joke, revelations are now coming out that Former President Bush was using the NSA to spy on the American people, more specifically Journalists, who Bush knew were not on his side.

Let me say this, before I get into the video that I am about to present. This is not about Conservatism, this is not about Liberalism, this about that sacred document that is at the National Archives, called the Constitution of the United States of America. This is about the proper rule of law; we are not Nazi Germany, nor are we the Soviet Union, We are America and American Presidents do not do things like this, at all!

Now the video and I do not want to hear any stupid remarks about who is presenting this information:


Having seen this video and allowed it to sink in and digest what information was laid at my feet; I felt the need to write, mainly to channel my anger, and to send the new President of United States of America an open and clear message.

Mr. President, You must investigate this and investigate this now!

This sort of blatant disregard for the rule of law in America cannot be tolerated at all. As the presenter of this video told in a special comment, just a day before, if we do not punish those who attempt to Govern outside of the rule law to get away with their crimes, it will only continue to fester into more crimes in the future.

Mister President Obama, I did not vote for you, however, you are the President of all of us, even those of us who did not vote for you. I ask you, as a humble citizen of the United States of America, as someone who believe that the Constitution of the United States of America still matters; please, order an investigation of this lawlessness; now.

Because what will we tell our children? That we allowed a paranoid President to rule as a tyrant, because he felt like that it was right thing to do at the time? Insanity, Mister President cannot be the order of the law in a Free and Constitutional Republic. Nor can it be the rule of law in a free and democratic society.

I simply ask you sir, please, for the future of our nation, do the right thing.

Zo Breaks it down on "The Dream and the 44th"

Zo’s Website

My Opinion on the Geert Wilders Movie and charges being filed

First the Story via BBC NEWS:

Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders made a controversial film last year equating Islam with violence and has likened the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

“In a democratic system, hate speech is considered so serious that it is in the general interest to… draw a clear line,” the court in Amsterdam said.

Mr Wilders said the judgement was an “attack on the freedom of expression”.

“Participation in the public debate has become a dangerous activity. If you give your opinion, you risk being prosecuted,” he said.

Not only he, but all Dutch citizens opposed to the “Islamisation” of their country would be on trial, Mr Wilders warned.

“Who will stand up for our culture if I am silenced?” he added.

The three judges said that they had weighed Mr Wilders’s “one-sided generalizations” against his right to free speech, and ruled that he had gone beyond the normal leeway granted to politicians.

“The Amsterdam appeals court has ordered the prosecution of member of parliament Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and discrimination, based on comments by him in various media on Muslims and their beliefs,” the court said in a statement.

“The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders,” it added.

The court’s ruling reverses a decision last year by the public prosecutor’s office, which said Mr Wilders’s comments had been made outside parliament as a contribution to the debate on Islam in Dutch society and that no criminal offense had been committed.

Prosecutors said on Wednesday that they could not appeal against the judgment and would open an investigation immediately.

Gerard Spong, a prominent lawyer who pushed for Mr Wilders’s prosecution, welcomed the court’s decision.

“This is a happy day for all followers of Islam who do not want to be tossed on the garbage dump of Nazism,” he told reporters.

Okay, here is my opinion on this situation.  Before I voice my opinion; let me say in the interest in full disclosure, that I fully believe that radical Islam is a threat to our way of life. Further more, I will be the first to say that it is very difficult to determine who among the Muslim community is radicalized and who is not. I also feel that if continue to allow Islam to be practiced in our country unchecked,  doing so could result in a major terrorist attack in our Country again.  I am, unashamedly an advocate of freedom of Religion; But when that Religion purposes to threaten the way of life of all Americans; it is no longer a Religion, but rather an instrument of terror.  Having said thus, I believe that the United States of America would be abdicating the responsibility of the well being of its citizens by allowing the practice of Islam in America to continue unchecked.

Having said all this, seeing that I am more of a Libertarian and a Moderate politically; I will be the first one concede the fact that Wilders my have brought this prosecution unto himself. Yes, I know, I posted the video here, on more than one occasion as a matter of fact. The reason I did, is because that most people are intellectually honest enough to know, that the video was about radicalized Islam and not Islam in General.  However, as well all know,  intellectual honesty does not usually extend to those of the Liberal mindset or those within the Islamic community, who have a agenda to paint those who are opposed to radical Islam as racists or hatemongers.

The reason I believe that Wilders might have brought this upon himself is because the video, if you watch it. Does send an unspoken message that all Muslims are terrorists. It is not spoken nor printed in the movie at all. However, it is the inferred message within the actual movie itself, that is the cause of the outrage among the Muslim community and is the reason for the conviction.

So, while I believe that the sounding of the alarm about radical Islam is legitimate pursuit, I also believe that framing of that pursuit is very important and will do more to bring light to that issue in a proper manner, without offending those in the Muslim community who do not subscribe to the radical mindset.

Update: Neo-Conservative Ed Morrissey shows his abject Hypocrisy:

Freedom of speech, in a democratic system or any other, requires tolerance by the populace of unpopular ideas and criticisms.  Popular speech requires no protection.  Imposing limits on what can and cannot be criticized and opposed through rhetoric and peaceful assembly ends freedom and starts totalitarianism. If Wilders cannot criticize Islam openly and freely without the government requiring permission, then the government can declare all dissent illegal through “hate crimes” legislation based on the whim of the government in question.  It won’t be long before the ruling class in Holland discover that they can protect their own status through such prosecution and attack dissent accordingly.

The reason I say this is the fact that, anytime someone says something unpopular over at HotAir.com, like dropping the “N Word”, when talking about a black person or possibly making a negative comments about Jews and Neo-Cons, they’re banned from commenting. In fact, I was banned from the chat room on his show, because I happened to speak my mind about Obama once there. So, that little song and dance is a crock of crap. Neo-Con’s are just as bad about censoring free speech as Liberals. Nice try Ed, but I know better. Identity Politics is just as bad in Neo-Con circles as it is in Liberal circles.  🙄

Others: Harry’s Place, Israpundit, Hot Air, Samizdata.net, Gateway Pundit, Gates of Vienna, QandO, Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs

Tucker Carlson on Obama's Inauguration, "Let's Not Pretend This is the Second Coming of Jesus"

This is why I like Tucker Carlson, he is absolutely fearless and is not afraid to speak his mind.

Listen to it: (Via Media Bistro)


Former MSNBC and CNN anchor Tucker Carlson, who is already “worn out” from the Inauguration festivities, joined us this morning on the mediabistro.com Morning Media Menu. Carlson and host Glynnis MacNicol are two of the millions in D.C. right now.

He had some strong thoughts about the media’s love affair with President-elect Barack Obama. “I’m excited about it, I live here, I want my kids to see it…On the other hand, in the end he’s a politician taking a political office, 52% of the public voted for him, 48% didn’t vote for him, so let’s not pretend this is the second coming of Jesus,” said Carlson.

And although he didn’t want to sound like “a libertarian wacko,” he had some problems with the D.C. security. “The security is really over the top, anti-American really…We are far too willing to accept security restrictions,” he said.

As for the “exclusive” deals being worked out between TV networks and the Presidential Inauguration Committee, Carlson said, “How you can decide you have exclusive right to something that takes place on the National Mall? I don’t know who came up with that? I should try it!”

He also had some other suggestions: “Why don’t we name the White House? We could call it the Staples House, you know what I mean. The Home Depot House.”

Carlson also said that a friend of his tried to cross the Washington Bridge and was confronted by a United States Army solider with a bullhorn and an assault rifle. Which I believe, if I am not mistaken, against the law and our constitution.

I also agree with his assessment of the Liberal media’s infatuation with “The One”, it’s a sad day; when the media refuses to look at something objectively.  I mean, there are so many questions, his citizenship, his ties to communism, it just sickens me, that the media and the American citizens not asking more questions.

Of course, you can expect that the far lefty liberal media will, of course, pay attempt to paint Tucker Carlson as a hater. But thinking Americans will know better. Further more, the Fascist Neo-Conservatives will refuse to report this, because of their love affair with the Democrats, seeing that most Neo-Cons are of Democratic breed.

I fear for what America is about to become. The Rapture of the Church cannot come fast enough, if you ask me.

Snort Worthy Quote of the Day

The U.S. Justice Department’s 2008 report on what happened to assets it seized includes an intriguing list of items that were placed into use by various federal agencies instead of being sold off. Among them are the following assets received by the FBI: a “gambling device” valued at $2 (a deck of cards?), $120,000 in jewelry (for undercover work?), and $134 in pornography (for official jack-offs, I guess).- Source

The Obligatory Hillary Clinton "intervened in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband's foundation" Posting

Seriously, why is anyone even remotely suprised by this?

Via AP:

Secretary of State appointee Hillary Rodham Clinton intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and others that later contributed to her husband’s foundation, an Associated Press review of her official correspondence found.

The overlap of names on former President Bill Clinton’s foundation donor list and business interests whose issues she championed raises new questions about potential ethics conflicts between her official actions and her husband’s fundraising. The AP obtained three of the senator’s government letters under the Freedom of Information Act.

Clinton was to begin her confirmation hearing Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Under an agreement with President-elect Barack Obama, Bill Clinton recently released the names of donors to his foundation, a nonprofit that has raised at least $492 million — including millions from foreign governments — to fund his library in Little Rock, Ark., and charitable efforts worldwide on such issues as AIDS, poverty and climate change.

The letters and donations involve pharmaceutical companies and telecommunications and energy interests. An aide to the senator said she made no secret of her involvement in many of the issues. Bill Clinton’s foundation declined to say when it received the donations or precisely how much was contributed.

I mean, after all, we are talking the Clinton’s here. Democratic ties to corruption and lobbyists; especially among the Clinton’s and other well-heeled Democratic figures goes all the way back the Kennedy era. I know, Obama promised change, and with Hillary we did not get it. One must remember though, if she’s not seated, Obama could lose his popularity among Hillary’s supporters.

Still it would be quite juvenile of me not to observe that this does represent a “walk back” of the mantra of hope and change that Obama promised during the campaign. The Clinton defeat was supposed to represent a defeat of the old Clinton guard within the Democratic Party. So much for that little bit of drama. 🙄

I’ve written it here a great number of times, but I believe it to be quite true, it is going to be a very interesting four to eight years in politics. 😀

Others: The Moderate Voice, CNN, NO QUARTER, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Booman Tribune, Reuters, protein wisdom, CBS News, Associated Press, JammieWearingFool and The Politico

(via Memeornadum)

The Obligatory Roland Burris might be seated in the Senate posting

It seems that the race baiters won.

Via Chicago Breaking News:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid opened a potential path to seating Roland Burris in the Senate after a 45-minute meeting with the former Illinois attorney general at the Capitol this morning.

After days in which Senate leaders had demonstrated determined resistance to Burris’ appointment to the Senate by scandal-tainted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Reid praised Burris as “candid and forthright.” And he suggested the testimony Burris is to give Thursday before the state legislature’s impeachment committee could be crucial to his prospects of gaining the seat.

“He’s going to go answer any other questions they might have. He’s not trying to avoid any responsibility and trying to hide anything,” said Reid (D-Nev.) “Once that’s done, we’ll be in a different position and see what we are going to do.”

One Democratic aide said the Senate leadership’s attitude toward the appointment had now “thawed.”

Still, citing a Senate rule, Reid said the Senate would not seat Burris until his certificate of appointment is signed by Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. White has declined to sign the certificate but Burris has gone to court to seek an order requiring White to certify the governor’s appointment.

Reid said he still would ask a Senate committee to examine the circumstances surrounding the appointment before Burris is seated but said he hoped the process would move swiftly.

“There’s going to come a time when the entire Senate is going to have to act on this, and that day I hope would come sooner rather than later,” Reid said.

Burris said at a news conference in Washington this afternoon that he expects to join the Senate “very soon.” A Burris advisor said his camp’s understanding is that the Senate will move to seat him swiftly if Burris’s testimony before the Blagojevich impeachment committee goes well.

Burris’ appearance at the opening of the Senate session and the refusal to seat him stirred saturation media coverage, eclipsing efforts by Democrats to promote their economic stimulus plans.

On Tuesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), an influential Democrat, broke with the Senate leadership and urged them to seat Burris.

Yeah, I’ve been following this. I wanted to wait and see what happened before I Blogged about it.

I just find it very interesting that this joker got seated or will get seated. Ol’ Rocking Rod Blagojevich played the Blacks in Chicago like a damned fiddle; and they just went along with it! Unbelievable! Say what you wish, but if this guy had been a White Man, he would be turned away and this would all be over with. But, because he is black, he gets this special free pass. Kinda like our soon to be “President”.

Sorry Democrats; but sometimes, you just make it too damned easy. Do you all see now why I refused to ever vote for another Democrat? 🙄

There’s a word I thinking of here…. Oh, right!  It’s called Identity Politics. Bobby Rush played that hand, very well.

Toyota is feeling the pinch too.

So much for that stupid  Neo-Con line saying that the slump in auto sales is the automakers fault.

Via the New York Times:

TOKYO — Toyota Motor will idle its plants in Japan for 11 days in February and March to reduce output in the face of steeply declining global vehicle sales, the company said Tuesday.

The Japanese auto giant said the suspension would affect production at all 12 of its directly operated domestic plants, which include four vehicle assembly plants and also factories that make transmissions, engines and other parts. The closings are in addition to a three-day shutdown this month at these plants that Toyota had already announced.

The move is unusual for a company that just a few months ago seemed unable to keep up with voracious global demand for its fuel-efficient vehicles. But even strong players like Toyota have failed to escape the drastic slowdown in the global auto industry.

The company said it would idle the plants to reduce stocks of unsold vehicles amid a relentless slide in sales, particularly in the United States, its biggest market. Last month, Toyota’s sales there dropped 37 percent, a larger decline than at its struggling American rivals General Motors and Ford.

Plunging sales and a stronger Japanese yen, which reduces the yen value of overseas profits, forced Toyota to forecast last month its first annual loss in 70 years at its vehicle-making operations.

Toyota did not say how many vehicles would be affected by the suspension announced Tuesday. The company said its four domestic assembly plants produced 1.5 million vehicles in 2007, the most recent year for which the company has figures. Toyota-brand cars are also made by other companies in the Toyota group.

The company had already announced that it would shut down truck production at two United States plants for three months

Its American rivals — General Motors, Ford Motor and Chrysler — have also idled plants across North America in response to the slowdown.

For once, I am in agreement with a Liberal, and yes, it is the same knuckle-headed liberal that insulted Conservatives. Hey, I am one that praises when it’s due and bitches when it’s due too; At least I’m fair. 😉 😀 😛

Matthew Yglesias Weighs in:

This is the conceptual problem with efforts to “save” the car industry through bailouts or union busting or whatever you like. One assumes demand for cars will get higher than it is right now, but the industry has a whole just has more capacity to build cars than there is demand for new cars. Which is fine. When you look across the developed world and try to take stock of the medium- and long-run problems facing the OECD nations there’s just no way you’re going to reach the conclusion that an automobile shortage is a big concern. But obviously it’s not fine for the companies that make cars. There’s going to be a need for some shrinkage.

Yeah, I know, most likely some of the Conservatives who are basically scraping my blog for content are going to try and deride me as a fake conservative, because I stick up for the middle class and because I happen to be the son of retired General Motors Worker and U.A.W. member. Well, I got two words; screw you and the rest of the asshole Madison Ave. Conservatives. 😡

Anyhow, I happen to agree with Matthew here, I live here in the Detroit Area. If the auto industry dies, so does this area. That will cause my parents to suffer, they need the health insurance, as they are both diabetic and the amount of medications that they take is staggering.  Anyhow, this article above disproves and basically strikes down the “Meme” that was going around in the Conservative Blogosphere that the issues with the auto industry was the fault of the automakers. Which I totally dismissed as abject bullshit of the highest order. It was the fault of President Clinton for putting pressure on the loan companies to give those toxic subprime loans to those who were considered high risk. That is what started this whole thing. Of course, equal blame can be given to the Republican Congress of 2003 for not changing the laws, after all, they were warned by the Bush White House to do something; and they did nothing at all.

Best thing they could do, was have a hearing, of which the CEO of Freddie Mac pulled the race card, and congress backed off. So, all the blaming of the Auto Companies was nothing more than a feeble attempt by the Republicans at scapegoating the wrong damned people.

Here’s hoping that Japan’s auto industry totally collapses and people, both American and otherwise, have to buy American products, for a change!

this is just flipping wrong!

I don’t like to post stuff like this. But this is just wrong:

Justified Force or An Execution?
Justified Force or An Execution? - Click the Picture to watch!

More on the Story at Contra Costa Times

What you think? Did the police use excessive force? Does this prove we live in a police state? Are police officers using too much force? Feedback is welcomed.

Trackposted to Leaning Straight Up, third world county, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

(Via Lew Rockwell Blog)

Richardson Withdraws Update: Team Obama Says Richardson Misled them

Seems Richardson is withdrawing his bid to be secretary of Commerce.


New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, tapped in December by President-elect Barack Obama to serve as secretary of Commerce, has withdrawn his name for the position, citing a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his state.

“Let me say unequivocally that I and my Administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact,” he said Sunday in a report by NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell. “But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process.”

Yeah, you withdrew, because your fat ass was guilty.

A federal grand jury is investigating how a California company that contributed to Richardson’s political activities won a New Mexico state contract worth more than $1 billion. Richardson said in a statement issued by the Obama transition office that the investigation could take weeks or months but expressed confidence it will show he and his administration acted properly.

Richardson said he plans to continue in his role as governor. “I appreciate the confidence President-elect Obama has shown in me, and value our friendship and working partnership. I told him that I am eager to serve in the future in any way he deems useful. And like all Americans, I pray for his success and the success of our beloved country.”

The announcement came ahead of Obama’s Monday meetings with congressional leaders on a massive economic recovery bill he wants lawmakers to pass quickly.

Obama said Sunday he accepted Richardson’s decision to withdraw with ‘deep regret.’

“Governor Richardson is an outstanding public servant and would have brought to the job of Commerce Secretary and our economic team great insights accumulated through an extraordinary career in federal and state office,” Obama said.

Obama gave no indication whom he might name to replace Richardson as the nominee but said “we must move quickly to fill the void left by Governor Richardson’s decision.”

A person familiar with the proceedings has told The Associated Press that the grand jury is looking into possible “pay-to-play” dealings between CDR Financial Products and someone in a position to push the contract through with the state of New Mexico.

State documents show CDR was paid a total of $1.48 million in 2004 and 2005 for its work on a transportation program.

Richardson ran against Obama in the Democratic presidential primary, but withdrew after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. He later endorsed Obama in his primary campaign against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama’s nominee for secretary of state.

He is one of the most prominent Hispanics in the Democratic Party, having served in Congress and as President Bill Clinton’s ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary. As governor, he has kept up an international profile with a specialty in dealing with rogue nations. Obama also considered him to be secretary of state.

CDR and its CEO, David Rubin, have contributed at least $110,000 to three political committees formed by Richardson, according to an AP review of campaign finance records.

The largest donation, $75,000, was made by CDR in June 2004 — a couple of months after the transportation financing arrangement won state approval — to a political committee that Richardson established before the Democratic National Convention that year.

Here’s hope that they nail that taco-headed mother fuckers balls to the damn wall. Of course, they won’t, he’s most likely well fed funded by George Soros and his group of Communist Liberal idiots. So, he won’t see any jail time. But on a positive note, there won’t be as many Liberal moonbats in the White House or the Government for that matter. Score one of justice, I suppose.

Seems every person that Obambi has contact with, is some crooked made politician.  Which is so fucking typical of the Democrats anymore. FDR would be rolling over in a his grave.

Update: According to Jack Tapper team Bambi said they were mislead:

Sources tell ABC News that officials on the Obama Transition Team feel that before he was formally offered the job of commerce secretary, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was not forthcoming with them about the federal investigation that is looking into whether the governor steered a state contract towards a major financial contributor.

Once the investigation became more widely known through national media reports last month, sources tell ABC News, the Obama Transition Team realized the FBI would not be able to give Richardson a clean political bill of health before the new administration is ready to send his nomination up to the Senate for confirmation.

The Richardson camp says the governor was forthcoming, with sources close to the governor noting that there had been reports about the controversy in local media such as the Albuquerque Journal as far back as August 2008. The governor discussed the investigation with the Obama team, they say, and believes that he and his administration have done nothing wrong.

From 2004 to 2005, CDR Financial Products, a Beverly Hills, Calif.-based company founded and run by David Rubin, received nearly $1.5 million through the New Mexico Finance Authority for advising the state in a complex highway funding project pushed by Richardson. In roughly that same time period, CDR and Rubin gave approximately $100,000 to political organizations run by Richardson, including one that paid for his and his staff’s expenses at the 2004 Democratic convention. Neither the grand jury nor the FBI has interviewed Richardson.

President-elect Obama did not ask Richardson to withdraw his name from consideration, sources from both camps say, but the fact that the confirmation seemed untenable in the short term was apparent to everyone involved.

There were some discussions about whether the confirmation process could be delayed a few months until the investigation concluded, sources say, but it became clear that wouldn’t happen any time soon, and no one wanted to be seen as pressuring law enforcement officials to wrap up their investigation.

The governor spoke with the president-elect several times over the weekend, their last conversation being Saturday, when Richardson told Obama he was withdrawing his name from consideration.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrats. Hope and Change, Deceit and Corruption! What a joke! 🙄

Oh and in case anyone has forgotten, this joker also tried to run for President. Wouldn’t that have been a nice little present to the Republicans. If he had won? I could see the headlines now! 😀

Others: The Fix, BitsBlog, Hot AirDon Surber, , Wizbang, JOSHUAPUNDITTigerHawk, Michelle Malkin, , Outside The Beltway,   Scared Monkeys, Riehl World View, NewsBusters.org, , The Economic Populist, QandO, Fox News,, Top of the Ticket, Weekly Standard, CommentaryMacsmind and Stop The ACLU