The REAL Iraq

Can we have a little sanity here, Please?

I seen this and meant to comment earlier. Sorry for the delay.

Why I Believe Bush Must Go By George McGovern (via WaPo)

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

After the 1972 presidential election, I stood clear of calls to impeach President Richard M. Nixon for his misconduct during the campaign. I thought that my joining the impeachment effort would be seen as an expression of personal vengeance toward the president who had defeated me.

Today I have made a different choice.

I’ve read the reactions, on the left it’s approval and of the right it is, as expected, total rejection.

Here is a little voice of common sense, from a right of center Moderate. (that would be me! Big Grin)

President George W. Bush is only going to be in office for the remainder of this year. I think, unless some Republicans have a major change of heart. Congress is NOT going to be able to pass a resolution demanding articles of impeachment for the President. They just do not have the votes. The only way that anyone is going to be able to get the President and his staff Prosecuted for crimes committed while in office is to pressure the NEXT President to remove his executive privilege, this would never happen, as it has never happened before and it would be political suicide for anyone to attempt anything of this nature.

Honestly, at this point, I think a impeachment trial would be absolutely pointless and, quite frankly, a waste of time and tax payers money.

As much as I dislike this President, as much as I know of how he bungled the lead up to the war and the response after Saddam fell. As much as I know, that is all true, I’m afraid there it little anyone can do. I mean there are limits on what can be done to him, due to our constitution.

I mean, all this rhetoric sounds good and all. But in reality, it’s all nothing more than, just that, talk and empty rhetoric.

Others from both sides of the fence: The Seminal, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Corner, Don Surber, Say Anything, Seeing the Forest,, Macsmind, The BRAD BLOG, The Sideshow,, BitsBlog, Multi Medium, Sweetness & Light, Brave New Films blog, The Newshoggers, Scoop, QandO, Prairie Weather, Right Wing News, Norwegianity, Open Left and Jules Crittenden

For some reason, this doesn't pass the smell test

This smells fishy to me..

For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets – (via Times Online)

A WHISTLEBLOWER has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets.

Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field office.

She approached The Sunday Times last month after reading about an Al-Qaeda terrorist who had revealed his role in training some of the 9/11 hijackers while he was in Turkey.

Edmonds described how foreign intelligence agents had enlisted the support of US officials to acquire a network of moles in sensitive military and nuclear institutions.

For one, how do we know that this isn’t just some attention seeking woman, looking to make a quick buck, at the expense of our Government?

For some reason, this one just does not pass the smell test.

More here as well. One must know, however, that Brad Blog is a Liberal Blogger, who has tried to defame those like Ann Coulter and many other Conservatives.

It just reeks of the Alex Jones type of nonsense that is found of the Internet.

Cross-posted @ My Blog @ Redstate

Others: The Huffington Post, The BRAD BLOG, Screw Loose Change, NO QUARTER, CANNONFIRE, JunkYardBlog, The Reaction, The Newshoggers, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Unqualified Offerings


Our Wonderfully Stupid Government pulls a bonehead move

I received this from a Blogger friend of mine, named Rosemary.

It seems our Department of Defense is not using it’s Brain again. (Which doesn’t startle me in the least..)

This comes via Act for America:

Bill Gertz in his “Inside the Ring” column in today’s Washington Times revealed that Pentagon Islam Law expert , Stephen Coughlin was ‘sacked’. After Gertz’s column late last month, that we highlighted in an ACT blog there was speculation about the reception that Coughlin would get upon his return from the long Christmas New Years break. Now we know-read the full Gertz story below.

This is outrageous! Coughlin’s premier work on Islamic Law had been cleared and approved for publication by the DIA. Or will it be? Perhaps those nervous Pentagon superiors will, in the wake of his departure, nix it under pressure from Islamists inside and outside the Pentagon. Coughlin, had lots of supporters for his valued work inside the Pentagon, but apparently the public disclosure of the animus of Hasham Islam Muslim outreach officer on Deputy Secretary England staff against him must have convinced some Pentagon officials to force Coughlin’s ouster. This amounts to shooting the messenger who had crafted a telling message about the threat of Political Islam. It looks to many of us who know of Coughlin’s important work and have written about it that something nefarious is going on across the Potomac inside the E-ring in the ‘five sided squirrel cage’ that I knew as a former Army Intelligence officer. – Read the rest

Something tells me, someone somewhere made a big fat mistake.
I wonder if the liberal MSM will carry this one. Don’t bank on it.