The Real John McCain?

He’s talking a pretty mean game now, But what about….:

and This:

Seems John McCain had a different view of war, back in those days, now he’s very much pro war.

Some people will say anything to get elected.

Local Story: From the "Say Whaaaat?" File: Toledo Ohio Mayor to Marines: Get lost

This is just downright disgusting………….

FWIW, Toledo is about 25 miles to the South of me here.

The Story:

Mayor to Marines: Leave downtown (Via Toledo Blade)


A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.

Toledo police knew days in advance about their plans for a three-day exercise. Yet somehow the memo never made it to Mayor Finkbeiner, who ordered the Marines out yesterday afternoon just minutes before their buses were to arrive.

"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor’s spokesman.

"He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."

In the interest of full and total disclosure, I fully supposed the mission in Iraq, until it was reported that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I am not a flag waving Republican, I am not a supporter of our current President, George W. Bush. The President’s idiot Foreign Policy has ruined America’s reputation in the World. The President’s "Run Away" spending is that of Biblical proportions, and will most likely bankrupt our Nation long after he is out of office.

However, I have nothing, but the uttermost respect and admiration for the United States Armed Forces. These people are the ones who put their lives on the line, all so you and I….and this feckless idiot, can be free.

I believe personally, that what this Mayor has done, is nothing short of an outright act of Treason, against our United States Government. He should, in fact resign his position as the Mayor of Toledo, Ohio. This is nothing more than a slap in the face and a spitting on the graves of our brave United States Soldiers.

The same horror and utter contempt and disgust that I felt, when the far left thug Organization took it upon themselves to smear our Military, I am now feeling again, as a far lefty loon Mayor has used his powers as a city’s Mayor, to tell the very one’s charged with keeping our Nation safe, to basically "get lost, we don’t want you here."

This my friends is nothing more than mentality and actions of a Marxist and a Communist. Any person who would impede and inhibit the training and conditioning of our United States Military, is no better or of a greater value, than a blood thirsty Al-Qeada Terrorist, and in my humble opinion, should be dealt with accordingly. However, because we are a Nation of morals and laws and of supreme justice, I cannot do, what I would like to see happen to this pitiful excuse for a man.

If you, like myself, find that the actions of this poor excuse of human being are inexcusable, I personally challenge you to contact the City of Toledo’s Mayor, you can do so, via the following:

City of Toledo’s Official Website

City Council of Toledo, Ohio (website)

Toledo, Ohio’s Mayor’s E-mail address

Mr. Mayor, Don’t screw with the Military.

God Bless America.

Update: Seems the Story is now catching on in the Main Stream Media. WNWO-TV Now has the Story.

Others on this: Wizbang,,, Riehl World View, Pajamas Media, The Jawa Report,, Atlas Shrugs, BLACKFIVE, BizzyBlog, The Strata-Sphere, Little Green Footballs, and Right Voices, Southern Sass and The Voice , HazZzMat, Wizbang, Bookworm Room, Greatscat!,

Bush seeks break the Nation and take services from the Elderly.

All to fund his misguided war….

Bush Seeks Budget of $3.1 Trillion (Via NYT)

President Bush submitted a federal budget of $3.1 trillion on Monday, declaring that the spending plan would keep the United States safe and prosperous and, despite its record size, would adhere to his principle of letting Americans keep as much of their own money as possible.

Of course……:

Mr. Bush said he would cut or terminate 151 programs, saving $18 billion in 2009. One agency, the Education Department, accounts for 47 of the terminated programs and three of the programs to be cut. But he would increase spending in areas that fall under the umbrella of “national security.”


Mr. Bush said his budget would slow “the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending” with proposed savings of $208 billion over five years. This includes savings of $178 billion in Medicare, $17 billion in Medicaid and $6 billion in student aid programs. The president proposes to raise $2 billion from new enrollment fees and higher pharmacy co-payments for certain veterans receiving health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Unless I totally misread what was wrote, Bush wants slash benefits to the elderly, (read, the POOR elderly!) those who need the most help. Problem with that is, Mr. President, not everyone has those investments, that you rich folk have available to them, and Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare is all they have.

But, from what I have read, Congress will never pass his version of the Budget. So, I doubt he’ll get his way, Thankfully.

This is what happens when you elect a rich C.E.O. for a President.

We need change. Badly.

Others: Think Progress,, Captain’s Quarters, The Politico, The Crypt’s Blogs, My Two Sense , The Aristocrats and more via Memeoarandum

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on FYCA and the telecoms

Original Location

For the most part, I agree. If the Bush Administration has done nothing wrong, then why threaten to veto? Confused

Sorry, I don’t buy the frivolous lawsuit B.S. Line. 

My take on the State of the Union Address

I wasn’t overly impressed. Neither was many other people, left or right.

Watch it for yourself:

and The Democrats Response:

To me, it was just more of the same from Bush. Nothing remarkable. According to Bob Cesca over at HuffPo:

Just flipped over to FOX News. Fred Barnes: This speech "will be forgotten pretty much. Haha!"

Damn. When Fox News Channel, the cheerleaders for the Neo-Conservative branch of the G.O.P. pans a speech made by their damn hero, that’s pretty bad! SurpriseLaughingRolling on the floor

Other than that, it’s just more of the same. Not really blog worthy in my book.

Score one for Dubya…..

I knew this was coming.

Sorry, Barack, You’ve lost Iraq. By Michael Hirsh (via Newsweek)

Camp Arifjan in the desert kingdom of Kuwait, America’s depot to the Iraq war, feels about as far away as you can get from South Carolina, Super Tuesday and the election-year squabbles back home. And George W. Bush, who is currently midway through his six-nation tour of the Mideast, is doing a good job of distancing himself from the politics of 2008. But as Bush rallied U.S. troops at the base here on Saturday with a "Hoo-ah" and conferred with his Iraq dream team, Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, he indicated that he was setting in motion policies that could dramatically affect the presidential race–and any decisions the next president makes in 2009.

Yep, we were warned that he was going to do this and he did.


Most significant of all, the new partnership deal with Iraq, including a status of forces agreement that would then replace the existing Security Council mandate authorizing the presence of the U.S.-led multinational forces in Iraq, will become a sworn obligation for the next president. It will become just another piece of the complex global security framework involving a hundred or so countries with which Washington now has bilateral defense or security cooperation agreements. Last month, Sen. Hillary Clinton urged Bush not to commit to any such agreement without congressional approval. The president said nothing about that on Saturday, but Lute said last fall that the Iraqi agreement would not likely rise to the level of a formal treaty requiring Senate ratification. Even so, it would be difficult if not impossible for future presidents to unilaterally breach such a pact.

You didn’t think that ol’ Dubya was going to leave office and let them mean ol’ Democrat Liberals ruin his war game did you? Rolling Eyes

and the most telling of all:

The upshot is that the next president, Democrat or Republican, is likely to be handed a fait accompli that could well render moot his or her own elaborate withdrawal plans, especially the ones being considered by the two leading Democratic contenders, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama, undeterred by the reported success of Bush’s surge, is pushing ahead with his plans for a brigade-a-month withdrawals that would remove the U.S. military presence entirely. If current Defense Secretary Robert Gates can draw down to, say, 12 brigades by 2009, a senior Obama adviser told me Friday, "then we can get the rest out in eight to 10 months."

But Bush may have the upper hand now. The president touted the surge’s success on Saturday, and he reiterated that "long-term success will require active U.S. engagement that outlasts my presidency." The "enduring relationship" he is building with Iraq, Bush added, "will have diplomatic, economic and security components–similar to relationships we have with Kuwait and other nations in this region and around the world." Some of those relationships have now lasted decades. And as in Japan, Germany, Korea and Kuwait, they include a substantial troop presence. Far away in the Persian Gulf, Bush is creating facts on the ground that the next president may not be able to ignore.

Score one for Dubya, Checkmate.

Other Blogs: MoJoBlog, UrbanGrounds, Blue Crab Boulevard, Redstate, Wizbang, QandO, The Strata-Sphere, Middle Earth Journal, Cliff Schecter and RADAMISTO

Clintons try and suck up to Black people after Bill's stupid remark

I love it when people get caught being stupid and then have to try and talk their way out of it.

Clintons Move to Tamp Down Criticism From Blacks About Recent Comments – New York Times

The Clinton campaign moved Friday to try to quell a potentially damaging reaction to recent comments by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton that have drawn criticism from African-Americans just as the presidential primary campaign reached Southern states with significant numbers of black voters.

In a call on Friday to Al Sharpton’s nationally syndicated talk radio show, Mr. Clinton said that his “fairy tale” comment on Monday about Senator Barack Obama’s position on the Iraq war was being misconstrued, and that he was talking only about the war, not about Mr. Obama’s overarching message or his drive to be the first black president.

“There’s nothing fairy tale about his campaign,” Mr. Clinton said. “It’s real, strong, and he might win.”

Lying idiot. He knows what he did and now Bill Clinton is trying to suck up to the Black community. I think that the African-American community needs to send Billary a message. We don’t want your cracker butt being our President. We want change, we want a new vision, we want someone who will unite and not divide. We want Obama.

The quicker the African American Community gets together and does this, the better. I say. The Clinton’s did NOT being change in America, at all, they simply rode the wave of success of the Previous Administrations. The only thing that the Clinton’s gave us was NAFTA, A disgraced White House and Waco and Ruby Ridge.

I say the quicker the Democrats drop slick willy and his ugly assed wife, the better!

Others: Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, The Politico, TalkLeft, Booman Tribune, TIME: Swampland, Political Machine, American Street, Outside The Beltway, News Hounds, Jules Crittenden, Connecting.the.Dots, Macsmind, TPM Election Central, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Bookworm Room, Althouse, Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Marc Ambinder and Sister Toldjah and More

ABC News reports and Moonbats abound.


Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats (Via ABC NEWS.COM

Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship

The near-clash occurred over the weekend in the Strait of Hormuz. On the U.S.-released recording, a voice can be heard saying to the Americans, "I am coming to you. You will explode after a few minutes."

The Navy never said specifically where the voices came from, but many were left with the impression they had come from the speedboats because of the way the Navy footage was edited.

Today, the spokesperson for the U.S. admiral in charge of the Fifth Fleet clarified to ABC News that the threat may have come from the Iranian boats, or it may have come from somewhere else.

We’re saying that we cannot make a direct connection to the boats there," said the spokesperson. "It could have come from the shore, from another ship passing by. However, it happened in the middle of all the very unusual activity, so as we assess the information and situation, we still put it in the total aggregate of what happened Sunday morning. I guess we’re not saying that it absolutely came from the boats, but we’re not saying it absolutely didn’t."

I must confess, I had my doubts about the voice recording myself. But I was nowhere near this Moonbat here:

If a bully stands outside your house with rocks and a baseball bat and you’ve seen them break your next door neighbours windows with rocks and the previous owner of the house had their windows broken by the same bully throwing rocks, would you let them throw rocks at your windows or would you confront them? Who is threatening who in this scenario? FDR provoked Japan into attacking the fleet at Pearl Harbour so that international bankers and arms manufacturers could get their hands on US money through war loans and the interest repayments as profit from WWII. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident (which I notice no warmongers have mentioned) was fabricated by the same aforementioned international bankers & arms manufacturers as the pretext for more profits in an unnecessary & unwinnable war in Vietnam. The same agents provocateurs armed Saddam Hussien to the teeth then invited him to retake Kuwait into the pre-WWI borders of Iraq as a pretext for GWI. GWII (The Invasion) was already in the pipeline along with the forced removal of the Taliban/AlQuaida (both of which were created by the CIA incidentally) and 9/11 was the excuse for that. Iran was a peaceful nation ruled by Mosadek who was ousted by the CIA and then ruled tyranically by the Shah (MI6 & CIA stooge), The Iranians then bravely took their destiny & freedom into their own hands & got rid of him, for which the CIA/international bankers/MI6/arms manufacturers never forgave them… Iran has a LOT of oil. BTW the wiretaps 6 months before 9/11 were to find out if anyone had found out about the plans to REALLY fly planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and Congress, not just the cover excersizes. Martial Law would have been implemented had the Military obayed orders to allow Flight 93 to continue on it’s diabolical mission. They shot it down and the world was saved from the prospect of God only knows!

Posted by:
Psyzygy2 10:24 PM

Moonbats at their finest! No wonder the Republicans think they’re all crazy. Rolling Eyes Must be one of Alex Jones’s buddies. The guy also needs to look into a spell checker and a dictionary! Hee hee

I say Kudo’s to our Navy for not blowing those boats out of the water.

Others on this: Associated Press, Weekly Standard, rubber hose, Crooks and Liars, Big Brass Blog, Brilliant at Breakfast, Fars News Agency, Danger Room, FP Passport, Think Progress, BlueBloggin, The Supreme Irony of Life, The Carpetbagger Report, Hot Air, The Agonist, American Footprints, Greatscat!, Emptywheel, Blog, Raw Story Breaking News, Group News Blog, AMERICAblog, CNN and The Newshoggers


Editorial: No, It is not a fake

January 10, 2008


Editorial: No, It is not a fake

It could never be said that I could be accused of being a water carrier or a cheerleader for this current Presidential Administration.  I am about as close to being a water carrier for the Republican Party as Madalyn Murray O’Hair was a missionary to Christianity.  However, I find myself being greatly offended by those, who actually call themselves American citizens, you know, those on the more Liberal side of the political fence, who claim that they support our troops?

Yesterday, I was looking at my usual source for news stories that are hot in the Blogging world, and I happen to come across a story that basically accuses our Military of lying about producing a video that shows our Military being taunted by Iran’s revolutionary guard.  Frankly, the very idea that our Military personnel would risk their careers to produce fraudulent material for the purpose of political gain is laughable to those of us who live in the real world.  I really do believe that Mr. Hooman Majd should really look into getting a job working for Alex Jones; it could only help his rather flimsy resume.

Not to mention with a last name like that, it is quite obvious which side he has taken in this war on terror that does exist in this country, despite the attempt by the far left to pretend that it does not even exist.  While I am more progressive minded conservative, I find myself increasingly disappointed by the lunatic fringe mentality of the Liberals in this country.  The reason for this, is it makes us more “Middle of the Road” type people look stupid, I mean, I am as disappointed in this President as anyone, but my gosh, has the factual reasoning of the American people as whole collectively gone out the window?

I can hear the screams of the far left, “But look what Bush has done!” and I understand where they are coming from, Yes, our President was wrong, his intelligence people were totally wrong, they have admitted this, time and time again.  However, to sit and accuse the United States Military of aiding and abetting the President in some sort of political scheme is borderline treason, in my humble opinion.

Barack Hussein Obama, Johnny Reid Edwards, and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton all say that they want to bring change in this Country.  Let me be the first to suggest to these people that the first thing they need to do, is to speak to the far left lunatic fringe within the Democrat Party and tell them to stop dragging our Military into their collective political bitch with the Government.  I can understand the complaints that they have with the politics in Washington D.C., but for the sake of Almighty God, leave our men and women in uniform the hell out of it, please.

Thank you for reading