John Podhoretz gets exposed for the intolerant Trotskyite that he truly is

This is great;  a Trotskyite Zionist goes for a debate; and the minute he sees that he is losing the debate — he storms off the stage, takes his marbles and goes home.

I am referring to the greatest Trotskyite, Zionist, Neoconservative of them all — John Podhoretz.

See here, here, here and here.

Money quote:

Bottom line: I’d had a long day and I didn’t see the point in spending more of it getting booed and shushed. So I left. So sue me.

If only we could sue you and your family for all the trillions of dollars — and the 4000+ lives that were  wasted in the Iraq War —- which you and your satanic Father were cheerleaders for, after 9/11. Actually, I would very much like to see criminal charges filed against you and few of your Trotskyite friends as well. However, as we realists know; that will never happened to a protected class as yourself.

You want to know what got wrong with Conservatism? You want to know why the GOP is in the shape that it is in? Look no further than this man here and his idiotic Trotskyite magazine that he runs. They are the true enemies of America; they are the ones who put us in the war that almost broke this Nation and ruined its standing in the world.

It is a pity that there is not true justice in this Nation of ours; otherwise, this man and his friends would be sitting in jail cells.


Video: Sorry, but this is NOT “standing your ground” in Florida

It’s not even close.

The video:

Notice how many shots rang out?

Now for what this mental midget did: (via Florida Today)

Attorneys for a man who police said shot three people at the culmination of a neighborhood feud have filed a motion demanding a jury determine whether William T. Woodward’s murder charges should be dismissed under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

The motion says Woodward had been the target of a variety of threats and “exercised his right under Florida law to defend himself and his family that night.”

“It’s probably best that you don’t make threats against people, they may take you seriously,” said Robert Berry, an attorney representing Woodward.

Officials say Woodward snuck up on a Labor Day barbecue and opened fire at about 12:30 a.m. on Sept. 3, 2012. Police arrived and found Gary Lee Hembree, Roger Picior and Bruce Timothy Blake all had been shot. Hembree and Picior died of their injuries. Blake, who was hit 11 times, survived.

Woodward, 44, is accused of two counts of first-degree felony murder and attempted first-degree felony murder.

Before the incident, police had responded numerous times to the ongoing dispute, according to a release. Woodward and Hembree went to court to discuss the dispute before Judge John D. Moxley. Moxley did not issue an injunction.

The motion filed by Woodward’s attorneys says in the hours prior to the shooting, all three men were yelling at Woodward and that this type of behavior had been ongoing for over a month.

In the hours before the shooting, the men called him names, and said “Come on boys. We’re going to get him. We’re going to get him, all three of us.”

Florida law allows people to use deadly force to protect against “imminent death or…prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.”

Basically, what happened was this: This dude snuck up on these people in full Military fatigues and opened fire on a family and some friends —- while they were eating. The only thing this slime ball piece of crap needs to be doing, is to become the resident “pivot man” at the prison circle jerk. 😡

and that ain’t the worst of it, there is this too:

Woodward’s attorneys argue that an attack could have been expected based on the words of his neighbors. They go on to mention the “Bush Doctrine,” a concept that justifies a pre-emptive attack based on the need to defend from a threat.

The “Bush Doctrine”?!?!? WOW. Just…wow. 😯

Of course, there is this:

Melbourne attorney Kepler Funk said it was “valid” that Woodward would want an independent jury to make this decision rather than a judge, but felt it was unlikely the court would convene one for this pretrial hearing.

“It’s novel for sure, and I’m all for thinking outside the box, so I commend him for that,” he said. “I don’t know the court’s going to grant the motion though.”

In other words, this idiot has a snowball’s chance in hell in getting his case thrown out. I do not give a flying flip what someone is doing to you; teasing you, calling your momma a hoe or whatever — you cannot just sneak up on someone and empty a clip on them. That is not how it works. What works is IGNORING the persons doing this or MOVE!

I swear, I am seriously starting to wonder about people in society today! 🙄

Video: This is why I do not trust Al-Jazeera TV

American version of it or not. I simply do not trust it and this here is why. This comes via Memri TV:

Some of you might say, “But, aren’t you a Buchananite type?” Yes, indeed I am. Which simply means that I am not a fan of Wilsonian Foreign Policy and that’s all it means. If Al-Jazeera TV is putting this sort of garbage on it’s Arab speaking network, it has zero business being in the United States of America. This is nothing more than Anti-Jewish propaganda and it furthers the blood libels that the terrorists thrive on and use to commit acts of carnage.

If our President were actually worth a tinkers damn, he would tell Al-Jazeera TV, “You either do something about that, or you can pack your little network up and go back to mecca, where you truly belong.” But, because we have a President who kowtows down to Arabs and their religion, instead of defending Jewish Americans, you have this network Al-Jazeera TV here to brainwash Americans into believe that 9/11 was somehow justified.

…and that, my friends, is a great American tragedy.

(H/T to Commentary Magazine)

Disaster Exploitation Redux

First it was the Republicans and now the Democrats are getting into the act.

The Video:

The Story via the Daily Caller:

While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

Whitehouse spent 15 minutes chastising GOP senators and justified his remarks by alluding to states that seek federal assistance in the wake of natural disasters.

“So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas. It hits Rhode Island with floods and storms. It hits Oregon with acidified seas, it hits Montana with dying forests. So, like it or not, we’re in this together.”

Unlike some bloggers who claim to be Independent, I point out when both sides do stupid stuff like this; because it is sick and wrong to exploit a tragic event like this for one’s political agenda. For the record, I do not totally deny climate change; I just happen to think that the science in incomplete and that the whole climate change movement became radically politicized, which I believe personally is harmful. I believe that science is a great thing; but science with a political agenda is dangerous, like unto Nazi propaganda or Soviet propaganda.

Others: Weasel ZippersThe Gateway,Le·gal In·sur·rec· tionRight Wing News and Rumproast

Why do liberal women do stupid stuff like this?

How stupid can you really get?

The Story:

The University of Wyoming Police Department issued a citation Monday afternoon in Albany County Circuit Court for Meg Lanker-Simons, a woman allegedly threatened last week in a social media post authorities now contend was a hoax.

The citation is for interference, a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment up to a year and a fine up to $1,000.

“Subject admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it,” according to the citation.

She is scheduled to appear at 9 a.m. May 13 in Circuit Court.

The post was made to the UW Crushes page April 24 on Facebook and described Lanker-Simons as “that chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it.”

The post also referenced a graphic, sexual act against Lanker-Simons.

“One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican (expletive),” the post read.

The post created a stir on social media and at the university, with school officials issuing statements denouncing the post against Lanker-Simons and campus police opening an investigation.

Lanker-Simons could not be reached for comment.

UW released a statement Tuesday afternoon regarding the citation.

“This episode has sparked an important discussion reaffirming that the UW community has no tolerance for sexual violence or violence of any type,” UW spokesman Chad Baldwin said. “The fact that the Facebook post apparently was a fabrication does not change the necessity for continued vigilance in reassuring that we have a campus where everyone feels safe.

via UW Police: Facebook post was a hoax — UPDATED – Laramie Boomerang Online.

I will not make snide remarks about her weight, like I have seen on twitter about her. As I am quite the hefty man myself. Those of you who have, will rot in the devil’s hell, I assure you of that. 😡   I just do not understand what this stupid woman was trying to accomplish. I mean, did she not know that the police would have the ability to see who posted that? Has this brain-dead feminist-Nazi ever heard of IP addresses before? I mean, to call this dumb broad anything remotely related to Nazism is an insult to Adolf Hitler himself! 😯 I mean, Adolf might have been evil, but at least he was not this stupid! 😛

You know, I have always believed that this new generation of kids coming up today, lack a good deal of common sense. This here, proves that well beyond reasonable doubt. 🙄 I am 40 years old by the way, going on 41 in June; I can say stuff like that — you’re welcome.


Others: Althouse The Jawa ReportThis ain’t Hell …The Daily CallerRush LimbaughRiehl World NewsThe Right ScoopThe Gateway Pundit,Wake up America and Lawyers, Guns & Money


Idiot Dubai Arab picks the wrong woman to try and rape!

This is too awesome and the feel good story of the day!

An off-duty U.S. navy sailor wrestled a Dubai bus driver to the ground and beat him into submission after he tried to rape her at knifepoint on Jan. 19, a courtroom heard Wednesday.

The woman, 28, was on 24-hour shore leave in Dubai when she was attacked by a bus driver after he picked her up from the Mall of the Emirates shopping center.

“I noticed he did not take the main road and when I asked him he told me not to worry,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.

He then stopped where several other buses were parked and tried to kiss her. After she refused, he pulled out a knife and tried to rape her.

Prosecutors said that she knocked the knife from his hand, broke it in two, bit him in the hand, forced him to the ground and locked him between her thighs, the Daily Mail reports.

The man, known as K S, has been charged with attempted rape, threatening to kill, assault and consuming alcohol illegally, the Daily Mail reports.

via U.S. female sailor beats Dubai rapist bus driver into submission – Washington Times.

…and here I thought that Liberals were the only classless assholes. Guess not. 😀 After all, liberals do defend terrorists, like the one’s who blew up those bombs in D.C. 🙄

Others: The Jawa Report and Weasel Zippers

The Public School System is going to hell in a hand-basket, as always.

I have no words for this one folks, not one:


The Story:

Parents of children attending a Red Hook, New York, middle school are outraged after a recent anti-bullying presentation at Linden Avenue Middle School.

The workshop for 13 and 14-year-old girls focused on homosexuality and gender identity. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Parents say their daughters were told to ask one another for a kiss and they say two girls were told to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date.

“She told me, ‘Mom we all get teased and picked on enough. Now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,'” parent, Mandy Coon, told reporters.

Coon says parents were given no warning about the presentation and there was no opportunity to opt-out. Both the school principal and the district superintendent are defending the workshops and advising they will schedule more.

“The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice,” another parent said. “I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

“I was absolutely furious — really furious,” a parent who asked to remain anonymous told reporter Todd Starnes, “These are just kids. I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Superintendent Paul Finch told The Poughkeepsie Journal the presentation was “focused on improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

“We may require more notification to parents in the future,” Finch said

via Girls Told to Ask for Lesbian Kiss at School – US – CBN News – Christian News 24-7 –

One simply word comes to mind: Unbelievable. One word folks: Home-School. I did it, and so should every parent today. Because the public school system has just become too evil to send your children to it anymore.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report

It’s a bit more than I make!

I hate be a part of the right-wing echo chamber, but what the hell already! These idiots are bitching about a budget and they are doing stupid stuff like this, what the hell! 😡


With the White House closing its doors to public tour groups in order to save money for the sequester, it’s worth remembering some of the other costs the White House incurs annually.

Like the “Chief Calligrapher,” Patricia A. Blair, who has an annual salary of $96,725, and her two deputies, Debra S. Brown, who gets paid $85,953 per year, and Richard T. Muffler, who gets paid $94,372 every year.

In all, the White House appears to employ 3 calligraphers for a yearly total of $277,050.

Despite sequestration, there’s been no announcement of the White House scaling back on calligraphers. 

via Chief White House Calligrapher Gets Paid $96,725 Per Year | The Weekly Standard.

I have not worked full time since 2005 and I have $101.48 in the bank at the moment, wanna see? Here:

My Bank Statement, click to make it bigger.

Okay, now that you see that I am not lying about how much money that I have; can you see now why this one just pisses me off just a bit? I am sitting here, making exactly jack crap and the Country is on the road to financial ruin, and the President and Congress are playing this silly little sequester shell game with the American people; and they are paying people that much money to write fancy?!?!?  Not only that they are using taxpayer dollars to do so.

This my friends is what the Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Party people are talking about when they mention the disconnect between what is happening in Washington D.C. and in the White House with what is happening in the rest of the Country. This is the stuff that makes me what to continue running this blog, because the same out of touch stupidity that went on in the Bush Administration is still happening in the Obama Administration! Nothing changed, nothing is any different! “Hope and Change” was nothing more than a damned con-job and the gullible American people bought it, because they had Bush fatigue!

I mean, again, I hate to sound like I am a part of the “right-wing” noise machine, but when it gets a bit hard for even a skeptic of the right AND the left to ignore; something is wrong, bad wrong and the President needs to fix his reputation and the Democrats image problem, before they get their asses handed to them in 2014 and 2016.

Others: Hit & RunThe Shark TankHot AirMediaiteTheBlaze.comNo More Mister Nice BlogThe ImpoliticThe Daily Caller and Washington Times (Via Memeornadum)

Here is a good way to get sued

He is making a good point, but this guy is literally begging to get sued by someone.

VERNAL — When George Burnett first set up shop in Vernal, he knew he had to find away to connect with his adopted community if his custom seat cover business was going to survive.

So, armed with a sandwich board emblazoned with the phrase “Honk If You (Heart) Drilling!,” Burnett took to the corner of 500 East and Main Street and began his one-man crusade to boost the spirit of a community that was getting its first glimpse of another oil and gas bust.

Fast-forward nearly five years and Burnett — now a local celebrity for his tireless support of the Uintah Basin’s energy industry — has launched a new business that’s earning rave reviews just weeks after opening its doors.

“I love this place. I will support this place with every fiber of my being,” said Corey Peterson, a personal trainer who stopped by the I Love Drilling Juice & Smoothie Bar on Monday morning for a thick, green drink filled with avocado, spinach and fresh apple juice.

“It’s a good place to come for lunch,” added customer Shauna Snow, “or for a good snack that’s healthy, not processed and also can give you good nutrients.”

But there is one thing about Burnett’s latest venture that’s left some folks with a bitter taste in their mouths.

“I’m very open about it, very public about it, that I’m going to charge them a little bit more, and I have liberals come in and pay the extra dollar surcharge,” Burnett said, referring to his unique pricing structure.

via Liberal tax leaves bitter taste in some smoothie drinkers’ mouths |

Charging one price to a conservative and another one to a liberal? That is grounds for a discrimination lawsuit. I wonder, would he charge a black man one price and a white man another? The point is, you charge everyone the same or you don’t stay in business, at least not for very long. I am just waiting for some black liberal to come into that shop and get charge a higher price. The lawsuit would be good!

Stupid Conservatives. This is why I quite supporting them. 🙄 Especially when they started lying to the people that voted for them.