Islamic Militants discover new foe, bears!

Oh, this is almost too funny to believe!

This comes via the BBC:

A-Bear-RoaringTwo other militants escaped, one of them badly wounded, after the attack in Kulgam district, south of Srinagar.

The militants were armed with AK-46s but were taken by surprise – police found the remains of pudding they had made to eat when the bear attacked.

It is thought to be the first such incident since Muslim separatists took up arms against Indian rule in 1989.


AIA048The militants had made their hideout in a cave which was actually the bear’s den, said police officer Farooq Ahmed.

The dead have been identified as Mohammad Amin alias Qaiser, and Bashir Ahmed alias Saifullah.

News of the attack emerged when their injured comrade went to a nearby villageRoaringBear-main_Full for treatment.

“Word spread in the village that Qaiser had been killed by the bear,” another police officer said.

A joint party of the police and army personnel went into the forest and collected the bodies of the two militants.

Police say they also recovered two AK-46 rifles and some ammunition from the hideout.

Can you just imagine that little scene for a minute? Those guys sitting in the cave; talking all about Terrorism and how that Muslims must dominate the world. —- “Allah Akbar! We Muslims must fight, we mus ——- Aaaaahhh!  Bear! Run for your lives!”

Oh Man, that’s pee in the pants funny!

I guess the true moral of this story is; if you want to get your Jihad on, don’t do it in a bear cave. Because the last time I checked, Bears are not Muslim — just usually hungry.

Others covering this rather funny story: The Jawa Report and JammieWearingFool

WND: 'Muslim Mafia' linked to Detroit FBI shootout

Normally I take what I read over at WorldNetDaily with a grain of salt; but once and a while, they stumble over something big.

I believe they have done it again:

Already under increased scrutiny after revelations in a new book, the Council on American-Islamic Relations now is defending itself against documented links to a federal case that drew national attention this week when an indicted Detroit imam was killed in an FBI raid.

Internal documents from an undercover investigation by the authors of “Muslim Mafia” show CAIR helped finance the legal appeal of Muslim cop-killer Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, who is named in the Detroit criminal complaint as the spiritual leader of a radical group that calls for violent action to establish a sovereign Islamic state within the U.S.

The federal complaint also states one of the 11 indicted followers of the imam who was killed in an exchange of gunfire with the FBI Wednesday, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, attended a mosque “affiliated with CAIR” in Windsor, Ontario, just across the Canadian border from Detroit.

via ‘Muslim Mafia’ linked to Detroit FBI shootout.-

I highly suggest that you go read the rest of this as it is quite interesting. Looks like CAIR is involved as well. This is big and could have lasting impact.

Like I wrote before; the idea of “Fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here” is a bit lame now; because quite frankly, they are already here and this proves that!

Pat Condell speaks the straight truth about Islam, Obama and our First Amendment

This comes via The Other McCain:

I post this with the following caveat:

And that is the gorgeous thing about freedom of speech: you can cheer for the 99% of this clip that is spot on, and politely overlook the part with which you’re in disagreement. Civilization.

Indeed. Great video. Wish there were more like him; especially here in America.

Is Islam pure evil?

There are some that believe that it is, and believe that those that practice it are pure evil.

That reason can be found here at Jammie Wearing Fool’s Blog. There is Video as well. I HIGHLY suggest that you click the link!


When are our vaunted women’s rights groups in this country going to finally stand up and recognize this aspect of Islam that revolves around nothing more then the subjugation of women? Where are all of those civil rights folks who paraded in the streets demanding equal rights for blacks?

Good question!

The sick part is, the Socialist Liberal Democrats, they defend this sort of a thing.

A Necessary Clarification

As I have written on my blog a good number of times, my blog is not at all about me.  My Blog is, however, about my take on the current political events of the day.  As it is written in my “About Me” section on my Blog, that I am a former  so-called “Reagan Democrat,” or a “Blue Dog Democrat” or more simply, a “left of center” type person.  However, during my tenure of being a Blogger and Political writer and seeing how I watched how this past election went down; my political philosophy changed.  This is still allowed last time I checked.  I just felt that the Democratic Party had succumbed to the teachings of identity politics, not to mention all the socialism that is poisoned that party beyond repair.  For Clarity’s sake, I essentially came to the same conclusions that Former President Ronald Reagan came to long ago, albeit much later in my life.  Thus, one could call me a Conservative.  Although, I will be the first to tell you, I am just not quite ready to don my elephant button and become a sworn Republican just yet.  For what it is worth; I tend to lean more libertarian on social issues; however when it comes to defense and foreign policy I am quite the “Neo-Con” as those who are isolationist or Anti-Semitic would call me.

Having said all of this, I feel the need to make something very clear.  For those of you who read this blog on a daily basis or happen to stop from a reference link or what have you, you know that I am someone who is keenly aware that the War on Terror is a very real issue.  I am also aware of the fact that the Islamic-Fascists want to impose a strict form of Islamic law in this Country.  Having said all that, I feel the need to make a clarification on where I stand on this issue.  The Anti-Islamic-Fascism crowd is divided into two camps —– The first, is quite a noble and intelligent crowd, who know that the Religion of Islam has been hijacked by a group of bloodthirsty killers, who hate America and our way of life; and want to see this Nation destroyed.  The second crowd is such that I hate to even waste my time even writing about them.  The second crowd area group of people, who personal intellect is that of a primate; they are those who believe that all of those, who practice the religion of Islam and those who are of middle eastern descent , are, in fact, those who want to engage in acts of terrorism.

Let me be clear; I stand with the first noble crowd and not with the second crowd.  The second crowd is nothing more than racist bigots, who employ the tactics of the far left in this Country and engage in the practice of collectivism; or as it is commonly known as “Guilt by Association.”  This is the same sort of tactic, which was used by the racist bigot Democrats in the south back in the days before the Civil rights act of 1964. Their reasoning was that the entire Negro race was evil and that it must be contained.  This was, and still is a flawed mindset.  What saddens me greatly is that there are those, who refer to themselves as conservatives that cling to this idiotic mindset.  Peradventure that I should say that, these people are no more “Conservative” than I am a damned sworn Marxist.

The reason why I am even writing about this is that I happen to be a user of the social network Twitter, which is quite the marvel of the twenty first century. For those who happen to follow my “tweets” as they are called; know that last night and early this morning, I was engaged in a “Tit for tat” with a group of so-called Conservatives whom, I felt, were engaged in this sort of idiotic mindset.  In subsequent conversation with the lot of them, I discovered that I perhaps was a bit early in my judgment of them.  For this a greatly apologize.  Although, I did block one of them, as she did hurl an undeserved salvo at me and call me a “Liberal.”  In some respects, I might just be a liberal, albeit a “Classic Liberal”—- the different there is as wide and deep as the span and depth of the Grand Canyon.  I say this because I feel that Religion’s involvement in the Government is quite wrong, however, I do believe that the Government’s involvement is private industry is quite wrong also, not to mention it goes against the strain of what this Nation’s principles were founded upon.

I will end this rather long rambling piece with a dire warning to those who follow me on Twitter.  If you follow me and I follow you; and you happen to post something on twitter that I happen to think is racist or bigoted, I will call you on it.  I make no apologies for my feelings on this subject.  Just to be clear; there is nothing at all wrong with being concerned with the Islamic-Fascism movement, and being one who stands up against the terrorists who want to destroy our country.  However, we must not allow ourselves to be overcome with feelings of hate towards the race of people or toward those who practice a form of religion that was simply hijacked by those who are on a political mission to destroy our Country.  If we do this, we are no better than those, who wish to destroy us.

The obligatory Iran has a second nuke facility posting

I have finally got around to posting about this. Sorry, I’ve been napping in the afternoons now. Seeing I got my body-clock somewhat straightened out.

Yes, It is official, according to The New York Times and others, that Iran is making weapons grade nukes:

PITTSBURGH — President Obama and the leaders of Britain and France accused Iran on Friday of building a secret underground plant to manufacture nuclear fuel, saying the country has hidden the covert operation from international weapons inspectors for years.

Appearing before reporters in Pittsburgh, Mr. Obama said that the Iranian nuclear program “represents a direct challenge to the basic foundation of the nonproliferation regime.” President Nicolas Sarkozy of France said that Iran had a deadline of two months to comply with international demands or face increased sanctions.

“The level of deception by the Iranian government, and the scale of what we believe is the breach of international commitments, will shock and anger the entire international community,” Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain said. “The international community has no choice today but to draw a line in the sand.”

The extraordinary and hastily arranged joint appearance by the three leaders — and Mr. Obama said that Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany had asked him to convey that she stood with them as well — adds urgency to the diplomatic confrontation with Iran over its suspected ambition to build a nuclear weapons capacity. The three men demanded that Iran allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to conduct an immediate inspection of the facility, which is said to be 100 miles southwest of Tehran, near the holy city of Qum.

American officials said that they had been tracking the covert project for years, but that Mr. Obama decided to disclose the American findings after Iran discovered, in recent weeks, that Western intelligence agencies had breached the secrecy surrounding the complex. On Monday, Iran wrote a brief, cryptic letter to the International Atomic Energy Agency, saying that it now had a “pilot plant” under construction, whose existence it had never before revealed.


The newly discovered enrichment plant is not yet in operation, American officials said, but could be by next year. A senior Western official characterized the facility as “excavation, tunneling, infrastructure for centrifuges.”

Mr. Obama’s announcement will probably overshadow the meeting of the Group of 20, whose leaders have gathered to plan the next steps in combating the global financial crisis. Instead, here and during the opening of the United Nations in New York, senior officials from several of the countries were pulled aside for briefings on the new intelligence and for strategy sessions about the first direct talks with Iran in 30 years — set for Thursday — that will include the United States.

American officials said they expected the announcement to make it easier to build a case for international sanctions if Iran blocked inspectors or refused to halt its nuclear program.

“They have cheated three times,” one senior administration official with access to the intelligence said of the Iranians late on Thursday evening. “And they have now been caught three times.”

I said this yesterday when Israel’s President Netanyahu basically called the U.N. to the carpet; that this would lead to Military action in Iran. It appears that I might be actually right.  There are some that are saying that the sanctions will not work. Well, let me assure you; sanctions are just the first step. I look for this to ratcheted up to a full bore; either you all drop the nukes, or we bomb the piss out of you; type of a matter ——  in a matter of weeks.

President Obama might have a great deal of flaws, but enjoying being lied to, is not one of them; and with Russia and many others on board, I believe Iran will either do one of two things. They will either back down and dismantle this new site and do some major ass kissing to the international community. If not that; Iran will dig its heels in and remain defiant, and keep on producing the nukes. I can tell you, right now that those actions will prove to be fetal to the people of Iraq; because Israel is highly pissed, and the rest of the G20 gang are quite ticked as well.

Iran may have very well played its last hand at deception with the rest of the world.

Others Covering: The Daily Dish, ArmsControlWonk, Weekly Standard, Conservative DallasPajamas Media, Reuters, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Israel Matzav, , FP PassportThe New RepublicQandO,, Atlas Shrugs,, Below The BeltwaySweetness & Light, Stop The ACLU, Flopping Aces, Taylor Marsh, TalkLeft, Shakesville and The Confluence, Shadow Government, The Strata-Sphere, National Review Online, The Greenroom, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Outside The Beltway, Wake up America Sister Toldjah, Pajamas Media, GOP 12, Media Blog on National …, Fox News, Hot Air

Israel’s Netanyahu draws the line in the sand

I am going to be completely honest; I am not a rabid Zionist. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But this speech here, was damned good.

Here it is in all four parts: (H/T

I am going to make a prediction. I am not trying to scare anybody; but, if Israel is not involved in some sort of military action against Iran by this time next year. I will be totally shocked. Basically, Netanyahu drew the line in the sand; and basically told the U.N. that either they were with Israel or against them. I have said on here many times before; that I support a two state solution. But I also know that the terrorist element has prevented that from happening. I believe Israel is basically letting the international community know, that they are not going to tolerate anymore of Iran’s nonsense; and will be using military force if need be. —- With or without America’s support.

Netanyahu also chastised the people at the U.N. assembly for even listening to Iran’s President. Something that I happen to agree with; the man is a nutcase and I believe it does send a message of support. He also brought up a resolution that the U.N. passed in the 1970’s that basically said that Zionism was basically racism. I swear; I had zero clue about that one.  But if that is the case; I can see full well now why Conservatives HATE the U.N. and I cannot say that I disagree with that. I mean, Zionism, racist? Oh Brother! Can someone please explain to me; why the U.N. believes that those who are descendants of the land of Israel; a land given to them by the Lord God Almighty, who desire to have their own homeland, are racist? I just do not get that at all. But then again, I do not get most socialist liberals and their various kinds of blatant stupidity. Then again, I have no clue why Arabs would want to worship a man who was a known pedophile and follow a religion in which a “moon god” is worshiped. Yeah, I know what just wrote was offensive; but the last time I checked, no Baptists that I know, have tried crashing planes into buildings.

Anyhow, the speech was a ground breaker and I believe is the precursor of things to come. My advice to all Christians who read this blog; get your house in order. Because things are beginning to shape up for the end times.