Bombing in Iran kills Commerce Deputy of Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Site


The magnetic bomb which was planted by an unknown motorcyclist under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, a professor at Tehran’s technical university, also wounded two other Iranian nationals in Seyed Khandan neighborhood in Northern Tehran.

Ahmadi Roshan, 32, was a graduate of oil industry university and a deputy director of Natanz uranium enrichment facility for commercial affairs.

No more details have been revealed about the blast.— Fars News Agency :: Terrorists Kill Commerce Deputy of Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Site

Mossad? CIA?  (sarcasm of course…)

It is to wonder.

Whomever it is…. keep it up! 

Others:   YID With LID and Israel Matzav

I respect Ron Paul and all, But…..

This is one of the stupidest things, that I have ever seen come out of Ron Paul’s camp:

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – Ron Paul tonight scored an historic second-place victory in the 2012 New Hampshire Primary. Below please find comments from National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton:

“Ron Paul tonight had an incredibly strong second-place finish in New Hampshire and has stunned the national media and political establishment.

“When added to Paul’s top-tier showing in Iowa, it’s clear he is the sole Republican candidate who can take on and defeat both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.

“The race is becoming more clearly a two-man race between establishment candidate Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, the candidate of authentic change. That means there is only one true conservative choice.

“Ron Paul has won more votes in Iowa and New Hampshire than any candidate but Mitt Romney.

“Ron Paul and Mitt Romney have been shown in national polls to be the only two candidates who can defeat Barack Obama.

“And Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are the only two candidates who can run a full, national campaign, competing in state after state over the coming weeks and months. Ron Paul’s fundraising numbers — over $13 million this quarter — also prove he will be able to compete with Mitt Romney. No other candidate can do all of these things.

“Ron Paul is clearly the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney as the campaign goes forward.

“We urge Ron Paul’s opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul’s candidacy.

“Ron Paul has the boldest plan to cut spending, a dedication to protecting life, and a lifelong dedication to the Constitution and limited government. He also has the necessary support to campaign nationwide against Mitt Romney.

“Our campaign is already planning ahead for South Carolina, Florida, and beyond. Soon Ron Paul will head to South Carolina to begin a feverish round of campaigning.

“Ron Paul is in this race for the long haul. And he is ready to fight.

“See you on the campaign trail.” — Ron Paul To Everyone But Mitt: Drop Out

I respect the man and all; However, I do not respect his newsletters, neither do I respect his tin-foil hat crap that he and his supports are known for; especially when it comes to 9/11. I also do not have any use for his foreign policy, which I feel is worse than Rick Santorum’s Wilsonian foreign policy.

In other words, the man has no business being President.

Others: Hit & Run, Bloomberg, The Politico, The Other McCain, The Daily Dish, Outside the Beltway, The Gateway Pundit, Questions and Observations, Shakesville, ThinkProgress, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Pirate’s Cove, American Spectator, CNN, Associated Press, The Atlantic Online, Mediaite, Flopping Aces, Ballot Box and Gallup

Here is a good reason why I will be voting Republican in 2012

This is very scary…:

In his remarks, Genachowski said the program has been successful, but has also been plagued with problems of accountability and efficiency. Multiple service providers are often supplying Lifeline subsidies to the same households, he said, because there is no centralized system. To address the issue, Genachowski said, the draft proposal creates a national database of Lifeline users to prevent duplicative billing. It also sets a budget for Lifeline aimed at connecting eligible consumers while staying within budget, and requires that participating companies be subject to independent audits every two years. — via FCC’s Genachowski proposes broadband reform – Post Tech – The Washington Post

National Database of internet users? Yeesh. 🙁 The Democratic Party has gone mad. Go read, that whole thing. I will say this; that low income thing is a crock; if they do it for them, they will do it for everyone. This is why we have to win in 2012 and further more, Why we also have to pick a real Conservative and not some idiotic Rockerfeller big-goverment Republican. Which is why I do not quite understand why people like Michelle Malkin get upset over the back and forth that is going on.

The Republican grassroots and the Conservative grassroots; which does include me — needs to know what they are getting this time. The last time around, everyone just followed behind what the Republican establishment gave them. Not this time; we are better informed, and thanks to twitter, facebook and blogs, we communicate better. Which is why elitists like President Barack Obama hate the internet so much. To be fair, I would be willing to bet some Republicans dislike it too.

(H/T Drudge)

This is why illegal immigration bothers me

Via Preston Wright on Facebook:

The American Militia’s website

New Ron Paul ad dings Santorum in SC



I wonder what Jesse Vantura would say about that? I mean, after all, he does support Ron Paul. Not only that, but Ron Paul has a lot of damned nerve even bringing up betrayal; considering the fact that Ron Paul has repeatedly betrayed the United States Military of which he served. All so he can remain true to his leftist ideology of isolationist utopia and foriegn policy disenguagement. Here is hoping that Rick Santorum fires back and fires back hard on this point. Not only that, I also hope Rick Santorum brings up his racist and Anti Semitic friends too.

Others: : National Review,, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERSAmerican Power  (via Memeorandum)

Kudos to Joe Scarborough

Two Cheers to Joe Scarborough for putting this liberal’s feet to the fire! (H/T to Jazz Shaw)

Via Mediaite:


In a remarkably heated back-and-forth on Friday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough grilled MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson over his controversial comments — calling Rick Santorum‘s handling of the death of his newborn “weird.”

“Do you think you may have gone overboard a little bit in your criticisms of Santorum?” Scarborough asked. “We haven’t talked about it. I’m not setting you up for anything. I was taken aback by what you said. My wife likes you very much, couldn’t believe you said it.”

“That was obviously not the right way to say what I was trying to express,” Robinson acknowledged.

“I certainly didn’t mean to offend anybody, especially Mr. Santorum,” Robinson added. “But it was in a discussion of his views, and, you know, which I consider extreme, and Santorum himself who is a cultural — culture warrior extraordinaire, whose faith — and we all appreciate someone of deep faith — but it is — it is extremely deep, and it’s a kind of faith that some people, I think, are going be… if not surprised by… at least want to know more about.”…

“It is a personal decision,” Robinson noted. “And I’ve certainly been educated on the subject since — in the past day, so I do understand that — that this is not — it’s not something that’s in any way beyond the pale or considered inadvisable and that many grief counselors do advise a period of saying good-bye to a child who tragically dies in that way.”…

“Do you wish you hadn’t said it?” Scarborough clarified. “You can see how prepared I am.”

“I wish I hadn’t said it that way, Joe. You know, I — we had — had this sort of discussion when I wrote about Chris Christie‘s weight, and I do think that a columnist has an obligation to — to write what he or she thinks and write what he or she sees, but obviously I did it in the wrong way. Or in a way that rubs people the wrong way, and that’s not what I intended.”


I think that it is good for Joe for to put Mr. Roberson through the wringer for his rather idiotic comment.  What was said by this douche-nozzle and Alan Colmes was over the top and out of bounds.  Just to put this very simply, if we are going to have a standard — that all President’s and Presidential candidates children are off-limits, we have to hold everyone and I do mean everyone to that standard.  This is not about Freedom of Speech, this about what is morally right.  I do not give two flying figs about ANY of the Presidential candidate’s children at all.  Just like, I do not care about Obama’s children.  What makes this little incident here, along with the previous one so insidious is this — Liberals are slamming a man — who chose to take his dead child home, so that the he and his family could grieve over him.

Also too, as much as I hate having to do this — But I must — could you even remotely imagine the howls of outrage from the left, if someone on the right — anywhere on the right — had made a similar comment about Obama’s kids or any other Democrat’s kids — of this sort of a nature?  The outrage from the liberal community, the black community, and the chattering class would be deafening.  However, because this is a liberal black man popping off about a white Conservative, it is seen as just perfectly fine.  How ironic is that in the so-called post-racial America?  I also find it quite ironic that the left has been largely silent about both of these people making these comments.  There are exceptions, but for the most part, the silence is deafening. Maybe it is because they see children or in this case — babies as an unneeded inconvenience or maybe it is because they are afraid of offending their “Dear Leader.”  Either way, it speaks too, in this writer’s opinion, of the moral decay that has taken over that once great party.

Noted Anti-Semite Tom Boggioni belches forth Anti-Christian and Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Go Read

He also spews forth more of his Bush derangement syndrome.

To see his Antisemitism on full display, read here.

I still do not understand why this Jane allows this douche-nozzle to write on that blog of hers.

Mussolini would be proud.

Update: Think that is bad? Check out Tom’s unflattering picture and racist painting of one the Bush Administration’s most hated staff member. I tend to believe that the reason that he gets away this sort of stuff Is because, 1. He is a liberal and 2. He is a minority himself. Proving my theory that not only white people can be racists.


As of now, I have zero respect for Jesse Ventura

Because of this: (H/T HotAir)


You want to know what a Ron Paul supporter acts like, want to know their mentality? Play the video.

This, my friends, is why I despise Ron Paul. Military or no Military; Ventura is a lying scumball.

More sectarian violence in Iraq

This is what happens when you invade a Country based on bad information. This is also what happens when you let the proverbial “Genie out of the bottle.”

BAGHDAD — Insurgents unleashed a fierce string of bombings against Iraq’s Shiites on Thursday, attacking pilgrims marching through the desert and neighborhoods in Baghdad in an attempt to stir sectarian violence amid a political crisis that has brought the government to a halt.

At least 60 people died in the attacks and at least 138 wounded, security officials said, in the second devastating and apparently coordinated attack in Iraq in less than a month.

No group claimed responsibility for the attacks but they appeared similar to ones conducted by Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Sunni insurgent group that has tried to plunge the country back to the brink of civil war by pitting the country’s sectarian groups against each other.— Attacks on Shiites in Iraq Kill More Than 50 –

I don’t claim to be an expert in this department, but I see us going back there within a year or so.


Since when do we have to ask to defend ourselves?

This strikes me as rather odd.

Video 1:

Video 2: (Via HuffPo )

The Story:

(CNN) — Home alone with her 3-month-old son, Sarah Dawn McKinley of Blanchard, Oklahoma, said she decided to make a stand when two men tried to break into her home on New Year’s Eve.

McKinley, who had been widowed less than a week before, placed a couch in front of one door and went to the bedroom and put a bottle in her baby’s mouth before calling 911, she said on HLN’s “Dr. Drew” on Wednesday.

A 911 operator calmly spoke with McKinley, who asked if it was permissible to shoot an intruder, officials said.

“I’ve got two guns in my hand. Is it OK to shoot him if he comes in this door?” asked McKinley, 18.

“Well, you have to do whatever you can do to protect yourself,” dispatcher Diane Graham responded. “I can’t tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.” — Via Oklahoma mom calling 911 asks if shooting an intruder is allowed –


My friends, my question to you is simple this; since when, do we as Americans, who are guaranteed the right to own a gun to defend ourselves against such things, as presented in this story — ask for permission to defend ourselves from the Government?  This is not a criticism of this woman at all, but of the mentality of the Government must make all decisions for us.  Whatever happened to telling a 9/11 operator, “I am going to kill this idiot and I hope you got plenty of body bags, because when I get done, y’all going to need a few.”  Whatever happened to mentality of doing for yourself, and not waiting the Government to do your work for you?

It is a sad state of affairs in this Country, when its own citizens are too scared to defend themselves and feel the need to have to ask the Government for permission to do so.  This is what happens, when progressives are allowed to govern, control our media and our schools.

No American citizen, at any point, should ever have to ask permission to defend his or her personal property.  This is not a mentality of a free American citizen, this is a mentality of a slave to Government, and it is what the progressives promote — in their media, in the schools — everywhere.

My hat goes off to this young woman, for having the courage to defend herself, when it counted most.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, Rod Dreher, The Raw Story and Jammie Wearing Fools

Update: Vote this story up over on Reddit for me please. Thanks!

Update #2: AllahPundit seems to like this story too. But, of course, misses the bigger point.