Disagreeing with Jeff Goldstein…..sort of

I happen to respect Jeff’s opinion, alot. He might not want to hear that; but the guy has chops when it comes to writing.

Anyhow, a bit of nitpicking here:

Just watched the debate. Not sure why people are saying Romney won so convincingly. Obama, with few exceptions, bullshitted his way through things just fine. And Romney too often sounded like a me-too statist.

Objectively, Romney won on the points and particulars, and he had several strong moments. Clearly, he’s not the leftist Obama is — though he’s still a statist. That’s a net positive, should he win election.

via First debate reactions: non-live viewer | protein wisdom.

My comments on the “statist” bit. If Jeff is referring to the, “Let’s save and/or shore up Social Security and Medicare” sort of a Statist; then yes, I would say, yes, Romney is one of those. But then again, so is the entire GOP. Because hell, a good 75 percent of their base is in that category. Now if Jeff is referring to the “Government and Private Industry Partnerships” type of a statist, I believe he would be wrong about that.

Although, I would like to see Romney’s position on Government subsidies to corporate farms and oil companies. Personally, I believe those have to go, as they put small time farmers under the gun and create an unfair environment for them. As for the oil companies, they make enough money; why should they get handouts from the Government? But that is just my populist roots, intertwined with my libertarianism shining through. I am all for capitalism, but I am not for Government picking winners and losers in the business industry at all.

On a related matter; Last night I happened to notice someone praising Romney’s performance —- Patrick J. Buchanan. I nearly fell out of my chair, when I saw him singing the praises of Romney’s performance. This is the same Patrick J. Buchanan that believes that the “Neoconservatives’ are the redheaded stepchildren of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement. To be fair, Pat’s sister Bay Buchanan is on Romney’s team, so that *might* have something to do with it. Although, you most likely could not prove it in court.

You have to know Willard’s on to something, when Bill Kristol AND Pat Buchanan are BOTH saying that Romney spanked Obama’s  butt and won the debate. If those two polar opposites in Republicanism and Conservatism agree; Romney is definitely onto something and here is hoping that he does keep it up.

Reuters: Private Sector adds 162,000 new jobs

An interesting report from Reuters:

(Reuters) – Private employers added 162,000 jobs in September, topping economists’ expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 143,000 jobs.

August’s private payrolls were revised down to an increase of 189,000 from the previously reported 201,000.

If the best that the economists are shooting for is 150-160K jobs per month; that is setting the bar awful low.

What happened to all the jobs that were supposed to be created by the President’s stimulus program?  I thought that when a Democrat was elected into the White House that all of the World’s problems would end for everyone? That the oceans would rise and the World would come together as one?

I guess not. 🙄

Anyone that votes for this President again, is a dad-blasted idiot. I mean, what the hell has he honestly done for the unemployed in this Country? I mean, the only people who have made out like bandits, and I do mean quite literally there; are the damned unions and special interest groups. (READ: Minorities, Green Energy and the like…)

It is a damned disgrace; which is why I am casting my lot with Romney. Neoconservative or not, I am voting for him. Because we can do better than this nimrod who is in there now.

Hope and Change, my fat white ass! 😡



One of them bitter-clingers from Tennessee posts his love for Guns on facebook, Liberals pee themselves

Yes, that title is supposed to be ironic and kind of funny too.

It seems that a young man running for Congress for the State of Tennessee is in hot water with the liberal left.

The Video:

WKRN, Nashville News, Nashville Weather and Sports

The story via WKRN in Nashville:

Republican U.S. Congressional candidate Brad Staats continues to defend a controversial Facebook post.

Brad Staats posted a picture of a handgun along with the statement, “Many people keep asking me about my opinion on Second Amendment rights. Apparently Tennesseans are part of that crazy crowd that Obama says cling to their religion and guns. Well then I must be part of that crazy crowd. Here is something that I usually have with me. Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama where we appreciate our [Second] Amendment rights and the constitution that was wisely given to us by our founding fathers.”

At a Lipscomb University event on Monday night, Staats told Nashville’s News 2, “I’m going to say what I mean and mean what I say and I want Tennesseans and Americans to know that I’m not going to back up on what I say.”

Staats said the Facebook post was never meant to be an attack on the president but it is in reference to the recently passed U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

“I do want President Obama to know as well as the rest of Congress and everyone else regarding our constitutional, rights don’t tread on America’s constitution,” said Staats. “I think that your liberties, your life can be defended by the proper instructed use of a handgun.”

Staats said his strong stance on handguns stems from his mother’s own personal experience.

He said, “She would have either been raped or murdered had she not had a handgun in her car she actually got ran off a road and it was obvious she was getting ready to be assailed.”

It is a fair defense and I would have done the same damned thing. There was no threat implied at all; this is a tactic of the liberal left and yes, the Neoconservative right (AKA FAKE!) does the same damned thing too. They call threat, anytime someone posts a pic of a gun or other related matter and the name Obama. It is a disgrace and when this stuff happens the first amendment is being trampled upon. How many times did people have signs saying “Kill Bush?” Plenty.

So, this whole thing is a bad joke and the liberal left knows it. They say “But, oh! He’s black!” I got one thing to say about all that: Big ‘effin’ deal. The truth is, the President has more security around him, than Bush ever did, so the chances of him being shot and killed is slim to none. Unless someone seriously screws up at the secret service, which will never happen.

For your reading pleasure: Here is a roundup of idiot liberals who are saying that this evil bitter-clinger ought to be in prison for blaspheming the might “one” who came in the name of progressivism:

The Raw StoryTennessean.comtheGrioAlan Colmes’ Liberaland,Crooks and Liars and Gawker

Videos: Liberal rag Mother Jones delivers another nothing-burger on Mitt Romney, this time, on Israel and the middle east

Here we go again, a follow-up to the earlier nothing-burger that the liberals seem to believe will destroy Mitt Romney. Here comes another nothing-burger.

Via liberal rag Mother Jones:

On the Middle East Conflict:


I’m torn by two perspectives in this regard. One is the one which I’ve had for some time, which is that the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish. Now why do I say that? Some might say, well, let’s let the Palestinians have the West Bank, and have security, and set up a separate nation for the Palestinians. And then come a couple of thorny questions. And I don’t have a map here to look at the geography, but the border between Israel and the West Bank is obviously right there, right next to Tel Aviv, which is the financial capital, the industrial capital of Israel, the center of Israel. It’s—what the border would be? Maybe seven miles from Tel Aviv to what would be the West Bank…The other side of the West Bank, the other side of what would be this new Palestinian state would either be Syria at one point, or Jordan. And of course the Iranians would want to do through the West Bank exactly what they did through Lebanon, what they did near Gaza. Which is that the Iranians would want to bring missiles and armament into the West Bank and potentially threaten Israel. So Israel of course would have to say, “That can’t happen. We’ve got to keep the Iranians from bringing weaponry into the West Bank.” Well, that means that—who? The Israelis are going to patrol the border between Jordan, Syria, and this new Palestinian nation? Well, the Palestinians would say, “Uh, no way! We’re an independent country. You can’t, you know, guard our border with other Arab nations.” And now how about the airport? How about flying into this Palestinian nation? Are we gonna allow military aircraft to come in and weaponry to come in? And if not, who’s going to keep it from coming in? Well, the Israelis. Well, the Palestinians are gonna say, “We’re not an independent nation if Israel is able to come in and tell us what can land in our airport.” These are problems—these are very hard to solve, all right? And I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say, “There’s just no way.” And so what you do is you say, “You move things along the best way you can.” You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem. We live with that in China and Taiwan. All right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. We don’t go to war to try and resolve it imminently. On the other hand, I got a call from a former secretary of state. I won’t mention which one it was, but this individual said to me, you know, I think there’s a prospect for a settlement between the Palestinians and the Israelis after the Palestinian elections. I said, “Really?” And, you know, his answer was, “Yes, I think there’s some prospect.” And I didn’t delve into it.

He is speaking the truth here. The Palestinians do NOT want a two-State solution. They want Israel pushed into the sea. They have said this a thousand times. Besides that, that land is Israel’s land, it says that in the Bible and that should be the end of the discussion; as for as this writer is concerned.

On Iraq and Nukes:


If I were Iran, if I were Iran—a crazed fanatic, I’d say let’s get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we’ll just say, “Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we’re going to let off a dirty bomb.” I mean this is where we have—where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we really don’t have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.

This is a classic foreign policy position that President himself also supports. In the case of Iran, it is totally warranted.

The president’s foreign policy, in my opinion, is formed in part by a perception he has that his magnetism, and his charm, and his persuasiveness is so compelling that he can sit down with people like Putin and Chávez and Ahmadinejad, and that they’ll find that we’re such wonderful people that they’ll go on with us, and they’ll stop doing bad things. And it’s an extraordinarily naive perception.

Again, this is true; the recent events have proven that many times over.

Once again, Mother Jones has proven itself incapable of bringing any sort of “real” dirt out on Governor Romney. The only thing that they have; is the Governor speaking honestly about President Obama, his foreign policy and Israel. Now it seems that Mother Jones is now focusing on the private life of the person that hosted the fundraiser. This very thing, ought to show you what it is, that we are dealing with here.

It is called desperation.

Video: Michelle Malkin to White House: These optics suck White House!


A few questions from a Non-Wilsonian Conservative:

  1. Where was all this outrage when it was discovered that President George W. Bush invaded Iraq based upon bad information from Germany?
  2. Does Malkin realize that the entire “Arab Spring” was started, when Bush invaded Iraq? Best thing that people like her can say in response is, “Blame Bush, Blame Bush….” Well, in this case, his blame is due.

Now, do not misunderstand me here. This is a huge blunder by the White House, and the fallout is getting worse by the minute. I mean, now several Christian Colleges are now being threatened.  However, I believe to pin the blame entirely on the Obama Administration is cheap political theater really.

As for Romney, I believe the media is making hay over that issue, a bit too much. But, he did jump the gun too quickly, I believe.

Furthermore, as a Non-Wilsonian Conservative, I say the following:

  1. This is nothing more than living proof, that the United States of America needs to get the hell out of United Nations and order them out of this Country.
  2. This is living proof that the United States needs to close these idiotic embassies in these Countries that are not necessarily friendly to the United States, and stop having American forces, of any sort, in those Countries.
  3. This is proof that Islam is not a peaceful Religion or political philosophy, and as I wrote before, should be banned in the United States and those that practice it, should be given two choices; convert or leave.
  4. This, if anything, should be proof that, as noted for a long time, by Anti-Jihadi bloggers for years; that the attacks on 9/11 were a declaration of a Religious War between the Judeo-Christian values of the west and of the United States and the backward Islāmic values of the middle east. These attacks this week are a continuation of that War.  Now, if we do pull out, will that war stop? Most likely not. But, I believe that they will subside and the parties will begin fighting one another. Furthermore, if they attack the US on our soil, then we will have a legit excuse for War. Right now, we do not. We are in their lands.

In closing: I want it to be clear, this is not just a posting to knee-cap Michelle Malkin. But it is rather my personal take on what some on the right are saying about this whole thing. I realize it is an election year and all. But, we should not allow ourselves to be duped into blaming one person or President Administration for the events of the past week.

The truth is that what is happening now in the middle east is a result of many years of Wilsonian stupidity from many Presidential Administrations and an utter failure by many in Government that Islam is just incompatible with western values, constitutional freedoms and general social decency.

This is a very important lesson, and the quicker that those in our Government and Governments to come figure this out, the better things will be for this Country.

(via Urban Grounds)

My Thoughts on the situation in Egypt and Libya

I remember seeing this news breaking early this morning, before I finally drifted off to sleep. I remember thinking to myself, “oh crap…” and thinking, here we go again, another situation in the middle east.

At first, I heard it was over a lamely produced Movie trailer, which was produced by someone claiming to be a Israeli Jew — who might not even be a Jew after all; then I hear it might be a coordinated attack in retaliation over the number 2 of Al-Qaeda’s being killed.

Meanwhile, an couple of Americans are dead today. Their bodies being drug through the streets in some God-forsaken Country. What does our President do? Act like some aloof jackass, who cannot be bothered with the situation.  As for Romney, he takes advantage of the Situation and points out that this President’s foreign policy has been a utter failure. In response, the media tries to portray Mitt Romney as not ready for Prime time. A typical tactic that was used on John McCain as well.  Not to mention the fact that the media is coordinating to try to tear down Romney in this election.

I could sit here and yowl on about this shows that America and Judeo-Christian Values are under attack by Islam and Muslims.  However, I believe most of you, that read this blog already know this. Whatever the cause of these American Embassies being attacked, it is a tragic thing.

However, as a Non-Wilsonian Conservative, allow me to float this idea. Could this be a piece of living, in color, proof that the United States of America ought to just withdraw from these Countries and not have American Embassies in those Country? Perhaps that this is one of the signs that America needs to stop kowtowing down to the United Nations and stop trying to be the world’s policeman. Perhaps we should stop getting involved in the affairs of other Nations. Perhaps we should being to restrict our immigration polices more and stop allowing a free flow of Muslims into this Country.

Perhaps we as a Nation need to take a second look at the practice of Islam and how it is intolerant to other Religion and to criticism; and possibly pass laws banning the Religion in this Country, on grounds it is threat to Nation security.  After all, this attack happened one day after the 11 year anniversary of the terrorist attacks in NYC and at the Pentagon, and Shakesville, Pa.

Again, is it wrong to ask such questions? I am not hating on any religion of any sort. I am looking at the protection of our Republic and all I really know, is that foreign citizens have killed Americans working abroad; this is unacceptable and something needs to be done. However, with the current leadership in the White House, nothing will be done, at all. Yes, I know, Military has been dispatched;  at this point, that is nothing more than window dressing and buttocks covering by the White House. The truth is, that once again, leadership in the White House has failed us.

This is why we must vote differently, come November.

Poll by The Hill says that 52 percent say that Nation is worse off and Obama does not deserve reelection

This is not much of s surprise at all, after all; Obama basically conceded defeat on the economy, of which Romney reminded everyone.


A majority of voters believe the country is worse off today than it was four years ago and that President Obama does not deserve reelection, according to a new poll for The Hill.

Fifty-two percent of likely voters say the nation is in “worse condition” now than in September 2008, while 54 percent say Obama does not deserve reelection based solely on his job performance.

Only 31 percent of voters believe the nation is in “better condition,” while 15 percent say it is “about the same,” the poll found. Just 40 percent of voters said Obama deserves reelection.

via Hill Poll: Voters say second term undeserved, country is worse off – The Hill – covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com.

I remember back when Obama was trying to pass healthcare. I remember thinking at the time; “Why is he doing this? Why isn’t he trying to fix the economy first?” I also remember thinking, if he does this backwards like this, he is going to lose the people. Sure enough, I was right. Now, as a Conservative; I know darned well, that the President cannot actually fix the economy. However, what a President can do is create a climate of confidence, that will make small business owners want to hire people. Like reducing taxes, removing unnecessary red tape and regulations.

Another reason why Obama has ruined the business climate in America is because of spending.  Now this is where I go off yowling and sounding like a Ron Paul follower, which I am really not; but the guy does have a point about this subject. I will explain it again for the 500’th time. When America spends money, it usually means that it prints more money, so that it can spend it. What this does is devalue our currency, when the currency is devalued, it costs more to buy products. This is called inflation, it was a problem in the 1970’s and it is now a problem again. To it’s credit, the United States brought it’s inflation problem under control in the 1980’s and because of that, the 1980’s was a time a great prosperity in this Country, this continued into the 1990’s as well.

Then the spending started again, under Clinton, and then, under Bush and now again under Obama. This is why we are in the spot that we are in, is because of the reckless spending by the Bush Administration on wars and also because of the Obama Administration’s strange idea that you can spend yourself out of a recession, which is quite idiotic.

Again, this is why that there are no jobs. Because when the Government spends, it puts the private sector at disadvantage. Now, if you are a Marxist and believe that the Government is the end all for everything, you like this. However, if you are a person that believes in limited Government, and that capitalism and private industry is the backbone of America; this, to you, is a very bad thing.

Another thing too, and I mentioned this earlier in my piece and that is taxes. It is my understanding that businesses taxes under Obama have increased.  No matter what form that they might take, tax increases on businesses of any sort, small, large, medium —whatever, are a death knell to business growth. It only stands to reason that if a business owner is going to have to pay more taxes, that he is not going to be able to hire that extra employee. This is just common sense.

Which is something that is sorely lacking in the Democratic Party these days.

Blogger Roundup:  Michelle Malkin,  Hot AirPirate’s CoveRiehl World NewsWake up America,americanthinker.comWeasel ZippersThe Moderate VoiceOutside the BeltwayThe Rightnewz,UrbanGroundsGOP 12Datechguy’s BlogGrim’s HallPoliticoThe Other McCain and Jammie Wearing Fools (via Memeorandum)

Irony of the Day

Oh the Irony here!

It seems that Jonathan S. Tobin, is not too happy that someone dared to tip a sacred now and actually write something critical of Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Check it out, the first paragraph:

There is a longstanding tradition on the political left to attack contemporary conservatives by comparing them to the right’s leaders in the past. That means that Republicans who were reviled by liberals during their lifetimes are sometimes treated kindly in retrospect because it serves the political purpose of diminishing the reputations of their successors. But in some precincts of the left, bashing Ronald Reagan never goes out of style.

via Smearing Reagan Never Goes Out of Style « Commentary Magazine.

Here is where the irony is at, this Magazine will go out of its way to defend Ronald Reagan; but has absolutely no problem smearing Ron Paul at all.  However, considering whom this magazine caters to, this should not be a great surprise at all. However, the irony is not lost, not on this American Conservative. Again, let me clear; Ron Paul was not perfect and no saint, not in the least. However, when one posts complaints of smearing, when one’s publication smears a true-American patriot; one must be held accountable for those actions.

Not to mention, it is quite funny to point out. 😆



Karl Rove is making friends as always

Yes, the title is sarcastic in nature. It seems that old “turd blossom” is causing Conservatives to lose their minds again.

Phyllis Schlafly and Mike Huckabee are not happy with him at all.

It seems that Rove made a very crass joke about Todd Akin, who did make a bit of an idiotic statement about rape. Anyhow, Schlafly is not happy at all, from her Eagle Forum blog:

Karl Rove has made himself toxic to Republicans by his incredibly offensive and dangerous statement suggesting the murder of Congressman Todd Akin of Missouri. Any candidate or network who hires Rove will now be tarnished with this most malicious remark ever made in Republican politics.

Just imagine if someone had made that statement about Barack Obama. The Secret Service would go on Red Alert and you can bet that the author of that remark would be in jail by now. As quoted by a Businessweek reporter and now on the internet, Rove in Tampa told some 70 big donors to his Super PAC, American Crossroads, that every attendee should apply pressure to “sink Todd Akin” and force him out of the Senate race for which Missourians had nominated him. Then Rove said that if Akin were “found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts.”

This stunning attack on Akin is now reported as a joke. Sorry, Karl, it isn’t funny to joke about murdering a Congressman.

Rove has disliked Akin ever since Akin was one of the principled members of the U.S. House who voted against George W. Bush’s extravagant expansion of Medicare when the vote was called at 5:53 am in November 2003. Akin is a man of principle who doesn’t cave in to political pressure, so he’s not Rove’s kind of politician.

Rove tried to excuse his obscene joke by saying he would not have said it if he had known a reporter was in the room. That makes his statement worse! Is murder the kind of secret political advice Rove gives to Republican donors and candidates who hire him?

A private phone call by Rove to Akin to sort of apologize does not erase the public offense. At the very least Rove should make a public apology. But even that can’t wipe out his gross political mistake.

Karl Rove is an embarrassment to the Republican Party. We don’t want any more of his advice in secret briefings or publicly on Fox News. Missourians don’t want politicians from other states telling us who to run for the Senate.

Ouch. Now before any dismisses her as some angry old bitty, Schlafly happens to be one the very “old school” Pre-Reagan-era Conservatives. She goes back to the Barry Goldwater era and she does carry some influence in the Republican Party.

Even Mike Huckabee was not to happy with it either, while not as harsh as Schlafly, he also spoke out against Rove’s remarks:

If making a foolish remark about rape is bad, then making a joke about a United States Congressman being murdered is as bad or worse since Akin didn’t wish anyone to be raped, just spoke awkwardly and incorrectly about the likelihood of pregnancy in the event of a rape. In light of the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, the remark was disturbing.


….Todd erred, apologized, and we need to help him win, not convince ourselves he can’t. Karl erred, apologized, and we need to treat him in the way we want Todd Akin to be treated. If Todd is continued to be alienated and Karl doesn’t suffer the same fate, then I will encourage all the activists I can to spend all their time, money, and effort in Missouri. If the party doesn’t want us, then I guess they don’t need us. Akin will. Janet and I are sending him the maximum we can under federal law.

To me, there is nothing more awesome, than watching the Conservative grassroots stand up to the Republican Party establishment. Especially, people like Karl Rove; who is the perfect example of what was wrong with the Republican Party between 2000 and 2008.  The sad thing is, that there are indications that the Republican Party might be making the same mistakes again. I would hope that this would not be the case; but it does look that way.

I will say this, if the Republican Party and Mitt Romney do go the way of big Government Conservatism again; this blogger will be there, fighting them every step of the way. I will write about it here on this blog. I will not let them get away with it, you can count on that.


Video: Alex Jones on Ron Paul’s campaign manager

I happened to have found this on Facebook.

I know what I said earlier about Ron Paul.

Alex Jones’s delivery and acting aside; the information is interesting.

Watch it:


I had heard about this before, but didn’t realize the extent of it.

Interesting indeed.