UPDATED — Memo to Megan McArdle: No, No and No.


Megan McArdle the Libertarian Party’s version of Ann Coulter, a privileged white woman, who grew up in a wealthy family; and has the narrow world view to show for it. Thinks that the only way for the GOP to be able to win election, is by becoming more like the Libertarian Party. Here are some snippets from her so-called advice for the GOP:

I think the obvious place to start is with immigration reform.  Increase the number of visas available.  Explore guest-worker programs.  Establish a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who were brought here as children and have never known any other home.  This not only gives the GOP a shot at the Latino vote, but also softens their image in the eyes of the professional class, who might be willing to give the party another look if it didn’t seem so committed to deporting poorer, darker skinned people who just want a shot at picking fruit, trimming lawns, and cleaning houses. 

The GOP would also help itself with those people by embracing gay marriage.  To be sure, this might cause them some problems with the evangelical base whose organizing support is crucial to Republican get-out-the-vote efforts.  But the GOP could assuage that tension by promulgating a hard-core, Republican version of gay and straight marriage.  That’s why they should pair it with making marriage mandatory, and eliminating no-fault divorce.  The message should be that if everyone can get married, then there’s no really excuse not to be.   Oh, I know, the divorce changes might cause friction with the kind of Republicans who go through wives the way other men go through undershirts, but this seems like a small price to pay for a shot at the 1-3% of the electorate that is eligible for gay marriage.


For example, they need to stop the demented focus on tax cuts, and start putting their energy into closing the budget deficit.  Their first step should be a revenue-raising tax simplification.  Polls show that Americans care about the deficit, and of course, so will markets if we don’t do anything about it.  So eliminate the corporate income tax, and tax capital gains and dividends as ordinary income.  Get rid of all the tax deductions: charitable donations, mortgage interest, child tax credit, subsidies for buying Priuses and installing insulation in your house.  Add in a hefty carbon tax to curb the negative externalities of our out-of-control carbon emissions.


This is also the time that Republicans need to really rethink Social Security: means testing benefits for the very richest recipients, like Warren Buffett; reducing the disincentives to work, like the fact that benefits are taxed at a higher rate if you have other income; raising the retirement age for everyone.  This may encounter some resistance from the AARP, but the GOP should counter the way Paul Ryan did with his innovative Medicare plan, saying that this is not about cutting benefits, but about ensuring that the program is still there for future generations. 


And they can seal the deal by embracing drug legalization.  This country’s drug laws are a moral outrage, an economic disaster for poor neighborhoods, and a major factor in the very expensive growth of the mass incarceration state. The passage of marijuana legalization initiatives in two states shows that this can be a winning issue if it’s handled right.  The GOP should be leading, not following.  Tell the youth of America that at last, there’s someone willing to support their constitutional right to get high.  It’s no longer necessary to fight for your right to party.  The Party will do it for you.


So, yes, the GOP should try to expand it’s base, by becoming the Democratic Party-lite and try to emulate the Libertarian Party’s idiotic position on open borders, pander to the faggots, raise taxes on the wealthy, give dope to the pothead. Rolling EyesLoser

…..And this blonde-headed dingle berry bitch gets paid to write this stuff? Just who the hell does she think she’s kidding? I have never been a big fan of Mark Levin, I have always found his voice to be annoying, and plus, he is a protected minority, which is why he gets away with what he does. But, in this case; he is absolutely correct. All of this blather above, is just nothing more than moderate B.S. that is touted by people who want the GOP to be popular, like the Democratic Party. Which will never happen, because the liberal controlled media will never allow that to happen at all. Plus too, the Democratic Party gives people stuff, like handouts and that is what makes them popular. Case in point: Social Security, Medicare and so on.

Then there is this stupidity:

Tall people, for example, have had their civil rights violated for years, with no party willing to stand up against the rampant injustices that afflict us.  Women’s clothes are almost never made in tall sizes, forcing us to wear dresses with waistlines pitched 5 inches too high, and pants that terminate mid-calf.  This causes social isolation and also, makes us a figure of fun to small children.

Greedy airlines cram extra seats into airplanes by shortening legroom, until we are forced to take advanced geometry classes just to figure out how to fold ourselves into our seat.  This is why 18 of the top 20 origami experts in the world are tall people. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Kitchen counters are too low for us to work comfortably, desks and tables are practically designed to make us bang our knees, basement ceilings scrape the tops of our heads.  Millions of tall Americans suffer these indignities silently, because there has been no one to give us voice.  The GOP can become that voice by making People of Height a protected category under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

And don’t forget foodies.  Our access to ingredients like black truffles and Iberian ham is severely limited by the vagaries of the market, which has made these hard-to-find foods very expensive.  The FDA should be given the authority to regulate such price gouging, enabling hard-working average foodies to produce the kinds of dishes that are now almost exclusively the province of top chefs.  Of course, we won’t get very far without the kind of equipment those chefs have access to.  Unfortunately, their equipment, like their high quality ingredients, is currently unaffordable for working families.  That’s why the Republicans need to get behind a $5,000 annual refundable tax credit for the purchase of high end stoves, Sub-Zero refrigerators, sous vide machines and other expensive kitchen gadgets.

Well, Megan, why don’t you ask your multi-millionaire, construction company owning Father to buy you a private Jet, so you can have a damn comfy seat on a private plane! While you are at it, ask to him to buy you all the rest of that dumb idiotic stuff that you listed up there, so people like me, won’t have to listen you damned whine and cry; because the world does not cater to your every damned little whim!  AngryWhile you are at it, little miss rich white girl; you might want to invest in a halfway decent computer, with a damned spell check feature, because I just had to spell checked and corrected three of the most idiotic and stupid spelling errors, that only maybe an eighth grader would make! But, yet, you get paid by that broad that owns Newsweek and the Daily Beast to write such idiotic tripe. I am high school dropout, and even I know to spell check an article before hitting publish. No worries, I spell checked your quotes here, I at least want you to look like you know what the hell you are talking about, even though, you really do not.

Also too, I just want to make it known; this is not about class warfare. McArdle is a product of her environment, as am I. She came from a wealthy family, I come from a tough inner city, blue-collar, working class family. Hence the attitude and the mouth. I do not fault her for her background at all; what I do fault her for, is her idiotic and asinine assertion that the Republican Party ought to sell out its principles to become more like the Democratic Party in a foolhardy attempt to become more popular with the public. Like I wrote before, we do not need the stupid vote; and this right here, is why we do not.


Update: Well, now that I have made a complete ass of myself; I guess I should point that out. Doh As they would say, in southwest Detroit and on the eastside of Detroit — “Whitey got played!” Yes, it seems that Megan was trying to be funny. Good ol’ doctor obvious here, didn’t catch the humor, how stupid it might have been. I should have known better, but I didn’t. Whistling Thanks to Bill Quick for pointing this out. I’ll leave the posting up, so people can laugh at my stupidity, including me! Hee hee

But, she still spelled stuff wrong! So, there! Nyah! 😛