Obama snags Mississippi

He’s gaining by the minute.

Obama Wins Mississippi (via MSNBC)

NBC News declared Barack Obama as the projected winner in the Mississippi primary on Tuesday, the latest in a string of racially polarized contests across the Deep South and a final tune-up before April’s high-stakes race with Hillary Rodham Clinton in Pennsylvania.

Obama was winning roughly 90 percent of the black vote but only about one-third of the white vote, extending a pattern that carried him to victory in earlier primaries in South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana.

I think, considering what Hillary Clinton’s surrogate said about Barack Obama, This is just payback. I mean, Hillary, I believe is trying to cause division in the Democrat Party. I think it’s immature and shows much about her.

Senator Obama did an interview on a special late edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews. He basically repeated his talking points, however, he did answer the nasty stuff said about him very well. That says much about Obama’s character.


Here’s The Video:

Of course, the pundits are saying it was a easy win, because, according to the "Pundits" or as I like to call them, the educated Political idiots, say that it is because of the large African-American Population, which is, in my opinion, simple-minded and short sighted. He won because people believe in the man, is that so hard for the Media to admit that? Confused

More on the Obama Victory @ Memeorandum

Okay, who rattled this woman's chain?

How Stupid.

"I think what America feels about a woman becoming president takes a very secondary place to Obama’s campaign – to a kind of campaign that it would be hard for anyone to run against," she said. "For one thing, you have the press, which has been uniquely hard on her. It’s been a very sexist media. Some just don’t like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign.

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she continued. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." Ferraro does not buy the notion of Obama as the great reconciler.

"I was reading an article that said young Republicans are out there campaigning for Obama because they believe he’s going to be able to put an end to partisanship," Ferraro said, clearly annoyed. "Dear God! Anyone that has worked in the Congress knows that for over 200 years this country has had partisanship – that’s the way our country is."


Sour Grapes, Anyone?


The crap gets deeper by the Minute. and so far, it’s waist high… Oy.

The Story: It Wasn’t the Sex; Suspicious $$ Transfers Led to Spitzer – (via ABC News)

The federal investigation of a New York prostitution ring was triggered by Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s suspicious money transfers, initially leading agents to believe Spitzer was hiding bribes, according to federal officials.

It was only months later that the IRS and the FBI determined that Spitzer wasn’t hiding bribes but payments to a company called QAT, what prosecutors say is a prostitution operation operating under the name of the Emperors Club.

As recently as this past Valentine’s Day, Feb. 13, Spitzer, who officials say is identified in a federal complaint as "Client 9," arranged for a prostitute "Kristen" to meet him in Washington, D.C.

This crap is getting nuttier, by the minute. I’m sure the Kossaks are working on some sort of a conspiracy theory.

This dude basically was running around with a damn neon sign that read, "I’m picking up whores, bust me now!"

Wow…. All I can say, is wow….

Others: Talking Points Memo, Harper’s, TalkLeft, Little Green Footballs, Big Brass Blog, Taylor Marsh, Patterico’s Pontifications, PrairiePundit, LewRockwell.com Blog, Political Punch, Salon, skippy the bush kangaroo and Hot Air

From the "say what?" Dept.

Poll: Most Americans don’t read political blogs (via  Reuters)

A majority of Americans do not read political blogs, the online commentaries that have proliferated in the race for the U.S. presidency, according to a poll released on Monday.

Only 22 percent of people responding to the poll said they read blogs regularly, meaning several times a month or more, according to the survey conducted by Harris Interactive.

Political blogs, in which writers, pundits and other participants voice opinions in online forums, burst into the spotlight in the 2004 and 2008 presidential campaigns. Some of the most high-profile blogs are influential on campaign strategies, media coverage and public perception of the candidates and issues.

Unlike traditional, mainstream media, blogs often adopt a specific point of view. Critics complain they can contain unchecked facts, are poorly edited and use unreliable sources.

You don’t think them old, dead wood, media types don’t like us, do you? I dont knowHee hee

Can you say, Biased? I knew you could! Rolling EyesLoserTongue

You say, "Why would you say this?"

Well, it’s like this here, We’re a threat to their sacred little profession. Most of the time, they get their information from us.

We report the stuff that they can’t or won’t, due to fearing losing those ever coveted sponsors.

I know their strategy, "we’ll tell everyone, that no body reads them political blogs, and the everyone will stop writing." HARolling on the floor Little late for all that guys. Raised Eyebrow The Genie is out of the bottle now. They should have do this story, in….maybe, 2003?


Others on this: HotAir

Gov. Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring

This is not good.

The Story: Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring (Via New York Times)

Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation

The wiretap recording, made during an investigation of a prostitution ring called Emperors Club VIP, captured a man identified as Client 9 on a telephone call confirming plans to have a woman travel from New York to Washington, where he had reserved a room. The person briefed on the case identified Mr. Spitzer as Client 9.

The governor learned that he had been implicated in the prostitution probe when a federal official contacted his staff last Friday, according to the person briefed on the case.

The governor informed his top aides Sunday night and this morning of his involvement. He canceled his public events today and scheduled an announcement for this afternoon after inquiries from the Times.

Of course, The right is screaming, "HA HA!" and "Hypocrite!" and the Left is basically hunkered down and not saying much. I think it’s sad and it will hurt the democrats. I only imagine the feelings of the people in New York. I know, I would be highly annoyed, if I knew my Governor was involved with something such as this.

It’s a sad thing, in more ways than one.

Of course, let us not forget the scandals of the Republicans under our current President.

This is all the rage in the Blogosphere. Here’s the listing of them all:

Mr. Spitzer, who was huddled with his top aides early this afternoon …

Discussion: The Huffington Post, Marc Ambinder, Associated Press, The Corner, Ace of Spades HQ, MoJoBlog, Weekly Standard Blog, Megan McArdle, The XX Factor, The Fix, Matthew Yglesias, TigerHawk, The Jawa Report, Open Left, TalkLeft, The Agitator, michellemalkin.com, The New Republic, The Swamp, Little Green Footballs, The Carpetbagger Report, Trailhead, Gawker, Guardian Unlimited, Eschaton, American Street, JammieWearingFool, The Campaign Spot, JustOneMinute, Taylor Marsh, New York Post, TVNewser, Outside The Beltway, New York Magazine, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, Real Clear Politics, The Strata-Sphere, QandO, The Raw Story, Telegraph, protein wisdom, StephenBainbridge.com, 2008 Democratic …, Top of the Ticket, AlterNet.org, NewsBusters.org, No More Mister Nice Blog, Emptywheel, Stop The ACLU, Wonkette, Gothamist, Political Machine, Don Surber, The Agonist, Shakesville, Hullabaloo, PrairiePundit, About.com US Politics and FP Passport (Via Memeornadum)

Tucker Carson's show canceled on MSNBC

I must say, that I am quite saddened to hear this….

The Story: Tucker Carlson’s Show Canceled (via mediabistro.com: TVNewser)


Insiders tell TVNewser Tucker Carlson‘s 6pmET show Tucker is getting the axe, but Carlson stays on as a political contributor to all MSNBC shows at least through the 2008 election. The official announcement, expected tomorrow, will include details about who will replace Tucker at 6pmET as well as other political programming additions. Sources say the network is going to beef up its schedule with more NBC News talent.

In recent days, Jossip, as well as other blogs, ratcheted up the talk that Tucker would be replaced "for a new project." In its 33-month run, Carlson’s show has had two names, four time slots and multiple formats. At 6pmET, it builds on its Harbdall lead-in on some days, but loses audience on others.

Carlson is expected to host the show through next week, with his new role and title to take effect March 17. We’re told he’ll also be reporting from the campaign trail.

I must say, that I am quite disappointed to hear this. Tucker Carlson was about the only Conservative person that I could listen to, without wanting to throw stuff at the T.V. I mean, yeah, he had his quirks, He could be a bit of asshole, but you know, can’t we all?

I never considered Tucker to be, what I call, a "Fox News" Conservative. besides, he’s more of a Libertarian Conservative.

Of  course, the Liberal’s are squealing with delight and glee. That is to be expected, and I can see their point, But now I feel like MSNBC is losing the balance, that made me leave CNN and tune in over there to that network in the first place.

Others might be happy to hear this, but I’m not.

It’s a sad day indeed. Sad

Others, Mostly Liberals who are happy to hear about it: Crooks and Liars, Think Progress, The Bilerico Project, The Seminal, I Am TRex, Patterico’s Pontifications, Pandagon, Hoffmania! and Liberal Fascism

Democrats win Seat held by Rep. Dennis Hastert

Read about it here.

There is quite a bit that could be said about this. Many other Bloggers have already written much of it.

The writing is simply on the wall. I do not place the blame squarely on Bush himself. Because I am keenly aware of how things operate in Washington D.C., I know that the blame does not all go to him.

I blame the advisers who went to him, the ones who were the dye-in-the-wool Neo-Conservatives, who went to him and said, "We can change the shape of the middle east, by invading Iraq." He, of course, bought into that foolish mindset and the scramble for intelligence began and when they found a piece of questionable intelligence, they proceeded to cherry pick it, to suit their needs.

What followed was the quagmire that we are involved with now. This will end up costing this Nation for many years to come. Current cost estimates are at 3 trillion dollars.

Of course, this all did happen and it is not a nightmare, and at what cost? Conservatism is now in it’s death throws, Republicans are now the scourge of American, Obama is the new messiah for America and the Democrats will, most likely, hold the majority in the both houses of Congress.

America wants change and Obama and, somewhat, Hillary are offering that. But what kind of a change are they really going to bring?   What will we see? An end to a war, ended so fast that Iraq descends into chaos? Will we see Churches being closed because they dare to speak out against the Homosexual lifestyle? America’s tax system changed to force churches to pay income tax? Our civil liberties being taken away, the ability to set up a blog and criticize the government, taken away as a threat to national security?

Some of us have not forgotten the tragedy, which happened in Waco, Texas.  I often ask myself, if the liberals take the White House again, will there be more Waco’s? Will they be more Ruby Ridges? Will they be more out of control Government Police action?

I have always believed in balance in Government, the balance of two political parties, both checking one another and each preventing the other gaining total power in the houses of Government. However, what we are seeing now, with the Conservatives being chased to the fox holes, is possible throwing of our Government into a total liberal state, and quite frankly, that scares me to death. I believe in freedom, in all it’s forms, whether it be Speech, Religion, Expression, Press, or whatever else, and I am quite afraid that the Liberals do not believe in total freedom, oh they believe in freedom of speech, as long as it fits their political ideologies.

There are those who say that the Iraq War will bankrupt this Nation. I disagree, I believe that National Healthcare plan will bankrupt this Nation or at worst, place a bigger demand of foreign currency from China and other countries. This is totally eroding our Nation’s sovereignty, with each deposit that we take. 

It is going to be an interesting four years, after the liberals win Congress and the White House. I just have a sinking feeling that the United States is going to be stuck with buyers remorse, because many people are, to coin a phrase, "Betting the farm", on this new messiah, and I have sinking feeling that there is going to be this massive let down, when he gets in office and absolutely nothing changes. It is a grim outlook, but I am afraid it is the reality of the situation at hand.

Snort Worthy Story of the day….

D’oh! Doh

The Story: Local girl makes unexpected appearance in Hillary ad (Via KING5.com)

The Video:


The political ad that sparked nationwide controversy turns out to have a surprising local connection.

One of the actors in the Hillary Clinton ad was shocked to see herself, especially because she’s a fierce supporter of Barack Obama.

The so-called "red-phone ad" was played all over the country and helped turn the tide for Hillary Clinton leading up to her big win in Ohio. The commercial suggested Barack Obama was too inexperienced to handle a national crisis.

But the young girl starring in the ad will actually be voting age next month and says she’s no fan of Hillary Clinton

I’d be willing to bet that someone in the Hillary camp is feeling about "that" high right now. LaughingRolling on the floor

Others: TPM Election Central, The Newshoggers, Spin Cycle, Comments from Left Field, Buckeye State Blog, Fox News, Wake up America, Ohio Daily Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS