Quote of the Day

This is America today—a country that is losing its ability to manufacture things but has to continue to pander to rich Arabs and the Chinese Communists for money just to survive. In addition to our jobs, savings and investments, it looks like our sovereignty and national pride are being sacrificed as part of this process.

"Reverend" Jeremiah Wright is still a clueless asshole…

The Chicago House Kooky Negro gives a interview with Chicago Tribune.

Quotable Quote:

Though he hopes to talk with Obama again once he leaves office, he also said he won’t hold back in criticizing Obama’s administration.

“I’ve already told . . . Obama: On Nov. 5, I’m coming after you,” he said. “It’s not you the person . . . it’s the policies of this country. And as long as you are presiding over policies that grind God’s people into the earth, I’m coming after you.

“The minister, the prophet’s role and allegiance is to be faithful to God, not a particular government.”

Faithful to God my ass. The only thing that this idiot Negro is faithful to, is his damned ego, which happens to be a the size of Texas. Further more, the only Christianity that this moron promotes is a sick and twisted Marxist version of it.

Bob Barr Gives his first post-election interview

Bob Barr gives his first post-election interview with Reason Magazine.

For the record, I knew Barr was not going to win. He was viewed by many as an opportunist who was looking to cash in on a movement. I voted for him, because I felt neither of the mainstream parties represented, what I felt to be proper Government. I really didn’t even agree with Barr on everything. But he was better than McSame or Bambi.

(thanks to IPR)

Clear and Present Stupidity….

John McCormack ponders over at the Neo-Con Weakly Substandard:

I haven’t a clue why support for keeping the prison open decreased since July, but I imagine support would be a lot higher if more people read Thomas Joscelyn’s excellent article on the terrorists at Guantanamo, “Clear and Present Danger”, in this week’s issue of THE WEEKLY STANDARD.

Uhmmm….. Could it be that the rest of sane America knows that over 90% of the people being housed in that facility are not actual terrorists?

Could it be, that the rest of sane America has wised up to the Neo-Conservative fear-mongering of the last 8 years?

The Obligatory Conservative Babes in Mink Coats Posting

Yeah, I have seen them. You know, the pics of Conservative Women in Photos.

My thoughts on the one’s that I know. The rest, I have zero clue about.

Keep in mind these are glamor shots.

Ann Coulter is naturally pretty, she looks great. It is one of her better shots. You know she’s either had plastic surgury or a face lift somewhere along the line. Because this was her in college:

I do cut her a little slack, as she did go to college here in Michigan and worked and lived here for a bit. This was before she got all big name in the Conservative world. I’d take her out; once. Of course, she’d look mighty funny with that sock in her mouth, but still, I’d show her a good time and have her home by 9:00.

Mary Katharine Ham is also naturally pretty here. I think she is way over made up here.  She’s another Naturally pretty lady.

Amanda Carpenter is another natural beauty. She could wearing blue jeans, t-shirt and a baseball cap and still turn heads.

Keith Olbermann Reacts to the Palin Turkey Pardon Clip

Okay, First off, Keith was on vacation; hence the talk about the remote island. I’m not sure which is worse; watching Keith Olbermann doing his show or watching David Shuster trying to do Keith’s Show. I give ol’ Bathtub boy credit, at least he’s sincere. Sincerely silly, at times. But just the same, he’s real about it. Watching Shuster do Keith’s show is like watching an atheist preach a Gospel Sermon. Yeah, you know, he’s saying the words, but you know damned well, he does not believe a word that he is saying. Hee hee

Anyhow, watching Keith’s reaction to the clip, I think; was comedy gold. Like AllahPundit, I think he speaks for the Liberal left on this one. I am 100% convinced that the donation offer was snark of the Ann Coulter type. Smug

What gets me is, that he did not bother to blur the gross stuff. I mean, his show comes on at 8:00pm for crying out loud! Waiting

So, here’s the clip, gore and all; those with weak stomachs and such should not watch this; because puking on your keyboard is not a healthy thing to do. For the keyboard. Tongue Oh, and shoo the kids off, I mean, I know my audience here, they see an goat naked and they’re ready to call the EPA, FBI, CIA and anyone else that will listen. Winking


….and yes, in case your wondering, I did look away at one point during the video. I mean, a blogger can only handle so much! Sick

(Edited to fix rather hilarious typo… “Those with stomachs?!?!?”) Rolling EyesWhistling

Careful Allah…

I’ve already called out your “Co-Worker“.

My gripe is this quote here:

His ballot was tossed, which makes it me 1, Patterico 0. Good news from Politico, though: The recount melodrama could drag on for another month, with Franken favored to eke out a victory thanks to the fact that so many Democratic voters are “free-spirited,” i.e. stupid.

Hmmmmmmm… Couldn’t the same thing be said about Bush, Cheney, Sarah Palin, Neo-Conservatives and all the idiots that supported them? (Like your Boss, for instance)  🙄

It was because of them, that we lost this year. You cannot deny that. 😛

However, the point about the writing stupid stuff on a ballot, thereby delaying an election, is quite valid. I won’t dispute that. It was the whole Democrats being stupid stuff that kinda made me twitch. Not everyone who holds or in  my case, held; that title is/was a far left socialist nutball.

Just sayin’ man, Just sayin….  😀

Quote of the Day

Conservatives were called racist for opposing immigration policies pushed by the Bush administration, other Big-Government Republicans and Democrats. The wrong immigration policy, under which people here unlawfully would receive benefits at taxpayer expense, would also allow them to steal jobs from low-income Americans, and would be a slap in the face to immigrants who came to America legally through a long and sometimes expensive process.

Conservatism is a threat to liberalism because bigotry is counterproductive to conservatives, but is a cornerstone of liberalism. Economic conservatism values the productivity, work, intelligence, integrity, motivation and other virtues of the individual. Religious conservatism is based in the fundamental premise that we are all born of equal value in the eyes of God.

Liberals who evade the merits of policy arguments by resorting to calling white conservatives “racists” or African-American conservatives “Uncle Toms” don’t merely demonstrate their own ignorance, they cheapen the cause against real racism.