Video: Bill O’Reilly’s talking points memo for 10/4/12 – post-debate assessment

One comment: Crying like Paris, when Hitler moved in? Ouch. 😯 But, then again.

(via Bill O’s site)

Race-Hustling is all the Democratic Party has anymore

I was looking at some of the incoming links to my old blog and I happened to notice something; some race-hustling tool linked to my blog.

What I am referring to is this article here, where some guy named Terrance Heath posting over on some liberal activist website; goes out of way to mention something that I did a long while back.

Some things that I feel the need to point out:

  1. I lost my cool during the vote for Obamacare, I admit that, I wish I had never tweeted what I wrote. But I did and I pulled the tweet, and the blog posting that I wrote and apologized many times over for what I wrote.
  2. Joseph Cao lost his reelection bid. Not because the Democrat running against him was anything really special. But because Joseph Cao put identity politics and race before his Conservative principles and because of that, Conservatives did not vote for him.

But, not of that matters; what matters to the Liberal Democrats is someone, namely me, in an unguarded moment and moment of anger, wrote something rather uncomely about a minority Republican, who pissed his Conservative principles, if he even really had any in the first place, into the wind and paid the political price for it too.

Which proves what I have believed here for a while now; the left has nothing anymore. The President they elected was a total and unmitigated flop. The policies that Obama promised failed and just last night, he got his tail kicked in a debate that exposed him for the two-bit fake that he really is.

I end this, with this thought here: I regret my actions of long ago. Now, do the Democrats regret that actually elected this buffoon of a President? Inquiring minds want to know.


Videos: Clips from last night’s President Debate

As I told you, I did not watch the entire debate last night.

But, clips are coming out…..and boy are they good. Romney looked Presidential, even Reagan-like. No wonder Chris Matthews was losing his mind! Not only did Romney destroy Obama’s talking points, he spiked the football in the Democratic Party end zone! 😯

Here are some of the clips —- so far:

Here is Romney on Government picking winners and losers: (H/T HotAir)

On the Role of Government:

Here is Obama defending ObamaCare and the IPAB:

If I come across more, I’ll share them here, but so far, Romney’s got this sewn up. Judging by the snap polls and the reaction of the left; Obama does not stand a chance to win at all.

Stay tuned for updates.

Romney whoops Obama’s butt in the first debate

…..or so everyone says, I did not watch it; I was pooped out by about 9:30 last night.

Some funnies:

Chris Matthews losing his mind, which comes via AllahPundit who asks, “what’s the opposite of a leg tingle?” Answer: A head explosion.

Another funny from someone whom I never expected would ever riff on Obama.

Either way, it really should not be a big shock that Romney out boxed the President. Romney has more ammo against the President than Obama has against Romney that is for sure. This is why I felt that the so-called “bombshell video” that was not such a bombshell after all; was really not needed at all. because we have so much against this President. What I mean is, that his record is just damn terrible and because of this, President Obama is most likely going to lose this election. Especially if he keeps debating like this.

Also too, is it any real shock that Romney smoked Obama in the debate; really? I mean, come on now. A man who has been a CEO of a few companies, versus a community organizer. Who did they honestly think was going to lose this debate? What gets me now, is how some of the establishment liberal bloggers and even the Obama campaign is in bloody bunghole mode; it is very funny to watch play out in the blogosphere.

Again, not to repeat myself; but what did they honestly expect? Needless to say — and I KNOW I am going to catch hell for this, but……… The magic has worn off the Negro.

Update: A little snippet from Politico:

Romney’s aides and surrogates sprinted into the spin room to offer effusive assessments of their candidate’s performance, and Fox News contributor Juan Williams was caroling “Massacre! Massacre!” to himself as he bounded out of the men’s restroom. Obama’s team didn’t meet the press for a full 10 minutes — and one top Democrat, asked to say the best thing about the president’s performance, said Obama has been “just working to maintain cool and be reassuring” in an email to POLITICO.

Juan Williams is one the most honest liberals out there, who’s not in the Obama-bot camp. Is he is calling it that, it was bad.