The Economist endorses Barack Obama

(Via The Corner)

This further increases my sinking feeling that McCain does not have a prayer.

From the Economist:

IT IS impossible to forecast how important any presidency will be. Back in 2000 America stood tall as the undisputed superpower, at peace with a generally admiring world. The main argument was over what to do with the federal government’s huge budget surplus. Nobody foresaw the seismic events of the next eight years. When Americans go to the polls next week the mood will be very different. The United States is unhappy, divided and foundering both at home and abroad. Its self-belief and values are under attack.

For all the shortcomings of the campaign, both John McCain and Barack Obama offer hope of national redemption. Now America has to choose between them. The Economist does not have a vote, but if it did, it would cast it for Mr Obama. We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence. But we acknowledge it is a gamble. Given Mr Obama’s inexperience, the lack of clarity about some of his beliefs and the prospect of a stridently Democratic Congress, voting for him is a risk. Yet it is one America should take, given the steep road ahead.

I can tell you right now, there are many wealthy people, who read this magazine and it’s distributorship is to many Conservatives. I look for many Conservatives to cross the aisle and vote Democrat.

From The Economist’s Political Blog Democracy in America:

And, by the way, he will probably get it. Here’s to hoping Mr Obama’s moderate and sensible side wins over his primary-season, protectionist-populist side.

I bet there’s a good number of people betting on that hope. But I highly doubt that Obama is going to do anything extreme during his tenure as President.

Anyhow, it was a very interesting endorsement.

Huffington Post writer murders lover and commits suicide

This is just awful.

Via Fox News:

A Huffington Post writer stabbed her former lover more than 200 times with a screwdriver and then tried to conceal the slaying, reported.

After committing the gruesome crime, Carol Anne Berger, an election correspondent for the Huffington Post, reported her former flame missing, then fatally shot herself a day later, police told the Web site.

Lt. Gary Chapman said Jessica Kalish, 56, a software executive, was found in the backseat of her BMW on Oct. 23, the Web site reported.

Kalish had been stabbed with a Phillips-head screwdriver 220 times, he said, with wounds concentrated in the back of her head, back, arms and face. A blow to Kalish’s neck likely killed her, Chapman told the Web site.

Berger and Kalish recently had hired an attorney to sell their house and split the revenue. Kalish had met another woman and spent hours absorbed in cyber-dates with her new companion, reported.

“We are all very lucky to have Carol Anne be part of the Off the Bus family,” a Huffington Post statement read, referring to the Web site’s special election section. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of Carol Anne Berger and Jessica Kalish.”

Unlike some of my fellow Bloggers on the right, I will refrain from the usual nastiness that follows something like this. I’ll just say that it is a tragedy and that I’ll be praying for the families of those involved in a tragedy, such as this.

If you’d like to go read the asinine ramblings of the assholes, who couldn’t even say anything decent… Go here. May God be their judges.  I thought that the Conservatives and Republicans were better than this. Perhaps that was a gross misjudgment.

The fear-mongering continues on the far, far, far, right

I saw this last night and I had to let out a snort….

This from a story about Barack Obama about his supposed Birth Certificate forgery. Which has been disproven by and WorldNetDaily both.

This comes via the very far right wing NewsWithViews:

“If Obama becomes president he will eventually be exposed as a fraud, but it will be too late. The Democrat Party will have control of both houses of Congress and the White House. And too many Republicans have become big-spending liberals who are willing to go along with a socialist agenda as long as they keep their jobs,” adds Mike Baker.

“These will be dangerous times, mark my words: the police and the military will be used against American citizens. Think of Waco, Texas, but on a national scale,” warns Det. Frances.

“An Obama presidency may be the beginning of the end of the US Constitution,” he said.

The story that I quoted also tries to say that the Sheriff, a one Mike Scott who referred to Barack Obama by his full name, was visited by the FBI. That is totally false. He was investigated by his own Dept. for engaging in politics, while in uniform.  Which is against the law.

But the real stand out quote is the one above. One would have to disconnect their normal functional brain to believe something as absurd as that. At the most, some fringe groups on the Right and possibly on the far left, might and I do say MIGHT have a problem. Although, I highly doubt that Obama as President would start going after anyone at all.

Why do I say this? Because Obama is going to be elected, much to consternation of the Conservatives and the Republican Party. Do you think for one lousy second that Obama is going to actually do anything at all, that would be considered political suicide?!?!?! Come on now, Use your Brain, Please! 🙄

It is no wonder that Joe Farah of, kicked Paul Walter’s sorry butt to the curb long ago. (Paul Walter is the owner of

The very stupid "Obama is Muslim" rumor refuses to die

The Crunchy Con and Steven Waldman Both report that people in Texas and Kentucky still believe that Obama is a Muslim

However, it seems that the hate has not escaped the crunchy con Blog either.:

October 30, 2008 12:00 PM

Nah, he’s just a nigger. Never did nothing, but because he’s a porch monkey, he’ll get elected.

Nice. If Obama looses, it will be because of mental midgets like this. 🙄

Funny thing is, he has not even removed that comment…..and he’s a Christian????!?! 😮

Gaffaw Quote of the Day!

Kathryn Jean Lopez over at the Corner wonders aloud….:

Is Team Obama Worried McCain Will Pull It Out?

Nah, Kathy at his age, I doubt he has to even worry about that anymore. Hell at his age, I doubt he can even get it up!


*snort* I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. hehe!

Not a Big Shocker

Via TNR’s “The Stump”:

US citizens living in Israel line-up to cast their ballots as they vote early for the US Presidential elections at a cultural centre in Jerusalem on October 28, 2008. A poll conducted by the Rabin Center for Israel Studies found that 46.6% of Israelis would vote for Republican nominee John McCain if given chance to elect a US president, while Democrat Barack Obama would receives 34% of votes. Others remained undecided. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Not a big surprise. Jewish voters have always favored the Republicans because of thier pro-Isreal stance. Nice Photo too. 🙂

If it even passes, it won't last long

Charles Johnson over at the Neo-Conservative Little Green Footballs is wondering aloud Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force“:

The Department of Defense’s current base budget is close to $500 billion. So if he meant that promise, he plans on a total defense budget of about a trillion dollars.

What exactly is Obama planning to do with a “civilian force” with such an astronomical level of funding?

A good question that I would like to know as well. But all this posturing and guessing and scaremongering is for naught. Because first off, there is no way in hell that there is going to be a Democratic “Super-Majority”. No way, no how, there’s too many damn right leaning states for that to happen and no damn Conservative Senator or Representative, worth their salt, is going to sit idly by and allow Obama to pass a bill enacting something like this, ever.

You ask what If I’m wrong? Well, I could be, it might just get passed, but let me clue you in on something. The first time one of these “Civilian National Security Force” officers walks up on someone who’s “Bitter and Clingy” and they haul off and empty a clip into one of those officers and he dies. Then the Government will get sued by the family. When that happens the program will be scrapped.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that this program will never, ever get out of congress, because first off, look at the insurance money the Government would have to put on each one of these officers, then they’d have to get them gun training, if the Government even allows them to be armed. (Knowing Liberals like I do, they would not be…) If they did not allow them to be, the only thing they’d be is glorified rent-a-cops.

So, I think much of the guessing and worrying about this is for no reason. Because it is not going to happen. Just chalk it up to one of Barry’s Promises to get elected. Which he will do and American will have to suffer for 4 to 8 years of Hyper-or Neo-Liberal rule. Thanks Bush! 🙄

Victor Davis Hans on Obama

Via The Corner on National Review Online

The messianic style—the cosmic tug to “change history”, or stop the seas from rising or the planet from heating, juxtaposed with the creepy faux-Greek columns, Michelle’s “deign to enter” politics snippet, the fainting at rallies, the Victory Column mass address, the vero possumus presidential seal, and the ‘we are the change we’ve been waiting for’ mantra—reflects the omnipresent narcissism: the exalted ends of electing a prophet always justify the often crude and all too mortal means.

If this is considered ‘right’, I’d rather be wrong with McCain.

The only thing that I disagree with on this, is this man assumption that McCain will be any better. That is a logical fallacy of epic proportions. McCain is nothing more than a “made” beltway boy, who was born into a Military Family and happened to marry into a great deal of money.

Attempting to claim that this makes John McCain anymore qualified to be President, would be pouring the fuel of hype onto a fire of foolishness. Truth is, if it were not have his multi-million dollar wife. John McCain would still be a maintenance supervisor in the Military. Well, he would now be retired. Putting it simply, the dude got lucky, damn lucky.

Anything other than this is spin and hype. Period.

I give Bob Barr a little credit, at least he’s a real human being, a real working class person and not a made beltway boy.

Something badly needed within the G.O.P.

This is some very good news to hear…

Via the Politico:

Two days after next week’s election, top conservatives will gather at the Virginia weekend home of one of the movement’s most prominent members to begin a conversation about their role in the GOP and how best to revive a party that may be out of power at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue next year.

The meeting will include a “who’s who of conservative leaders —  economic, national security and social,” said one attendee, who shared initial word of the secret session only on the basis of anonymity and with some details about the host and location redacted.

The decision to waste no time in plotting their moves in the post-Bush era reflects the widely-held view among many on the right, and elsewhere, that the GOP is heading toward major losses next week.

One of the topics of discussion will be how to fashion a “national grassroots political and policy coalition similar to the out Reagan years,” said the attendee, a reference to the development of the so-called New Right apparatus following Jimmy Carter’s 1976 victory and Reagan’s election four years later.

“There’s a sense that the Republican Party is broken, but the conservative movement is not,” said this source, suggesting that it was the betrayal of some conservative principles by Bush and congressional leaders that led to the party’s decline.

But, this source emphasized, the meeting will be held regardless of the outcome of the presidential race. “This is going on if McCain wins, loses or has a recount — we’re not planning for the loss of John McCain.”

Either way, Sarah Palin will be a central part of discussion.

If the Arizona senator wins, the discussion will feature much talk of, “How do we work with this administration?” said the attendee, an acknowledgement that conservatives won’t always have a reliable ally in the Oval Office.

Under this scenario, Palin would be seen as their conduit to power. “She would be the conservative in the White House,” is how the source put it.

Should McCain lose next Tuesday, the conversation will include who to groom as the next generation of conservative leaders – a list that will feature Palin at or near the top.

Individuals aside, the broader aim of the session is to assess where the party and movement stand after what is virtually certain to be the second consecutive election in which Democrats make gains. The post-mortem will then lead way to a focus on what role conservatives play going forward both in the GOP and the political system ahead of the 2010 midterms

Few believe that the Republican party will respond to another brutal election by following a path of moderation, but conservatives are deeply dispirited and anxious to reassert the core values they believe have not always been followed by Bush, congressional leaders and their party’s presidential nominee . Many on the right, both elites and the rank-and-file, see a rudderless party that is in dire need of new blood and old principles: small government, a robust national security and unapologetic social conservatism.

All I can say is that it is about time. I am glad to see that the minds of Conservatism have finally decided to start thinking about their future and their party. I hope that something good becomes of this.

I just do not understand why it took so long for someone to finally come to a realization that something with the Conservative movement was horribly wrong.

Someone also needs to remind some of them that there is more to Conservatism and the Republican Party than John McCain and Sarah Palin.

I just hope that it is not too late.