That is it for this week! I shall return on Monday!

I thought I would let everyone know that I am going to be taking the weekend off. I will not lie to you all; I am feeling a bit glum right now. As I mentioned before, I thought I was getting a job. Well, that really did not pan out. My cousin from my Father’s side of the family got a job working for a uniform company. A few days back my cousin came over and really made it clear that if someone called from that company, that someone here at the house should answer the phone. Well, I took that as if I were going to get a phone call to come in for an interview or something. Anyhow, yesterday, I got word that the company really was not hiring anyone. It is not that I do not appreciate my cousin looking out for me, it is just that I have been out of work for so long, that I actually was a bit excited at the prospect of going back to work; only to have the rug yanked out from under me. It does tend to get a bit depressing. I am not blaming my cousin, he meant well. I blame the stupid economy.

Another thing that has me feeling a bit blue is the fact that my so-called “Small Business” is not getting any kind of business at all. It is because of the fact that I just cannot afford the cost of a license for a piece of software that handles the web site, billing, and automation of running a shared hosting business. The license is fifteen dollars a month directly from the software manufacture, or I can get it for twelve dollars and some change a month from a third party who buys the licenses in bulk. Either way, that comes to around one hundred and eighty dollars a year — Which, now, I just do not have to invest in a small business. Not to mention the costs of getting my LLC License and Tax License all set up. I have all those costs itemized over on my Amazon Wish List, in case anyone is interested in helping me out.

I will also make something abundantly clear; I do not blame anyone, but my own self for getting into this situation. I am the idiot, who had the accident back in 2004, which screwed me from ever being hired by another trucking company. I am the idiot who quit the job back in 2005, because it was making me physically sick and did not bother to find another job quickly. I did it, not anyone else. I am the idiot who sat around here and blogged my rear end off from 2006 until now and does not have a damned thing to show for it. It was I, nobody else. I am the one who has written things in the past that were taken out of context and construed as anti-Semitic and/or racist. I did it — no one else. A real man takes responsibility for his mistakes, cowards try to shift blame on others; and I am not a damned coward.

So, there you have it. That is what is happening in my life and it is enough to make a man just want to quit. However, I am not going to quit —- I am, however, going to take a break for the weekend.

Thanks for reading my sob story.

Your somewhat humble host,


Site Numbers for Last Week

Total counter state:

Hits: 474408
Hosts: 277772
Visitors: 332330
Sessions: 368455

From the beginning of the month:

Hits: 6324
Hosts: 3594
Visitors: 4692
Sessions: 5315
New Visitors: 4338

Last week:

Hits: 4178
Hosts: 2415
Visitors: 3226
Sessions: 3458
New Visitors: 2845

Now if everyone who had come here had given like $20 here or $25 there or maybe even $10 here or there. I would be able to get a better car.

Update: A Programming Note – Change of Plans

This is mainly for the benefit of those coming to watch the video I posted.

I will be away for an extended period tomorrow. I am actually venturing out into the real world. ( 😯 GASP! :eek:)

I have to help my dad with some jobs he’s doing tomorrow. Which means I gotta drag my fat arse outta bed at like 9:00a.m. and it’s like 1:46a.m. here locally. (:( UGH! 😥 🙄 )

So… What this means is this… if you comment is in moderation, I won’t be there to approve it and I am a one man operation here. So, don’t take it personally, okay? I run the tight ship, because of the trolls.

So, until I return, keep the faith and never, ever give up!


Update: When I typed this entry, I was about half asleep. It was a misunderstanding. I was needed to help load the tiller, not go with him. Oops. Please Note: I am still about half asleep and may be crashing here soon. 😳

Hacking attempt at Political Byline

One of my Plugins alerted me to the fact that someone tried to login to my blog. Obviously to create mayhem.

From the inbox:

20 failed login attempts (4 lockout(s)) from IP:

Last user attempted: admin

IP was blocked for 24 hours

So, I tracerouted the IP:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
2     4 ms     1 ms     1 ms
3     8 ms    11 ms    10 ms
4     9 ms    17 ms     9 ms []
5    10 ms     8 ms     9 ms []
6    10 ms     8 ms     8 ms []
7    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms []
8    12 ms    13 ms    13 ms []
9    26 ms    25 ms    26 ms
10    26 ms    26 ms    27 ms
11    26 ms    26 ms    27 ms []
12   103 ms   103 ms   103 ms []
13   101 ms   101 ms   103 ms []
14   102 ms   105 ms   110 ms []
15   115 ms   115 ms   114 ms
16   119 ms   117 ms   115 ms
17   103 ms   102 ms     *
18   118 ms   114 ms   114 ms
19   101 ms   101 ms   104 ms
20   114 ms   115 ms   114 ms
21   102 ms   106 ms   101 ms
22   264 ms   280 ms   303 ms []

Trace complete.


Looks like he’s in the U.K.

Maybe the U.K. liberals do not like this site.

Anyhow, I am onto the guy now and I’ve got his IP, anymore of this nonsense and I will be sending an e-mail to his Internet provider and possibly contacting the FBI in Detroit. Hacking is federal offense.

Good to know that my software and it’s plugin’s are doing their jobs.

What was my problem yesterday?

Two Things: Lack of Coffee and a severely farked up body clock.

…and my body’s clock is still not quite right.

But anyhow, I woke up and saw all this crap and just decided that I was not in the mood.  Lack of caffeine tends to make a guy grouchy.

I ended up finally making me some coffee and around 11:00 P.M….. going to sleep. 🙄

Anyhow, I should be back in the swing of things today.

But I really wish people on our side of the aisle would stop handing people on the other side farking ammo already. 🙄


Right now, I am just not feeling it.

Every time we on the right make a gain, someone on our side; does something stupid to make our side look like farking morons.

I know, they do it too. But farking aye people… Enough is enough.

So, right now, I need a break.

I’ll come back, when I’m ready… But right now, I give up.

Maybe I’ll come back to two days, maybe two weeks, maybe two years. Hell, maybe never.

I just need to stop for a few days or so…

Some Bloggers have all the luck

Some Bloggers have readers that actually donate, so that they can actually go places. Me? I’m stuck here. It sucks, but it’s reality; and right now, reality bites. 🙁

First of all, check out ol’ “Bernard Casanova” here:

Looks like a red-headed pimp on a stick! 🙄 😆

Meanwhile, I’m sitting, a little bit peeved. I was checking out my AdSense revenue page today and I blurted out, rather loudly, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?!?!?” (Update: Heh… I fixed that… I had my tango’s and my Foxtrot’s backwards…. 🙄 )

Check it out:

You can click on that to make it bigger…

I mean, I do not mean to gripe; but heck, 488 visits today or ad impressions and NOBODY is clicking?!?!?! What the hell? Did I finally chase off my last remaining people who dared to click my ads and give me a little support? To be fair, I did kinda rip on Sarah Palin, a little; because I thought what she did was stupid, I still do. I also think her trying to tell President Obama how to run the Country is stupid too. As it turns out, I am not the only one who feels that way. So, ya’ll can try and starve me out all you want; but it is not going to change the way I feel about Palin. 🙄 😛 😀

Per Google’s rules, I am not allow to give instructions on my ads; they can yank my account for it. So, I will simply say… If you know what I mean and I think you do and If you REALLY know what I mean, and I hope like HELL that you do. 😉 I could really use the help right about now guys….uh, Guys? Guys?!?!?! HELLO?!?!? 😯

So, while ol’ “Bernard Casanova” is in the big squeezey (Easy) I’m sitting here, looking like a hung over Ernest Borgnine, feeling kinda cheesy.

All is not lost however, at least I am not Michael Steele: (H/T AllahPundit, my favorite Blogger, at the moment….)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Michael Steele Plays the Race Card
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

About that Sean Hannity Ad in the sidebar

I am sure that by now most of you have noticed that Ad for Sean Hannity’s new book.

Well, as most of you know, I loathe Sean Hannity; I am not even remotely a fan. But $15.00 is $15.00 is $15.00, and seeing that I am in the financial position that I am in, any sort of extra money, say from advertisements like that —- is a good thing. Believe me, if I had tons of ads in that sidebar, that were paying me more money; I’d tell ol’ water carrier boy to pound sand. But right now, I will take any sort of money that I can get.

Some of you are wondering what I do not like about Hannity. I just don’t like his attitude and stuff he calls President Obama. It just strikes me as unprofessional and yes, I sometimes think he sounds a bit racist. That whole “Anointed One” line got stale long ago.  I mean, I am not a big fan of Obama, and yes, I do criticize his polices. But I do it without the stupid and sometimes borderline racist nuances, name calling and general stupidity, which people like Hannity and his fans are known for. I will admit, during the election and a little after it. I partook in some of that myself. But there was a point, when I basically said, “Okay the man is President now; time to move on and criticize his polices.” I mean, it’s one thing to say something witty once and a while; but to revolve a whole show around it and repeat the same stale crap every week, is just downright stupid. I guess my biggest complaint is that Sean Hannity makes it personal about the President and his Wife and I have also heard his kids. That’s over the line in my book. I never make it personal. Hannity does, this is why I do not watch his show.

As for Hannity personally; I never liked him when he was with Alan Colmes either. He’s a very, very, very, arrogant man, and the sick part is, he has got nothing to be arrogant about. The man lied his way into the business and the only reason he is where he is today, is because some idiot at Fox News felt sorry for the bastard. So, the way I see it; he has nothing to be conceited about.

Anyhow, about that Ad Space — I have plenty of spaces available for advertising. If you have something you would like to promote. Please, take out an Ad. My rates are the lowest around. My site gets anywhere from 300 to over 3K hits a day, depending on the news cycle. I expect during the 2010 elections that this sites numbers will rise as election day nears. So, getting ad space would be a good idea; and besides, it is for a good cause — Me, of course! 😉 😛 😀 Seriously, with the economy like it is here in Michigan and seeing the Obama administration is now putting the hurt on small business. I fully expect the jobs in this area to simply decrease. So, this little blogging gig might be my income for a long time to come. I realize that my readers are not rich and that they are suffering too. But, this is America folks, hard times like this, is when Americans come up with the best ideas for starting a business, and the key to a successful business is advertising. Remember folks, Capitalism is America and being your own boss and being successful at it, is the American dream.  I am just looking for my share. Help me do that, place an ad today! 

America-haters, Liberals, idiots and pinheads need not apply…

March Fundraiser

Yes, I am doing this again.

Hits are down, a little. I have been making just enough on this blog to pay for my monthly medication prescription refill; for which I am quite grateful. But, like Jeff. I too have needs. I need a better car, than that certified POS that I drive. That way, I can drive the ungodly amount of miles that 90% of these job offers are located at. I also have a piece of equipment for my Amateur Radio Station that needs repair. This is what the rig looks like. It is 60 pounds, and it does have to go to Texas for repairs. It will have to be triple packed and then there is that repair bill. Goodness knows how much it might cost.

There are many more, but these two about cover it. New clothes and shoes and a winter jacket come to mind too.

I know times are tough, but if you can spare a buck or two, it would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

Also know this, I’d be much inclined to blog more, if I were making better ‘cabbage’ at this little venture.

Click the Picture to donate

As Always, all donations are greatly appreciated. 🙂