Taking another break

I just need a break. Blogging about politics right now is quite frankly a bore.

Love to write, but writing like a broken record is not my idea of a good time.

I will be back, might take weeks, might take months, might take years. Who knows.

I won’t be far, just out of the pilot seat for a few days, I guess.

That is all.

Sorry, but real life called

As I sit here at 6:15 a.m. I feel I should explain my absence from blogging last night.

I was a bit busy. Ended up getting a new cable box. Comcast wanted to replace the old one, here’s a pic:

Old Cable Box

Here’s the new one:

Tiny little thing, ain't it?
Another shot of the Tiny New Cable Modem Box

Here’s a wide shot of the Modem Box, Wireless Router and 8 Port Wired Router. All are Linksys. Modem Box is an RCA.

The internet crap stack

Pardon the dust and the mess. I am a guy after all. 😉 😛 😀

So, that is what I was up too after about 4:00, Internet techy got here at about 4:50. He swapped out the boxes. Smart guy, was African-America or as some call it; black. Quite smart and very friendly. I did not mention what I do on the internet.

So, anyhow, he left, I putzed around getting everything back up and running; so my parents wouldn’t go into Facebook games withdrawal. Then it dawned on me, I was freakin’ starving. So, I grabbed a little bite to eat. By then it was around 6:00 or so. My Dad had an eagles club meeting, so, I was designated dinner picker upper. So, I did that, ate my supper. Then, dad arrived home and then asked me to go get him some of those Swisher Sweet Cigars, strawberry flavored, that he just loves to smoke… (The man is a weirdo….). I went to the usual place and they, naturally, were out. So, I went back home and informed him he’d have to go find them elsewhere.

By this time it was 8:30, and I watched what little of Bill O’Reilly’s show that I was able to watch. By 9:00 I was beat to hell. I zonked out. Slept heavy too. Woke back up around Midnight and took my meds. I also woke up hungry enough to eat a small horse. So, I grabbed a snack. A big mac and a small fry only goes so far. 😉 So, Anyhow, I’ve been awake ever since. I am starting to yawn here. So, I’ll most likely lay down here for a few hours and grab some shuteye and be up later on this afternoon. It isn’t like there’s anything earth shattering happening anyhow.

So, apologies to those who were wondering where I was. Once and while I do have a life and do have to attend to other matters. 😀

Video: We Are The World 25 for Haiti

There are some who would criticize me for doing this.

Two Words: Screw ‘Em. 😡

Here’s the video:

We are the World Foundation Website

Donate Here

There will a widget on this blog on the left hand side, until this group work is done.

Some things are much broader and deeper than politics. I am a human being and an American first and a Conservative second.

Cutting bait

I hate having to do it.  However, I believe in standing up for one’s convictions.  Therefore, if you look in my Blogroll section, you will see that I removed two names.  I did this because I am sick and tired of the little game being played by a Blogger, of whom I will never link to again; the game is this, if you do not support Sarah Palin, I will not link to you or anything.  I requested some help and was told barefaced lie; all because I happen to think, Sarah Palin is an idiot dolt.  I hate to be a prick about it, but two can play that game.  Say goodbye to your place on my blogroll sir.

Therefore, In essence, I am cutting bait with him and his crowd.  Oh, I am not joining the left.  I am just going to be quite selective whom I associate myself with from now on. I may do some more removing of names that I really do not feel comfortable having on my blog. I tried the “Do not harm” approach and I see it is getting me nowhere.  That is, because if you do not fit in with their little clan, (or should I say Klan?) you are ignored, lied to, and so forth.

I tried to be the nice person, I tried to look past other people’s opinions; but it just did not work.  Therefore, I am done with it.  From here on out, I am looking out for me and myself only.  Screw the rest of them.

New Lower Prices on Ad Spaces

Just thought I would let all my readers know, that I have dropped my prices for premium ad space on here.

Click here to look at the prices on the left side and click here to look at the ones for the right side. (they’re the same…)

I also have an ad space at the bottom. It’s all done through BlogAds, which has some very cool Ad Networks at well. I belong to the following:

If you like, you can support the bloggers on these ad networks. For what it is worth, I accept most ads. Except for anything of an “Adult” Nature or anything, that I feel is of a liberal nature as well. I always approve all ads, before I display them. It is all done through PayPal, so, I don’t hassle with the money.

My Ads are the lowest in the business, I tried raising them, but I guess people just are not buying high priced ads. So, they’re back where they belong; low, so everyone can afford them.

So, if you’ve got a start up business, a special interest group or a PAC, advertise here at Political Byline!

Updated – I feel the need to clear some things up

As you all know, I had a run in with a dude calling himself the “Fat Libertarian“, In his final e-mail to me, he made this little quip, which I found to be most humorous:

Websites like yours and Hotair make a living going after Ron Paul.  So when people who like Ron Paul who believe in his principles defend him, you don’t expect some debate to happen?

The only reason I filmed your blog was because you revealed a level of stupidity that I thought was newsworthy for a relatively popular blog.

I understand you have more blogging to do, so get to it.  Consider this “debate” over.

His snide remark about me being stupid aside, I do believe this guy in under some impression that my blog is like one of the big dog’s in the “Right Wing”, if you will, Blogosphere.

Well, that’s certainly news to me!

I’m going to share to some screen shots here…

First off I hardly consider this to be making a living:

I hardly consider this to be making a living...(click to make bigger)
So much for that guy who's making a living off of Ron Paul eh?

That 199.84 was for one month, there was time, when I was lucky if I cleared like 30 bucks in a month. Note, when adsense pays me come the 28’th of this month, I will not get all of this, I may walk away with around $140.00 or so, If I am lucky. Adsense is all Pay per click…

Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!
Boy, look at all that money I make from ripping on Ron Paul... NOT!

These stats are from Connect Commerce, which was bought out by Google. It’s all pay per action ads. It’s the ones, like that ad with jeep on the left. I’ve made exactly jack shit on those ads, so far. Not one person has bought a single thing, yet. So, much for rolling in the dough eh? To be fair, I just joined the program, with the promise from them, that I’d be swimming in the dough in no time flat… So much for that… 🙄 I knew better, but I am a sucker for a good sales pitch.

But say, “Oh he must be making money on those inline text links!”

Well, um, here’s the screenshot:

Look at all that BIG MONEY! NOT!

I’ve yet to get payment from them as well. So much for that little “talking point” eh?

Now, some of you, including my liberal libertarian buddy may thing I’m swimming in the paypal donations right? Hmmm:

Man, so many donations, I dunno what I will do with all that money... (Yeah, right!)

As for his remarks about me being a popular blogger. Ha! That’s another good one. 🙄

Let’s see here:

My Traffic ranking compaired to other well-known Conservative sites
More of that...
and even more....
And a little bit more....

So, there you have it. Sure, I could sit back here and lie my ass off and tell everyone, “Yeah, I am a big dog..” But, nope, not me. When I get 3200 hits around here, which is not very often, it is a good day. Usually, I bring in about 600 hits… on a good day.

Why am I doing all of this?

Because I believe in honesty. No matter if it hurts me or not. Because I just do not have any ego about this at all. There are some cats that are in this business that have their egos all wrapped up in their blogs and they will do anything to make themselves look good —- including stepping on others. I am just not on that kind of trip at all. I said my piece about Ron Paul and instantly, I am a big blogger on a Neo-Con mission. Nothing could be further from the truth about that.

So, there you have it. Make of it, what thou wilt.

Update: R.S. McCain makes good some points as well. Although, I tend to think that he thought that I was whining. Far from it; I was just being truthful about what I make on this little boondoggle project. Also 600 hits around here is about normal. When the Earthquake in Haiti hit, I blogged on that and my hits went way over 3k. So, it’s a toss. Some days I do well, and some days, I just write. 😉 I just wish that everyone one of those 3k people that visited my blog had kicked 20 bucks into the tipjar. I’d be living easy street then! But, ah well, no complaining here. I’m just happy to have the freedom to write. 😀

Memo to the Paul-Bots: You guys are not welcome around here no more

I guess this is what happens, when I try to be civil to people.  A few days ago, I wrote about a video that I happened to see over on HotAir.com, it was about Ron Paul and him yowling on about how evil the C.I.A and how they were co-opting the Military.  It was, if felt, a very stupid and borderline Alex Jones sounding nonsense.

Not entirely surprising, some of Ronnie Paul’s little sock puppets and mindless stooges came over to make their inane arguments about how wrong I was, and have horribly evil the Government is and so forth.  At first, I thought about deleting them, but I figured I would be a little charitable and let them have their say, I also notified a friend of mine, who one of the commenters slandered, my friend said he was not too worried about what this person said, and so, I decided I would try to engage these people.

This proved to be a foolish mistake, because right now, sitting on one a man’s blog, who calls himself, “The Fat Libertarian.” Who’s actually name is Robert Timsah, and who lives at [snipped]-— on his blog, which I will never link to, is a video of him discussing my responses to his idiotic feelings about me, Republicans; of which I am not affiliated with, or Neo-Cons, which I am not — mainly because I am not Jewish.  With the Ron Paul people, as with the Liberal Left, Neo-Con is code word for some sort of Jewish cabal.  Anyhow, this video was shot without my consent, approval, or even knowledge.  Which could be grounds for a major lawsuit, should I desire to pursue this in a court of law.

In any event, I removed the discussion with this man and his libertarian sock puppets, because I was essentially set up.  Therefore, here is my message to the Ron Paul-ites who read this blog:


I am the nicest person you would ever want to meet, rarely am I a “Hard Ass” about anything.  However, when I decide to give someone a chance and that person abuses that chance, I stop being a nice person.  Since one of the Ron Paul idiots decided that deceiving me and filming contents of my blog, without my authorization would be cute, I have decided stop Ron Paul’s fans from having any say on my blog, ever again.  I am all for freedom of speech, but when those who believe in freedom of speech decide to engage in deception, that freedom stops with me.

As for the video, I reported it to youtube, hopefully, they pull it, as my rights were violated here, in a big way.  I may also pursue this in a court of law.  I do have an attorney friend of mine, who owes me a big favor.  I did some web consulting work for him once, and he told me, if I ever had a legal problem to call him.  I might check with him on Monday.

So, to the Ron Paul people, consider yourselves persona non gratia around these parts.

Update: This “Fat Libertarian” was kind enough to remove the video, so, I removed his address. But my feelings about these people remain unabated.