Exclusive Video Commentary: Trump vs Bannon

Well, this is very interesting…

Via Bloomberg, Trump says, Bannon is “Teh Crazy..”:

President Donald Trump denounced his former top strategist, Steve Bannon, on Wednesday in a dramatic break from the man considered an architect of Trump’s populist campaign.


“When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind,” Trump said in a statement issued after the publication of excerpts of a new book in which Bannon criticizes the president and his family. “Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.”


Steve Bannon

Photographer: Nicole Craine/Bloomberg

Bannon has lost the access to the president that he’s enjoyed since leaving the White House in August, one person familiar with the matter said.

Earlier on Wednesday, The Guardian published excerpts of a forthcoming book by author Michael Wolff in which Bannon predicts that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will “crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV” over the president’s son’s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016. Bannon also called Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the lawyer, in which he expected to receive damaging information on Trump’s election opponent Hillary Clinton, “treasonous” and “unpatriotic,” according to the Guardian.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters at a briefing that Trump was “furious, disgusted” by Bannon’s remarks about his son, calling the claims “outrageous” and “completely false.”

Bannon, reached by Bloomberg News, declined to comment on the remarks published by the Guardian. Two people close to him said he wasn’t bothered by the president’s statement. They asked not to be identified discussing Bannon’s reaction.

New York Magazine also published an article by Wolff on Wednesday, based on the book, that recounts a conversation between Bannon and former Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes in which the two men debated whether Trump understood the importance of his election.

“‘Does he get it?’ asked Ailes suddenly, looking intently at Bannon. Did Trump get where history had put him?” Wolff wrote. “Bannon took a sip of water. ‘He gets it,’ he said, after hesitating for perhaps a beat too long. ‘Or he gets what he gets.”’

My temptation to giggle at the faux outrage aside. This will have some far reaching consequences and I explain this in my video commentary below:


Related: (Via Memorandum)

Michael Wolff / New York Magazine:Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President

David Smith / The Guardian:Trump Tower meeting with Russians ‘treasonous’, Bannon says in explosive book

Asawin Suebsaeng / The Daily Beast:Enraged Trump Personally Dictated Scathing Denouncement of Strategist Steve Bannon

Others: Washington Post, RedState, The Hill, National Review, CNN, Politico, The Daily Beast, Shareblue Media, CNBC, The White House, Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo, New York Times, TVNewser, Little Green Footballs, Business Insider, The Daily Caller, Axios, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Refinery29, Gizmodo, Raw Story, Washington Press, Mother Jones, Mashable, Front Page Magazine, The Guardian, TheBlaze, Breitbart, The Daily Gazette, Mediaite, IJR, Shakesville and The Mahablog, more at Mediagazer », Politico, Breitbart, Weekly Standard, TheBlaze, Infowars, Daily Wire, New York Post, CNN, National Review, NBC News, New Republic, ThinkProgress, The Atlantic, Vox, Talking Points Memo, bizpacreview.com, Washington Press, HuffPost, Washington Post, Axios, ABC News, Right Wing Watch, IJR, Mother Jones, The Daily Caller, The Moderate Voice, Business Insider, Raw Story, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Booman Tribune, CNBC, Hullabaloo, The Gateway Pundit, Common Dreams, The Stream, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, RedState, Fox News Insider, Washington Free Beacon, Washington Monthly, Roll Call and Townhall.com, The Hill, Raw Story, Business Insider and Washington Press


A perfect example of just how bad the left has become

It used to be that the left, as it is called, had an actual purpose. We were against the Iraq War. We were fighting against something that, we felt, was very wrong. When I was among those ranks, we were writing against something that actually existed. It has been said, by many, that it seems that the left, has lost its way. Well, I give you proof of such.

Matt Vespa writing over at Townhall.com has discovered, just how far the liberal left, has fallen:

Around Christmas time, yes, I will confess I sometimes watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. They’re cheesy. All aspects about it are too good to be true, but to get into the season and to take a break from my usual viewing of graphic violence, I’ve seen worse. Apparently, though—it’s very problematic because everyone is white, there are no feminists, no Muslims, and the male leads have white nationalist haircuts—whatever that means. It’s your typical contrarian drivel from Slate, a Washington Post-affiliated site. Oh, and the areas with the strongest viewership are in states where Trump won. I smell collusion. I smell propaganda, right? No, I actually don’t because I’m not a progressive, but the analysis is quite entertaining [emphasis mine]:

Here is the quote:

At a rally in November 2015, Donald Trump heralded, “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again, that I can tell you.” Of all his empty guarantees, the president has perhaps fulfilled none better than a counterstrike in the War on Christmas, and no battalion has fired more rooty-toot artillery for him than the Hallmark Channel. In 2017, the network is premiering 21 original Christmas movies (up from 20 last year)—42 hours of sugary, sexist, preposterously plotted, plot hole–festooned, belligerently traditional, ecstatically Caucasian cheer. To observe the first holiday season under the Trump administration, I’m bearing witness to them all.

Hallmark Channel, owned by the Kansas City, Missouri–based greeting-card giant, has boomed since Trump began campaigning. In 2016, Hallmark was the only top-15 entertainment channel with double-digit ratings growth, and viewership has jumped another 16 percent this year. Meanwhile, Hallmark’s Christmas programming, which this year began before Halloween, generates more than 30 percent of its annual ad revenue and has helped Hallmark become the season’s highest-rated cable network among women aged 25–54. More than 70 million Americans watched Hallmark Channel Christmas movies last year.The network has already approached that number in 2017, with three weeks and five premieres remaining. And the network’s strongholds map to Trump’s Electoral College victories.After watching a few of Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas films, the network’s burgeoning red-state appeal comes into focus. As much as these movies offer giddy, predictable escapes from Trumpian chaos, they all depict a fantasy world in which America has been Made Great Again. Real and fictional heartland small towns with names such as Evergreen and Cookie Jar are as thriving as their own small businesses, and even a high school art teacher (played by Trump supporter and the face of Hallmark, Candace Cameron Bure) can afford a lavishly renovated Colonial home. They brim with white heterosexuals who exclusively, emphatically, and endlessly bellow “Merry Christmas” to every lumberjack and labradoodle they pass. They’re centered on beauty-pageant heroines and strong-jawed heroes with white-nationalist haircuts. There are occasional sightings of Christmas sweater–wearing black people, but they exist only to cheer on the dreams of the white leads, and everyone on Trump’s naughty list—Muslims, gay people, feminists—has never crossed the snowcapped green-screen mountains to taint these quaint Christmas villages. “Santa Just Is White” seems to be etched into every Hallmark movie’s town seal.

I don’t even know how to respond to this. At least when we were protesting the Iraq War, we were actually protesting something that was real; and not something imagined.

Donald Trump sics lawyers on liberal blogger for blogging about a rumor

Now, at first blush, I would normally say, “Ha Ha! He’s a liberal, he gets what’s coming to him!” However, in this case, I will refrain from much nonsense. This below is a perfect example as to why I simply refuse to blog about rumors, gossip and such.

From the Liberal Blog, called Liberal America:

Just so we’re being completely transparent here, you should know this:

This is being written under duress because I don’t have enough money to fight a legal battle against the Trump machine. Yesterday, I wrote a story based on Melania Trump allegedly having been an escort or paid sex worker when she arrived in New York. A few hours later, the owner of Liberal America received an email threatening us with legal action if we didn’t do as the Trump attorneys instructed — remove the “false statements.” So this is my apology.

First of all, I’m very very sorry that I wrote an article about the past of Melania Trump. I got my information from reputable sources and reported on what was being reported there, but apparently that isn’t good enough to pass muster in the version of American freedom of the press envisioned by Mr. Trump and his team of legal vultures.

Additionally, I’m also sorry that the personal image of the wannabe first lady is so insecure that she feels the need to send her legal hell-hounds chasing after small, independent journalists such as me. I had no idea I was such a threat to the Trump campaign or family. Imagine my surprise.

Andrew Bradford goes on:

But most of all I’m sorry that in Donald and Melania Trump’s view of how this republic works, they think it’s in keeping with the spirit of the First Amendment to threaten, intimidate, and harass reporters. Just the fact that they immediately felt the need to get lawyers involved proves that they don’t believe in preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution, even though every President has to make a pledge to do so when he or she takes the oath of office. In Donald Trump’s world, the Constitution only applies to those who can afford to hire expensive legal mouthpieces.

It is quite telling about Trump isn’t it?

Here’s the official document:

It is going to be a long election season folks. 🙄 I do not recall Ronald Reagan threatening to sue anyone for something that was said, that he did not like.

Other Bloggers: The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Above the Law, New York Times, Techdirt, New York Magazine, Guardian, Independent Journal Review, BizPac Review and Politico, more at Mediagazer »

David Duke for Congress?!?! Good Luck with that!

The stupidity of this below boggles the mind. 🙄

David Duke says he is getting ready to run for Congress.The former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and ex-candidate for Louisiana governor told The Daily Beast he is heavily leaning towards challenging Rep. Steve Scalise. Scalise is the No. 3 Republican in the House who reportedly once called himself “David Duke without the baggage” and spoke at a white nationalist group that Duke founded.“I’ve very seriously set up an exploratory committee to run for the United States Congress against Steve Scalise,” Duke said. “I expect to make a decision in a few days” ahead of the July 22 ballot deadline.Duke said the killing of five white police officers in Dallas by a black militant pushed him to the brink of running.“I don’t take any satisfaction in the fact that I was right, but I have been right,” he said. “Unless European Americans stand up, they are going to lose everything they care about in this country.”Duke sees 2016 as his year to win because of new racial tensions.“There are millions of people across the country who would like to have me in the Congress. I’d be the only person in Congress openly defending the rights and the heritage of European Americans,” he said. “We are on the offensive today. There’s no more defenses.” Via: David Duke Plans to Run for Congress Against the Republican Who Spoke to His Group – The Daily Beast

Quite bluntly, this guy has as much chance of getting elected, than I do getting elected President of the United States of America. 😆

Oh, and the stupidity continues:

Aware of his checkered history, Duke said he welcomed the backlash that would come if he runs.

“We have social media and the Internet today puts me at an even footing with you. The truth is going to get out one way or the other. I demand some fair treatment. The media can demonize me all they want. They can lie about me. They can say whatever they want about me. Things are changing in this country,” Duke said, his voice rising to a crescendo.

“We’re in a revolutionary spirit.”

In other words, he is running to put this name in the media, so he can get more hits on his website and maybe, possibly, sell a book or two. What some people will not do to pimp themselves out for a few sheckles.

Because let’s just be real folks; this guy is not only going to face a very stiff headwind from the left; but also from the right as well and yes, that does include the Republican Party. If you think that the Republican establishment is going to let this guy even remotely win; you are very highly mistaken.

Donald Trump may have blown a few doors open in the Republican Party; but this here, is definitely not one of them. The Republican Party has been burned in the past, by many a professional bigot, if there is such a thing — and they are not going to be burned again.

Besides all of that; has David Duke forgotten exactly what group of people basically runs that political party? I think he is making a very big mistake; that will set his cause back many, many years. Basically, he is the white equivalent of black lives matter; a movement that is about to be shoved to the dust bins of history, as a violent extremist group.

White people need a voice, but not his, not at all. 😡

….and before anyone calls me a “N*gger lover” or a Jew. Take a look at my profile page and tell me what I am, thanks.


Media once again, gets it wrong

Big shocker here, not!

The anti-gun politimedia wasted no time at all demonizing the most common rifle in the United States as being the real villain of the Islamic terrorist attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando.


Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”

Always wrong Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post whined, “The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice.”

Here’s the thing.The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15.sig suaer mcx

The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.This of course, will make no difference at all to the anti-gun politimedia, who don’t particularly care about factual accuracy and who likely wouldn’t be able to tell an AR-15 from a toaster oven if their lives depended on it. – Source: NARRATIVE FAIL: Orlando Islamic Terrorist Did NOT Use An AR-15 – Bearing Arms

What am I not surprised?

Others: Townhall.com, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, Hit & Run, FiveThirtyEight, Washington Post, Advocate, Politico, RedState, Hot Air, Business Insider, ThinkProgress, Mother Jones and Guardian

I hate to say it, But, John Kerry is right

As you all know, I have rescinded my support of Donald Trump. So, when I saw this article here; I had to agree with it.

Via Yahoo News:

Washington (AFP) – Secretary of State John Kerry warned that the Republican presidential campaign has descended into “an embarrassment” that raises awkward questions abroad about the reliability of the United States.

Kerry said that everywhere he goes, every leader he meets asks about what is happening in America.

“They cannot believe it. I think it is fair to say that they’re shocked. They don’t know where it’s taking the United States of America,” Kerry said in an interview on the Sunday CBS news show “Face The Nation.”

“It upsets people’s sense of equilibrium about our steadiness, about our reliability, and to some degree I must say to you, some of the questions, the way they’re posed to me, it’s clear to me that what’s happening is an embarrassment to our country.”

Kerry was asked out the impact abroad of the Republican campaign with its calls for bans on Muslim immigrants, surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods and the return of waterboarding, an interrogation practice regarded as torture.

Frontrunner Donald Trump and his chief rival Ted Cruz have stepped up the anti-Muslim rhetoric since the suicide bombings in Brussels Tuesday that left 28 dead.

I hate to be the one to say it; But, Jerry Kerry is right. The nasty rhetoric coming out of the Trump and Cruz campaigns is sickening. I would imagine that world leaders would be mildly concerned about it too. I wrote something on Facebook last night and I think it fits here:

One more thing before I go to bed.

I have written about this on my blog, but, I thought I would write about it here as well I have officially thrown in the towel with Donald Trump.

He’s got some great positions on free trade, foreign policy and immigration. But, there are other things that he has done, that I really don’t like at all.

Basically, what happened is there was a story that came out in the National Enquirer that basically accused Ted Cruz of having multiple affairs with multiple women

Well, a young lady who I have known via the Internet for a long time got implicated in that story in the National Enquirer. Her name is Amanda Carpenter and I have corresponded with her on the internet on multiple occasions and she’s also happily married with 2 kids

The fact that Donald Trump basically has not really said anything in her defense and the fact that basically the guy is a misogynist when it comes to women; his attacks on Megyn Kelly are a perfect example of that.

I looked the other way when he went after Megyn Kelly, I looked the other way when he said some rather nasty things about Rosie O’Donald and a few other women. I also looked the other way when some very hardcore racist people began supporting him and he basically would not forcefully distanced himself from those kind of people.

I kind of get wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I also kind of tried to overlook it.

However, when someone who I happen to know is a sister in the Lord Jesus Christ that loves the Lord quite a bit and strives to serve him and make him the Cornerstone of her family; that being her husband and her two children; gets slimed like that and then Donald Trump turns around and says, “well, I didn’t have anything to do with it” and basically in insinuates that Ted Cruz and the rest of those women had it coming…

….I’m sorry, but that’s just too much. Not to mention that Donald Trump has cheapened the political discussion. he has appealed to a raw emotion which is populism and there’s nothing wrong with that; as long as it’s done in a positive way. Donald Trump has used it in a negative way and as a result some pretty nasty things have happened.

Having said that, I have rescinded my support of Donald Trump. I will not be voting for him in the general election. I will be voting third-party most likely to libertarian or Constitution party and if the GOP collapses upon itself in November, it will be nobody’s fault, but their own and I will be able to say that I had no hand in that implosion.

if by some chance Donald Trump does win the White House, personally, I think it’ll be a miracle. because if the GOP establishment doesn’t do him in, then he will do himself in with his nastiness and that’s just how I feel about it.

Ronald Reagan conveyed hope, optimism and faith. Donald Trump, the only thing I see that comes out of him his ego nastiness and vindictiveness; that’s not good qualities for a president.

I ask all of you who are Christians and do pray, that do follow me on Facebook, who are friends with me on Facebook; please hold up Amanda Carpenter, her husband Chris and her daughter and young son in your prayers. Because now, Satan is working overtime to try to destroy that marriage and it’s a sad thing, she’s a really nice woman.

This is why I stopped supporting Donald Trump; nothing more, nothing less. Quite bluntly, I have had enough of it. When the GOP finds someone, who is not a clown show, to run for President; I might vote for them. Until then, I will be voting third party. The silliness with Amanda Carpenter was it for me.

Others: Booman Tribune

This is end, my only friend, the end….

This is so funny. The Establishment is feeling the butthurt:

Nothing can stop the Trump train….nothing. Not even Erik “whiny bitch boy” Erickson

The talks about how to deal with Trump’s ascendance took on fresh urgency on Thursday. Some were intent on keeping up the fight. Prominent conservative activists gathered behind closed doors at the Army-Navy Club in downtown Washington, just a few blocks from the White House, to discuss how Trump could be defeated — even if it means waging a third-party campaign to run against him. The meeting drew around two dozen figures, including prominent activist Erick Erickson, conservative columnist Quin Hillyer, South Dakota businessman Bob Fischer and former George W. Bush adviser Bill Wichterman.
Source: Anti-Trump forces contemplate the end – POLITICO

I believe this here is most appropriate:


When customers are jerks

Sorry, but this is just wrong….:

DES MOINES, Iowa — A popular waitress at a popular restaurant closed out one of her table’s Tuesday night when she found a note from her patron.Zombie burgerTaelor Beeck“At first, I felt really upset, I felt attacked, I almost felt like I was back in middle school all over again, like being bullied,” Taelor Beeck said. “I felt like a burning anger inside of me.”On a bill worth $17.26, the tip line was crossed out.”Tips are only for normal looking people,” the patron wrote.”But I didn’t act on it because it’s not worth it when someone puts hate out there, you know to respond in a hateful way will do no good,” Beeck said.Beeck describes herself as an individual. She said she was stiffed out of the money that people in the service industry rely on to pay their bills.”I mean I can’t pay my bills if people don’t tip me,” Beeck said. “That’s how I make a living.”Orchestrate Hospitality, the parent company of Zombie Burger is standing behind its employee and released this statement: We believe that zombie burger is a place that celebrates individuality We stand by our staff We also believe that our customers enjoy zombie burger because it is a wonderfully unique place and that includes the team members. We are in 100% support of our staff. And we’re confident that our customers will be as well. She is an example of a great team member and we are standing by her. – Source: Waitress Stiffed: ‘Tips are only for normal-looking people’ | whotv.com

For the record,  Taelor Beeck looks like this:

and what she got was this from a customer:

Any other time, I would say that she most likely wrote the note herself. However, I have worked in the retail service industry in my day; and I can honestly tell you that some in the public, can be real a-holes in a big way. 😡

For the conservatives who would say, “Well, she does look strange, she deserves it!” I simply ask you this: Would you feel the same way, if this woman were black? Would you feel the same way, if this were your daughter? Most importantly, would you feel the same way, if it were a conservative Christian lady, who was wearing a cross and maybe a Christian t-shirt? Most sane people would feel a bit differently about it.

Allow me to remind my reading audience of something; there have been soldiers who have died on battlefields, foreign and domestic —- so that this young lady can think and dress, talk and act —– be who she really is! This is the essence of true freedom. It is a damned shame that some people have to take a judgmental attitude towards those who do not fit into what their shallow idea of what “Normal” really is. I know something about this; as I have been there myself.

This above, is why I never want to see Ted Cruz, that demented Christian Theocratic Dominionist in the White House, ever.


Leftists show their true colors at the news of Nancy Reagan’s passing

This, my friends, is the true colors of the Democratic Party and the leftist base that supports them. This is why I quit voting for them. This is the sort of bile that drove me away from that Party. I was no fan boy of Bush and Co. But, this sort of bile is uncalled for. Which is why I stopped voting for them, supporting them and such.

Check out:  First 30 Minutes: Vile Tweets About Death of Nancy Flow On Twitter – Breitbart

There is no excuse for it, at all. This is why Ronald Reagan left that party.

Update: Seriously Wonkette? I hope the Reagan family sues the crap out of you for this bile.

I like Donald Trump, but this is just dumb

I said as such in my rant that I shot last night.

During a Tuesday interview with talk show host Michael Savage, Donald Trump seemed to lend some credence to the conspiracy theories that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, saying it was “pretty unusual” they found a pillow on his face.“Donald, I need to come back to the topic we’ve all been screaming about here, which is Scalia, was he murdered,” Savage said. “I know it’s pretty brutal to say that, and I’m not wanting to drag you into this, but this is going to be bigger and bigger and bigger.”“I went on the air and said we need the equivalent of a Warren Commission, we need an immediate autopsy before the body is disposed of. What do you think of that?” Savage asked.

Trump avoided giving a straight answer, saying he didn’t know enough. “Well I just heard today… you know I just landed and I’m hearing it’s a big topic.”“But they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow,” Trump said. “I can’t tell you– I can’t give you an answer.” – Source: Trump: ‘Pretty Unusual’ Scalia Was Found With ‘Pillow on His Face’ | Mediaite

I have said on here that I like Donald Trump and I would vote for him, if he made the General Election and I would vote for him, if he is still in the primary, by the time it gets to Michigan. However, I find this here to be incredibly stupid of him to enter into this sort of nonsense.

Look, the man is dead, okay? Give his family a break. Stop with the stupid. It does nothing for the conservative cause to repeat Alex Jones talking points. 😡