The Painfully Obligatory Political Big Bird Posting

I won’t belabor this.

Here is my posting  about the very silly political big bird story….thing. (What else am I gonna call it?)

I will simply do what I do best…..say, CUE THE MUSIC!

Blogger Roundup: The Moderate VoiceSlateWashington MonthlyThe HillMediaiteABCNEWSNew York MagazineThe CaucusRed Alert PoliticsGuardianCBS New YorkCagle PostWeasel Zippers,Business InsiderThe Daily CallerAmerican SpectatorMashable!Rolling StoneThe FixThe Gateway PunditNewsyVillainous CompanyWashington Free BeaconThe Hinterland GazetteThe Powers That BeTVNewserTaylor Marsh and The Raw Story

Mob of black teens overrun a Detroit gas station and rob it

Please note: This report is not about racial hatred or bigotry; this is about the realities of living in Detroit and the out of control black hoodlums that control that city and the incompetent and racially biased Police that supposedly protect that god-forsaken city. 


This is a personal story for me, I live in the southern suburbs of Detroit. I grew up on the southwest side of Detroit, Michigan. I remember what southwest Detroit was like when I was a kid in the 1980’s. I also know what southwest Detroit is like now; and believe me, it is not any better. I saw this story over on Joseph Farah’s, and I thought, “You have got to be kidding me!” But, not they were not, I checked and sure enough this is a ongoing problem. I know right where this station is, believe it or not and yes, that is a very rough part of Detroit and personally would not want to live or work over there at night.

Here is the news video report from

Story Quote:

Even the old-timers in Detroit never have seen anything like this: A mob of 40 black people moved into a convenience store and will not leave.

They say they now own it. They eat. Smoke. Cuss.Threaten. Spit. Rob. Sell drugs. All on video.

Police, ministers, neighbors, the store owner and just about everyone else seems powerless to stop them.

“It’s a Bad Crew gas station,” said one of the mob to the local Fox affiliate. “If you don’t know what that is, I can’t even tell you.”

The owner calls police, but nothing happens. The police “come here and then they leave. Two minutes later they (the mob) are back.”

Earlier this month, members of the Perfecting Church, one of Detroit’s largest black congregations, counseled the members of the mob to stop their evil ways

Absolutely disgusting. 😡

Here is a link to an earlier report on the same gas station with Church people pleading with black thugs to pweeeeze stop robbing this story. 🙄 Via Fox 2 Detroit:

Fox 2 News Headlines


A Detroit man says his business is being held hostage by a group of teenagers who continually loiter inside and out of his gas station.

“There’s a lot of good people around here,” said the station owner, who wished to remain anonymous. But now, those good people aren’t coming as often to the Marathon station along W. 7 Mile Road on the city’s west side.

“This is a Bad Crew gas station,” said one teen loitering out front on Tuesday. When asked what that meant, he said, “If you don’t know, I can’t even tell you.”

Surveillance video obtained by FOX 2 shows as many as a dozen teens hanging out inside the store, smoking cigarettes, sitting on countertops and even spitting into sinks.

The owner says as many as 40 teens can be hanging out in front of the station at any time. “Destroying my store. Destroying my business,” said the owner.

He says his clerks are too frightened to take action against the teens and he’s worried that the loitering could lead to violence.

Detroit police have been called numerous times to the store, but the owner says right after officers disperse the crowd and leave the scene, the teens returns to their normal posts.

Leslie Cunningham, who lives nearby the station, says members from Marvin Winans’ Perfecting Church have recently been to the station to talk to the young people. “It’s out of hand,” said Cunningham. “We try to raise young people around here that they would be concerned and care about their area and this is what we have to contend with.”

The owner, and father of four, says he would walk away from his business if he didn’t owe so much on it.

Okay first of all; the only language that this young black thugs understand is the language of an end of a gun. If that station hired some ARMED guards, with say, a few AR-15’s modded for automatic fire, I tend to believe that these thugs would find somewhere else to hang out and rob. The only mentality that these black thugs understand is “survival of the fittest.” Because of this problem; this business owner is going to have to make some serious adjustments.

Again, this is not about racial bigotry or hatred. It is about reality. The reality is this: the reason why this is not being dealt with is because, when you have a black police force, black youth, who are committing the crimes are not going to be dealt with at all. Because in ghetto culture, “brother don’t cut another brother!” If you know what I mean. This credo dates back to the days of slavery, which when one slave would do something wrong, and another slave saw it; he had two choices, rat his fellow black brother out or keep his mouth closed. Most chose the latter. This is why you have black thugs running wild in the streets of Detroit. Because quite frankly, the Detroit cops do not care. As long as they are not murdering anybody; the police attitude is let them go.

Of course, the standard disclaimers and excuses will be rolled out by the City of Detroit. Ones like, “We do not have enough police.” “We don’t have enough money to have police around at all times.” But we who have lived in the city of Detroit. We know. That the fact is that minorities; black and latino, can do pretty any darned thing that they want to, as long as no one gets killed and the city police will not do anything about it. Now, if you are a white man, and did something like this — oh yes, your butt would be in jail in no time flat! But if you are black or latino, it is just a normal part of living in the city.

Just in case someone happens to read this, from say the city of Detroit or one of residents. I have one thing to say to you


Also too, as I was finishing this story. The irony hit me.. We have police who are so damned eager for a police state. Except, when it comes to stuff like this here. Blacks out of control? No problem! But, you let a white man get a little out of hand and it is the police state army AKA as the swat team — to the rescue!

Videos: Liberal rag Mother Jones delivers another nothing-burger on Mitt Romney, this time, on Israel and the middle east

Here we go again, a follow-up to the earlier nothing-burger that the liberals seem to believe will destroy Mitt Romney. Here comes another nothing-burger.

Via liberal rag Mother Jones:

On the Middle East Conflict:


I’m torn by two perspectives in this regard. One is the one which I’ve had for some time, which is that the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish. Now why do I say that? Some might say, well, let’s let the Palestinians have the West Bank, and have security, and set up a separate nation for the Palestinians. And then come a couple of thorny questions. And I don’t have a map here to look at the geography, but the border between Israel and the West Bank is obviously right there, right next to Tel Aviv, which is the financial capital, the industrial capital of Israel, the center of Israel. It’s—what the border would be? Maybe seven miles from Tel Aviv to what would be the West Bank…The other side of the West Bank, the other side of what would be this new Palestinian state would either be Syria at one point, or Jordan. And of course the Iranians would want to do through the West Bank exactly what they did through Lebanon, what they did near Gaza. Which is that the Iranians would want to bring missiles and armament into the West Bank and potentially threaten Israel. So Israel of course would have to say, “That can’t happen. We’ve got to keep the Iranians from bringing weaponry into the West Bank.” Well, that means that—who? The Israelis are going to patrol the border between Jordan, Syria, and this new Palestinian nation? Well, the Palestinians would say, “Uh, no way! We’re an independent country. You can’t, you know, guard our border with other Arab nations.” And now how about the airport? How about flying into this Palestinian nation? Are we gonna allow military aircraft to come in and weaponry to come in? And if not, who’s going to keep it from coming in? Well, the Israelis. Well, the Palestinians are gonna say, “We’re not an independent nation if Israel is able to come in and tell us what can land in our airport.” These are problems—these are very hard to solve, all right? And I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say, “There’s just no way.” And so what you do is you say, “You move things along the best way you can.” You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem. We live with that in China and Taiwan. All right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. We don’t go to war to try and resolve it imminently. On the other hand, I got a call from a former secretary of state. I won’t mention which one it was, but this individual said to me, you know, I think there’s a prospect for a settlement between the Palestinians and the Israelis after the Palestinian elections. I said, “Really?” And, you know, his answer was, “Yes, I think there’s some prospect.” And I didn’t delve into it.

He is speaking the truth here. The Palestinians do NOT want a two-State solution. They want Israel pushed into the sea. They have said this a thousand times. Besides that, that land is Israel’s land, it says that in the Bible and that should be the end of the discussion; as for as this writer is concerned.

On Iraq and Nukes:


If I were Iran, if I were Iran—a crazed fanatic, I’d say let’s get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we’ll just say, “Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we’re going to let off a dirty bomb.” I mean this is where we have—where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we really don’t have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.

This is a classic foreign policy position that President himself also supports. In the case of Iran, it is totally warranted.

The president’s foreign policy, in my opinion, is formed in part by a perception he has that his magnetism, and his charm, and his persuasiveness is so compelling that he can sit down with people like Putin and Chávez and Ahmadinejad, and that they’ll find that we’re such wonderful people that they’ll go on with us, and they’ll stop doing bad things. And it’s an extraordinarily naive perception.

Again, this is true; the recent events have proven that many times over.

Once again, Mother Jones has proven itself incapable of bringing any sort of “real” dirt out on Governor Romney. The only thing that they have; is the Governor speaking honestly about President Obama, his foreign policy and Israel. Now it seems that Mother Jones is now focusing on the private life of the person that hosted the fundraiser. This very thing, ought to show you what it is, that we are dealing with here.

It is called desperation.

Video: Leftist rag Mother Jones releases an absolute nothing-burger on Mitt Romney

Update: Here’s Romney’s Presser on the subject.

If it were not for the fact that this story was so darned funny; it would actually be pretty sad.

Mother Jones the crypt keeper of all things liberal, comes up with some really super secret video of Mitt Romney telling the absolute truth about the Obama voting people.

Here are the videos:

On Obama voters:

On Treating Obama gingerly, because he does not want to lose the independent voter:

On his consultants:

On the fact that most people couldn’t give a rip about politics; that they care about bread and butter issues:

On Obama and Wall Street; and if Mitt Romney wins, Wall Street will improve:

In this idiotic article, the author makes a false claim:

(Note: Obama did not promise his policies would keep unemployment under 8 percent,and 50 percent of college graduates are not unemployed.)

Well, um, actually —- Via Washington Examiner:

Mother Jones reporter David Corn claims the line about Obama promising to get unemployment under eight percent is not true.

Corn is wrong: Two of Obama’s economic advisers released a report in January 2009 arguing that the economic stimulus bill would have unemployment under 6 percent by now.

Also too The Astute Bloggers reminds us of the following:

From the Economic Collapse Blog:

The following are 16 statistics which show that the number of Americans dependent on the government is at an all-time high….

#1 According to the Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that gets direct monetary benefits from the federal government.  Back in 1983, less than a third of all Americans lived in a home that received direct monetary benefits from the federal government.

#2 The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

#3 The number of Americans receiving Social Security disability benefits has increased by 10 percent since Barack Obama first took office.

#4 Back in 1990, the federal government accounted for 32 percent of all health care spending in America. Today, that figure is up to 45 percent and it is projected to surpass 50 percent very shortly.

#5 The number of Americans on food stamps recently hit a new all-time high. It has increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama first entered the White House.

#6 Today, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps and one out of every four American children is on food stamps. This is unprecedented in American history.

#7 In 2010, 42 percent of all single mothers in the United States were on food stamps.

#8 Back in 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income. In 2010, government transfer payments accounted for 18.4% of all income, which was a new all-time high.

#9 By the end of 2011, approximately 55 million Americans received a total of approximately 727 billion dollars in Social Security benefits. As the retirement crisis becomes much worse, that dollar figure is projected to absolutely skyrocket.

#10 According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Social Security system paid out more in benefits than it received in payroll taxes in 2010. That was not supposed to happen until at least 2016.

#11 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid, and things are about to get a whole lot worse. It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

#12 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than previously anticipated.

#13 The total cost of just three federal government programs – the Department of Defense, Social Security and Medicare – exceeded the total amount of taxes brought in during fiscal 2010by 10 billion dollars.

#14 It is being projected that entitlement spending by the federal government will nearly double by the year 2050.

#15 Right now, spending by the federal government accounts for about 24 percent of GDP.  Back in 2001, it accounted for just 18 percent.

#16 When you total it all up, American households are now receiving more money directly from the federal government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

So, in other words, Romney told the truth about the left and now they are having a collective (Something they do well, collectivism!)  heart attack about it. Two words lefties: Oh well. Truth hurts don’t it?

Others: Hot Air,  The Daily CallerAmerican Glob — Plus, Round up of liberal idiots having a collective heart attack over the comments Via Memeorandum

The Saturday Night Music Express Presents: Jimi Hendrix

I have made it no secret on this blog and my old one; that I am, in fact, a die-hard Jimi Hendrix fan. A good part of who and what I am today is because of this man’s music. The biggest thing that I learned from Hendrix and his music was to never accept what is told to you. Always question everything; and believe you me, I do. 🙂

Are you shocked? 😉 😯

This is from 1970. This Jimi live at the Isle of Wight Concert. This is the Movie Presentation of “Wild Blue Angel”.

Please note: If you have a nice sound system or headphones. This would be a good time to put it or them, on and turn it up. 😀

Jimi Hendrix, more than anything else — was the sound of 1960’s America. He set the bar and everyone else tried like heck to sound, look and play like him.

Enjoy the music and enjoy your weekend.