Ed Schultz unhinged

This video comes via the Neo-Marxist Blog, Think Progress:

Money Quote:

SCHULTZ: I told him he was full of sh*t is what I told him. … And then he gave me the Dick Cheney f-bomb. … I told Robert Gibbs, I said “And I’m sorry you’re swearing at me, but I’m just trying to help you out. I’m telling you you’re losing your base. Do you understand you’re losing your base?”

He goes on to yowl about single payer healthcare, The Jewish Cabal which is also known as Neo-Cons, The Iraq War and much of the same of dead tired Democratic Party talking points. As far as his little talking point about the Republicans getting the war that they wanted; you mean, that SAME WAR that the Democrats in Congress voted to authorize funds for, time and time again? You mean, that war? So, that little talking point just does not fly with this former Democratic Party voter, that’s grand standing and bullshit and I think he knows it.

Anyhow, just a peek into the infighting in the Democratic Party, it is quite funny to watch.