Day by Day Cartoon is having it’s yearly fundraiser!

Chris Muir, who draws the awesome Day by Day cartoon, which appears in my sidebar on the left; is holding his yearly fundraiser.

I would give myself, but, as many of you know; my funds are not the greatest either. So, head on over and help him out; he has some very neat stuff that he is offering for those who can give to his fundraiser.

Click here to check out Day by Day Cartoon 

Donate to keep the cartoon strip alive, and Chris afloat!

I should also point out, that Chris has donated to me, more than once. So, I am just passing along the favor and trying to help him get the word out. I also should point out that when I started reading Day by Day, I was firmly in the Democratic Party camp; voting-wise, at least. I did find however, his comic to be quite funny and still do. The message too, was not lost on me at all and the further along I went, the more realized, Chris and his Conservative friends were right and I, was very wrong. This, is why I am helping.

Uncertainty at

I saw the following over at The topic is rather serious, AllahPundit’s take in it, was very funny.


Via the Weekly Standard, I can’t decide if this is newsworthy or not. It’s like when O says he wants to close Gitmo. On the one hand: Hmmm! On the other hand: Meh. It’s not happening, so who cares?

I admit it, I let out a laugh, when I read it. Hmm! Meh and who cares? All in one posting! 😆

Pick a position please… Before the election, preferably!

UPDATE: In response to the stupidity


My attention has been called to the fact that someone is linking to this and another blog entry of mine, to prove that Zilla is lying. Okay first, this was written before I saw the video of her. I also wrote a retraction to the part about her faking her illness. You can read that here. I was only repeating what someone else told me. Which was a stupid mistake on MY part. I just was pissed because people did me dirty or I would have never repeated what I was told. So, stop linking to this posting. I will not pull the posting, as I want it to stay up, as an example of WHAT NOT TO DO, when blogging.

Anyhow, Zilla, sweetheart, if you read this, I am sorry these idiots a bugging you, again. Some people can really be jerks. :mad:

As for those who did me dirty, my feelings remain the same.


In response to this bunch of stupidity.  (It’s a non-direct link, so don’t worry.)

Sorry, I didn’t get into blogging to be popular; especially from likes of you all.

….and yes, you are faking your illness, a well-known and well respected professional blogger, who gets PAID to do write and blog told me so.

Eh, no worries. I never wanted to be popular, or even really accepted by them. Ankle-biters and Johnny-come-lately’s… All the are. Which is why I ignore them anymore.

I simply say this to them all…..

In German:

Um ehrlich zu sein mit euch allen. Ich könnte wirklich weniger, was Sie wirklich alle von mir denken, egal, überhaupt. Wirklich, ich nicht.

All das, weil ich es gewagt, die Wahrheit über einen idiotischen kriminellen con-Künstler Frau, die er sich zum Narren jeder mit ihr sprechen, denkt liegt etwa krank zu sein. Nicht nur, dass die Hälfte von euch leben von der Bundesregierung und der Rest von euch sind Idioten, die nicht verhaftet zu werden könnte viel weniger Erwerbsarbeit zu finden.

Sie werfen mir vor, nicht mit einer zu wollen für ihren Lebensunterhalt arbeiten. Nun, lassen Sie mich sehen, ich lebe im US-Bundesstaat Michigan. Der Bundesstaat Michigan hat die schlechteste Wirtschaft in der ganzen ganzen Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Nicht nur das, aber ich zufällig ein Einzelkind zu sein, der einzige Sohn, meine beiden 60-jährigen Eltern etwas.

Meine Frage an dieser sogenannten “Konservativen” ist dies, wäre es sehr wie Christus von mir zu meinen Eltern zu verzichten und fahre einen semi-LKW sein? Ich habe die Lizenz als solche zu tun. Ich persönlich denke, es wäre der Fluch des Bösen sein, so etwas zu tun, vor allem nach all der Dinge, die meine Eltern für mich in der Vergangenheit getan haben.

Es heißt Respekt. Etwas, diese Dummköpfe wissen nichts davon.

Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass meine amerikanischen Konservatismus nicht ist sehr beliebt bei euch alle überhaupt. Ich weiß, dass es Ihr Wilsonschen Neokonservatismus stört. Einige werfen mir vor Antisemitismus. Für das Protokoll, das tue ich nicht, noch habe ich jemals gehasst Juden überhaupt. Aber als Christ, für mich, hier zu sitzen und sagen, dass die Juden nicht bringen Anklage gegen den Herrn Jesus Christus wäre widersinnig. Die Bibel macht sehr deutlich, wer belogen Christus am Kreuz gelegt …. und es war nicht die Deutschen!

Ich überlasse es Ihnen, alle mit einem Vers aus der Bibel:

So euch die Welt haßt, so wisset, daß sie mich vor euch gehaßt hat. Wäret ihr von der Welt, so hätte die Welt das Ihre lieb; weil ihr aber nicht von der Welt seid, sondern ich habe euch von der Welt erwählt, darum haßt euch die Welt. Gedenket an mein Wort, das ich euch gesagt habe: “Der Knecht ist nicht größer denn sein Herr.” Haben sie mich verfolgt, sie werden euch auch verfolgen; haben sie mein Wort gehalten, so werden sie eures auch halten. Aber das alles werden sie euch tun um meines Namens willen; denn sie kennen den nicht, der mich gesandt hat. Wenn ich nicht gekommen wäre und hätte es ihnen gesagt, so hätten sie keine Sünde; nun aber können sie nichts vorwenden, ihre Sünde zu entschuldigen. Wer mich haßt, der haßt auch meinen Vater. Hätte ich nicht die Werke getan unter ihnen, die kein anderer getan hat, so hätten sie keine Sünde; nun aber haben sie es gesehen und hassen doch beide, mich und den Vater. Doch daß erfüllet werde der Spruch, in ihrem Gesetz geschrieben: “Sie hassen mich ohne Ursache.” Wenn aber der Tröster kommen wird, welchen ich euch senden werde vom Vater, der Geist der Wahrheit, der vom Vater ausgeht, der wird zeugen von mir. Und ihr werdet auch zeugen; denn ihr seid von Anfang bei mir gewesen. — (John 15:18-27 GLB)

…and that’s all I am ever going to say about that. 😀



Boycott ABC?

This is what this blogger here is asking people to do.

Sounds good to me. I mostly watch Fox News channel anymore. Only honest network left anymore.

Hopefully, this takes off in a big way.

Living proof that liberals are classless human beings

Before we begin, a little music….:

For your reading pleasure:

DougJ / Balloon Juice:  Bad like Jesse James
BooMan / Booman Tribune:   Welcome Back to Palinville  —  I think Steve M. is right.

Go read that stuff and come back here. I’ll wait.

Now, did you read that? Let me ask you this; what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal like that? Just a note: Andrew Breitbart did say some nasty things about Ted Kennedy, which is why I was not a huge fan of his. But, still, what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal blogger, or public figure who was liberal? We would be poo poo’ed from one end of spectrum to the other!  Not only this, but if someone said something as nasty as what this “no more Mr. nice blog” said and it was about a liberal; the Non-Fox media would be all over it. However, because it is a liberal blogger, and a nasty son-of-a-bitch one at that, not a word is said about it.

My friends, this right here; along with a good deal of other issues, is why this skeptical left-of-center, American populist kind of a guy simply walked away from the Democrats in 2008 and has not looked back since.  They have nothing anymore, nothing that this skeptical person wants to buy anymore. All they have is nastiness, like this; class warfare, and racial resentment. They have no solutions, they have nothing for the middle class and the working man. They are the party of the minority and the identity politics crowd; the part of hand outs and freeloaders.

It is truly a sad thing to behold, all the years of work done by great statesmen, like Roosevelt, Truman and many before them; is being squandered by people who simply hate this Country, its morals and its legacy. These are the ones who gave us LBJ and his disastrous “great society.” They are the ones who gave us Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now this disastrous neo-leftist Barack Hussein Obama.

The Democratic Party, which President Ronald Reagan referred to as the “Honorable Party” has given way to the neo-leftist party.  They proved that to me, when the Obama campaign basically used Chicago-style tactics of death threats and dirty pool against a fellow Democrat. This is why I left them; because the honor left that party long ago. Not only that, but the Democrats scheme to bring down our capitalist system though the passage of a clause of to a bill, which turned out to be a rather benign piece of legislation into a ticking time bomb.

Yes, that my friends, is the party that I made the horrible mistake of voting for until 2008, when I finally stopped making excuses for them and realized that party had finally become — and that is a cesspool of hate, racial resentment, class warfare, murder (of babies), God denial and more. I simply had enough and switched to the side that honors God, America and the individual. No, I do not mean the Republican Party — I mean the side of Conservatism.

It is a choice that I do not regret.

Update: Apparently one of the liberals objects to my linking to him. Two words: Tough rocks. He also seems to have a bit of reading comprehension problem; which is typical of the left.  He also sent one of his sock puppets to argue with me. Sorry, I don’t argue with idiots, and ya’ll bunch of idiots. But, thanks just the same for the traffic. 😀


I do not think that making light of someone’s death is funny

I am referring to the Obama Campaign staffer that suddenly dropped dead today.

You see, I once, a few years ago, made a horrible mistake; I talked about it recently:

Also too, because I got into a little scape with another right blogger once, which they started and I took to another level. That one, I do regret, highly; mainly because the person named at said link’s dead wife got pulled into the mess, by me — by mistake. To my defense, I had zero clue who the woman is, I was out for revenge and her name was there. I had no idea that was the blog owner’s wife.

In hindsight, which is always 20/20. I wish I had just ignored that incoming poke and left stuff well enough alone. But, I didn’t and I will have to live with what I did. 🙁

Not only was what I did not funny; it was damned morbid, by accident mind you, but still just damned wrong. Go follow the link to see what I am referring to. I screwed up badly on that and I made a crap load of enemies on the right; which, by rights, they should be angry at me for what I did.

This is why I am tossing the red flag on this one; and basically saying:

No Sale. 

It isn’t funny, isn’t classy, it is low brow, morbid bull crap that I will not be a part of it, at all.

To me, it is the same as the idiotic birther crap. Which went in mainstream right circles for a week and yes, I got caught up in it and I got burned. After which I said, I would not write anything that could not be proven in a court of law. Further more, this is why the Mainstream media hates we bloggers with a passion. Because some bloggers, not all of them; will publish anything, just to get eyeballs on their site. I did that when I first got into blogging. It was stupid and I paid a price for it. I learned from my mistakes, from running my two previous blogs and I am not about make those same mistakes again on this one. Some Republicans and Conservatives just are not that smart. I pity them and hope I don’t ever see any of them in court, as it could get ugly.

I just wish other bloggers felt the same damned way.

Update: No sooner than I hit publish; I realized, I forgot something. Before anyone asks; yes, I did condemn the left for mocking Rick Santorum for bringing him his baby that died. This sort of thing goes well beyond partisan politics, this is someone’s real life that ended. We should be a bit more respectful here on the right —- just a thought.

Congratulations to Skippy the Bush Kangaroo!

For 10 years of blogging.

I used to read him back in the day, when I was on the left, fighting against Bush. When I started back in 2006, he was one of the guys I read.

Congrats Skippy, keep up the work; keep fighting for what you believe in. 😀

For those who might have in issue with me congratulating someone for actually having made 10 years of blogging, on the other side. I ask that you kindly piss off. I am simply not going to allow my differences of opinion with Skippy, to prevent my from being civil to another blogger.

Again, Skippy, my best.
