Dear MSNBC: Obama is engaging in the ‘niggerization’ of America

Yes, I said that and do please, quote me on it.

Video: (Via Mediaite)

Via Mediaite:

Touré didn’t just say that – he said that Romney was “using the playbook Republicans have been using for decades now.” In other words, Republicans have been involved in so-called “niggerization” for decades.

This is disgusting. It’s a lie, and what’s more, it waters down racism to the point where anything qualifies – and to the point that real racism isn’t taken seriously anymore. According to Touré, it’s racist to suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president,” even if he’s elevated food stamp usage to record levels; it’s racist to call him angry; but it’s not racist for Joe Biden to suggest that freeing Wall Street will put black people “back in chains.”

Only MSNBC would put a fool like Touré on the air every night. And only the racially extreme left would consider Touré an eloquent spokesperson for their perverse views.

Okay, now I am going to say what Ben did not have the room or even the heart to say up there in that quoted text above.  As a white man, who has been unemployed for the last eight goddamned years and has watched as family members, friends and neighbors of mine lose their jobs, their homes, and their dignity over the last eight years —- of which Obama has been in office for almost four years of that time.  Let me say that I have watched as Obama has engaged in the ‘niggerization’ of America.

I have watched as President Obama bailed out Wall Street and left people on Main Street to suffer.  I have watched as Barack Obama went out of his way to protect failing companies like General Motors and Chrysler (READ —- UNIONS!)  — Which are headed for bankruptcy again —- and then not do a goddamned thing for non-union working class folk  —-like myself.

The fact is that unemployment is up, food stamp enrollment is up, social security enrollment is up and the Nation’s GDP is down, manufacturing is down and economy is just goddamned awful.  Whose fault is that?  It is President Barack Obama’s fault.  If Barack Obama had just left the economy alone, it would have been just fine and would have recovered.  However, no, he spent like a drunken sailor and now this Country is $15 TRILLION dollars in debt and what do we have to show for it?  —– Not one goddamned lousy thing except for the debt itself.  Oh, we got something all right, a lousy goddamned healthcare bill that utterly robbed Medicare!

So, if the liberal Democrats want to talk about ‘niggerization’ of anything, I suggest they look in the goddamned mirror and also take a look in the White House and look real close at what the “magic negro” that they elected to the office of President of the United States is really doing!  Because I tend to suspect that, these clowns are just plain damned clueless.

This is what the Democrats have left, their leader has failed, and his reelection is in jeopardy.  They have nothing left in their bag; —- except for class and racial warfare.  This will cost them dearly too.  Because Independent people are going to see this and they are going to run away from it.  Racial resentment is a turnoff to most people.

This is not what Martin Luther King Jr. taught; this is the sort of thing Malcolm X preached and practiced.  It was wrong then and it is wrong now.  This is why Martin Luther King Jr. has a monument in Washington DC and Malcolm X does not.  Because preaching this sort of division does nothing to advance the black cause, all it does is cause hate and resentment.  It used to work in the 1970’s and even in the 1980’s.  However, I tend to believe the Americans, even black Americans, are just a little smarter than that anymore.  They are tired of the division and the warfare and just want to get along with everyone.  I mean, blacks can go to Selma, Alabama now and eat, shop and sleep about anywhere they want to there now.

Therefore, to MSNBC and this Toure character, I say this: Your racial resentment and “the evil white man” magic act are getting a bit stale.  I think it is time you found a new script and some new talking points.  Because smart Americans, like me, see right through this and reject it wholeheartedly.  By that, I mean; Black Americans, White Americans, Latino Americans, and every other goddamned race of Americans too.  All Americans see right now is the fact that there are no jobs, and that they have no money and huge bills and mortgages that are underwater — and the best thing you idiots at MSNBC can do is play the race card?  My God —- has defending hope and change gotten that bad?

In closing: ‘niggerization’ —- Nigga please!  You idiots do not even know the meaning of the word! 🙄

Others: Power Line, The Gateway Pundit and Washington Post, The Gateway Pundit, We are respectable negroes, The PJ Tatler, The Daily Caller and Riehl World View (Via Memeorandum)

Update: Toure apologizes

My feelings about the shooting at the Family Research Council office in DC

If you want to read about it, go here and check out the round up here.


Now for my feelings about this shooting incident: This incident, like all of the rest of the shooting incidents is tragic.  It is a reminder that we do not live in the 1940’s anymore.  Putting it bluntly there are some crazy people out there.  This shooting is just another case of some idiot criminal, who might have been a bit off his rocker or who wanted some attention to his pet cause; decided to buy a gun and commit a crime.

Now I am not going to do, unlike some of the right — is sit here and accuse President Obama of ordering this sort of thing to happen.  Doing something of that nature is hyper-partisan in nature and not to mention quite stupid. Not to mention, it would be in the league of the Alex Jones crowd.  I have actually seen this already over at another well-known Conservative blog.  Shame on them, and they wonder why they have been labeled a racist blog and a hate blogger by some on the left!

What also gets up my nose is how some of the jackasses on the left are saying, “When is Congress going to impose stricter gun regulations?”  How stupid can you get?  The truth is, if the man, who shot up this place, had wanted to get a gun and do what he did; he would have gotten the gun — one way or another, legally or illegally.  Desiring stricter gun regulations to stop shootings is about as dumb as wanting to outlaw automobiles to prevent people from being run over by cars.  Yes, it is the same silly logic.

Terrorism is terrorism —- period —- full stop.  It does not matter to me and really should not matter to anyone, whether if it is being carried out by some Muslim, who thinks Jihad means to kill people or some Neo-Nazi, who cannot tell a Sikh from a Muslim.  Whether the crime is being committed by a far right wing militia person or a left wing radical communist — the point is the person is committing a crime.  What also should matter to all Americans, left and right, is that we live in such a lousy hyper-partisan Country these days, that no mainstream media outlets outside of Fox News could be bothered to report this incident.

Furthermore, what really galls me is the vileness that seems to emanate out of the left and the right, when stuff like this actually happens.  Why is that we have to partisan everything to absolute death?  The right does it, the left does it and it really does truly suck.  Why cannot we just be grateful that no one was killed and just move on?  This is a byproduct of the 24-hour news cycle and the advent of advocacy journalism I suppose.

The truth is, I have been caught up in much of what I just described, and you know what?  I really do regret that.  I regret that I was part of the echo chamber of blogging, first on the left, during the Bush era and then for a time, on the right.  It was dumb and it was not very honest.  This is the reason why I do not really blog about every single news item that comes up anymore.  Blog hits are great, but selling one’s soul for blog hits is not something I want to do at all.

This is the reason why that I have been throttling back the blogging a bit and toning down on the bombast here on this blog.  Because I just do not want to be the catalyst for some idiot, who is off his pebble a bit to go off and commit some mass shooting.  I want to be known for my honesty and not my site popularity.  I also do not want to responsible for any sort of nonsense that has been happening here as of late.

In closing: Can we all at least agree to pray that there is no more of these shootings, for at least a while?

Romney responds to Biden’s chains remark

Romney finally comes out swinging against Joe Biden’s race-baiting comment.

Via the Hill:

Mitt Romney used a tough new campaign speech to personally blast the Obama campaign on Tuesday, saying comments earlier in the day from Vice President Biden are “what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like.”

“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,” Romney said while campaigning in Ohio.

Romney was responding to Biden’s suggestion that the GOP ticket’s economic policies would “put y’all back in chains.”


 Romney repeatedly and harshly criticized Team Obama for the remarks.

“His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the Presidency. Another outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower,” Romney said.

“This is an election in which we should be talking about the path ahead, but you don’t hear any answers coming from President Obama’s re-election campaign. That’s because he’s intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy. And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low.”

Romney’s remarks echo those of his campaign spokeswoman, who earlier in the day called Biden’s remarks a “new low.”

The counter-punches mark a much tougher tone from Team Romney, who have criticized the Obama campaign before, particularly over a controversial ad  by pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action that links Romney to a woman’s death, but never in such blunt or harsh terms.

This might just point to the possibility that team Romney knows, that if they are going to win this election, they are going to have to fight and fight hard.  As John McCain found out in 2008, that “nice guy politics” just does not work anymore. If Republicans are going to defeat Obama, they are going to have to fight hard and keep throwing Obama’s record back in the face of the Democrats. It is a sad thing to behold, that politics has gotten that bad; believe me I know. But, this is 2012 and not the 1940’s anymore. If Conservatives and Republicans are going to win, they are going to have to fight and fight hard.

Also too, Republicans are going to have to realize that Democrats are not above lies, slander and racial incitement. Democrats did this in 2008, with John McCain and Sarah Palin, and they are going to do it with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan too. It is now a part of normal day politics, and it is nothing really new either. However, the racial tone in this election is at a all-time peak. Both sides are doing it too. Which is why I do not link to many of the so-called “Conservative” blogs much. The democrats have no one to blame, but themselves. Instead of choosing a candidate with experience, they chose identity politics; because they knew that they would lose otherwise. So, this is all their making and not the Republicans fault.

The very fact that the Democrats refuse to apologize for the “Chains” comment is living proof that the Neo-Left is controlling the Democratic Party. How so? Because Neo-leftists believe that race is a means to an end.  The end, to them, is the bringing down of the capitalist system and installing a full-blown, top down, socialist system; like the one in the soviet union. Which, by the way, failed. So, to them, nothing is off the table: Lies, Ethnic warfare, class warfare — all of that — is what Democrats believe will win them the election.

Now if Obama record was better and the economy did recover, all of this stuff would actually work. However, none of that happened. So, much of this is for naught. The American people, well, the majority of them anyhow — are a bit smarter than what the Obama campaign gives them credit for and they see this as a desperate act to divert attention away from Obama’s record. It is, again, overreach by the Democrats and it will cost them dearly in the election in November.

Others: Yahoo! News, The Caucus, The Daily Banter, JOSHUAPUNDIT, We are respectable negroes, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, PERRspectives, The Other McCain, The Lonely Conservative, The Gateway Pundit, RedState and Connecting.the.Dots (Via Memeorandum)


Videos: Why I have come to dislike political coverage on TV

I know, I should thinking that these videos are awesome. But, I just do not.



I know, I, as a Conservative, am supposed to be loving this sort of stuff. But, I just….don’t. We might be winning the message war. But, are we winning the hearts and minds of the people? You know, like the independents? It is to wonder.

Whatever happened to the days, when people would debate politics and not have it devolve into shouting matches?

It’s just depressing to me. I know, I can holler with the best of them. But, this blog is not CNN.

Others: Washington Examiner, Scared Monkeys, Wake up AmericaWeekly Standard, UrbanGrounds and AEIdeas

Why would Baptists even remotely want to do this?

Sorry, but this is absolutely stupid.

As a former Pentecostal Christian turned independent Baptist; I can tell you that these two group do not even think the same. One relies on the Word of God and considers it the final authority. The other believes that the Bible is a simply a guide and that God is somehow still speaking.

It is a pairing of two different ways of thinking. It’s a match made in hell.

Baptists should know better.

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. — 2 Corinthians 6:15-17

Video: Does Mitt Romney’s Faith Matter?

(via CBN)

For the record, this is what Mitt Romney believes:

[podcast format=”video”][/podcast]

This is to say nothing of what Paul Ryan believes.

Race-baiting towards Paul Ryan already starting

Here I go quoting myself, again:

All in all, I believe it was a much smarter move, than the one John McCain made in 2008. I just hope that Romney can battle against the identity politics aspect of this campaign, which will undoubtedly start at some point — better than John McCain and Hillary Clinton did in 2008. If they cannot, we will be in for 8 more years of the Marxist idiocy of Obama Administration. Hopefully, Romney has his a-game on, when comes to this; because we just cannot afford another term of Obama — not without some serious problems in our future.

Without delay the race card game starts.

Oh yeah, the Democrats are now scared to death and they are firing up the smear machine. This is going to get real interesting, really quick


UPDATED: My feelings about Mitt Romney’s VP pick Paul Ryan

Is pretty much summed up here:

If there isn’t much to Ryan’s foreign policy, what we do know of his views isn’t encouraging. His Alexander Hamilton Society speech was standard neoconservatism complete with heavy reliance on Krauthammer’s “decline is a choice” argument, and he remains opposed to any reductions in military spending. He is a product of the Bush era, and in foreign policy views he seems to have learned nothing from Bush era mistakes.

via The Triumph of Ryanmania | The American Conservative.

That pretty much sums it up for me. Many on the left, including the President, are having a bit of a freak out over the choice. Not to worry Democrats, Mitt Romney will not carry out any parts of Ryan’s budget plan that would hurt his chances of getting reelected. Mitt Romney is not a fool, he is a moderate; by Conservative standards and will not do anything to hurt his political career.

Seeing that Ryan is Roman Catholic, that will cause the evangelical base to support Romney. Although there will be holdouts, like me. 😀 Some see this as a brilliant move and some see it as an idiotic move. I see this as strictly a political move and nothing else.

The real question is, does Romney stand a chance to win? Personally, I think he does; because Romney has money, lots of it and Romney also has a good deal of wealthy people who are supporting him too. Which means that Romney is outspending Obama by a good margin. Which means that Romney can outbox Obama with the ads. All Romney has to do is highlight Obama’s failed record on jobs and the economy. Romney needs to greatly highlight that fact that we are 15 trillion in debt and that Obama continues to spend money that we simply do not have, and highlight that fact that Obama has been utterly contemptible in his attitude towards small to medium businesses, not to mention big businesses!

All in all, I believe it was a much smarter move, than the one John McCain made in 2008. I just hope that Romney can battle against the identity politics aspect of this campaign, which will undoubtedly start at some point — better than John McCain and Hillary Clinton did in 2008. If they cannot, we will be in for 8 more years of the Marxist idiocy of Obama Administration. Hopefully, Romney has his a-game on, when comes to this; because we just cannot afford another term of Obama — not without some serious problems in our future. UPDATE: It begins, Ryan is already being called a racist.

Blogger round up here.

Why do so-called “Christians” do stupid stuff like this?

I am not going to quote it or even embed the video here. Yes, my friends, it is that bad. 😡 🙄

Go here and read the weapons grade stupidity.

Also, check out the round up of blogger reactions.

Stuff like this makes me want to just break down and weep for the future of Christianity and for inane stupidity of humanity today. 😥