Rick Moran hits the nail square on the head

Go Read

I wrote that before the election in 2008. I still believe it despite the fact that national health insurance reform puts us on the road to socialized medicine, the unforeseen consequences of which could lead to the kinds of government control most feared by conservatives. But we’re not there yet – not by a long, long shot. And the slippery slopes on such a road, if recognized, can be avoided if conservatives keep their heads and fight against them.

Unfortunately, conservatives are not keeping their heads. Hysterical shouting and hand wringing about evil Obama may work this time around, as Crook points out, because the vast middle of the country is in a mood to punish the Democrats. But come 2012, someone on the right is going to have to come up with a rational, reasoned critique of Obama’s policies that the moderate righties and libertarians won’t think is the mouthings of some crazed paranoid inhabiting an alternate universe.

Otherwise, the GOP may find itself marginalized and on the outs for a long time to come.

Amen and Amen.


Right now, I am just not feeling it.

Every time we on the right make a gain, someone on our side; does something stupid to make our side look like farking morons.

I know, they do it too. But farking aye people… Enough is enough.

So, right now, I need a break.

I’ll come back, when I’m ready… But right now, I give up.

Maybe I’ll come back to two days, maybe two weeks, maybe two years. Hell, maybe never.

I just need to stop for a few days or so…

Movie: Just in case anyone has forgotten

Just remember, Ron Paul believes in negotiating with these bastards. Therefore, he is a terrorist supporter. So are Democrats.

If there was any sort of doubt that Ron Paul is a loon

He has removed it:

Video of the Loon:


Near the end of the third day of this year’s Southern Republican Leadership Conference, it was time for Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) to take the stage. Paul, fresh off his victory in the CPAC straw poll, gave a characteristically fired-up speech that took on the views of the Republican party establishment.

“The question has been raised about whether or not our president is a socialist,” Paul said. “I am sure there are some people here who believe it. But in the technical sense, in the economic definition of a what a socialist is, no, he’s not a socialist.”

“He’s a corporatist,” Paul continued. “And unfortunately we have corporatists inside the Republican party and that means you take care of corporations and corporations take over and run the country.”

Paul said examples of President Obama’s “corporatism” were evident in the heath care reform bill he signed into law last month. He said the mandate in the bill put the power over health care in the hands of corporations rather than private citizens. But he said the bill wasn’t the only place where corporatism is creeping into Washington.

Perfect example of Ron Paul’s idiotic tin-foil hat stupidity. Yes, I know also about his straw poll defeat to Mittens. To be be quite, and brutally honest; I cannot stand Mitt Romney. To me, Mitt Romney is the perfect example of the arrogant, rich-boy attitude that permeates some of the G.O.P. — A perfect example is Mitt Romney’s treatment of John McCain during the  2008 election debates. I thought Romney snickering at McCain was childish and unbecoming of someone of Romney’s background. Not to mention Romney’s Mormonism, which is a BIG ISSUE with me.  However, seeing Ron Paul’s background. past and present associations; I will happily take a Mitt Romney victory any day of the damned week.

However, because I am realist; allow me to throw a wet blanket on this little victory. Straw polls are one thing, actual winnability and true Conservative victories in actual elections are another. As the 2008 Primaries proved, Mitt Romney just does not have the winnability in a primary. Heck, the only state that actually gave him any sort of percentage was Utah; and we all know why that is the case. Not to mention, does anyone actually remember, Romney-Care? Barack Obama’s biggest talking point is the fact that Obama-care is, in fact, based upon the Romney-care model.

The point is that Mitt Romney is a Liberal Republican, if he did actually win the primary and I highly doubt he ever would; the Republicans and Independent Conservatives would simply stay home and not vote or would cast votes for a third party.

There are some who believe that Sarah Palin is the perfect solution. Well, allow me to throw a wet blanket on that one too. There are many who believe, including myself, that Palin would never make it out of the Primary. I happen to agree with that. While she might be pretty, most people, with any kind of sense and who are not Palin-bots; believe that Sarah Palin just does not have the proper experience to be President. But, dear God, if you say this to one of her fan-boys, you are accused of being a sexist, a woman hater and so on. Which does sound like the liberal left, does it not? Gender-baiting in the G.O.P.? I thought I had seen it all. 🙄

Be that as it may; the mid-terms are going to be an interesting time, and I can assure you, 2012, is going to be even better. I cannot wait.

Not all Conservatives love Karl Rove or the Republican Party

Transcript is found here.

Confirmed: Alan Grayson is a Demented Loon

Video: (H/T Malkin)

Via Tea Party Patriots Live (Which seems to be having hosting issues): (Cribbed from Malkin’s Blog)

On Thursday, April 8th, 2010, Congressman Alan Grayson, Democrat in Florida’s 8th district, interrupted a district meeting of the local Orange County Republican Executive Committee. The meeting was being held at Perkins, a family restaurant.

…Matthew Falconer, candidate for Orange County Mayor, quickly challenged Alan’s rudeness. Grayson demanded not to be interrupted, but Falconer quickly reminded the congressman that he is in fact interrupting their meeting.

Linda O’Keefe, member of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee and extraordinary patriot volunteer with the Orlando Tea Party said, “I’m wondering if Grayson realizes that we do still, for now, have the right to assemble! But can’t we have a meeting without being interrupted by our congressman?”

Currently, there are 12, Republican candidates looking to send Alan Grayson to the unemployment line in November.

Tom Tillison of the Tea Party Patriots Live radio show and the Orlando Tea Party, had quite a lively discussion with Alan afterwards for 10 minutes. Tillison said, “I let him know that he’s a congressman and he needs to act like one. I reminded him that these are his constinuents.” Tillison asked Grayson, “Don’t you feel that you at least owe them an explanation for your recent votes?”, to which Alan replied, “I don’t owe them anything, they’re trying to defeat me.”

Tillison followed, “You are a U.S. Congressman and you approach these people acting like a thug.”….to which Grayson responded that he was “being attacked.”

and this:

Matthew Falconer, early Friday, released this statement:

“On Thursday April 8th I was attending a meeting of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee at a Perkins Family Restaurant in Windermere. About 30 Republicans were meeting when Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson barged into our meeting ranting about how we put spies into an Organizing for America meeting.

As I was sitting with Orange County Republican Chairman Lew Oliver, I stood up to Grayson and demand he apologize to Lew for the vial (sic) comments he made recently (Grayson said “Lew Oliver could not find a $20 bill if it was stuck in his A**”). Grayson yelled at me for interrupting him when I reminded Grayson he was interrupting our meeting.

The conflict was caught on video showing Alan Grayson, a U.S. Congressman, standing in the middle of a family restaurant screaming at his constituents. Politics aside, I do not think the man has the emotional stability or integrity to represent us in the U.S. Congress.

Grayson pledged to use his own personal funds to defeat me in my race for Orange County Mayor (supporting his Democratic friend Bill Segal). He then told me to get my “a** out of his face.”

I am in awe of the lack of respect he showed for the customers of this restaurant and his constituents.”

I would say something rather snarky about him being a demented Jew, but I am afraid Debbie the psycho from Southfield, might file stalking charges against me and Pamela the Arab hater would bad mouth me, so I shall refrain. 😛

Just remember this folks come 2010 and 2012.

Rep. Bart Stupak is retiring too

Now this is one that I totally saw coming:

Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who had a central role in the health reform fight as the leader of anti-abortion Democrats, plans to announce Friday that he will not run for reelection, a Democratic official said. Without Stupak on the ballot, the seat becomes an immediate pickup opportunity for Republicans.

“Now with health care done, he’s retiring,” a friend said. “He has thought about retiring for the last three cycles, but was always talked into staying: to elect John Kerry to help end the war, to elect a Democratic majority to get health care done.”

President Barack Obama called Stupak on Wednesday and asked him not to retire. Stupak, 58, also resisted entreaties from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), the dean of the Wolverine State delegation.

via Rep. Bart Stupak won’t seek reelection – Mike Allen and Josh Kraushaar – POLITICO.com.

Of course, the G.O.P. got a very funny dig in:

“After selling his soul to Nancy Pelosi, it appears that Bart Stupak finally found the courage to tell her no,” said Ken Spain, communications director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “The political fallout over the Democrats’ government takeover of health care has put the political careers of many Democrats in jeopardy thanks in part to Stupak’s decision to abandon his alleged pro-life principles.


As to what headaches this might cause for the Democratic Party, they might just have a problem getting that seat back. Now Ed over HotAir says that the U.P. is not deeply Conservative; which is partially true. However, I happen to be from Michigan and I can offer a different perspective. For the record, I have lived here all of my life and I happen to know the people around these parts and I can tell you what I do know. Now Detroit proper? Liberal/Progressive/Whatever you wanna call it as heck; now as for the ‘Burbs? The further South and North you get of Detroit, the less Liberal or Democratic Party leaning it gets. The only reason John McCain lost Michigan, was because his stupid President Campaign advisers chose to abandon this State, which left many Michigan Republicans quite peeved. When it comes to choosing Presidents around here, people vote, usually, the personality and the Person, and not the Party. I can tell you, from personal experience. Most Michiganders are NOT happy with Jennifer Granholm. It is not uncommon to hear that name and the term “Stupid Bitch” attached to it; and no, I do not mean from me! 😉

As most of you most likely already know; Michigan has been hit with one of the worst, if not the worst one state recessions ever. Many people here in Michigan voted for Barack Obama (NOT ME!) hoping he would bring change to the employment situation here in the Detroit area and in Michigan as a whole. So far? Nothing. We still have the highest unemployment problem in the United States, last time I checked, it was 75% in the city of Detroit. Based upon conversations that I have had with people around here in the last few years, there are people here in the State of Michigan, who are just fed up with the Democratic Party in general. The people of Detroit and largely the people of Michigan as well, are sick and tired of political speeches and empty rhetoric, they want results and so far, the token political Party of this area has not produced anything at all; but rhetoric and political speeches.

Having said all of the above, Democrats might just find themselves struggling to fill this seat again and many of the Senatorial seats in Congress and the House come November. There has also been talk that the Governor’s office might just flip back to the Republican for the first time since to the term of Governor George Romney. (Mitt’s Daddy…) Now that my friends would be feat in itself!

Again, it should be a very interesting thing to follow. Hey, at least it’s content, something I’ve been struggling to find here in the last few days! 😀

The Blogger Round Up is here.

Update: Looks like the folks over at FireDogLake, which is a liberal blog, are not to keen on this guy either:

If you’re a politician not inclined to deliver under “intense political pressure,” you have no business being a politician. And if death threats were a factor in resigning, there pretty much wouldn’t be a member of the Democratic caucus left. Stupak sought the spotlight. He wanted to lead the pro-life Caucus and hijack the health care debate. He refused to quit even when he essentially won by getting the Nelson compromise, which functionally did about everything he wanted. He made the debate a living hell and went out of his way to punish half the US population. And in the end, everybody hated him, left and right. Well played.

Ouch! That ought to leave a mark. 😯

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to retire

What is this retirement Friday? Must be nice to clock out on the best day of the week!:

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, the court’s oldest member and leader of its liberal bloc, says he is retiring. President Barack Obama now has his second high court opening to fill.

Stevens says he will step down when the court finishes its work for the summer in late June or early July.

His announcement Friday in Washington had been hinted at for months. It comes 11 days before his 90th birthday.

Stevens began signaling a possible retirement last summer when he hired just one of his usual complement of four law clerks for the next court term. He acknowledged in several interviews that he was contemplating stepping down and would certainly do so during Obama’s presidency.

The timing of his announcement leaves ample time for the White House to settle on a successor and Senate Democrats, who control 59 votes, to conduct confirmation hearings and a vote. Republicans have not ruled out an attempt to delay confirmation.

via Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens retiring.

Now, I will be first to admit, that my knowledge of this whole process, is rather limited. So, If my analysis of this; is not like professional, please excuse that. 😉 Now Ed and AP over at HotAir both agree that they both doubt Obama is going to try and do anything radical, as some of the News Sources are writing in their articles. They also both agree that the G.O.P. will most likely not try and play the role of obstructionist. That is because of the elections coming up.  However, their old boss, Michelle Malkin says to hold on to your hats, because there could be a protracted battle up there on the hill for the control on the SCOTUS. So, I guess at this point, it is whom you believe. Personally, I really do not know. I somehow doubt myself that either the Democrats or the Republicans have the heart for some sort of huge, epic, battle this close to the elections. That is because if the Democrats go for the throat and try something crazy, the Republicans are going to use it in the campaigns against them. Likewise, if the Republicans go for broke and block everything, the Democrats could do the same thing. So, either way, both sides are going to be screwed, no matter what they do.

Either way, it should be very interesting to follow. 😀

The Blogger round up is here

Glenn Beck in Forbes

The Video:

The Story via Forbes:

Five and a half hours before showtime Glenn Beck still isn’t quite sure how he’ll provide tonight’s entertainment, “The Future of History”–two hours of monologue (and answers to preselected questions) before a nearly sellout crowd of 1,000 or so people at the Nokia Theatre in New York City’s Times Square. “But that’s me–I’m the next-event guy,” says Beck, flanked by two bodyguards as he walks the four blocks between the Fox News Channel studio, where he has pretaped the day’s show, and the theater. He won’t have to create tonight’s performance from scratch, since he’s left a long trail of words–millions of passionate, angry, weepy, moralizing, corny, offensive words–in his wake. “The body of work is pretty much the same,” explains Beck, 46. “What I’m trying to do is get this message out about self-empowerment, entrepreneurial spirit and true Americanism–the way we were when we changed the world, when Edison was alone, failing his 2,000th time on the lightbulb.”

At the theater he runs through images that will appear on one of three projectors behind him. There’s David Sarnoff (the NBC founder), Philo Farnsworth (the early television pioneer) and someone Beck can’t quite place but, he assures the handful of staffers dancing around him, will remember by the time the curtain goes up. “Does anyone know how many minutes of high-def TV equal one gigabyte?” Onstage Beck paces like a comic Hamlet, eyes bulging every time he figures out how to weave the props (stalks of corn, a chalkboard, a cockatoo he rented for $750 a night) he has ordered into the monologue.

He could rattle off the overarching themes in a deep sleep. He starts with the construction of the Manhattan skyline, using replicas of the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building as visual aids. Then he moves on to the birth of radio and TV. Theme: thinking big, creating the American dream. He will work in several plugs for tonight’s featured offering, a Web subscription service called Insider Extreme ($75 a year for behind-the-scenes footage, a fourth hour of his radio show, ten-minute history lessons and so on). “I can multitask like crazy,” says Beck. “I’m riddled with ADD–a blessing and a curse.”

It’s an interesting story. I can relate to the A.D.H.D. I just wish I had Glenn’s money. 😉 😛 😀

Well, I should say, I wish I was as successful as Glenn is. I do not want HIS money. I’d like my own; and have as much as he does. 😉

If there was any indication that Sarah Palin is a blithering idiot

This would be one of them:

“I support Michael Steele. I am glad he is the leader of the party, administratively,” Palin told Fox News’s Sean Hannity Wednesday. “If those within the party are choosing to go a different direction, his term is up in a number of months and they can vote someone else in. But I think he is doing a great job.”

via CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Palin hails Steele as ‘independent outsider’ « – Blogs from CNN.com.

Oh yeah, he is doing a wonderful bang up job. By doing what exactly? Royally screwing the G.O.P. into the damned ground, all the while playing the race card to whomever criticizes him?  Give me a break! This is obvious proof that this feckless bitch and I call her that, because that is what she is; has no damned clue as to what the hell she is even talking about, half of the time.

Please, Sarah, for the sake of your own personal career and personal reputation; that is, if you even have one anymore —- go back to farking Alaska and SHUT THE HELL UP! 😡

I’ve never seen such a stupid woman in my entire life. Bad handlers? — more like bad brain on woman. 🙄

Worst damn thing that John McCain and the G.O.P. ever did was let that backwoods bimbo loose on the American people!

Why people love that woman, I will never, never, in a million years understand. The damned woman is nothing more than Mike Huckabee with a damned skirt. A Democrat with a Bible. Plain and simple, she’s nothing more than a Populist with lipstick. If her and that other dumb bitch Michele Bachmann run for President in 2012, we are doomed beyond measure, and I will possibly leave the Country for Switzerland.

….and don’t even get me started on her so-called ‘Social Conservatism.” Seriously. 🙄