Hillary's Chickens…

Bawk Bawk Bawk!  

The Story: Politics | ON DEADLINE: Chickens Come Home to Roost | Seattle Times Newspaper

"If (Barack) Obama continues to win …. the whole raison d’etre for her campaign falls apart and we’ll see people running from her campaign like rats on a ship," said Democratic strategist Jim Duffy, who is not aligned with either campaign.

This only be a good thing. She is not right for this damn country, that’s for sure. Obama ain’t much better, But he’s better than 100 years of war, fake Conservative, John McCain.

Others: The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, The New Republic, Blue Crab Boulevard, MSNBC, Balloon Juice, The Field, Hot Air and Betsy’s Page and Much more @ Memeorandum

Obama cleans up last night….

Yeah, He did.

Hillary is remaining mum and has moved on to Texas. I think at this point, that she hasn’t got a prayer in hell of getting chosen.

I can’t honestly say that I’m bothered by that, really. She would just be an extension of Bill Clinton.

Time to call it a day Hillary.

Meanwhile, on the G.O.P. side, John McCain did very well.

My question is, why the heck does Huckabee keep hanging on?

You can’t fix stupid, I suppose.

The Far Right is Desperate

To try an hang dirt on Obama. Take this for instance.

The good part, Also known as a lie:

What was especially noteworthy about his Virginia speech were the diversions Obama took from the prepared text. Because of Obama’s improvised moments, this speech was different than the usual fare he offers.

[Obama:] “Now I understand some of the excitement doesn’t have to do with me. I know that whatever else happens whatever twists and turns this campaign may take, when you go into that polling place next November, the name George Bush won’t be on the ballot and that makes everybody pretty cheerful. Everyone’s happy about that. The name of my cousin Dick Cheney won’t be on the ballot. That was embarrassing when that news came out. When they do these genealogical surveys, you want to be related to somebody cool. So, but, his name went be on the ballot.

“Each of us running for the Democratic nomination agrees on one thing that the other party does not–that the next president must end the disastrous policies of George W. Bush. No more Scooter Libby Justice! No more Brownie incompetence! No more Karl Rove politics.”

I agree with John Cole:

BTW- Has Dean ever heard President Bush speak? With or without a teleprompter?

Hear Hear, The man is inherently a dumb ass. At least Obama can string a sentence together without sounding like an idiot.

Sounds like Dean is just pissed because his party has got two idiots running….again.

Others: Political Punch, Betsy’s Page and Balloon Juice

McCain opts out on Public Funding on his Campaign

McCain says no thanks….

The Story: McCain opts out on funds (Via The Washington Times)

Sen. John McCain will not accept public campaign financing for the primary election — freeing him from spending limits through September and giving him a chance to compete with his Democratic opponent.

The Arizona senator, who’s on pace to effectively lock down the Republican nomination in today’s Potomac primaries, also picked up some high-profile endorsements yesterday.

That underlined and bolded reason, is why he’s not taking the public funding.

Because he knows that if he took the public funding, that Obama would spank his royal behind in this campaign.

That’s okay, because based upon when I’ve read around in the Conservative World, half of the Republicans are not going to vote for him. So, he’ll make it to the general election and get beaten and We’ll have a Liberal President.

Thank you George W. Bush! Winking

H/T Memeorandum

For Clinton, Bid Hinges on Texas and Ohio


The Story:  For Clinton, Bid Hinges on Texas and Ohio (Via New York Times)

“She has to win both Ohio and Texas comfortably, or she’s out,” said one superdelegate who has endorsed Mrs. Clinton, and who spoke on condition of anonymity to share a candid assessment. “The campaign is starting to come to terms with that.” Campaign advisers, also speaking privately in order to speak plainly, confirmed this view.

Seeing she’s made this campaign about racism, I don’t look for her to do very well at all.

She made some serious mistakes on this campaign and now she is paying for it.

I hope Obama spanks her behind.

Others: Captain’s Quarters, Los Angeles Times, NY Daily News, Crooks and Liars, Commentary, Buckeye State Blog, MSNBC, BizzyBlog, American Street, The Carpetbagger Report, Daily Kos, Shakespeare’s Sister, The Liberal Avenger, The Democratic Daily, Truthdig, Amygdala, The New Republic, Comments from Left Field, Prairie Weather, Open Left, The Field, TalkLeft, PunditGuy, Eschaton and Matthew Yglesias and More via Memeorandum

Dumb Hillary Clinton Quote of the Day!

 What an Idiot!

Clinton dismisses weekend losses (via CNN Political Ticker)

Hillary Clinton on Monday explained away Barack Obama’s clean sweep of the weekend’s caucuses and primaries as a product of a caucus system that favors "activists" and, in the case of the Louisiana primary, an energized African-American community.

She told reporters who had gathered to watch her tour a General Motors plant here that "everybody knew, you all knew, what the likely outcome of these recent contests were."

"These are caucus states by and large, or in the case of Louisiana, you know, a very strong and very proud African-American electorate, which I totally respect and understand."

Clinton has publicly dismissed the caucus voting system since before Super Tuesday, seeking to lower expectations heading into a series of contests that played to Obama’s advantage. His campaign features what many consider to be a stronger and more dedicated grassroots organization than Clinton’

Freaking moron. Why didn’t she just say, "Oh those dumb ass niggers will vote for anyone… they don’t count…"?

It’s the same stupid ignorant Mentality. She’s sunk. She’ll never get elected.

I Mean, who the hell would even vote for her now, seeing she’s insulted the Black race?

I do believe, firmly, that the wheels are coming off that campaign.

Others: The Swamp, Spin Cycle, Comments from Left Field, The Page, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Donklephant, AMERICAblog and Balloon Juice and Others via Memeorandum

Paul Krugman has zero love for Obama


Hate Springs Eternal by Paul Krugman (Via NYT)

In 1956 Adlai Stevenson, running against Dwight Eisenhower, tried to make the political style of his opponent’s vice president, a man by the name of Richard Nixon, an issue. The nation, he warned, was in danger of becoming “a land of slander and scare; the land of sly innuendo, the poison pen, the anonymous phone call and hustling, pushing, shoving; the land of smash and grab and anything to win. This is Nixonland.

You see the problem with writing articles like this. It gives the right what they want, Democrats fighting amongst one another. Which is quite childish.

This is, about as bad as, turning it into racism. Which is what some of Hillary’s surrogates did.

Now it seems, that it is the Blacks against the feminists, which again, is quite stupid. Sure, it makes for good blog fodder. But it does nothing to unify the party. 

What it will do, is possibly turn the democrat convention in November into another 1968 convention, and really, we don’t need that at all.

If Hillary gets the nomination, she will be an open target. All the Republicans have to do, is to pull the "Peter F. Paul" card. They will play that for all it is worth. They will point out ALL of the facts regarding that situation and what they cannot prove, they will make up and distort. They will also use the MSM, to promote that from running taps, 24/7, to destroy her campaign.

If Obama gets it, unless he gets more specific on his Policies, they will hold that against him, they will use the closet Muslim rumor against him. They will use his lack of experience against him.  

Either way, it’s going to be a hard, nasty, long battle to get the White House away from Republicans. Anyone that thinks that it’s going to be a cakewalk, has got a couple screws loose.

Others: Balloon Juice, Ross Douthat, The Newshoggers, The Huffington Post, TalkLeft, The New Republic, Slog, The XX Factor, Taylor Marsh, Liberal Values, The Carpetbagger Report, Make Them Accountable, Obsidian Wings, democracyarsenal.org, The Agonist, Mister Snitch!, The Heretik, The Democratic Daily, QandO, Commentary, Wonkette, Jack and Jill Politics, Neptunus Lex, Classical Values, culturekitchen, MSNBC, Outside The Beltway, State of the Day, Connecting.the.Dots, Althouse, American Street, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Hoffmania! and New York Daily News Blogs and More Via Memeorandum

Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos 1928-2008

Sad News. Sad

Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos dies – Yahoo! News

"It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education, raised a family and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a member of Congress," Lantos said upon announcing his retirement last month. "I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country."

I’d like to thank the Bloggers on the right for showing the respect for this man.

Rest in Peace Sir, You’ve earned it.

H/T Memeorandum