Why Scott Walker Won and the Democrats in Wisconsin lost

I was going to try avoid writing about this, but I am seeing some rather silly stuff being written about this win; So, I thought I would offer my thoughts as a former Democratic Party voter. Update: Greg Sargent over at The Washington Post hits the post a bit, but fails, as most progressives do; to see the full picture.

Putting it plain and simple, The Democrats in Wisconsin picked a fight that they could not win. — They were outspent, out-organized, and out-boxed; the Democrats had zero chance of winning this recall election at all. But yet, they still decided to fight for a recall election. They should have taken their cues from Michigan and left well enough alone. The Democrats in Michigan tried unsuccessfully to get Governor Snyder recalled here twice and both times they failed horribly. This is because residents of Michigan knew that the former Governor of Michigan was a incompetent moron who could not Govern worth a damn and they did not want a Democrat back in office again. Thus, the Democrats wisely dropped the issue and decided to try and win the 2012 election.  Wisconsin should have followed their lead, but they did not and decided to try and force their hand and failed.

Mother Jones has some good ideas as well:

1) Campaign Money is King

Walker crushed his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, in the political money wars. The governor raised $30.5 million while Barrett pulled in $3.9 million—a nearly 8-to-1 advantage in candidate fundraising. Walker banked on in- and out-of-state donors, including heavyweight GOP contributors such as Houston homebuilder Bob Perry and Amway heir Dick Devos. Walker was able to raise so much money because of a quirk in state law that lets candidates potentially facing a recall raise unlimited funds for their defense. (The normal limit for individual donors in $10,000.) Barrett did not get to raise unlimited funds in his recall campaign—which placed him at a great disadvantage.

All that money helped Walker pound Barrett in the ad wars. An analysis by Hotline On Call found that Walker and his GOP allies outspent Barrett and his backers 3-to-1 on TV ad buys in the three months before Tuesday’s recall. The dark-money-peddling Republican Governors Association itself spent $9.4 million to keep Walker in office.

Just as the political money advantage proved crucial to labor’s win last year in repealing Ohio’s anti-union SB 5 law, campaign cash appears to have played a pivotal role in the GOP’s Wisconsin wins .

2) The Candidate

Filing nearly one million signatures to trigger a recall election, Democrats and union leaders and members had their sights trained on the governor. The recall election’s Democratic primary forced them to take their eyes off the prize. A primary fight between Barrett and former Dane County executive Kathleen Falk splintered the labor movement. The major unions endorsed Falk early on, sometimes over the opposition of their own rank-and-file. Several other unions held out until late March, when Barrett entered the race, and then endorsed the mayor. This primary drama knocked the anti-Walker effort off course for weeks, if not a month, in a race where every single day counts. It divided a unified movement into Barrett supporters and Falk supporters.

3) No New Ground

Democrats and labor unions touted their massive get-out-the-vote operation, which was supposed to tip the scales in their favor. Turn-out was way up in the elections, at 2.4 million, but the left failed to win over the types of people who elected Walker in 2010. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinelnotes, Walker’s Tuesday win is a mirror image of his 2010 victory—just with more voters. He won men and lost women; won independents and lost moderates; and won suburban and rural voters but not urban voters.

More notably, Walker won 38 percent of votes from union households—an increase of 1 percent from 2010. Remember, union members or their spouses didn’t know in 2012 that Walker planned to target them after the election with his anti-union “budget repair” bill curbing collective bargaining rights. Yet 16 months after Walker launched his attack on unions, just as many people in union households voted for him. The unions failed to rally their own ranks.

My thoughts on the Unions — One of the main reasons why the unions failed; not because of a lack of members or money. The unions failed because for the following:

  1. They over played their hand, by storming the capital building and occupying it. This made them look like total buffoons in the eyes of the people, not mention the heavy handed tactics that were on par with communist gulags.
  2. The second reason is a rather simple one; not all union members are on board with the progressive movement, just because someone has a union card, does not necessarily make him a Democrat. Some union members are free thinkers and some of them resent being culled in together with the socialist crowd.
  3. The last reason is this; some union members are just not happy with the Democratic Party and with Obama. I believe Obama fatigue played a big part in the loss in Wisconsin. I believe it will also play out in November as well.

Needless to say, Scott Walker won big and the Unions and Democrats lost big. The results of this will be far-reaching and the Democrats in Wisconsin would be wise to lay low and try to hang on in 2012. But if they do not, they should learn the lessons of the massive over-reach that took place in Wisconsin and with the Democratic Party as a whole. However, knowing Democrats like I do; they will not learn a thing from this.


IBD: Job Recession 49 months, Worst Since World War 2

Continuing with my line of thought that I started yesterday; it seems that things are just plain bad.

Just how bad is it?

This bad:

The U.S. economy added 227,000 jobs in February vs. expectations for 206,000, continuing a recent trend of decent hiring activity. The unemployment rate held at 8.3%.

But America remains mired in the longest jobs recession since the Great Depression. It’s been 49 months since the U.S. hit peak employment in January 2008. And with nonfarm payrolls still 5.33 million below their old high, the jobs slump will continue for several more years.

The previous jobs recession record — 47 months — came during and after the comparatively mild 2001 recession, which saw unemployment climb to only 6.3%. The average job recovery time since 1980 is 29 months, not including the current slump.

The labor market won’t truly return to health until some 10 million positions are created to rehire all those who lost their jobs and to absorb new workers.

The longest jobs recession in decades coincides, not coincidentally, with the longest stretch of anemic economic performance on record.

U.S. gross domestic profit hasn’t risen 4% or more in any quarter since the first quarter of 2006. That’s by far the longest such stretch on record going back to 1950. The only other sizable sub-par stretch was a three-year span from late 2000 to mid-2003 during the prior recession and sluggish recovery.

I would advise you to go read the rest of that report, as it is quite a depressing read.  Ace over at Ace of Spades HQ likes to call it DOOM.  I simply look at it as grim reality.  This reality was created by the Democrats, who sought to game the system during a time of prosperity.  This should be a textbook example of why wealth redistribution simply does not work.  Instead, the Democrats will use this as an excuse to try to push their green energy polices and why we all should have healthcare, at the taxpayer’s expense.  All the while painting Republicans as racist, money grubbing, thugs who wish to keep the poor, black and disabled down.

Arguing it, in my opinion, is an exercise in futility anymore, because most Republicans are too stupid to know how to make the argument properly.  Instead, Republicans come off sound cold, aloof, uncaring, and cold-hearted —- or simply, like Mitt Romney.

This all affects me in many ways.  I would get into all of that, but because I do not want to be accused of being a whiner, I will not bother.  Therefore, I will simply say this, this all was happening in Michigan, long before it began happening in the entire Country.  Thanks to Jennifer Granholm’s inability to govern a state, we suffered long before the rest of the Country did. This is why I like to say, welcome to my world.  Because this mess we are in now, has been my world, since about 2000.  Admittedly, it got bad around here in about 2003 and after that, it was downhill around here.  I have out of work since 2005; and part of that is my fault and part of it is not.  My physical health is not in the best of shape either, my back and knees are hosed from years of trying to be superman, when I was working.  It all catches up, as I have learned; there is not day that goes by when my back and knees are not in pain.  The pain is just a part of life, of getting old, I suppose.  I do not have any sort of healthcare insurance, so I live with the pain.

However, I simply refuse to see myself as a charity case.  I refuse to take a handout from the Government.  Social Security is out for me; hell, I have a friend in Ohio that I have known since childhood — we used to live across the street from one another in Southwest Detroit — and he has a legitimate heart condition and he has a lawyer fighting to get his social security.  You want to talk about someone unfairly losing his or her career.  My friend Joe, who I have known for an eternity, was a well-paid and very well skilled automotive mechanic.  Let me state emphatically that the auto industry is much worse off without his skills.  Anyhow, Joe was working in this area not far from where I live, at an automotive dealership.  Joe ended up having to move to Ohio to be closer to his family.  In the process of moving, he just happened to have a check up and that is when he discovered he had a heart condition.  This might help you to understand why it is that I simply do not like dwelling on my own misfortune at all.  This is simply because there are those out there, who have it much worse than I do.

The point I am making is this; if my friend Joe is having to lawyer to even get social security disability and he has a legitimate condition, what makes you think I could even remotely get it?  I just cannot see myself trotting in and saying, “Hi, I have ADHD and I think I am entitled to social security.”  I tried that once, after being pestered by my Mom about it and I tried that and it failed.  I will not try that again.  I felt like a fool.  My point is, I do want to work, doing something that I can do, that will not end up screwing my knees and back up even worse than they already are now.

I have made three major mistakes in my life and I will always regret them.  The first was thinking that I could go to Commercial Truck Driving School, on the State of Michigan’s dime no less and then think that I could just waltz into a local driving job.  I know now that the commercial vehicle insurance industry just does not allow that to happen.  The second mistake was getting a job that was related to the retail industry; retail stores suck and those who work in them are usually complete and useless assholes.  Believe me when I tell you this; I know from experience.  With the exception of my first job ever, every job I have ever tried work in, which was related to retail was a total disaster.  I just do not have the personality for retail sales at all.  The main reason for this is that, frankly, people can be just plain nasty.  I could tell you horror stories of working in the retail business.

My third mistake was allowing my family to talk me into getting a job where they worked, that was major mistake.  I believe the biggest reason I am where I am today is the result that mistake.  I love my family, all of them; but I have tried working with them more than once and it was a disaster.  Even when my job was not working around them, it ended up with me getting into with them, over something.  Lesson learned there, never again.

Therefore, here I sit, writing, hoping that this will all turn around for the Country and me.  Something tells me, I am going to be waiting for a very long time.

The real unemployment rate? Try 14.9%

I have one thing to say about all this below; welcome to my world.

1. If the size of the U.S. labor force as a share of the total population was the same as it was when Barack Obama took office—65.7% then vs. 63.9% today—the U-3 unemployment rate would be 10.8%.

2. But what if you take into the account the aging of the Baby Boomers, which means the labor force participation (LFP) rate should be trending lower. Indeed, it has been doing just that since 2000. Before the Great Recession, the Congressional Budget Office predicted what the LFP would be in 2012, assuming such demographic changes. Using that number, the real unemployment rate would be 10.4%.

3. Of course, the LFP rate usually falls during recessions. Yet even if you discount for that and the aging issue, the real unemployment rate would be 9.5%.

4. Then there’s the broader, U-6 measure of unemployment which includes the discouraged plus part-timers who wish they had full time work. That unemployment rate, perhaps the truest measure of the labor market’s health, is still a sky-high 14.9%.

5. Recall that back in 2009, White House economists Jared Bernstein and Christina Romer used their old-fashioned Keynesian model to predict how the $800 billion stimulus would affect employment. According to their model—as displayed in the above chart, updated—unemployment should be around 6% today.

6. As Ed Carson of Investor’s Business Daily points out, it’s been a whopping 49 months since the U.S. hit peak employment in January 2008. The average job recovery time since 1980 is 29 months, not including the current slump.

7. And how long might it take to get back to the 4.4% unemployment rate that existed under President George. W. Bush? Well, let’s say the goal was to get back to that rate in 5 years. And let’s assume the LFP rate returns to the CBO trend. According to a jobs calculator created by the Atlanta Fed, the U.S. economy would have to generate about 225,000 jobs a month, every month, for the next 60 months to hit that target. But few economist think we’ll see sustained job growth like that, especially since it assumes the economy would avoid recession during that span.

Indeed, JPMorgan just cut its GDP forecast for this quarter to 1.5% from 2.0% and says there is “some downside risk” to its second-quarter forecast of 2.5%.

via The real unemployment rate? It sure isn’t 8.3% « The Enterprise Blog.

What gets me is that I keep getting these people coming here and telling me to get a job.  My answer to them: Find me one.  Truth is there are not any jobs around here.  Especially if you have been out of work for a long while, as I have; so, basically, I am screwed.  I will most likely be forced onto the Government dole, because of the Democrats screwing of our system into the ground.  I have paid into it; so, I guess I am entitled to it.  What sucks is, I really want to work; at least doing some sort of delivery product; at least in a straight truck; but because I have been out of work so long, most employers will not hire someone out as long as I have been.

It does truly suck; but it is my reality of my life.  You would think that I would be able to find work for a political publication; but anymore, if you do not have some sort of an inside connection somewhere, you will not be hired.  Again, more of that suck business; but it is the reality of life.  One can either suck it up or whine about it.  I choose not to whine, but rather keep writing.  I figure whining about it will not change anything anyhow, so why bother?

Anyhow, that is the facts life.  One can either deal with it and move on or complain.


Government Records $229 billion deficit for a month

Elections matter folks, this is why. Greece, here we come!

The U.S. government just notched its highest ever monthly deficit, with the red rink running to an estimated $229 billion in February.

The Congressional Budget Office, in a preliminary analysis, reported that the February 2012 deficit broke last year’s monthly record of $223 billion.

The office attributed the shortfall in part to a decline in revenue — mainly because of a $25 billion increase in income tax refunds thanks to disbursement timing issues.

According to the CBO, processing delays pushed refund payments that would have been distributed in January off into February. And the additional day in February this year allowed for extra refunds to be distributed during the month that otherwise would have been paid out in March.

The CBO projected that for the first five months of the fiscal year, the federal government is running a $578 billion deficit.

The projected deficit this year is once again projected to top $1 trillion

via Government Records Highest-ever Monthly Deficit | Fox News.

The only thing I can truly say about this one is this; elections matter. This is what happens when you put progressives and moderate Republicans in Government, they spend on your dime and you get stuck with the tab and most usually, you do not get a thing for it in return.  This is why we have to get people elected to political office, in City, State and Federal levels; who at the very least, have the American people’s interests in mind and not their own political fortunes in mind. Because when the political veterans are running the show; both Republican and Democratic Parties; this is what you get —- Debt.

China cannot buy our debt forever, or eventually they will own this Country. Not to mention, China is not exactly a free Country. All China would have to do, is tell the United States that they will not be buy anymore of our debt and we, as a Nation, would be history. We, as Conservatives have no one to blame, but ourselves for this fine mess.  The Republican Party elected a moderate Republican by the name of Richard Nixon, who wanted so badly to make a name for himself and that idiot liberal Republican just had to go to China and normalize relations with those Communist bastards. Which is pretty darned ironic, considering what the Communists in China did to John Birch.  This is one Conservative who felt Watergate was nothing more than sweet justice. (…and No, I am NOT being snarky!)

This why we the American people, the silent majority; need to vote differently this coming November. Our Nation’s future might just depend on it.



Greece gets bailed out.

This is what happens, when you spend money that you really do not have; also too, this is why progressivism is an abysmal failure.

ATHENS – Greece announced Friday that 85.8 percent of its private-sector creditors had agreed to swap their bonds for new ones at a huge loss.

Greece’s Ministry of Finance announced the result on its website Friday after bondholders had to lodge their acceptance of the deal by a Thursday evening deadline.

The wide participation of the offer indicates that Greece will go ahead with the restructuring that hopefully marks a seminal moment in Europe’s long-frustrated efforts to rescue its most financially vulnerable nation, The Wall Street Journal reported. It is the largest-ever sovereign-debt default and the first for a Western European country in half a century.

The restructuring now set to be executed will see Greece chop 53.5 percent from the face value of around 200 billion euros ($265 billion) in bonds held by private creditors.

via Greek Debt Restructuring Deal To Go Ahead, Government Announces | Fox News.

Because sooner or later; someone ends up; as the old saying goes, “Taking a Bath.” Looks like investors are taking a big one. All so this idiotic nation here can bail itself out and get another nice helping of our money. These idiots should have learned long ago that you cannot continue to run a Country like this; but as they say, you cannot teach an old liberal dog new tricks.

But then again, we are dealing with liberals.


Kudos to Matt K. Lewis

For publishing this piece here on what caused the recession, which was caused by other factors than the “flash crash of 2008.”

Quoting Matt:

1. The FED kept interest rates too low for too long – This isn’t rocket science. Keeping interest rates artificially low led predictably to excessive credit and speculative asset bubbles — such as occurred in the housing market (this problem has not been fixed).

2. The expanded mandate of Fannie and Freddie – The housing collapse can very likely be traced back the Clinton administration’s pressuring of Fannie and Freddie to encourage more home buying. The Community Reinvestment Act, for example — in which banks were encouraged to people who normally would not be worthy of obtaining home loans — was especially pernicious. The CRA, of course, had been around for a long time prior to Clinton, but as Howard Husock noted in 2000, the Clinton Administration, “turned the Community Reinvestment Act, a once-obscure and lightly enforced banking regulation law, into one of the most powerful mandates shaping American cities.”

(Note: Anyone interested in learning more about Fannie and Freddie should read “Reckless Endangerment,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning business reporter and New York Times columnist Gretchen Morgenson, and housing finance expert Joshua Rosner.)

3. Mark-to-market accounting – This accounting device requires financial institutions to adjust their balance sheets and capital accounts whenever the value of an asset they own increases or decreases. The trouble with this is that it requires banks to show paper losses for assets they may have no plans to sell (in fact, the bank may be planning to wait for the price to increase prior to selling it). FDR suspended mark to market accounting in 1938, but unfortunately, the George W. Bush administration brought it back in 2007. As Steve Forbes wrote in 2009: “Of the more than $700 billion that financial institutions have written off, almost all of it has been book write-downs, not actual cash losses.” (The requirement has since been loosened.)

4. Repeal of the uptick rule – Also enacted by FDR, this says investors can’t short a stock unless it goes up in price. According to Investopedia: ”The uptick rule prevents short sellers from adding to the downward momentum when the price of an asset is already experiencing sharp declines.” In 2007, the SEC got rid of the rule, resulting in investors betting against the market, manipulating the market, and depressing stock prices. (Note: Like everything else on the list, some people dispute the notion that the uptick rule would have helped. Others argue that short sellers get a bum rap. For example, the last infamous CEO to complain about short sellers was Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers. The company went bankrupt and short selling had nothing to do with the rapid decline of price.)

5. Repeal of Glass-Steagall – Enacted by FDR after the Great Depression, a main provision of Glass-Steagall was separating investment banking from commercial banking. But in 1999, the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (passed by a majority of Republicans and signed by Bill Clinton) repealed that provision. The problem, of course, is that this encouraged banks to be speculative — to take risks, knowing all along that the FDIC would insure their loss. (The notion that repealing Glass-Steagall contributed to the recession is disputed by some economists. Some would even argue that it helped. For example, when Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch got into serious trouble, they were promptly acquired by J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. These rescues were possible only because banks could own full-service broker-dealers.)

So there you have it: Five things which (I, at least believe) contributed to the crisis.

Only thing I will add to this is that the CRA DID cause the housing bubble, because of what they added, which was the sub-prime clause that was added to that act.  This caused a considerable amount of credit to given to those whom without said act, would never have been able to get said credit.  This is called, “taking money from the people who have it and giving it to those who have not” or simply put; class warfare.

Furthermore, I am glad to see that Mr. Lewis does point out that Bush’s White House did have some input into the crash and recession.  So many times, I get so frustrated with people on the right; who look at everything through a partisan lens and try to blame Obama or the Democrats only for the mess.  Truth is, the Republicans screwed up royally too, with the things listed above and with their addiction to spending, which did not help either.

What burns my rather large behind is that both Republicans and Democrats both; instead of usually fixing the problem, they sit around and blame one other for the damned problem, which fixes absolutely nothing.  This is why I despise partisan politics so much.  Maybe if Republicans and Democrats had tried to work together more, we might could have staved off the recession.  Nevertheless, that did not happen, because both sides knew that they could create a cottage industry out of blaming the other side.

….and that my friend is the much sad state of politics in this Country.

Americans are not too happy with Hope and Change

Should I be shocked?

It’s February, nine months before a presidential election, and only 22 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going. Voters haven’t been this unhappy with the country since George H.W. Bush’s presidency, when only 21 percent of Americans reported being happy with the country’s direction. And before that, the lowest approval rating was 19 percent during Jimmy Carter’s first term.

What do the two presidencies have in common? Neither of them won re-election. And, if the trends holds true, Obama looks to be in an equally precarious situation.

via Americans’ Satisfaction Almost as Low as It Was Under Carter – Washington Whispers (usnews.com).

No, I am not; why with the shoving of Obamacare down the throat of Americans and all the failures of this Administration — none of it should really be a real surprise. Of course, if Americans had listened to bloggers like myself; we would not be in this sort of a position.  But we are, because Americans allowed a man to seduce them with flowery speeches and possibly because of the novelty of electing a black President. Which was, truly, affirmative action at its worst.

May this be a lesson to America for pursuing such ignorance.

Other awesome Bloggers weighing in: The Heritage Foundation, Don Surber, The PJ Tatler, Questions and Observations, Scared Monkeys, americanthinker.com, Weasel Zippers and HotAirPundit (Via Memeorandum)

Former Ron Paul Ally confronts Paul on double dipping on expenses

Proving my ever-growing suspicions on this guy:

In March 2005, David James called Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-Texas) Congressional office for some documentation.

James’s nonprofit group, the Liberty Committee, had paid for one of Paul’s flights, and James needed a receipt or boarding pass to document the expense. He’d been pushing Paul for the paperwork and now, on the phone, he was “putting his foot down.”

“So I called the office manager,” James recalled. “They knew me, like, as well as they knew Ron. And I said, ‘Liberty Committee is paying for this expense. I need to get the boarding pass or the ticket or something.’”

The office manager said Paul’s Congressional office no longer had documentation for that flight; Paul had sent it in to the House Finance Office for reimbursement. But Liberty Committee had already sent a check to American Express to cover the charge on Paul’s credit card.

“I don’t care what flights the Liberty Committee pays for,” James said, “because Ron never took enough in expenses to come anywhere near his value to us. And this was piddly. But it’s just what it was.”

James first thought it was accidental and faxed a letter to Paul’s office, requesting that its money be returned for the flight. Paul did repay the $403.70, but the episode strained their relationship and led to a falling out a year later.

In a subsequent conversation, James raised the issue, and Paul “was very curt, and he simply said, ‘Yep, well, happens all the time,’” James, 64, told Roll Call.

via Associate Confronted Rep. Ron Paul About Flights : Roll Call News.

Ed Morrissey also writes about this, and thinks that Ron Paul should come clean or face a house ethics committee hearing. I wholeheartedly agree. If you are going to pawn yourself off as the most honest person on capital hill; you should try actually being the most honest person on capital hill.  I have written on my previous blog about this man’s claims to be the most honest politician, and for a short time, I actually believed that, but as time wore on, I began to read about the stuff that Mr. Paul does and does not want his own followers really knowing about it.  But, I, as well as other bloggers have documented his antics for a while now.

While Mr. Paul might have some very good ideas on capitalism, free trade and our monetary system; his utter hypocrisy when it comes to issues like this and his utter idiotic ideas on foreign policy handicap him. Not only this, but his past writings that did have his name on them, and his associations with Jew haters, racists and other such sort of nonsense make him someone, despite what I said recently, which was honestly in jest; that I could never, in good conscience vote for in a million years.  All one would need to do is look through the archives of my previous blog to see all the stuff that I have written about the man over the past 6 years.

Again, while I can appreciate his opposition to Wilsonian foreign policy; something that I have spoken out against myself here, and I can and do agree with very much, as much as I agree with his idea of free trade, free markets and the gold standard. I cannot side with this man because of the rest of his problems.  As I have said on this blog and my previous blog many, many times; Ron Paul is NOT, nor has he EVER been the Messianic figure that many of his well-intentioned followers assumed him to be.  This proves that and if the Ron Paul crowd had any sort of common sense at all; they would back away from Ron Paul and support someone who could actually fix this Nation’s problems.

However, if I know the Ron Paul crowd like I do; they will simply dismiss this true story, as some sort of Jewish conspiracy by the Illuminati and the Bilderberg boys to keep him from winning the White House, which is pretty much par for their course. I could tell you stories of how when I, on my previous blog, would write something even remotely critical of Ron Paul; my inbox would overflow with Ron Paul supporters calling me everything from a Neo-Con (which is Jew in Ron Paul speak) to a Bush-lover. Once, though, one of them went over the line and sent a death threat via e-mail. I did report that to the FBI in Detroit. This is why I try to avoid writing about the man. Because his most devout followers are absolutely insane.

Trust me, when I tell you this; the left’s crazies, have nothing on Ron Paul’s crazies. 😯

More of that “Religion of Peace” at work.

Via Israel Today:

A mob of some 50 Palestinian Muslims stoned a group of Christian tourists atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Sunday morning. Three of the Israeli police officers who acted to protect the Christian group were wounded by the stone-throwers.

Police arrested 11 Palestinians, several of them minors, for their role in the attack.

The attack is believed to have been instigated by the former Muslim mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrama Sabri, who told Palestinian media over the weekend that Jewish groups were planning to break into the mosques that occupy the holy compound and desecrate them.

Sabri urged all local Muslims to protect the mosques from “the Israeli conspiracy against the city and its holy places.”

Muslim religious figures regularly claim that Israel is plotting to destroy the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque to pave the way for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple, which the Muslims now insist never previously existed.

Because of the constant threat of Muslim violence, and despite the fact that the Temple Mount is the most holy place on earth to Jews and many Christians, the Israeli police comply with Muslim demands for harsh restrictions on non-Muslim visitors to the site. For instance, Jews and Christians are forbidden to carry Bibles atop the Temple Mount or to utter even silent prayers within its walls. Jews and Christians are regularly detained for violating these conditions.

In other violence, Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type missile at the southern Israel city of Beersheva on Saturday. The projectile landed in an open area just outside Beersheva and did not cause any injuries or damage. Two more short-range rockets hit nearby Israeli towns.

Palestinian forces fired at least two rockets at southern Israel – one at the coastal city of Ashkelon – on Friday, again causing no injuries or damage.

But-but-but-but they’re just peaceful Muslims! 🙄

The same damned peaceful Muslims who did this:

Remember this?

and this:

............and this?

These are the men who did the above, and Shanksville, Pa:

We should never forget what these men did, we should never forget thier race, their religion and why they did it to us, ever!

They were acting under the command of this man:

The ringleader. Who is now dead.

The liberals in this Country want to flush this event down the memory hole. They would rather blame Bush and Cheney for the attacks; and not the incompetence of Bill Clinton, which was the real cause of 9/11. Like his incompetence in rigging the housing market to fail, like it did. This is why I no longer vote Democratic Party; because those bastards are the reason why we are living in the police state hole that we live in now.

Some people cannot see that; and that’s their own darned fault. I’m no fool and I see things for what they really are. Terrorism is a threat and these same people CLAIM to want a two-state solution! Which is a lie of the devil, they want to see Israel pushed into the sea and the Jewish race exterminated from the earth, kind of like Hitler.

Remember this come November and vote accordingly.



Ben Bernanke needs to lose his job

This here is why:

(Reuters) – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday issued a call to action to restore housing markets, saying depressed house prices and sales are a serious drag on the economic recovery.

“The state of housing has been an impediment to a faster recovery,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery to a home builders’ conference in Orlando.

“Because the troubled housing market continues to depress construction activity and employment, we need to continue to develop and implement policies that will help the housing sector get back on its feet,” Bernanke added.

via Bernanke urges action to heal housing markets | Reuters.

As I have written time and time again; “action” by Democrats is what put America into the shape that it is now. if anything, we need to the Government to get their darned slimy paws off of the private housing market and let it correct itself. Sure, pain will be felt; that happens in capitalistic society — deal with it.

This is what happens when you elect socialists into power, remember this come November.