I couldn’t have put it better myself if I tried.

He’s so right.

If you pull the lever for Hillary in 2016, knowing what we know about Benghazi and her role in the death of 4 Americans, you’re a fucking traitor to this country, and I hope bad things befall you, because you are a morally bankrupt asswipe.

via REVEALED: 400 US surface-to-air missiles were ‘STOLEN’ from Libya during the Benghazi attack » UrbanGrounds.

He is talking about this stuff here. But, he’s right. If the Democrats allow Shillary to run in 2016, then they deserve the ass whipping that they are going to get at the polls.

If I were Democrat and this was being reported, I would be very, very, worried.

To my union friends who happen to read this; (and yes, there are quite a few that do…) between this and what the Clinton’s did in the 1990’s with NAFTA and TAFTA ought to be enough reason to pass on this woman’s bid for President.

Related: Allahpundit / Hot Air:  Attorney for U.S. whistleblower: 400 surface-to-air missiles were stolen from Benghazi

Others: pro.wmal-af.tritonflex.com, Power Line andBREITBART.COM The Jawa Reportamericanthinker.comScared Monkeys and The Gateway Pundit

piss poor defense on Benghazi

You want to know just how damned piss poorly the Democrats and the left are defending their people on the accusations of the Republicans on the Benghazi issue?

Then look no further than here. 

If that is the best thing that the left can do; they are so seriously screwed. 🙄

I have seen my share of lame stuff in my day; and I have been blogging politics since 2006 — but this one takes the cake.

You must be kidding…..seriously, you must be freaking kidding me. 😡 Damned idiots.


Hillary Clinton goes on speaking tour

I would say that this is a sign that she is not running in 2016. But, these days, who knows? She could be doing the speaking tour to warm up for a political run in 2016. 

EXCLUSIVE: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will hit the paid speaking circuit this spring (likely April or May) and has selected the Harry Walker Agency, which represents President Clinton, as her agent. Industry officials expect that she will be one of the highest paid speakers in the history of the circuit, with fees well into the six figures in the United States and abroad.  Secretary Clinton will likely do some speeches for no fee for causes she champions, and expects to occasionally donate her fees for charitable purposes. Clinton, who will maintain her homes in Washington and Chappaqua, is also beginning to make decisions about the book she has said she will write, an account of her four years as secretary of State. Non-profit work will be another component of her new life, perhaps through her husband’s foundation or one of her own. — HILLARY CLINTON UNVEILS FIRST PHASE OF NEW LIFE -POLITICO.com

Either way, I wish her the best. I think it would be interesting to see Hillary Clinton and a Republican woman run for President. It would make for some interesting debates, especially on Abortion. If anything at all, it would be fun to see who could out-harpy the other. You know, two feminists, screaming at each other as to whom was the more self-important. It would, if anything, make for some very funny TV. 

Just my opinion. 

Believe it or not, Hillary might actually be telling the truth

I am, of course, talking about the story below: 

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” Clinton responded, raising her voice at Johnson, who continued to interrupt her. “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.” Clinton continued, defending the State Department’s efforts in the wake of the assault. “Honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is people were trying their best in real time to get to the best information,” she said. — via Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO)

I will not bother posting the video, as I saw it and the Rand Paul video. Now there is a chance that Hillary might actually be telling the truth about her knoweldge about Libya. The reason I say this is because it is now very well known that President Bush was totally out of the loop on the situtation in Iraq until it was much too late for him to really do anything about it. I mean, Bush was out of loop in 2006 very badly, as his lower in command did not want him to be upset about the outbreak of violence there. 

I know it sounds crazy, but, the ol’ gal might be actually being truthful here. Now, as for her statement of, “What does it matter?” Oh, that is not going to play well for her, if she decided to run for President. Because you have to know that the Republicans and yes, maybe even the Democrats will play that one against here. All it would take is a well-funded Democrat who is a bit of a blue dog to play that for all it is worth. 

What is sad though, is that the right is turning the Libya thing into a partisan witch hunt; and that is sad for the familes of those killed on that fateful day. 

Memeorandum roundup here. 

I am no fan of Hillary Clinton really, but this is lame

It really is:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was set to face a grilling from Congress this week over the terrorist attacks in Benghazi when she started channeling the late poet Shel Silverstein.

“I have the measles and the mumps / A gash, a rash and purple bumps,” said Clinton, in effect, informing the House and Senate (with regrets!) that she was suffering too many maladies to testify as expected about the Sept. 11 attack in Libya.

America’s top diplomat was to provide her first public answers regarding the murder of US Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Now that won’t happen.

Clinton’s story beggars belief: While traveling in Europe, she contracted a stomach virus . . . which made her dehydrated . . . which made her faint at home . . . which caused her to fall and hit her head . . . which gave her a nasty concussion.

So Clinton’s deputies will appear in her stead before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday to explain the State Department’s failures.

That is not nearly enough.

via Hillary Clinton’s fishy concussion—Editorial – NYPOST.com.

So basically the New York Post is accusing Hillary of lying about her injury. As I said in the title. I am no fan of her at all. But this is totally lame, but not out of line with the idiot right. (As opposed to the old honorable right.)

Others:  Exposing Liberal LiesCNNPoliticoThe Raw StoryThe Daily Caller and The Glittering Eye (Via Memeorandum)

Is Obama going to toss Hillary under the bus?

I personally do not buy it. But that is what they are saying.

Powerline Blog reports the following:

Former President Clinton has been working overtime to drag Barack Obama across the finish line in this year’s election. Clinton has been hands-down President Obama’s most effective advocate. His personal credibility may not be substantial, but unlike Obama, Clinton produced a non-disastrous presidency. Thus, his overall credibility vastly exceeds that of the current president.

So how is Obama awarding Clinton for his heavy lifting? By throwing Clinton’s wife under the Benghazi bus, it appears. On Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that responsibility for the consulate in Libya fell on the State Department, not the White House. This followed Joe Biden’s claim during the Thursday debate that “we” (apparently meaning Biden and Obama) knew nothing about the Libya mission’s request to the State Department for extra security.

To support this claim, Powerline blog links to Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, which itself has a credibility problem; and a claim by author Ed Cline, who has a problem telling the truth in his writings. Anyhow, Ed Cline writes the following:

“Not only would it be hard to predict how it would play out as far as Hillary is concerned in the future, but it would certainly damage Obama’s chances for re-election if she resigned,” he said.

Klein said relations between the Clintons and President Obama have reached a new low, most recently with Obama ignoring Bill Clinton’s offer to help him and Vice President Joe Biden prepare for the debates with the Republican ticket.

“He had very clear ideas on how they should do that,” Klein told TheDC. “He never once got a response. And it absolutely sent him into orbit. He was furious that he would be treated this way, especially after what he did, in his view, at the Democratic convention in giving that nomination speech for Obama.”

Added Klein: “His fury turned to deep concern when the Benghazi business unfolded because he was deeply troubled by the appearance that the White House was going to throw Hillary under the bus, which in fact it appears it is doing.”

Klein said Bill Clinton’s informal legal team is made up of people he’s used in the past in legal situations. He asked them by phone to tell him how Hillary Clinton should handle this situation and what to do if she is subpoenaed to testify to the House Oversight Committee and provide them with memos regarding Benghazi.

The author said the situation is obviously complicated by Obama’s re-election, but also the possibility that Hillary would run in 2016.

“If she is left with this stain on her reputation, it could seriously damage her chances for election,” Klein told TheDC. “And this is what is really bothering Bill more than anything.”

The Agonist is not buying it and neither am I. Above anything at all, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are faithful Democrats to the very end. I do not believe for one lousy moment that Hillary Clinton or Bill or even Obama would risk ripping the Democratic Party to shreds over something like this. I might not be a professional when it comes to politics; but I am not an idiot. I know the Democratic Party well and with them, party always comes first. Nice try guys, but it is not going to happen. If anything at all, there will be some profuse apologizing and it will end with that.

So, nice; but, no. Sorry, but no. Rolling Eyes

Others: Wizbang, Fausta’s Blog, Patterico’s Pontifications, National Review

Hey Hillary Clinton! Call Me.

If Hillary Clinton needs a personal spokesperson, I am very much available. Heck, I might not agree with her politics at all. But if it brings back any sort of integrity and respect back to the office of Secretary of State; I will work for $15.00 an hour. Also, I will tell reports everything that I do and do not know; and I will never, ever tell a reporter to F— Off and call them a-holes for simply doing their jobs.

Others: PoliticoElection 2012Washington PostTaylor MarshPolitickerThe PJ TatlerNew York MagazinePoynterWashington Free BeaconThe Moderate VoiceThe Jawa ReportGuardianThe Daily BeastMediaiteThe Gateway Punditnation.foxnews.comThe Daily CallerCapital New York andVodkapunditmore at Mediagazer »

Videos: Obama in his own words

I saw this over at HotAir.com and I thought I would share it here:

Not that this is anything new really. I have been writing about this crap sack’s lies since 2007 on my old blog.

Here are some more of Obama’s lies:

and they wonder why Joe Wilson said this:

Welcome to reality Democrats! This is what you elected and what you are about to be stuck with, when he LOSES!

Vote for Mitt Romney, he might not be perfect; However he will tell us the truth — whether we like it or not. 

Noted Faux Conservative Mitt Romney goes full-on birther

I have seen a good deal of stupidity in elections from both sides, but this here takes the cake.

The Video:

The Story:

Commerce, Michigan (CNN) – Mitt Romney chose a Friday campaign rally in Michigan, the state where he was born, to make reference to the highly charged and controversial “birther” movement, joking that “no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate.”

A fringe of conservative Republicans continue to believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Those in that movement are referred to as “birthers.”

A certification of live birth released by Obama during the 2008 campaign, and then the long-form certificate released by the White House in the spring of 2011, both stated the president was born in a Hawaii hospital on August 4, 1961. Contemporaneously published newspaper announcements also noted the birth in the Aloha State. Only “natural born” citizens of the United States are eligible to be president.

“I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said on Friday. “Ann was born at Henry Ford hospital, I was born at Harper hospital. No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

via TRENDING: Romney goes THERE: ‘Birther’ joke raises conspiracy theory – CNN Political Ticker – CNN.com Blogs.

No, Mitt, but many people, including myself; have actually wondered if you are truly a Conservative or just some big Government Statist masquerading as a small Government Conservative Republican. Furthermore, your tendency towards Wilsonian foreign policy has been noted by more than one person.

What really steams me about this little issue is this: The Birther nonsense was not started by the Republicans; it was started by the Democratic Party, namely the Hillary Campaign in 2008. Its origins are straight out of the White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi camps though and the Hillary camp picked it up and ran with it. It is an idiotic thing and the racial undertones of it all totally disgust me to no end; and with an election this important, the last thing that Mitt Romney needs to be tagged a racist bigot by the left.

Again, I do not know who is writing his speeches and/or giving him advice, but they need to cut the crap. Because if the Republicans lose this race, we are going to be screwed and I mean badly.

So, an open message to the Mitt Romney campaign for a former Democratic Party voter, turned Buchananite/Reaganite style Conservative, who wants to see his Country great again: Cut the crap, okay? We need to get this Country back on track and making asinine statements like this, is not going to help that cause, Mitt. I mean, really. 🙄

There is truly no excuse for this, and furthermore, there is no excuse for any Conservative of any stripe to think this is funny, acceptable or even remotely legit — although there are some that believe, that it is perfectly fine to make such asinine comments. It cost John McCain the election in 2008 and it will cost Mitt Romney too.

Again, it is not funny or does it represent my views as a Conservative, not even remotely.