John Podhoretz gets exposed for the intolerant Trotskyite that he truly is

This is great;  a Trotskyite Zionist goes for a debate; and the minute he sees that he is losing the debate — he storms off the stage, takes his marbles and goes home.

I am referring to the greatest Trotskyite, Zionist, Neoconservative of them all — John Podhoretz.

See here, here, here and here.

Money quote:

Bottom line: I’d had a long day and I didn’t see the point in spending more of it getting booed and shushed. So I left. So sue me.

If only we could sue you and your family for all the trillions of dollars — and the 4000+ lives that were  wasted in the Iraq War —- which you and your satanic Father were cheerleaders for, after 9/11. Actually, I would very much like to see criminal charges filed against you and few of your Trotskyite friends as well. However, as we realists know; that will never happened to a protected class as yourself.

You want to know what got wrong with Conservatism? You want to know why the GOP is in the shape that it is in? Look no further than this man here and his idiotic Trotskyite magazine that he runs. They are the true enemies of America; they are the ones who put us in the war that almost broke this Nation and ruined its standing in the world.

It is a pity that there is not true justice in this Nation of ours; otherwise, this man and his friends would be sitting in jail cells.


why do people do stupid stuff like this?

This right here, is too stupid for words.

go read the story about some stupid mother who let their young kid dress up as a Klansman.

That’s some seriously weapons-grade stupid right there. I don’t care what she was thinking, that’s just dumb no matter how you size it.

There some video with the link too. I didn’t watch it. I don’t have the stomach for it. I can’t handle watching stupidity in motion.

Some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

Why I won’t be posting @JulieBorowski’s AKA Token Libertarian Girl’s Videos here anymore.

Needless to say, I won’t be posting this woman’s videos here any longer.

Here is why:

and what happens? She unfollows me.

And so, I sent back:


Then she accuses me of feeling like I am entitled to be followed. The conversation basically degenerated after that. Basically the truth is this: Julie Borowski is a protected minority, she is polish. Now, whether she is Jewish or not, is not relevant. What is relevant is when I told her, that she should be careful using code words like “neocon” she got quite defensive and unfollowed me. The truth is the woman wears her ethnicity on her sleeve. But, she pawns herself off as some sort of a libertarian. I call bullcrap on that one. She’s nothing more than a neoconservative.

I won’t delete her videos here that I have posted before; but I won’t post anyone’s videos who act like that on twitter. Besides all that; the only reason anyone gives two flips about her, is because she has a pretty face and sounds like a one point that she was deaf. So, they pity her and watch her videos. Not me. I pity no one; I gave her a chance here, because she sounded pretty smart. I guess I was wrong about that one.

Debate this

This liberal blogger here seems to think that my cousin getting murdered is funny.

I’m thinking a nice blog swarm is needed here. 😡

Update: Besides mocking my dead cousin, this liberal, whom I assume is black, made this statement on his blog:

 I wuz robbed. Farewell, Unca Cletus

That right there is a racist statement. Calling a white person Cletus or Roscoe; which is a reference to the 1980’s show, “The Dukes of Hazzard”, is nothing more than an underhanded swipe at me, for being a white person. It is another way of calling me a stupid white redneck.

Nice to see that the Democrats are still living up to their historical reputation of being nothing, but a bunch of racist bigots. It was that whites were bigoted against blacks. Now, it has changed, it is the blacks which are bigoted against the whites. Same hatred, different players.


Video: This is why I do not trust Al-Jazeera TV

American version of it or not. I simply do not trust it and this here is why. This comes via Memri TV:

Some of you might say, “But, aren’t you a Buchananite type?” Yes, indeed I am. Which simply means that I am not a fan of Wilsonian Foreign Policy and that’s all it means. If Al-Jazeera TV is putting this sort of garbage on it’s Arab speaking network, it has zero business being in the United States of America. This is nothing more than Anti-Jewish propaganda and it furthers the blood libels that the terrorists thrive on and use to commit acts of carnage.

If our President were actually worth a tinkers damn, he would tell Al-Jazeera TV, “You either do something about that, or you can pack your little network up and go back to mecca, where you truly belong.” But, because we have a President who kowtows down to Arabs and their religion, instead of defending Jewish Americans, you have this network Al-Jazeera TV here to brainwash Americans into believe that 9/11 was somehow justified.

…and that, my friends, is a great American tragedy.

(H/T to Commentary Magazine)

It is official: Jesse Ventura is very small man

In more ways than one.

The Story:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is setting his legal sights on the widow of a former Navy SEAL he had sued for defamation.

Lawyers for Ventura have asked a federal court to continue his lawsuit against Chris Kyle — who was killed in February by a young veteran he was mentoring — by substituting Kyle’s wife, Taya, as the defendant. Ventura last year sued Kyle, a decorated former SEAL and author of “American Sniper,” claiming that the book’s description of a California bar fight defamed him.

“Although Kyle is deceased, his ‘American Sniper’ book continues to sell and it is soon to be made into a movie,” said Ventura’s motion, filed last week by Minneapolis attorney David Bradley Olsen.

Ventura’s lawyers said his claims survive Kyle’s death, and “it would be unjust to permit the estate to continue to profit from Kyle’s wrongful conduct and to leave Governor Ventura without redress for ongoing damage to his reputation.”

via Former MN Gov. Ventura wants to add widow to suit against Navy SEAL Chris Kyle |

How can one have a reputation damaged, when that said person damaged it already himself? I mean this idiot lied about his Military career and is a whack job conspiracy theorist. There is not much else one can do there really.

I’m just saying…

Others: Business Insiderprotein wisdomThe PJ Tatler and Twitchy

Disaster Exploitation Redux

First it was the Republicans and now the Democrats are getting into the act.

The Video:

The Story via the Daily Caller:

While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

Whitehouse spent 15 minutes chastising GOP senators and justified his remarks by alluding to states that seek federal assistance in the wake of natural disasters.

“So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas. It hits Rhode Island with floods and storms. It hits Oregon with acidified seas, it hits Montana with dying forests. So, like it or not, we’re in this together.”

Unlike some bloggers who claim to be Independent, I point out when both sides do stupid stuff like this; because it is sick and wrong to exploit a tragic event like this for one’s political agenda. For the record, I do not totally deny climate change; I just happen to think that the science in incomplete and that the whole climate change movement became radically politicized, which I believe personally is harmful. I believe that science is a great thing; but science with a political agenda is dangerous, like unto Nazi propaganda or Soviet propaganda.

Others: Weasel ZippersThe Gateway,Le·gal In·sur·rec· tionRight Wing News and Rumproast

UPDATED – A perfect example of how not to give the Republican Party a good image to the rest of the Country.

This is weapons grade stupidity:

The tornado damage near Oklahoma City is still being assessed and the death toll is expected to rise, but already Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., says he will insist that any federal disaster aid be paid for with cuts elsewhere.

CQ Roll Call reporter Jennifer Scholtes wrote for Monday evening that Coburn said he would “absolutely” demand offsets for any federal aid that Congress provides.

Coburn added, Scholtes wrote, that it is too early to guess at a damage toll but that he knows for certain he will fight to make sure disaster funding that the federal government contributes is paid for. It’s a position he has taken repeatedly during his career when Congress debates emergency funding for disaster aid.

Scholtes points out that Coburn was one of 36 Republican senators who voted against disaster funding for Superstorm Sandy in January.

via Coburn Wants Tornado Disaster Aid to Be Offset | The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body.

There are no words. 😡 None that I choose to print, that is. 😡

Also too, This right here is seriously bad. Prayers for all involved. 🙁

Update: HotAir has some excellent video of the tornado that hit down in Oklahoma.

Update #2: American Glob has sad photos from the affected area.

Update #3: Two bloggers that have something to say about this and rightfully so, are The Reaction and Balloon Juice

Update # 4: This is now a huge Memeorandum thread.

Idiot Dubai Arab picks the wrong woman to try and rape!

This is too awesome and the feel good story of the day!

An off-duty U.S. navy sailor wrestled a Dubai bus driver to the ground and beat him into submission after he tried to rape her at knifepoint on Jan. 19, a courtroom heard Wednesday.

The woman, 28, was on 24-hour shore leave in Dubai when she was attacked by a bus driver after he picked her up from the Mall of the Emirates shopping center.

“I noticed he did not take the main road and when I asked him he told me not to worry,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.

He then stopped where several other buses were parked and tried to kiss her. After she refused, he pulled out a knife and tried to rape her.

Prosecutors said that she knocked the knife from his hand, broke it in two, bit him in the hand, forced him to the ground and locked him between her thighs, the Daily Mail reports.

The man, known as K S, has been charged with attempted rape, threatening to kill, assault and consuming alcohol illegally, the Daily Mail reports.

via U.S. female sailor beats Dubai rapist bus driver into submission – Washington Times.

…and here I thought that Liberals were the only classless assholes. Guess not. 😀 After all, liberals do defend terrorists, like the one’s who blew up those bombs in D.C. 🙄

Others: The Jawa Report and Weasel Zippers

The Public School System is going to hell in a hand-basket, as always.

I have no words for this one folks, not one:


The Story:

Parents of children attending a Red Hook, New York, middle school are outraged after a recent anti-bullying presentation at Linden Avenue Middle School.

The workshop for 13 and 14-year-old girls focused on homosexuality and gender identity. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Parents say their daughters were told to ask one another for a kiss and they say two girls were told to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date.

“She told me, ‘Mom we all get teased and picked on enough. Now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,'” parent, Mandy Coon, told reporters.

Coon says parents were given no warning about the presentation and there was no opportunity to opt-out. Both the school principal and the district superintendent are defending the workshops and advising they will schedule more.

“The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice,” another parent said. “I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

“I was absolutely furious — really furious,” a parent who asked to remain anonymous told reporter Todd Starnes, “These are just kids. I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Superintendent Paul Finch told The Poughkeepsie Journal the presentation was “focused on improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

“We may require more notification to parents in the future,” Finch said

via Girls Told to Ask for Lesbian Kiss at School – US – CBN News – Christian News 24-7 –

One simply word comes to mind: Unbelievable. One word folks: Home-School. I did it, and so should every parent today. Because the public school system has just become too evil to send your children to it anymore.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report