Rats jumping from the sinking ship?

Sounds vaguely familiar….

(CNN) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced his resignation Monday, saying he will quit politics in January to spend more time with his family.

His resignation comes at a highly delicate time for Israel, which is observing a fragile cease-fire in Gaza with the militant Palestinian group Hamas after an eight-day conflict that killed more than 160 people, the overwhelming majority of them Palestinians.

Barak, who is married and the father of three children, said Monday at a news conference in Tel Aviv that he will continue as defense minister for the next three months before elections due in January. He said he won’t contest the elections.

Some Israeli political commentators had speculated ahead of the announcement that Barak was planning to quit the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new center-left party.

via Israeli Defense Minister Barak says he’s quitting politics – CNN.com.

This could be the reason too, Pamela Geller saith:

Netanyahu is going into an election cycle in Egypt. He didn’t want to have to stand for re-election being the man who oversaw the destruction of Israel’s relationship with the United States. And so he had to accept Obama’s demands. This is a shameful pretense.

Clearly, Netanyahu came under enormous pressure from Obama and Clinton, but so what? The Obama administration has supported the most vicious enemies of Israel (the Muslim Brotherhood). Bibi is responsible for the security of his nation. Period. This hudna gives the jihadists time to regroup, rearm and rebuild. Any nation involved in a war should finish it. It must win or be defeated.

Israel gave away Gaza for peace and got jihad in return. The delusion is over. The Israelis can no longer avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

Maybe Mr. Barak sees what is coming and wants out before it all hits the fan.

Update: Bill Quick disagrees and he does have a point.

Memo to the owner of The American Conservative

More of this please

…and less of the anti-Semite, anti-Jewish, crap that Scott McConnell likes to publish.

Because, if the TAC wants to be taken seriously by the Conservative world, they need to do this. One can say, “I disagree with Wilsonian foreign policy” without all of the direct and nuanced Jew hatred. Now, in the past, TAC has not done that well at all. However, as of recent, they have been publishing some decent stuff.

The owner of TAC needs to step up and tell Scott McConnell to go publish over at Taki’s magazine or something and let the newer people publish more like the above.

Just my opinion.

Mixed feelings on Commentary Magazine

On one hand, I feel encouraged to see this in Commentary Magazine:

One should be careful about labeling people anti-Semites. There is a difference between someone who is merely critical of Israel like Beinart and, for example, liberal church groups that seek to promote BDS measures or to cut off military aid to the Jewish state and make common ground with open Jew-haters to promote this cause. Unfortunately that is a distinction that liberals like Beinart are prepared to ignore in order to score bogus political points against easy targets like Murdoch.

I think it is good that someone posted that little bit of clear thinking.  However….

On the other hand

I seem to remember that this Magazine really let Ron Paul have it in a big way once. I wrote this once:

Update #3: Like clockwork, the mouthpiece of the biggest and most protected minority spews forth their bile towards Ron Paul. Question: What if someone, like me; spewed forth that sort of hate towards a Jewish Senator? I think you know the answer to that one.

I stand by that statement. The problem is that some of Commentary’s writers equate criticisms of Israel, The Likud Party, and Wilsonian Foreign Policy to be on par with Jewish hatred and support of the Holocaust and of Nazi Germany.  It is an utterly bogus accusation and it is sad thing, when American Jews resort to such tactics. Furthermore, I find it very ironic that Commentary will bend over backwards to defend Murdoch, but they have no problem smearing Ron Paul.  if Commentary Magazine is going to defend Rupert Murdoch from such accusations, they should not be so quick to toss them out against WASP’s like Ron Paul and myself and they should fire those who do.

I have been consistent in my feelings towards Wilsonian foreign policy, I reject it and I feel it is not good policy for America. I should not, neither should anyone else, like this guy here; be subjected to accusations of Antisemitism.  Of course, like many others; because I am an American Nationalist, I have been called an anti-Semite, by fat broads, who work for Femi-Nazi, affirmative action Conservatives; and many other things too — including a racist. Which I find to be absolutely amusing. I am not a racist or an anti-Semite. I just do not kiss anyone’s Black, Latino, or Jewish ass. I hate to put it that way, but it is the truth about me.

This why reform is needed in this conservative movement once and for all. This people who engage in these sort of leftist tactics need to be exposed and thrown out of our party, once and for all — Especially in this blogosphere.

Also too, yes, I know what I wrote here. Yes, Ron Paul’s associations are troubling. However, I do not believe that Ron Paul himself ought to be treated the way that he is, by the Jewish right.  Because condemning someone, for who they are associated with, is a tactic of the Frankfurt School of the political correctness; which is an institute of the left. Too bad that people like commentary magazine, and some in the Political Conservative Blogosphere — are simply continuing in that practice, supposedly after leaving the left.

Just my opinion.


Want to read something that’ll make you lose your lunch?

Then go read this here.

Those Arab pukes know no shame at all. Here is hoping that Israel bombs that Gaza Strip and Palestine into the 18’th century.

As much as I distrust the current leadership in Israel; I trust the Arab leadership in Gaza and in Palestine even less. Besides, that land is the land of Jews, as promised in the Bible. End of discussion. The Arab pukes have no right to it at all. Screw the two state solution, which the Arabs do not truly want anyway. Just bomb them into oblivion and take that part of Israel back for yourselves.

However, knowing this cowardly leadership in Israel like I do. They will do just enough to disable Hamas; so they cannot fire rockets and then they will leave and allow Hama to rebuild their military wing and this will start all over again. In other words, If Israel is going to do this job, they ought to do right the first time and eliminate the problem; and not play footsie with a bunch of terrorists.

It is a sad situation over there and of course, the wrong people are running the show. Whatever happened to eliminating your enemies?

Audio: James Dobson asks, “Where have the GOP’s Values Gone?”

This is a question that I have asked myself.

The Audio:

Part 1:


Part 2:


The Story via WND.COM:

Dr. James Dobson

The 2012 election was an open door for the GOP to lead America back to its roots in faith and morality, and the Republicans were AWOL, says Dr. James Dobson, founder of Family Talk and a brand new political outreach arm called Family Talk Action.

“I waited throughout the campaign for Mitt Romney to declare himself, to at least identify with the moral issues that are before us. He would not touch them,” Dobson said on a two-part radio program in which Penny Nance, head of Concerned Women for America, joined.

Dobson, whose advice about parenting, child-rearing, marriage and faith has guided millions of Americans and whose counsel on family matters has been sought by presidents, used two programs on his regular radio program, “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk” that were sponsored by his political action branch to comment on the re-election of Barack Obama.

He noted he and a handful of other conservative leaders, including Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, Gary Bauer and Gen. William Boykin, had met with the GOP candidate to encourage him to address social issues important to Christians across the nation.

“We begged him to deal with eight issues. We listed first the sanctity of life, marriage, religious life, ‘Don’t Ask,’ ENDA, on it went,” Dobson said. “We said we really are not here to jump on you, but evangelicals are not excited about your candidacy, not energized. … You could connect if you’ll even mention these things.

“He nodded and he smiled and he was gracious as he always is, and he went out and was silent,” Dobson said.

Dr. Dobson goes on to talk about how the Democrats have shifted on Abortion, Israel and many other topics. I here at this blog wrote about that little uprising myself. I have noticed one thing myself here; that Conservatives are saying that the keeping of the social platform in the Republican Party is going to be death knell for the Conservative movement.

I have one answer to that little idiotic notion — try winning elections without us folks. Fiscal conservatism is great, but without God, the Republican Party, much less the conservative movement will never survive.  Again, what good is telling people that rights come, not from the Government — but from God, if you are not willing to stand for that God? It makes no sense and it will never work.

Mitt Romney’s downfall might have very well been his refusal to get tough on social issues. There is also too:  Mitt Romney was a Mormon and quite frankly, the rest of the Christian world does not consider Mormonism to be true Christianity. This stance in the evangelical Christian circles is softening a bit. However, in the fundamentalist Christian circles it is very strong, I know this to true fact myself.

I also would like to make the following observation: It is not lost on me why the Conservative movement is moving away from the social conservative side of things. This is left-overs from the Neoconservative, Jewish-controlled, GOP of the George W. Bush-era. It is well-known, that according some of the staffers that worked in the Bush White House that most Conservative Christians were seen by the Bush White House as useful idiots.  This could be why God allowed America to be attacked on 9/11. I mean, the Lord could have said, “Forsake me, eh? Well, how do you like this?” and we were hit. I am just speculating. But it does make sense to me.

In contrast, the old school, Paleoconservatives are mostly known to be devote Christians who do take the Word of God; that is the Bible, literally. This is unlike President Bush, who admitted in a exit interview, that he did not take the Bible literally. You notice that President Bush did not admit that, until he was safely away from every being reelected.

In Closing: If the GOP continues down this path and rejects social Conservatism. It will go the way of the Whig Party. Because social Conservatives will not back a candidate that is not interested in being tough on social issues. It is just that simple. I do not believe that they will start their own political party; that has been tried before and failed. I simply believe that the conservative Christians will stay home.

This is something that the Republican Party and we as Conservative Americans cannot afford.

Video: More Videos from CBNNews.com

Like I said before, seeing CBNNews sent me this great T-Shirt, I should post their videos. So, here we go!

CBN NewsWatch: November 16, 2012

On CBN Newswatch, Nov. 16:

  • Hamas rocket targets Jerusalem from Gaza; Petreaus
  • CIA knew Benhazi attack was terrorism
  • Franklin Graham: US has turned its back on God
  • and more.


Christian World News: November 16, 2012

On Christian World News, Nov. 16:

  • Gaza Rockets rain down on Israel as Israeli defense ramps up
  • Franklin Graham: US has turned its back on God
  • Imprisoned in Iran: One missionary’s journey
  • and more.

California tech world shows its true colors

This comes via Bill Quick, it is related to this here:

Some idiot at TechCrunch is not pleased.

Wonder if they would feel the same way if Palestine were doing it? Even better, wonder if they would feel the same way, if Obama were doing it.

It is to wonder.

Update: Yes, I know what I posted here. There is a grand canyon of difference between pointing out a NeoCon’s idiocy and actually hating on Israel for defending themselves. Anyone that does not know the difference between the two; has no business being on the internet, much less reading blogs.

Also too, like I wrote before:

If you are Jewish, I have zero quarrels with you at all; but, please, if I happen to say something you do not like, SUCK IT UP and please, do not wave your damned yarmulke in my face, and call me a hater —-because if you do, I am going to tell you to kiss my ass.

I stand by that comment. I just do not respect, nor do I traffic in identity politics; left or right. I do not do it with the Blacks or Latinos; and I do not do it with the Jews, at all. I also happen to not be too fond of White Nationalists either. Because that too, is just another form of identity politics.  I believe in equal rights for ALL. Special privileges for NONE.  This includes with the wealthy. I could go on and on, but I think you all know what I mean here.



UPDATED: Israel actually defends itself

This could be big and this could be nothing.

Looks like Israel sent the leader of Hamas military wing to see his 7 virgins.

Via NYT:

GAZA — Israel on Wednesday launched one of the most ferocious assaults on Gaza since its invasion four years ago, hitting at least 20 targets in aerial attacks that killed the top military commander of Hamas, drew strong condemnation from Egypt and escalated the risks of a new war in the Middle East.

The Israelis coupled the intensity of the airstrikes with the threat of another ground invasion and warnings to all Hamas leaders in Gaza to stay out of sight or risk the same fate as the Hamas military commander, Ahmed al-Jabari, who was killed in a pinpoint airstrike as he was traveling by car down a Gaza street. “We recommend that no Hamas operatives, whether low level or senior leaders, show their faces above ground in the days ahead,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a Twitter message.

The ferocity of the airstrikes, which Israel called Operation “Pillar of Defense” in response to repeated rocket attacks by Gaza-based Palestinian militants, provoked rage in Gaza, where Hamas said the airstrikes amounted to war and promised a harsh response. It quickly launched dozens of rockets into southern Israel, including several that struck the city of Beersheba, shattering windows and damaging cars but causing no injuries.

Civil-defense authorities in Israel, anticipating retaliation, raised alert levels early in the day and told residents in southern Israel to take precautions. Many remained indoors or congregated in bomb shelters.

There is a live blog of what is happening on the ground over in Israel via Haaretz. I would not read too much into this; Israel is simply flexing its muscles at the Gaza strip. Because Hamas keeps firing rockets into Israel. I mean, Israel gives up land to these bastards; and what do they do? Fire missiles into Israel. So, yes, Israel is simply defending itself here. But, I do doubt that this will escalate into full on war. This has happened before; Hamas fires rockets, Israel bombs the crap out of them and Hamas retreats and begs them to stop and things are peaceful again, until the next time.

Of course, I could be, and I hope I am not — wrong about this; it could start another war. But, I doubt it. I like to assume the best, and pray for that as well.

One thing I will not do; and much of the right is doing this and it is wrong. I am not going to pin this on Obama. It is not Obama’s fault that Hamas is firing rockets into Israel. Obama is not superhuman, he cannot control what a bunch of stupid Arabs do in another Country. The best thing Obama can do about this little situation is stay the hell out of it; just like George W. Bush did the last time there was a flare up between the two parties.

Update: Chris Smith reminded me of something over on Google Plus. Egypt is threatening to get involved. Via Breitbart, who is, of course, blaming Obama, which is stupid:

Today, Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood – a party formerly headed by current President Mohammed Morsi – announced that Egypt would get involved if Israel continued to kill terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Such Israeli action, said the party, would prompt “swift Arab and international action to stop the massacres.” The party also warned that Israel “must take into account the changes in the Arab region and especially Egypt … [Egypt] will not allow the Palestinians to be subjected to Israeli aggression, as in the past.”

The question now is whether the Obama administration will be able to prevent Egypt from attempting overt or covert intervention on behalf of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. If the United States leads from behind – or worse, if they show daylight with Israel – Israel’s security will be in grave danger. Even as dozens of rockets are fired at Israel, the Obama administration has yet to say anything. The Obama administration, by contrast, couldn’t shut up about a YouTube video even as Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi. And Obama continues to tout the Arab Spring as an awakening for freedom and liberty rather than for Islamism.

No wonder Israel’s neighbors in the north (Syria) and south (Gaza and Egypt) are getting aggressive. They have a friend in the White House.

Please keep in mind, that the writer of that, is a Jew and quite the smirking partisan hack, who blames everything on Obama — including the Weather. But, outside of that, the story about Egypt is legit. Also too, before anyone says anything to me; about me bringing up the fact that Ben is a Jew. Let me say this: If Ben does not mind being an a-hole partisan hack and blaming President Obama for everything, like most Jewish Neocons do. Then I do not mind bringing up his ethnic heritage for all to see. Personally, I am sick and tired of the NeoCons pounding Obama for every damned thing under the sun. They are, among many other reasons — the reason Mitt Romney lost the election, if you really want to be honest about it and I really do not mind reminding every one of that fact.


Reuters: amas military chief Ahmed Jabari killed by Israeli strike

Telegraph:Hamas military chief killed in Gaza air strike

IDF Blog: IDF Begins Widespread Campaign on Terror Targets in the Gaza Strip

Blogger Roundup: The Daily Beast, Weekly Standard, WorldViews, The Long War Journal, Weasel Zippers, The Agonist and The Gateway Pundit, Reuters, UrbanGrounds, iOwnTheWorld.com, The PJ Tatler and Atlas Shrugs, Hit & Run, The Daily Beast, PRI’s The World, The Right Scoop and Business Insider,more at Mediagazer », Power Line, NYT Bits, AllThingsD, CNN, Business Insider, Arutz Sheva and Outside the Beltway, The Atlantic Online, Israel Matzav, Jerusalem Post, Daily Dot, The Truth About Hamas,Business Insider, Weasel Zippers, The Jawa Report and Washington Free Beacon (Via Memeorandum)

Very well put!

Bill Quick says, after linking to this here:

Obama’s entire Israel policy is predicated on the notion that “Never again” is a meaningless catch-phrase, and that Israel will meekly commit suicide because he desires it to do so.

As for the American Jews who blindly support Obama through thick and thin, they disgust me. If I could, I’d deport every one of them to Israel, so they can enjoy the full brunt of their feckless actions.

via Obama’s Isreal Policy: Hope They Suicide | Daily Pundit.

Like I wrote there:

Amen. Any Jew who votes for a Political Party that can’t even agree to support them, gets what’s coming to them. Deport them back to Israel and stop funding their battles with Palestine.

These same liberal leftist Jews will be the first one’s to holler “HELP!” when the shelling starts again, and believe you me, it will, sooner or later.

Ronald Reagan knew the truth about Palestine, and this is why he started the support of Israel, by the Republican Party. Way I see it, if the leftist Jews, and those who voted for Obama want that sort of leadership in America, then let them, and that Country go it’s own way and see how far they get.

Just my opinion.