Proof that Hillary is Desperate

You know, I make no bones about it, I cannot stand Hillary. Stuff like this Here, is why.

Check out the Picture being circulated by the Hillary camp.


For the record, many other lawmakers who visit other countries tend to dress up in that country’s dress.

To me, it just shows that Hillary is gasping for air, and that air is getting thinner by the second.

I just wish she would face facts and leave this race, to the grown up people, who don’t act like feckless children.

Others: The Corner, Captain’s Quarters, Jihad Watch, Lynn Sweet, TownHall Blog, The New Republic, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, The Swamp, The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, Trailhead, Salon, Below The Beltway, Newsweek Blogs, Gateway Pundit, QandO, Boston Globe, Commentary, Right Wing Nut House, The Trail, Spin Cycle, Outside The Beltway, Comments from Left Field, Macsmind, IntoxiNation,, The Daily Dish, Moonbattery, Burnt Orange Report, Blue Crab Boulevard, Ankle Biting Pundits, The American Mind, Poll Dancing, American Spectator, Taylor Marsh, JammieWearingFool and The Caucus (H/T Memeorandum)

Short Takes for Sunday Feb 24, 2007

Ralph Nader is running for President……again. Hillary says "Oh Noes!"

Republicans continue to prove that they’re blatant Idiots.

The Obama Mailer-gate continues.

Are you Experienced?

The DNC goes after McCain with a FEC complaint.

Kristol proves he’s a idiot, but then again, aren’t most Republicans nowadays? 

The White House puts it in reverse. and contrary to what the tool at "The Corner" says, yes, they did overstate.  

Saturday Night Live does Hillary Clinton….(really!)

Castro 2.0, Wee.


and finally… Doggie Porn: (click the pic to make it bigger)

Sometimes the idiots make it too easy….

The Story: Bush admin: U.S. has ‘lost intelligence’ (via

The Bush administration informed Congress on Friday that the government has “lost intelligence” because of the expiration of surveillance legislation caught in a political tug of war.

“We have lost intelligence information this past week as a direct result of the uncertainty created by Congress’ failure to act,” says an underlined passage of a six-page letter signed by Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnel

I think Keith Olbermann’s Words sum it up for me. I’m referring to the last one on this video… Big Grin

(click in the arrow to play video…)

(H/T Memeorandum)


Obama catching sand over a comment.

Whoa Boy… Obama is catching grief over a comment made at the debates.

Mostly from the far right wing nuts, who refuse to believe that our Military is nothing short of perfect.

Some people need to really look into getting real.

Even some of the comments on the Wing Nut Blogs even ADMIT that they were using enemy weapons and bullets.

But let a Liberal diss our Military?!?!?! Off with his Negro head! Surprise

Stupidity at it’s finest. Rolling Eyes

(H/T Memeorandum)


The Real John McCain?

He’s talking a pretty mean game now, But what about….:

and This:

Seems John McCain had a different view of war, back in those days, now he’s very much pro war.

Some people will say anything to get elected.




For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk  (via New York Times)

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers.

A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client’s corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

This could be big. Although, I highly doubt it. why? Because the story lacks substance. There’s no direct accusation.

Hey, at least she’s pretty. But have you seen his wife?

Now, why in the world, would he want to cheat, on someone who looks like her?

It just don’t make any sense… I dont know

I seriously doubt the Democrats will even touch this. I could see some of the younger guys, But McCain?!!? Nah! Not him.

Update: I’ve finally sat down and read the entire story. I posted an editorial regarding this story on my other Blog, click here to read it.

Others: TownHall Blog, Power Line, The New Republic, TalkLeft, Megan McArdle, Attytood, Hullabaloo, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice,, Prairie Weather, You Decide 08!, Salon, Hot Air, Booman Tribune, FOX Embeds, Don Surber, Riehl World View, Emptywheel,, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, McCain Central, TBogg, The Campaign Spot, All Spin Zone, Mercury Rising, Jules Crittenden, Politics Blog, D-Day, Wonkette, the talking dog, Bang the Drum, Political Machine, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog, The RBC, Pensito Review, Sister Toldjah, MyDD, American Spectator, Oliver Willis, NO QUARTER, JammieWearingFool< /a >, The Impolitic, Big Head DC and Blue Crab Boulevard and More via Memeorandum

Castro steps down

Yeah, I know Castro resigned. Big Deal. It isn’t like anything is going to change in that country. It will be just more of the same. Some say it will not be, But I know better.

What gets me, is how the right is trying to compare the Liberal Democrats with Socialist Communists. True, some of the traits are the same. But to say that they are exactly alike, that’s a bit of a stretch.

The problem is, Liberalism is a very broad term. Just like Conservatism. Not every progressive minded person thinks that Castro was any kind of Hero. I mean, the man was a dictator. His people were not truly free, like we are here. Even I am smart enough to know that.

I just wish others that share my Conservative beliefs, knew this as well.

A guy can dream, can’t he?

H/T Memeorandum

Obama is a Plagiarist

Now this does not surprise me a bit at all…

The Story: Obama Caught Plagiarizing 2006 Speech? (H/T to NYT)


Big Head DC has discovered alarming similarities between a speech made by Sen. Barack Obama on February 16 while campaigning for president in Wisconsin and an October 2006 speech made by Deval Patrick, the current Democratic governor of Massachusetts. The coincidences would seem to indicate that Obama copied several lines and linguistic speech patterns from Patrick’s “Just Words” speech for Obama’s own “Words Matter” speech. Indeed, words do matter. And they matter even more when they are one’s own words.

Interesting. Wasn’t another famous black leader accused of this as well?

Seems the "Magic Negro" doesn’t have a creative bone in his body.

When are people going to wake up and see this guy for what he really is, and that’s a inexperienced, snotty nosed, Negro punk, who’s trying to ride on the shoulders of Martin Luther King Jr. into the White House.

If Conservatives vote for him, it will be the death of this country. Period. I’m not for Hillary at all, and McCain is a fake too. But this is just too much.

Crossposted on my Other Blog

Others: The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, Lynn Sweet, The Politico, TIME, Taylor Marsh, Weekly Standard, The Trail, Wonkette, Channel ’08, American Spectator, All Politics, Don Surber, MSNBC, Confederate Yankee, Hot Air, Jules Crittenden, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Big Head DC, Flopping Aces, TownHall Blog, Faithful Progressive, Sister Toldjah and The Ruckus and more via Memeorandum

Breaking News: Obama is being accused of gay sex and drug use…..

This could get big, if it’s true…..

Sleaze charge: ‘I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama’ (via

The electrifying presidential campaign of Barack Obama faces a new challenge – a Minnesota man who claims he took cocaine in 1999 with the then-Illinois legislator and participated in homosexual acts with him.

The Video in Question:

At first I thought, “Nah…”, But, Why would someone get on Youtube, and admit that they’re gay? and say something like this, if it’s not true. I mean, after all, we do not know much about Obama, except for his very sanitized website.

This does warrant more investigation.

Update: From the feedback I am getting, this could very well possibly be a hoax. But I am leaving up the post, just an case. Some are saying that the Hillary camp might be behind this. Although, I doubt it.

Update: May 10, 2008 – This man ended up taking a lie detector test and failing. See here for more info….. and hello to the ladies in the forum debating this!