Pretty Much, Yes

They are the new birthers

Which is why I will not waste a moment of excess bandwidth on them. Except to link to this good pairing of stupidity.

Round up of all the Bain stupidity here

I do not think that making light of someone’s death is funny

I am referring to the Obama Campaign staffer that suddenly dropped dead today.

You see, I once, a few years ago, made a horrible mistake; I talked about it recently:

Also too, because I got into a little scape with another right blogger once, which they started and I took to another level. That one, I do regret, highly; mainly because the person named at said link’s dead wife got pulled into the mess, by me — by mistake. To my defense, I had zero clue who the woman is, I was out for revenge and her name was there. I had no idea that was the blog owner’s wife.

In hindsight, which is always 20/20. I wish I had just ignored that incoming poke and left stuff well enough alone. But, I didn’t and I will have to live with what I did. 🙁

Not only was what I did not funny; it was damned morbid, by accident mind you, but still just damned wrong. Go follow the link to see what I am referring to. I screwed up badly on that and I made a crap load of enemies on the right; which, by rights, they should be angry at me for what I did.

This is why I am tossing the red flag on this one; and basically saying:

No Sale. 

It isn’t funny, isn’t classy, it is low brow, morbid bull crap that I will not be a part of it, at all.

To me, it is the same as the idiotic birther crap. Which went in mainstream right circles for a week and yes, I got caught up in it and I got burned. After which I said, I would not write anything that could not be proven in a court of law. Further more, this is why the Mainstream media hates we bloggers with a passion. Because some bloggers, not all of them; will publish anything, just to get eyeballs on their site. I did that when I first got into blogging. It was stupid and I paid a price for it. I learned from my mistakes, from running my two previous blogs and I am not about make those same mistakes again on this one. Some Republicans and Conservatives just are not that smart. I pity them and hope I don’t ever see any of them in court, as it could get ugly.

I just wish other bloggers felt the same damned way.

Update: No sooner than I hit publish; I realized, I forgot something. Before anyone asks; yes, I did condemn the left for mocking Rick Santorum for bringing him his baby that died. This sort of thing goes well beyond partisan politics, this is someone’s real life that ended. We should be a bit more respectful here on the right —- just a thought.

Classless Liberal Blacks Boo Mitt Romney at NAACP Convention

The Video: (H/T to Buzzfeed)

The Story via the Hill:

Mitt Romney told the NAACP on Wednesday that President Obama has made it worse for African-Americans “in almost every way.”

“If equal opportunity in America were an accomplished fact, then a chronically bad economy would be equally bad for everyone,” Romney told the nation’s leading civil rights group at their national convention in Houston, Texas. “Instead, it’s worse for African-Americans in almost every way. The unemployment rate, the duration of unemployment, average income and median family wealth are all worse for the black community.”

While Obama carried the black vote in a landslide in 2008 and leads Romney 92 to 2 percent among black voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday, Romney hopes his economic pitch will resonate with a group that has been disproportionately affected by the economic downturn. He’s made a similar appeal to other voting blocs, such as Hispanics and women.

I seem to remember that during the state of the union address given by that a white man, named Joe Wilson dared to call Obama’s bluff during that address and roundly condemned by the press, democrats and even republicans. But yet, black liberals can boo a white man running for President and that’s okay.

It is just another example of the sick liberal poisoned society we live in. It is racist, and the NAACP should be condemned for fostering this sort of hateful mentality among their members.

Blogger Roundup Here

Majority of voters say Obama has changed Country for worse, Says Hill Poll

There is a part of me that wants to say, “Well Duh!” But I shall refrain.

Via The Hill:

Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.


The results signal broad voter unease with the direction the nation has taken under Obama’s leadership and present a major challenge for the incumbent Democrat as he seeks reelection this fall.

Before you say, “Well, that is just Republicans!” Let’s read on shall we?

Strikingly, 1-in-5 Democrats say they feel Obama has changed the United States for the worse.

Compared to the sentiment about Obama’s impact, fewer people see presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a candidate who will change the country dramatically if elected.

Still, 50 percent of people think Romney will bring a “significant” level of change — a finding that may reflect the desire among anti-Obama voters for a reversal of the president’s policies.

Debate about Obama’s first-term legacy has intensified since the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate to be constitutional.

The healthcare legislation, once fully implemented, would usher in the most sweeping changes to the nation’s social safety net since the 1960s.

The best come back that the Democrats can come up with, is to blame the Republicans for opposing the President’s polices. Which is idiotic, because the President and the Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress, during his first term. The massive failure was the spending that was supposed to energize our economy; which ultimately fell flat.  However, as someone, who is not some sort of partisan hack; I happen to know what is killing or economy.

What is killing our economy is globalism; put simply, if someone knows that they can build a product in China, where they can get away with paying someone a dollar an hour, instead of the normal minimum wage here in America — they are going to do it. What needs to happen, is there need to be stiff tariffs put upon all imports into this Country. This would encourage companies to open factories here in America.  Critics of this idea say that would cause the price of everything to go up. Not if the President warned companies not to engage in price gouging.

This idea is nothing new, Patrick Buchanan; someone who has been maligned by the left and by some on the right, because of his controversial views on World War II and foreign policy —- has been saying this same very thing for years. Some people would argue that taxes on small businesses are causing the problems; which is idiotic at best, because the majority of small businesses in this Country do not even have an effect of the Nation’s gross domestic product. It is, in fact, the big businesses, which in fact, ship jobs overseas, that affect that GDP.

Another thing too that I feel the need to bring up; Obama should not be entirely blamed for this whole mess that we are in. The majority of the problems that we are facing today, were caused the idiotic Carter and Clinton Administrations.  I will give credit to the President; he did handle the mop up of the failures of President Carter and Clinton with such grace and class; instead of finger pointing at his own Party, he simply came in and fixed the problem. The President did point the finger at Bush; which is common in partisan politics. One thing that Congress and the President did fail to do is eliminate the Adjustable Rate Mortgage loan; which was the very thing that caused the entire meltdown in the first place.

As for this poll; put simply, The President of the United States was handed a flaming bag of crap on his first day —– and was expected make diamonds out of it. The President might be many things, but a miracle worker is not one of them. Some things just cannot be fixed with the wave of a hand; our economy is one of them.

Other Bloggers Covering: Outside the Beltway, Questions and Observations, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, Scared Monkeys, Pirate’s Cove, The Gateway Pundit, Power Line, The Daily Caller,, Jammie Wearing Fools and The Lonely Conservative

Video: ZOMG! Obama Parody in Utah parade causes controversy

Check out this video from Fox 13 in Utah:

Hmmm, I seem to wonder about that, didn’t the left do the same thing with Bush?

Via Zombie Blog:

Check out the rest of these at Zombie’s Place.

…and offensive?!?!?!

Now THIS is offensive:

Says alot of truth really; but still, nonetheless, quite offensive. 😯

How is it, that Liberals can threaten to kill a White Conservative President and it is really no big deal. However, if someone simply mocks a black Democrat; who just happens to be the President, it is a major scandal? How does that work? Really, how does that work? 🙄

Just an example of the sick world we live into today.

Video: Second look at George Will?


On the other hand, Susie Madrak needs to seriously look into changing her tampon.

Video: Obama, who can he be?
