The Sunday Afternoon Stroll Around the Blogosphere

Some Stuff to Announce:

  1. As you might have noticed, I am running a new affiliate program for Gold and Silver. Please, check it out. They also have a cool newsletter that you can sign up for.
  2. I also have a new referral system for BlogAds. I am a part of the following hives: 1. Conservative Advertising Hive 2. Evangelical (!) Bloggers, International Bloggers, Government Relations Blogger Network, Gun Bloggers and Southern Bloggers. So, if you’re looking for some sort of advertising. Check BlogAds out!

Gun Blogger Round Up:

  1. Les Jones does Pants Blogging.
  2. NRA’s Blog does a piece on Boy Scouts and Guns.
  3. Say Uncle is always good for gun blogging. I’d point to a post, but they’re all good! 😀 Think of him as the Instapundit of the Gun Blogging World. I don’t read him nearly enough.
  4. Traction Control is not getting his Corvette this summer. Awwww… Poor Guy. Sounds like it’s time for a new “Boss” if you ask me. I’m just sayin’! 😉 😛 😀

Conservative Blogger Round Up:

  1. Of course, Smitty does his roundup and forgets about me, as always. 🙄
  2. A dusty frame is visiting family again and her hubby passed his CDL License. Excellent!
  3. Ace of Spades HQ has a interesting poll up.
  4. Alternative Right is still trying to turn the clock back to the Pre-William F. Buckley days.
  5. Stacy McCain is trying to keep the fags out of the Military over at AmSpecBlog.
  6. Ann Althouse cannot concentrate….Ooooh, Look Shiny!
  7. Another Black Conservative Asks, “What the hell is going on in South Carolina?!?!” Good Question… I’d say too many triple whoppers for Dinner for that idiot. 😉
  8. The Barking Moonbat Early Warning System has a VERY political incorrect video up. I got one word to say, well, four… Oh no, no, no……. 😯 😮
  9. Be John Galt talks about “The Longest Day
  10. POWIP Remembers D-Day
  11. The Recovering Liberal on Wonkette.
  12. Republican Michigander on the Governors race in Michigan
  13. Return of the Conservatives remembers D-Day
  14. Right Wing News has a great video up.
  15. Bob McCarty writes about the misdeeds of Congressman Phil Hare. (rabbit congressmen? Hmmm…)
  16. Kelly O’Connell over at Canadian Free Press has an article up called “Great Highlights in Marxist “Leadership”: Or, When Change Turns Malignant” — Just an FYI… Pop-ups galore over there. Might want to enable your blocker.
  17. Cold Fury Laments the demise of the Mercury.
  18. Da-Tech Guy is still begging for money. 😉 😛 😆 …and yes, he does look much better than Andrew Sullivan. Anyone does for that matter. 😉
  19. Fausta’s Blog explains what is wrong with the Obama Administration, Mentally… (Well, besides being liberal. 😉 )
  20. Founding Bloggers agree…. with Mayor Daley?!?! RINOS! 😉
  21. Front Porch Republic has a great article on the oil spill in the gulf.
  22. Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit on the Pope and Radical Islam. “He Gets it, Obama does not
  23. GM’s Place lays the smack down on Amoz Oz.
  24. Grandpa John’s makes some very politically incorrect humor.
  25. GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD remembers D-Day.
  26., who still deaf to trackbacks, has a poll up for the stupidest thing the idiot President did this week. (besides wake up and breathe.)
  27. Humane Pursuits has an article up on the Moral Element of AIDS.
  28. Jeanie-ology has a article up on Condoms.
  29. JoshuaPundit comments on Helen Thomas
  30. Jumping in pools asks, “What the hell is going on in this World?” — Good question.
  31. The Left Coast Rebel remembers D-Day
  32. Libertas on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
  33. MacsMind on the Kagan Docs
  34. Neptunus Lex, Who I happen to think is a great blogger, remembers D-Day.
  35. Scott over at Powerline on the Flotilla Incident
  36. Public Secrets remembers D-Day
  37. Right Wing Nut House on the Gaza Incident
  38. Saber Point on Helen Thomas.
  39. Secular Right on “Jews & genetics
  40. SluBlog on Memorial Day
  41. Stop the ACLU on Rahm Emanuel
  42. Street Wise Pundit on….the Anti-Christ? Hmmmm.
  43. Texas Fred on the Mexican Police and Corruption.
  44. That’s Right on New Jersey Republican politics.
  45. The American Thinker ponders, What if D-Day had been reported by the modern day press?
  46. The Astute Bloggers remember D-Day
  47. The Blogmocracy has a Prayer List up.
  48. The Classic Liberal says that “CPI is a lie”
  49. The Cloakroom has a very interesting posting up
  50. Jonah Goldberg at The Corner has an interesting post up.
  51. The Sad Red Earth on OCID
  52. Eric over at THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS says “Give Seattle Canada!”
  53. The Vail Spot asks, “What Ailes this Country?”
  54. TigerHawk has a great poem up.
  55. Wake up America on Helen Thomas
  56. What Bubba Knows has a great posting up.

That’s it for this week! Any suggestions for next week? Contact me via the Blog with your best posting!

Living Proof that Ron Paul is a terrorist supporting jackass

(Via HotAir)

He’s also wrong. Gaza is NOT starving. He’s also been known to spin for Iran too.

AllahPundit Says:

It’s one thing to say our Iran policy is making things worse, it’s quite another to pretend that regional war, possibly with a nuclear component, in the Middle East wouldn’t much matter to America if we just hurried up and got our troops out. I can’t tell if this guy doesn’t realize or simply doesn’t care that opening up Gaza’s port will mean more arms in the hands of more fanatics, which means more of a chance of war and thus a more precarious position for U.S. interests. But let this serve as yet another reminder that, for all the grief we give The One on foreign policy, we can do much, much worse. And not just on the left either.

Amen to that. For all the grief that I give President Obama, I also know that it could be and would be much worse, if Ron Paul was the President. Also, about “AllahPundit,” before anyone says a damned thing in the comments section; was less than 10 miles from the World Trade Center, when it was hit in 2001. Hence his desire to see something done about the terrorists.

Ron Paul’s problem is, that he is shilling for the terrorists who want to destroy this Country and he is too stupid to know it.  Either that or he knows it and really does not care. Gaza starving; what idiotic bullcrap! 🙄 Only thing starving is Ron Paul’s brain.

It's good work, when you can get it

The key word being “if”:

Only five years ago, the progressive political blogosphere was still predominately a gathering place for amateur (that is, unpaid or barely paid) journalists and activists unattached to existing media companies and advocacy organizations. Those days are almost completely over. Now, the progressive blogosphere is almost entirely professionalized, and inextricably linked to existing media companies and advocacy organizations.

This transformation has been brought about by three developments (fellow bloggers, please forgive me in advance if I fail to mention your or your blog as an example):

1. Established media companies and advocacy organizations hiring bloggers to blog, full-time: The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, Center for American Progress, Salon, CQ, Atlantic, Washington Monthly, the American Independent News Network, and more have all hired hired bloggers to blog, full-time. Many of these bloggers, such as fivethirtyeight, Unclaimed Territory, or the Carpetbagger Report, operated their blogs independently of any established organization, and were key hubs in the “amateur” or “independent” progressive blogosphere. Now, those bloggers do pretty much the same thing they did before, they just (quite understandably) do it for a much better salary from an established organization.

2. Previously “amateur” progressive blogs became professional operations: Another trend, less common than the first, has been for blogs like Daily Kos, Fire Dog Lake and Talking Points Memo to transform themselves from hobbies into professional media outlets and / or activist organizations. These blogs have increased their revenue stream to the point where they can hire multiple full-time staff.

3. Bloggers translate blogging into consulting and advocacy work: Many bloggers have also found a way to make a living by combining their blogging with blog-friendly advocacy and consulting work. This is actually the path I am currently following, as are, I believe, Oliver Willis, Atrios, Jerome Armstrong, and more. This involves finding part-time or full time work in politics that is conducive to still maintaining a full-time blog (which also generates a part-time income).

via Open Left:: Amateur blogosphere, RIP.

Look, I am not going to do the pile-on here, but I will say this; Chris Bowers does have a point. The problem is, Bowers sounds like he whining because no one bought him out. The same thing, which Bowers is referring to, has happened and continues to happen on the right too. Michelle Malkin off-loaded her mega-Conservative site off to a Conservative Media conglomerate Salem Communications for a hefty price tag, I am told.   So, this is not anything new.

So far, no one has offered me a job in politics or in the world of “New Media.” Nor has anyone offered to buy out my blog or anything of that sort. Not that I have been pimping myself out either. I know what my qualifications are.  I mean, there would have to be a check with a one and WHOLE BUNCH of zeros in front of it, before I would give this baby up. Couple hundred million and I would consider it. Otherwise, you all will have to contend with me for a long time to come. 😉

Others: JammieWearingFool and Le¡gal In¡sur¡rec¡ tion

Cartoons of the day

The managing editor of Townhall Magazine called Diversity Lane “very, very well done.”  And Michigan Review described it as “laugh out loud funny.”  Why not make this the day you discover the best in conservative comedy today at Diversity Lane?

For more fun visit the website/blog at or go directly to the blog at

Memorial Day, An Alternative View

Transcript Here

Article by Ron Unz referenced in this Video

Palestine Terrorists attack IDF troops boarding ship that was breaking blockade

This is sick, these Palestinian Terrorists attack IDF troops, after they board their ship — because they were violating a blockade of Gaza.

HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and AllahPundit have a good round of what REALLY happened.


Bradley Burston at writes:

A war tells a people terrible truths about itself. That is why it is so difficult to listen.

We were determined to avoid an honest look at the first Gaza war. Now, in international waters and having opened fire on an international group of humanitarian aid workers and activists, we are fighting and losing the second. For Israel, in the end, this Second Gaza War could be far more costly and painful than the first.

In going to war in Gaza in late 2008, Israeli military and political leaders hoped to teach Hamas a lesson. They succeeded. Hamas learned that the best way to fight Israel is to let Israel do what it has begun to do naturally: bluster, blunder, stonewall, and fume.

Hamas, and no less, Iran and Hezbollah, learned early on that Israel’s own embargo against Hamas-ruled Gaza was the most sophisticated and powerful weapon they could have deployed against the Jewish state.

Here in Israel, we have still yet to learn the lesson: We are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege. The siege itself is becoming Israel’s Vietnam.

These are the same people that crashed those planes into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and into that field in PA. (which was headed for the White House) These Dogs are terrorists. That is the only life they know. They are sub-human lifeforms. They are scum, the only language they understand, is from the end of a gun. 12 Dead? I am quite sorry is was not more.

When will America wake up and smell the damned Coffee? When??!

At this point, I miss Bush….like bloody hell. 😡

…and yet, the Democrats — They side with these murderous bastards. But yet, they are just as American as the rest of us. Yeah sure they are.

Blogger Roundup Here.

Obama now doing photo-ops in the spill area, BP bussed in workers to clear area where the President would be standing

Unreal. “The One” is now doing photo-ops at the expense of those in the oil spill area.

"Hey are these pom-pom's for me?"

Maybe the alternate photo caption should read something like “I can see the end of my presidency from here.” Well, we all figured this would be a carefully choreographed photo op for the current occupant of the White House, but little did we know having their boot firmly on the neck of BP meant the folks at BP were obliged to send in some stooges for the visuals. I guess the goons from SEIU were off harassing some bank workers or getting an early start on the holiday weekend and weren’t available. Or maybe Organizing for America didn’t factor stuff like this into their budget. I saw a report earlier from Grand Isle and the place was a virtual ghost town. Seems they have to pay the folks to show up.

via JammieWearingFool.

…and no, JWF is not kidding about BP paying people to make that shoreline look good. Here is the story.

What this President will not do to make himself look good in the sight of his own people. It is truly unbelievable. This man is more interested in his image; than he is in actually taking a leadership position and actually fixing the problem. If this little controversy does not kill this man’s Presidency, the Sestak controversy will.

The clock is ticking…. November 2010 cannot happen fast enough and November 2012 cannot come fast enough. The question is; will America survive that long? It is to wonder.

Judicial Watch sues for New Black Panther Party documents

This should be interesting to watch:

Judicial Watch filed its original FOIA request on May 29, 2009. The Justice Department acknowledged receiving the request on June 18, 2009, but then referred the request to the Office of Information Policy (OIP) and the Civil Rights Division. On January 15, 2010, the OIP notified Judicial Watch that it would be responding to the request on behalf of the Offices of the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, Associate Attorney General, Public Affairs, Legislative Affairs, Legal Policy, and Intergovernmental and Public Liaison.

On January 15, the OIP also indicated that the Office of the Associate Attorney General found 135 pages of records responsive to Judicial Watch’s request, but that all records would be withheld in full. On January 26, the OIP advised Judicial Watch that the Office of Public Affairs and Office of Legal Policy completed their searches and found no responsive documents. On February 10, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division indicated that after an extensive search it had located “numerous responsive records” but determined that “access to the majority of the records” should be denied. On March 26, the OIP indicated that the Office of Legislative Affairs and the Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison completed searches and found no documents.

Judicial Watch appealed the determinations of the Office of the Associate Attorney General and the Civil Rights Division. To date, Judicial Watch has received neither a response regarding searches conducted by the Offices of the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, nor responses to its two administrative appeals prompting its lawsuit. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, an independent, bipartisan unit of the federal government charged with investigating and reporting on civil rights issues, has also initiated a probe of the Justice Department’s decision to dismiss its lawsuit.

The Justice Department originally filed its lawsuit against the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and several of its members following an incident that took place outside of a Philadelphia polling station on November 4, 2008. A video of the incident showing a member of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense brandishing police-style baton weapon was widely distributed on the Internet. According to multiple witnesses, members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense attempted to block access to polling stations, harassed voters and hurled racial epithets. Nonetheless, the Justice Department ultimately allegedly overruled the recommendations of its own staff and dismissed the majority of its claims.

“The Obama administration owes the American people an explanation. How can the Justice Department dismiss a clear-cut case of voter intimidation involving the use of a weapon? Are voting rights important at the Justice Department? If there is nothing to hide, then Eric Holder should release this information as the law requires. And this is just one more example of how Obama’s promises of transparency are a big lie,” said Judicial Watch Tom Fitton.

via JW Sues DOJ for Documents Regarding Decision to Dismiss of Lawsuit against New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense | Judicial Watch.

Jennifer Rubin over at Commentary chimes in:

A knowledgeable lawyer e-mails me: “Notice DOJ revealed nothing about the number of panther documents in the AG and deputy AG office. Even for  the associate attorney general they revealed there were 135 but they weren’t going to turn them over. Failing to even name a number is extremely suspicious because those units can be searched quicker and easier for compliant documents. It leads one to conclude any number would be an embarrassment, and a high number would be a catastrophe. So, don’t reveal a number. Typical of this non-transparent operation.”

And now we’re going to see the administration’s true colors played out in open court. As a Judicial Watch spokesman said: “If there is nothing to hide, then Eric Holder should release this information as the law requires. And this is just one more example of how Obama’s promises of transparency are a big lie.”

But the Obama team may have a different problem: if either or both houses of Congress flip to Republican control, new chairmen will populate key committees and subpoenas will begin to fly. Congress is in an even better position to get access to the documents, as attorney-client privilege doesn’t work against a co-equal branch of government. In sum, Holder is running out of room to hide, finally.

Let’s see Mr. Eric “Nation of Cowards” Holder wiggle his way out of this one! Of course, you know what is going to happen; Eric Holder will call Obama and let him know the heat is on. Then Obama will call up MSNBC and the rest of the libtalkers and they’ll descend on JW and start calling them racist. They will say that this is an attack started by the Conservative Jews or something to that effect. You wait and see.

Judge throws the book at Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick

Here is the video of the sentencing:

The Story via The Detroit Free Press:

Judge to Kilpatrick: "To Jail with your dumb ass!"

10:46 a.m. | An audible gasp erupted in the courtroom as Judge David Groner sentenced former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to 18 months to five years in state prison for probation violation.

Deputies rushed up to a row where Kilpatrick friends and relatives are sitting. They escorted one unidentified woman out.

“Your testimony in this court amounted to perjury,” the judge told Kilpatrick. “Most compelling is that you lied to this court, continue to lie, after you pleaded guilty to lying….

“The initial 120 days incarceration did nothing to rehabilitate you.”

After the gasp from the audience, Kilpatrick was ordered to sign papers. Some reporters saw his hands shaking. Groner asked Kilpatrick’s lawyer, Schwartz, to assist the former mayor.

As the courtroom began to buzz, Groner raised his voice and ordered Kilpatrick to be swift.

“Sergeant could you secure the defendant please and put him in the back?” Groner said. A deputy then handcuffed Kilpatrick behind his back and led him to a side room. The former mayor kept looking over his shoulder, mouthing words toward his sister.

His attorneys vowed an immediate appeal of Groner’s sentence.

Comment from Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Athina Siringas: “We always felt a department of corrections sentence was appropriate. We are pleased.”

The judge’s order also raises questions about whether Kilpatrick will continue to have a job with a Compuware subsidiary in Texas. Compuware chief Peter Karmanos had given Kilpatrick a six-figure sales job with Covisint in an office just outside Dallas after the ex-mayor’s release from jail in February of last year. But Karmanos said at the time that Kilpatrick’s continued employment was contingent upon Kilpatrick staying out of further trouble.

….and if that was not bad enough; Kilpatrick got fired from his Job too! Ouch!

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was fired from his job today after being sentenced to prison for probation violation.

“Kwame Kilpatrick will be off the Compuware Corporation payroll at the end of the month,” said a company statement. “We don’t have any choices. It’s an unfortunate situation, and we feel bad for his family, but our hands are tied.”
Compuware CEO Peter Karmanos Jr. hired Kilpatrick for his Detroit-based company the day after the former mayor was freed from jail in February 2009. The job paid a base salary of $120,000 with potential for bonuses.

Of course, the Kilpatrick enablers and supporters are now crowing:

Rep. Shanelle Jackson, D-Detroit, today criticized former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s sentence as too harsh for a nonviolent parole violation.

She said it would be better to have Kilpatrick repay the city and require him to do community service than sit in a costly prison cell.

“This sentence shows there is no mercy in society and no grace in the judicial system,” Jackson said. “We are looking at ways to reduce the prison population because of a lack of revenue, yet we’re giving this to someone who could ideally have more to contribute to society if we looked at restorative justice.”

She goes on:

Womack said the sentence perpetuates a common public perception that politicians are crooked.

Um, Mrs. Jackson? That because Kilpatrick WAS a damned crook and he is getting just what is coming to him. It is about damned time, that this idiotic thug was put right where he belongs. The video is priceless and is one that should be shown to anybody thinking of running for Mayor of Detroit or any other city. You decide to lie, cheat or steal and you get caught; your ass is going to jail. Here is hoping that he will get the FULL 5 years in jail, as that is just what this goldbricking jack ass needs.