Living proof that liberal Democrats are classless assholes

Warning: This blog posting contains swearing! If that bothers you; plug your ears! 😉

Sorry to say it; but this right here, pretty much seals the deal for me. I am officially done with Democratic Party.  Come next election, I will vote Republican or Libertarian or I just won’t vote.

The Story:

Today, four past Presidents and current President Barack Obama were in Dallas, Texas to commemorate the completion of the George W. Bush Presidential Center. It wasn’t a day for politics, but of public service. The “five Presidents” make up the world’s most exclusive club.

Though, the Dallas County Democratic Party didn’t get the memo. They posted a photoshop of President Obama holding bunny ears behind former President George W. Bush.

via ViralRead » Dallas Democrats Photoshop President Obama in Bush Center Photo.

The Photoshop in question:

Texas Democrats and The Democratic National Committee —- Classy as always!

Now honestly folks, I admit it, I was not a Bush fan; he came into power, when I still was working and at time, I was not really following politics. Back then, my political involvement was going to the voting booth and pulling for the Democratic Party, which I did in 2000. Other than that, I really did not care for it at all. I figured they were all crooks, and I just figured that the Democrats were less of crooks than the others.

Needless to say, I have come a good way since then; and I will admit, I agreed at first with the President’s decision to invade Iraq and then when it came very clear that there were no WMD’s, but merely parts; my support of the Iraq War ended. Having said all of that; I am glad that the Iraq War ended like it did, with the USA on top and you know what? We won the goddamned thing. Funny how the idiotic liberal left refuses to even acknowledge that very fact.

Having said all the above; my open question to the Democratic Party and to the liberal left of all shades and stripes is this right here —- Is really entirely necessary to act like complete and absolute fucking assholes towards a former President like this? Is it really? Does it really help your progressive cause to act like fucking school children; all because a President spanked your sorry asses in TWO election cycles?  

Now, please, keep in mind; I do not write this as some sort of rich Republican white guy, who has never voted Democratic Party before in my life.  I am writing this as someone who voted Democratic Party as recently as 2000 for Al Gore and in 2004 for John Kerry. Furthermore, I write this as a son of a retired General Motors Worker and UAW retiree member, who has, with his wife, consistently voted for the Democratic Party since he came to Michigan and married.

It is sad to see that the Democratic Party has honestly gotten that petty, that they feel the need to act that childish. 🙄

The day that Glenn Beck crossed over into “ignore this crank” territory.

….with me anyhow…..

I admit it, I actually used to respect Glenn Beck; his teachings on the socialist left, when he was with Fox News Channel was invaluable to me. I used to love the Chalkboard thing. I even checked to see, using various sources; to see if he was right or not; and, most of the time, he was absolutely correct in what he told the American people. Which is why, I believe, that Glenn Beck is no longer on Fox News Channel.

However, today, Glenn Beck lurched into what I like to call, “Alex Jones territory”.

The Story via RightWingWatch:

 Near the end of today’s radio broadcast, Glenn Beck declared that the cover-up of the Saudi link to the Boston Marathon bombing makes this the second most important thing (behind 9/11) that he has ever covered in his broadcasting career.  And depending on how the media and the government responds in the coming days, it just might be the most important thing he’s ever covered because the response “will either save our country or we will be done.”

Beck then went on to send a semi-coded message to those in the upper level of the government warning that they had better come clean about this Saudi national because The Blaze has information that reveals that he “is a very bad, bad, bad man” which will be revealed on Monday.

“I don’t bluff,” Beck stated, “I make promises. The truth matters. I’ve had enough of what you’ve done to our country. I thought I had heard and seen it all.  I thought I didn’t trust my government.  Oh no, no, no.  There is no depth that these people will not stoop to.  They have until Monday and then The Blaze will expose it.”

 Crooks and Liars observes:

This conspiracy theory comes out of the rumors emerging about the Saudi national who was fingered by the media on Monday after the bombings and later found not to be a suspect. Beck and his pals have decided there’s a coverup because he has some kind of relationship to the Benghazi tragedy in September.

This is little more than an attempt to use the current tragedy to flog the past because it works politically for the extreme right wing. They can link up scary brown people with Russians! Because…scary.

It’s cynical, it’s ugly and it’s vintage Glenn Beck.

I agree with above; I noticed that towards the end of Glenn’s time at Fox News Channel, that he started sounding like a Mormon Alex Jones.  It did bother me, quite a bit. So, I am going to tell the right, just like I told the left —- if the Republican Party believes that Glenn Beck should be the Vis-à-vis mouthpiece of the Republican Party, when it comes to Barack Obama; then they can basically forget about me voting for them ever again.

I will be the first to admit, I do not like Barack Obama, I disagree with his politics: but to blatantly accuse the Obama Administration of a blatant coverup and/or accusing the Government of the United States of America of intentionally blowing up its own people —- for the sole damned purposes of furthering a Conservative/far right-wing/tea party/racist  (pick a word…)  meme that somehow or another President Obama is a pseudo-Muslim — is, I am afraid, a bridge too far for this writer.

It amazes me greatly, that the Republican Party and the Conservative movement as a whole, spends a great deal of  time, effort, money, ink and yes, bandwidth to prove to the liberal left that they are not racist bigots. However, every time it seems that they are making ground in that department; someone, like this nitwit here; does something so incredibly asinine that the line of, “Oh, we’re not racist!”  becomes so very incredibly hard to believe. If anyone would know about the racist history of the Democratic Party; it would be me; what saddens me  is that the Conservative movement as a whole, is getting closer and closer to that very state of the Democratic Party of the 1950’s.

Believe me when it tell you this; it pains me, like nothing else, to actually have to write this about the Conservative movement. I came on board to this movement, which predated the “Tea Party” movement by a couple of years. After my original blog was hacked in 2007 and I basically saw that the Democratic Party was simply not the party that I remembered back in the 1990’s and after it seemed as if the Democratic Party was lurching more and more to the left. I decided to make a change and start writing against the wrongs that I saw in that Party. I was not, nor had I ever been, a Republican; or even a “right-winger.” I was a Christian man, who grew up with a sense of morality and of values. I do not always act like such as person; but, I know my heart and I know my God.

This why that this sort of idiotic nonsense by Glenn Beck is not only idiotic and “Alex Jones” sounding; it is immorally racist to the core. If there was a Democratic Party President in office, who happened to be a man with white skin; none of this stupidity would be happening at all. Oh sure, there would be the idiotic nonsense of the “WorldNetDaily” crowd, like there was in 1990’s, with Bill Clinton. However, this goes to another level entirely. Basically, the Conservative Movement as a whole; whether nuanced or directly —-  in the case of President Obama —- is accusing the Nation’s first black President of being a secret Muslim and of supporting terrorism; and even of being in cahoots with Al-Qaeda or some other Muslim Terrorist boogeyman organization that they pull out of their butts — to carry out terrorist attacks in this Country —- and this, my friend is just unacceptable in my opinion.

We can do better than this; The Conservative Movement, those who believe in liberty and America in General. We can disagree on politics and not stoop to this level, there is no call for it at all.

Remember Conservatives: 2014 and 2016 looms near — lets not blow it again.

Others: The Moderate Voice and Crooks and Liars

Update: As I thought it would be;  Glenn Beck’s HUGE, BIG, CAREER TOPPING STORY!!!!111!!! —– turned out to be a bit of a nothing burger. Bummer. 🙄


Quote of the Day

Over the past 10 years, there have been few days when the war in Iraq was absent from my thoughts. People often ask me whether I have regrets. It seems absurdly presumptuous to answer the question. I could have set myself on fire in protest on the White House lawn and the war would have proceeded without me. And yet … all of us who advocated for the war have had to do some reckoning. If the war achieved some positive gains, its unnecessary costs—in human life, in money, to the prestige and credibility of the U.S. government—are daunting and dismaying. If we’d found the WMD, it would have been different. If we’d kept better order in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam, it would have been different. If more Iraqis had welcomed the invasion as we expected, it would have been different. If the case for the war had been argued in a less contrived and predetermined way, it would have been different.

But it wasn’t different. Those of us who were involved—in whatever way—bear the responsibility.

The Further Consequences of Wilsonian Foreign Policy in Iraq

This is what happens when you invade sovereign nations based upon bad intelligence  and do not bother to verify said intelligence.

BAGHDAD –  Car bombs struck two outdoor markets and a group of taxi vans in Shiite areas across Iraq on Friday, killing at least 36 people and wounding nearly 100 in the bloodiest day in more than two months, as minority Sunnis staged large anti-government protests.

Sunni protesters have rejected calls to violence by an Al Qaeda-linked group, but there is concern that Sunni insurgents could step up attacks ahead of the April 20 provincial elections — the first country-wide vote since the U.S. troop withdrawal more than a year ago.

via 4 car bombs at outdoor markets in Iraq kill at least 36, wound 100 | Fox News.

Now I am not going to sit here and write a posting blaming Bush for all the above. Yes, Bush was wrong about Iraq; but Bush has not been President since 2009, when he left office. Obama took the reigns of the Country and he now is the President, so, basically, Iraq was Obama’s baby when he took office. There are some who believe that Obama removed our troops too early; to be quite honest with you, I really do not agree with that at all. Because to be honest with you, our presence there was causing a good deal of friction in that Country, or at the very least, adding to the friction that was already there. Now the total anti-war people say that, if we would have never invaded Iraq, this above would not be happening; because Saddam would not tolerate it. This is true, but Saddam also was a brutal dictator, who did horrible things to his people as well. So, while it is not a good thing that we invaded that country, we did get rid of someone who was a horrible tyrant. This is why I never took, and still do not take a hard stance on the Iraq War and the middle east; because it is such a complex subject, and seems to get more complex by the minute. This is why I never really bought into the, “blood for oil” meme by the Democrats and the anti-war crowd. I did feel however, that once we got Saddam, we should have started making the moves to leave the Country.

However, I will say this; this Wilsonian bungle that did happen in Iraq, will be a black mark on America for a very long time to come. The Wilsonian foreign policy crowds biggest flaw, is that they cannot see past the end of their noses. They never look past the “here and now.” They always live in the moment. They do not stop to think about what might happen down the road; they never do. All they care about is defending Israel, no matter the cost of life or money. This is their fatal flaw and they have ruined America’s credibility around the World. What gets me is, how the Republicans like to blame Obama for ruining America’s standing in the World. The problem is, Obama is a very little part of that; the Neoconservatives, with their Wilsonian foreign policy ruined America’ reputation in just eight years time. True the Democrats did destroy the housing market and the economy. But, our standing in the World was done by Bush and the Neocons.

Anyone that tells you anything different than that, is either lying or a partisan. But, then again, I repeat myself.

The Late Night Music Express–Special Memorial Edition- Presents: Elvis Presley

Remembering a special dog.


Barney Bush 2000-2013 – May he rest in peace. More Barney pics here.

The official statement from the President Bush:

Laura and I are sad to announce that our Scottish Terrier, Barney, has passed away. The little fellow had been suffering from lymphoma and after twelve and a half years of life, his body could not fight off the illness.

Barney and I enjoyed the outdoors. He loved to accompany me when I fished for bass at the ranch. He was a fierce armadillo hunter. At Camp David, his favorite activity was chasing golf balls on the chipping green.

Barney guarded the South Lawn entrance of the White House as if he were a Secret Service agent. He wandered the halls of the West Wing looking for treats from his many friends. He starred in Barney Cam and gave the American people Christmas tours of the White House. Barney greeted Queens, Heads of State, and Prime Ministers. He was always polite and never jumped in their laps.

Barney was by my side during our eight years in the White House. He never discussed politics and was always a faithful friend. Laura and I will miss our pal.

Rest in peace.

Taking Religion out of the Military?

I have mixed feelings about this one:

“Soldiers with minority religious beliefs and atheists often feel like second-class citizens when Christianity is seemingly officially endorsed by their own base,” American Atheists president David Silverman told Fox News. “We are very happy the Pentagon and the Army decided to do the right thing.” A military spokesman told Fox News the cross was literally dismantled and will be removed from the base to be in “compliance with Army regulations and to avoid any misconception of religious favoritism or disrespect.” “After a Christian prayer, the cross was removed from the roof of the chapel,” the spokesman said. “During the removal, the cross was dismantled; however the cross was reassembled and currently awaits transportation to a larger operational base.” The military told Fox News the cross will only be brought out during Christian services and will be designated as a “non-permanent religious symbol.” Silverman said a Christian chapel on an Army base in Afghanistan could have put American troops in danger. “It inflames this Muslim versus Christian mentality,” he said. “This is not a Muslim versus Christian war — but if the Army base has a large chapel on it that has been converted to Christian-only, it sends a message that could be interpreted as hostile to Islam.” An Army spokesman said all chapels must be religiously neutral. “The primary purpose of making a chapel a neutral, multi-use facility is to accommodate the free exercise of religion for all faith groups using it,” he said. “We take the spiritual fitness of our Soldiers seriously and encourage them to practice their faith and exercise their beliefs however they choose.” Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, of the Family Research Council, told Fox News a Christian cleansing of the military is under way. “I don’t think you can categorize it any other way,” he said. “There is a strong effort, led partially by the Administration as well as by atheist groups to destroy the identity of who we are as a nation and that means robbing us of our history.” —- Military: Crosses Removed ‘Out of Respect for Other Faiths’ | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

On one hand, I would hate to think that having Christian symbols on a battle front could be putting our Military at risk. On the other hand, I would hate to see Christianity being removed from the Military entirely. However, we are in a Muslim Nation is Afghan region; one would think that the Military would want to be respectful of those people and their culture.

It is a mixed bag, and all the more reason why we really need to get out of that Country. Our mission is done there; we killed Osama and we need to leave. We do not want to make the same mistake the Russians made there. Besides all that, Al-Qaeda has moved into other regions and is much more a threat to other interests in other parts for the world now.

So, to this Independent, the quicker we leave, the better.

Maybe Because the Bush Administration did it too?

This is too funny.

Via The Daily Caller:

The House science committee is demanding the White House explain why top administration officials are using secret e-mail accounts and other techniques to conceal their taxpayer-paid activities from public oversight.

The evidence of officials’ efforts to evade transparency laws includes EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s use of the fake name “Richard Windsor”, and hidden e-mail accounts, according to a Nov. 16 letter sent by the committee to several White House officials, including Jackson.

The committee’s letters justified their startling statements with evidence published in The Daily Caller. The Caller’s report was based on an investigation by Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the author of a new book “The Liberal War on on Transparency.”

“The use of these [hidden] accounts could seriously impair records collection, preservation, and access, therefore compromising transparency and oversight,” said the letter, signed by committee chairman Rep. Ralph Hall.

Hmmmmmmmm…. ThinkingI dont know

I seem to remember another Party that did this, while they were in power in the White House and in the Justice Department.

Ah yes! It was the Republican Party! There was Attorney Generals who lost their jobs over it too.

I have to really honestly wonder; did Tucker Carlson report that little scandal as passionately then, as he is this one here?

I somehow highly doubt that to to be a fact.

Others: Politico and The Lonely Conservative (via Memeorandum)

Memo to Michael Brown: Shut the hell up, idiot!

I condemned Newt Gingrich for doing it, and I condemned the New York Times for doing it; and I applauded Chris Christie for not doing it.

The nerve of this idiot piece of crap, to stick his nose in this Hurricane! Especially after HIS handling of Hurricane Katrina! Think Progress and The Last Word both have stories about Michael Brown, ex-FEMA head, criticizing Obama’s handling of his Hurricane!

Can I just be the first person to say that Michael Brown ought to just seriously look into to shutting the hell up? I mean, this man was the WORST FEMA director EVER in the history of the organization! I have friends here, in the Detroit area; that I happen to know from my other hobby, which is Amateur Radio (or Ham Radio) and they have repeatedly told me, that Michael Brown was the worst director ever.

Yes, I am a Conservative, Yes, I am voting for Mitt Romney; and I find this human piece of excrement to be absolutely detestable. I frankly wish that Michael Brown would crawl back into his excrement filled hole and shut the hell up! He was an embarrassment to the Bush Administration, and an embarrassment to the Republican Party and to America!  

Others:, The New Civil Rights Movement, Daily Kos, The Raw Story, Runnin’ Scared,theGrio, Little Green Footballs, Reuters and ABCNEWS,, Little Green Footballs, The Daily Caller, The Political Carnival, The New Civil Rights Movement, Commentary Magazine, Colorlines and Runnin’ Scared

The hypocrisy of Glenn Reynolds

I give Glenn credit, okay? This article here has a point. Obama is running roughshod over the constitution. Fine. Challenge it.

But when I see this being written over on Glenn’s blog, I have to laugh:

THAT ANNOYING CONSTITUTION:  Keeps getting in Obama’s way. But that hasn’t stopped him.  A great article in the Washington Free Beacon discusses all the ways in which the Obama Administration is evincing hostility toward, and disregard of, the Constitution’s Article II limitations on executive power.

You mean like Bush did, when he invaded the sovereign Nation of Iraq, over the objections of the United Nations? I mean, all you would have to do is swap out, Obama for Bush and it would be the same very thing. I mean, do not get me wrong — I am glad that Iraq turned out like it did, although, not perfect; it is most likely better off than it was when Saddam was in power. However, when I see Wilsonian War Hawks showing their utter hypocrisy over big Government and abuse of executive power ; I tend to get a little damned annoyed about it.

Furthermore, when I see read sane, and supposedly rational, White Conservatives acting like President Obama is carrying out some sort of national negro Marxist takeover of America; I tend to think the Romney is going to lose and lose badly. I mean between this and the stupid I wrote about earlier; I am getting the point of not even wanting to defend this movement anymore. I am not giving up yet, but it is getting really hard to even say that I am among them.  I am not happy with the direction of the Democratic Party and how far to the left that they have went here since 2007, but Jesus H. Christ; do the Republicans have to go off the deep end too?

It just annoys me, that these people are bitching about Obama; when President George W. Bush did the SAME very thing and it was okay. However, Because Obama is black and a Democrat, it is somehow a National emergency. I mean, come on people, let’s get real here. How is Obama any different than Bush? I mean, besides his skin color?

This sort of Constitutional concern trolling is quite humorous, considering the 8 years with Bush that many, including me; had to endure.

Again, it is seriously time to get real and quit with the stupidity.