My thoughts on Ryan Sorba’s Anti-Gay Rant at CPAC

As most of you know, I did not attend CPAC this year, mainly because I just could not afford to make the trek and because I have some personal issues with the whole idea.  As they say, politics is local and parts of this sort of a meeting would just grate against me.  Therefore, I will just write about the stuff that interests me.  Being in the so-called “Social Class” that I am, going to a conference of this sort, listening to a bunch of rich, uppity, white people grovel at a black President and yowl on about big Government, all the while rattling their gold shekels and rubies would just drive me to the spirited beverage.  Please note I have nothing against those who are of the wealthy class.  In fact, I commend those who have attained such status by running and succeeded at an honest business.  However, as someone who has no health insurance and has not had a “real day job” since 2005.  I would find it very discomforting to sit and listen to people who have no money issues complain about those who do.  In addition, I will confess, I am just not much a crowd person.  I have said, jokingly of course, that I am the “Matt Drudge” of the Blog World — Everyone knows me, but no one has met me before.

This brings me to the big question, which I have gotten in the past.  “If you are so against Conservative conferences, why are you on the right of the Blogosphere?”  First off, let me say that I am not against any sort of Conservative conferences at all.  Although I will say, that Sarah Palin was correct in her snubbing of CPAC.  The President of the American Conservative Union should resign in disgrace.  That is about all I will say about that little situation.

Now to what I wrote this article for, Ryan Sorba’s anti-gay rant, which you can see here:

Gabriel Malor over at Ace of Spades Blog wrote about this, although from an obviously Anti-Christian stance.  As someone who is a twenty-six year veteran of the Christian Faith —- although as it says on my about me page, I do not claim to be a perfect representative of that Christian faith or a spokesperson for it.  Let me simple say this, AllahPundit and Mr. Malor are correct in their assessments.  The Republican Party got their “tails kicked” in the 2008 election, not because Barack Obama was some sort of awesome candidate.  The Republican Party got their “Tails Kicked” because for one, they ran a mushy Moderate Candidate for President and as Glenn Beck rightly pointed out, because the Republican Party got horrifically addicted to spending.  What troubles me though, is the fact than Glen Beck will yowl on about spending; but he will not say the obvious, that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are a big part of that spending.  Before anyone says it — no, I am not going to pull a Lew Rockwell and say all wars are evil or anything stupid like that.  I am fully aware of the reality of the war on terror.  I am simply making an observation.

Having said the above, the Republican Party is in a unique situation.  Eight years of George W. Bush’s moderate Conservatism, which included some rather humongous “drunken sailor spending,” has put the G.O.P. in quite the spot.  Our Nation is in a fiscal mess, thanks to the irresponsible spending of the Bush Administration and now because of the Obama Administration continuation of that reckless and idiotic spending.  What the Republican Party needs to do is concentrate on fiscal matters, and let the social Conservatives to fight the battle against Homosexuality themselves.  If the Christian Conservatives went to fight against the gay community, let them do that themselves and leave the Republican Party out of it.  Let me remind everyone, this is 2010, not 1984.  As Pastor James Dobson correctly pointed out, and then quickly retreated from, the social Conservative fight of the 1980’s was simply a holding action —- A holding action that ultimately failed. This proves that which I have believed all along, that one cannot force the hand of morality by legislation or by political pressure.  Something astutely observed by the late, great, Senator Barry Goldwater.

Let me wrap this article by saying this here.  The Republican Party and the Conservative movement as a whole, needs to pick its battles.  A Social Conservative battle is just not one that would be productive to the furtherance of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement as a whole.  We need to focus on fiscal matters and get this Government spending to stop, otherwise, we could be in for a very rough time in the next coming years.

Your Daily War Porn Video

(H/T Ace)

Defending America, nothing like it. 😀

Randy Haddock Responds to Keith Olbermann

Perhaps a better response to the Keith Olbermann Smear of the National Tea Party Movement. This one is by Randy Haddock:

First, his choice of words. People of color? Who are these colored people he’s referring to? What does that mean? It may be because I’m not a native English speaker, but I find this “people of color” business to be really bizarre. So as a Boricua, am I colored? I guess I’m olive but if I hit the beach on a sunny day I can be golden brown. Is he referring strictly to skin color? Culture? Ethnicity? I mean, I’m not that much darker than Mr. Olbermann himself. Do I fall into his “people of color” category?

Or, as I suspect, are “people of color” just code for those who deviate too much from the skin color which Olbermann seems to deem as the standard? I mean, come on, Olbermann has no color, right? He’s white. That ain’t no color. That’s just how it’s supposed to be, right? So, all I can think of is that he means “black.” Black people are colored, and everyone else is just normal and a-OK. Man, this race and colors stuff is difficult to understand!

And secondly, the question is stupid, the premise terribly moronic and the insinuation totally insulting. The Tea Party protesters aren’t racist. Are there a few kooks with nefarious motivations? Sure, every movement has them. It’s nice how, during the Bush years, the MSM did everything they could to whitewash the fringe elements of the antiwar movement, but I digress. What’s Olbermann’s evidence that Tea Parties are overwhelmingly racist? Apparently, that there are no “people of color” at these rallies. That is so blatantly false as to induce uncontrollable laughter. There are people of all backgrounds at the Tea Parties. But even if an event is dominated by a certain race group, what does that prove? Similar to what Glenn Reynolds said earlier this month, if you look at a group of white folks and the first thought that pops into your head is “racists!” then you have some serious issues.

So I put together this video response to Olbermann’s burning question. Here are his “people of color” he’s been inquiring about.

Very well put.

Others: Instapundit, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, The Corner on National …,, Newsalert and alicublog

Oh.Lordy President Obama is now Homey?

Good Lord.

Via ABC:

ABC’s Jonathan Karl and Z. Byron Wolf report from Washington D.C.:

It is one of the biggest annual gatherings of conservatives in Washington.  The yearly CPAC convention hosts everyone from Sen. Scott Brown to Mitt Romney.  Even former Vice-President Dick Cheney made a surprise appearance today.

The crowd was full of frustration towards President Obama and his administration, and the words “Tea Party” seemed to be flying out of every Republican’s mouth.  One big agenda item for the Republicans?  Galvanizing the youth vote.

And one of the people leading the youth charge is Stephen Baldwin.  One of the famous Baldwin brothers, Baldwin hosts a conservative radio show and has enlisted himself in the youth recruitment effort.  Baldwin told our Jonathan Karl that he blames Obama for the state of the country, but also prays for him.

“I am not happy about the way things are.  I pray for President Obama every single day.  But tell you what.  Homey made this bed, now he has got to lay in it,” said Baldwin.

Uh…. Um, I should have this under this heading here. But, I figured it could stand on its own. I mean, Homey? I think you can now guess why I did not attend CPAC. I mean, I am all for the defending of the Constitution, limited Government, and the defense of the Christian Faith. But what I am not for, is going to some Convention; where a bunch of wealthy and some not-so wealthy white people; sit around and bitch about the evil black socialist President. I give them credit, some of them nuance the racism, and do it very well; but most do not, and some do not even nuance it at all. This is one of worst examples of nuanced racism ever. Nothing says I have a problem with the black race better, than a pasty white guy calling a black man,”Homey”,  much less the President of the United States, who just happens to be black.

I will be honest with you, I do not like President Obama’s politics whatsoever. But I do respect the office. This is why you do not see me writing about stupid kooky conspiracy theories on here. I’ve done it in the past and got burned hardcore; after that I said that until the birthers can provide me some solid proof that Obama was not born here, other than the opinions or half-baked claims of some attention-whoring, black-hating, harpy Jew with an attitude; I just will not write about it anymore, period.  Anyhow, Orly Taitz aside; that is why I do not write about the nonsense. Because I respect the man’s office. Some cannot; but I can and do try to. That does not mean he is above criticism, because you know that I do that well. Although here as of late, he is scoring some brownie points with me on the Afghanistan war.

Anyhow, it just irked me, because both of these guys, especially the bug-eyed jack ass in the middle are supposedly Christians —- Evangelical Christians no less.  But yet, they make idiotic statements like this. You know see why I left the Evangelical circles for good. Because of ignorant crap like this. Which is, incidentally, forbidden by the Bible.

I have said this in the past and I will say it again. If the Republican Party thinks that embracing this sort of nuanced racism is going to do anything for them in the coming elections in 2010 and 2012, they had better think again. Because I will warn them; the American people are just much too smart for that and they will suffer in the coming elections. because I will tell you, that I WILL NOT VOTE for a party that embraces this sort of anti-black, nuanced racism. I will vote libertarian; I did it once and I will do it again. It is seriously time to get real folks, and this is not doing that at all.

Video: The Confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 'From A to Z'

I posted this once, but the man’s video got taken down by the video service.

So, here it is again.

Please, if you like this, put it on your blog or website and promote it. Everyone who believes that the War on Terror is a real thing, should watch and promote this.


Official Site

and finally

A song that I happen to like quite a bit. It has been said that music often tells a story. Paints a picture, if you will. That being said, here is a story or picture, from a very unique perspective.

This is Resurrection Band

Lincoln’s Train


Resurrection Band

Passin’ through these ruins
Mr Lincoln’s train goin’ by
Spilling smoke into these bloody fields
All the people stood and cried

Our tears are the same color
We can all hold hands and mourn
But me, I’m still asking myself
Why I’m not any freer than I was before

Mr Lincoln are you free now?
Was it worth what it finally cost?
If I had somethin to believe in
I could bear this endless cross

I got no home, they sold my family
I got no job, ain’t got no vote
Them books they’re all mysteries to me
Can’t read or write, I got no hope

The train it just keeps rollin’
Cold as steel and dark as night
It don’t give me no answers, no
No, it don’t pay me no mind

And the scenery just keeps changin’
But these folks, they just stay the same
Same old fearful eyes a starin’
Askin’ me to take the blame

For their shame, for their shame

News from a Fundamentalist Christian Viewpoint

A few words before I cut and paste this newsletter here. As I have written on here many times; In 2004, I ended my tenure as a Pentecostal Christian. Mainly, I did it, because I was quite unhappy about where the movement, that being Pentecostalism and the entire Evangelical Christian movement was headed as a whole. That is not to say that Fundamentalist Christianity is perfect, case in point, the Fundamentalist Baptist Movement. When I left the ‘Signs and Wonders’ Crowd, I ended up going back to the Baptist belief system. Needless to say, I am deeply disappointed to report that the Fundamentalists here in America, especially here in Michigan, are cultist in nature. What was once a goodly movement based upon the Bible, has sadly devolved into a cult of personality, false doctrine and other nonsense. I know, I was royally ‘screwed over’ by a Baptist Pastor who was not interested in following the Bible, when it comes to matters of the Church.

Anyhow, I post this, because I happen to respect David Cloud greatly, it was his writings that brought me to the place of having to make a decision about the Pentecostal movement as a whole. I also do it, because David Cloud is one of the last remaining voices that are pushing back against the New Age, Feel Good, Rick Warren, Rock and Roll Christianity, Compromise garbage that permeates the modern day Church World. I do not agree with everything David Cloud writes, but I do enough of it to present it here.

Sadly I believe that America has basically come to the end of it’s “Christian Heritage”, and has chosen the path of least resistance and is bound for judgment. We are truly in the last days.

With that, I present this newsletter:



February 12, 2010, Volume 11, Issue 7

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

BILLY GRAHAM VOTED MOST INFLUENTIAL PREACHER (Friday Church News Notes, February 12, 2010,, 866-295-4143) – According to a new survey, Billy Graham has had the most influence on Protestant pastors of any living preacher. In addition to Graham, the list of top ten most influential preachers included Chuck Swindoll, Chuck Stanley, Rick Warren, David Jeremiah, and Mac Lucado. The survey was taken by LifeWay Research, an arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. Billy Graham has preached the gospel to more people than any other man in history, but he has also compromised the gospel as much as any man in history by pioneering the ecumenical evangelism philosophy that has torn down the biblical walls of separation between truth and error. He has turned hundreds of thousands of his “converts” over to Roman Catholic and liberal Protestant churches to be devoured by wolves in sheep’s clothing. (For documentation see “Billy Graham’s Sad Disobedience” at the Way of Life web site.)

RINGO STARR TURNS TO GOD (Friday Church News Notes, February 12, 2010,, 866-295-4143) – In a January interview, former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr said that the has turned to God. He said, “For me, God is in my life. I don’t hide from that” (“Ringo Starr is approaching more milestones,” Los Angeles Times, Jan. 26, 2010). But there is no evidence that Ringo’s God is the God revealed in Scripture. He said that the search for God is “all about finding yourself,” which it definitely is not. Rather it’s all about finding Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Last year Ringo appeared in a documentary entitled Oh My God, which presents the world’s religions as alternative paths to God. Ringo declared, “God is love,” and He is, but He is also holy and a judge of sin, and since all men are sinners, the only way of escape from God’s judgment is through the redemption purchased by Jesus.

Continue reading “News from a Fundamentalist Christian Viewpoint”

Just for the record, this douche nozzle does not speak for me

Just an FYI:

Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley Drake of Buena Park sent out an email Monday night, saying that perhaps his prayers had been answered with the death of Rep. John Murtha yesterday.

“Maybe God took him out,” Drake wrote. “Maybe God Answered our IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed every 30 days.”

The Pennsylvania congressman, a decorated former Marine who fiercely opposed the Iraq war, died at the age of 77 after complications from gallbladder surgery.

I asked Drake if his statements weren’t distasteful, particularly coming immediately after Murtha’s death. He said that as a Christian, he didn’t buy into the sentiment of not speaking ill of the dead.

“It’s not distasteful to pray the word of God and include somebody’s name,” he said. “I didn’t celebrate his death. I said maybe it was God’s answer to our imprecatory prayer.”

Drake regularly asks his “prayer warriors” to participate in prayer targeting “unrighteous” politicians. He typically uses Psalms 109, including these passages including in his Monday email: “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” And, “Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.”

via Buena Park pastor prayed for Murtha’s death – Total Buzz : The Orange County Register.

First off, this idiot does not speak for me. Yes, I am a Baptist. Yes, I am Christian. However, I think it its VERY UnChristlike to pray for ANYONE’S Death!

So, Yeah, this Douche Nozzle does not speak for me.

That is all.

Andrew Sullivan, Trigg Palin, and Disabilities

Once again, after criticizing Sarah Palin, I am forced into a rather uncomfortable position of defending her.  I am, of course, referring to the inconceivably asinine blog posting by a one Faux Conservative Andrew Sullivan that I happen to read about over at Robert Stacy McCain’s blog.  Now I will spare my readers a lowbrow attack of the man’s sexual preferences, I will leave that sort of nonsense to other people.  However, I will bring up the fact that this man should be deported from our Country, as he does have a horrible drug habit.

Now to get to the part that I really want to write about —- As some of you know, I live with my parents, it sucks, yes, it is quite lame, and yes, I do hate it.  I love my parents; I just wish I did not have to see them everyday.  However, it is my situation and I deal with it the best that I can, and we do get along unbelievably well.  Now to my point —— someone else lives in this house, with me and my parents.  Her name is Martha Hayes.  Martha Hayes is my Mom’s middle sister — Mom being oldest, Martha being the middle sister and her other sister Shirley being the youngest.  Martha is disabled, Martha is mentally retarded, or as the politically correct police like to call it, developmentally disabled.

You see, Sullivan’s comment struck me as the a-typical cynical beltway politico type of comment from someone who has never had a person like this in his or her family.  While I might not be a huge fan of Sarah Palin, in a political sense, it has never been personal with me and because of this, I have always avoided criticizing her family or kids or even her husband.  Admittedly, I was not amused when Sarah’s daughter came up pregnant; mainly because I felt she had betrayed many in the Conservative Christian community and in the social Conservative circles.  However, this comment by Andrew Sullivan goes well beyond what I feel is just acceptable criticism of Sarah Palin’s politics; this is borderline psychotic obsession with Sarah Palin and her child Trigg.  I believe that if the Atlantic had any shred of decency, they would terminate his employment.

Because you see my friends, I understand Sarah Palin’s feelings towards her baby.  I know what it is to have a disabled person living with you.  I see it every day in this house.  It is not for the faint of heart, it take a special someone to have to deal with the person and have to do the tough work. Admittedly, it is not something that I could ever do.  My Mom, bless her heart, does it every day, without complaining.  She does it because it is the right thing to do.  We are our Brother and Sister’s keeper, and my Mom knows that, Her Mother knew it too, when she raised those three daughters without complaining.

So, when it comes to Sarah Palin and her child, count me as someone who does get it.