September 30, 2009 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

The following is excerpted from the book The Modern Bible Version Hall of Shame, which is available from Way of Life Literature in both book and ebook formats. (292 pages)

Having looked at the late 18th and the 19th centuries and seen the apostasy that swept into Christian churches in the same era that produced modern textual criticism, we will now show a timeline of 20th century apostasy to document what has happened within Christianity at large as the modern critical texts and modern English versions have become dominant. We will begin at the very end of the 19th century after the publication of the English Revised Version and the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament and move through the 20th. We will see that the unbelief that had begun as a stream in the late 18th century and had become a river in the 19th century became “a veritable ocean of unbelief” in the 20th. Like ivy, the modernism that had slept in the late 18th century and crept in the 19th, leapt in the 20th.

1900 — As a predecessor of the Pentecostal movement, John Alexander Dowie proclaimed that he was “Elijah the Restorer” who was to precede the Lord’s coming and that he was the first apostle of the renewed end time church. Dowie established Zion City north of Chicago, “where doctors, drugs, and devils were not allowed.” His own daughter died of serious burns when he refused medical assistance.
1901 — The modern tongues movement was launched when on New Year’s day Agnes Ozman, a student at Charles Parham’s Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, allegedly began to speak in a language she had never learned.

1904 — Sigmund Freud published his Psychopathology of Everyday Life, launching the movement of psychoanalysis that has brought such untold moral, spiritual, and psychological injury to modern society and that has permeated Christianity since the latter half of the century.

1906 — The strange and unscriptural “Azusa Street Revival,” with its gibberish “tongues,” false promise of healing, and women preachers, began in Los Angeles, inaugurating the Pentecostal movement.

——— Albert Schweitzer published The Quest for the Historical Jesus, claiming that Jesus was not the supernatural Messiah, the eternal Son of God, but a mere man who, thinking that the destruction of the world was imminent, attempted to usher it in by his death.

1907 — Walter Rauschenbusch published Christianity and the Social Crisis, popularizing the unscriptural Social Gospel. Other influential names in the Social Gospel movement were Washington Gladden and Charles Sheldon, author of In His Footsteps.

Continue reading “Guest Voice: A TIMELINE OF 20TH CENTURY APOSTASY by David Cloud”

The Obligatory 'Why aren't Christians like superheros and taking America over' Posting

I have been putting this posting off for a while; mainly because I am a Christian myself and Because I was not sure where I wanted to go with it. But, I think this will suffice.

WorldNetDaily Laments in a article:

The commonly referenced “God gap” between Republicans and Democrats is disappearing.

Polls released before the 2008 election demonstrated America’s Christian voters are no longer synonymous with the political right: a George Barna survey showed born-again Christians evenly split between John McCain and Barack Obama, and a Public Religion Research study found that even among white Evangelicals, touchstone issues like abortion and same-sex marriage weren’t in their top five voting considerations.

If Christian voters share common morals and values, how is it that their voting patterns and priorities aren’t more unified?

According to a new study, the answer is that Christians don’t share a common worldview, their morals and values sprayed across the spectrum by differing views in a handful of key areas.

The 2009 Religious Activists Surveys – conducted by Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in partnership

with Public Religion Research – focused on religious activists working on both “conservative” and “progressive” causes, and found that while the majority of both types called themselves Christian, they are driven apart by disagreements over social responsibility, biblical authority and the role of government.

The statistics reflect that Christians who differ in defining these key areas also differ in political and moral conviction.

One of the most troubling part of this article was this:


That last one is what bothers me and stands out as the reason why. 36% of Conservative activists do NOT consider the Bible to be the Literal word of God.  I know why that is; it is because Pastor’s themselves do not believe that; because Christian Colleges are not teaching that the Bible is the LITERAL Word of God anymore. Not only this, Pastors are not being Pastors anymore and are not Preaching the Word of God; but rather are preaching a “User friendly” version of Jesus Christ and trying to make him in to one’s “Homie” and making him a type of a God that “Winks at” sin. Further more, Holiness and separation from the World are not Preached any either.

I also believe it has to do with Bible Versions. I am a King James Bible advocate. I believe that the Church’s departure from the King James Bible; along with many other compromises have caused this.

This is confirmed in this article from The Christian Post:

A minister who preaches on the authority and infallibility of Scripture is often accused of being arrogant, said one pastor. Such criticism, however, is withheld from someone who sits on a stool in a cardigan and chats with the congregation, telling personal stories.

Criticizing the latter form, Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, made the case for the preacher who declares “thus saith the Lord.”

“A minister should ascend into the pulpit in order to declare what would have been true had he never been born. He is there to preach what was written in the Word before all ages and is utterly disconnected from his personal dreams, hopes and aspirations,” Wilson said at the Desiring God Ministries’ national conference in Minneapolis on Saturday. “A minister is not up there to develop a relationship with everybody individually.”

Ministers are not supposed to be extemporaneous actors trying to figure out their lines from everything other than the Bible, he noted. They may maintain that their scripts are better, their plot lines are grittier or that their shows make more money, but a minister’s script is Scripture, Wilson stressed.

“He is there to declare something that is outside of his control. What God has revealed to us in the Bible is the message. That’s the script.”

Wilson, who describes himself as a biblical absolutist, gave a nearly 60-minute talk on Calvin, the Bible and the Western world during the three-day conference themed “With Calvin in the Theater of God.”

The Moscow pastor, who also helped to establish the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches, sees ongoing battles today on the infallibility and inerrancy of the Word of God. But believers, he said, are neglecting the battle over the place of the Bible.

“Conservative evangelicals believe the Bible has no mistakes in it … but who today believes as Calvin did? Who treats the Bible as Calvin did?”

Now, I will give a bit of disclosure here; I totally disagree with this man’s Calvinist doctrine. But he does have a very valid point about Pastor’s today. Pastors have become more like motivational speakers; instead of preachers of the Word of God. They have become more like Priests, and not the kind of Pastors that you had in the 1940’s and 1950’s whop spoke out loudly against the sins of mankind. Instead they are interested in a “feel good” user friendly, type of Christianity; like that promoted by Rick Warren.

Now, I will admit; I have serious issues with the “Evangelical” and “Fundamentalist” Churches. I basically have been involved in both and I have seen the Good, Bad, and the Ugly of both. Hence the reason why I do not attend Church any longer. Do not misunderstand me; I believe the Gospel and I am a Christian, I have been for 26 years. But I feel that in this day of apostasy, that it is impossible to find a Church that is truly preaching the Word of God or to find a Pastor that does not insert himself into that preaching. Further more, I happen to know that most Pastors do not live what they preach. There are those that do. But the good majority do not.

Enough is Enough!

I guess that you can consider this my “It’s on, Motherfucker!” Posting. I have sat back on the god-damned sidelines long enough. I have watched as Charles Foster Johnson has continued to slime a fellow Georgia Brother, A fellow Conservative, and a fellow brother in Jesus Christ. I am referring to none other Robert Stacy McCain.

I guess you could say; that I have just fucking flat out had it “Up to here!” with the fucking bullshit accusations against us on the right, that are against the fucking bullshit communist foreign policies of the Obama Administration, as being racist. I guess you could say that I am just fucking flat tired of the fucking collectivist bullshit tripe, that flows out of the mouth of those who want blame every last god damned fucking person under the planet, that has Conservative leanings; for the actions of a few idiots who want to try and discredit this movement of humanity against this administration.

I had some anti-LGF ads up here, that I ran for free. I removed them; because I had some questions that I really felt had not been answered good enough for my liking. Well, they were answered and it seems that Charles Foster Johnson is in full on smear mode. Well, I’ve fucking had just about god damn enough of it. 😡

Hold on to your hats, this might get a bit ugly.

It just so happens that we Conservatives were basically Anti-Slavery, and Anti-Racist for many years. Hell, Abraham Lincoln fought the civil war over the issue. However, the side that is not told about it is this; The Confederation Army did NOT go to war with the union over this; it was over CENTRALIZED Government! The Confederates knew that if the Union instituted a centralized Government, that freedoms would be lost and they decided to go to war.  What is also not told, is that fact that Lincoln’s army basically committed what would be known today as acts of terrorism. That is what this song here is all about. Abraham Lincoln knew god-damned well, that he could not win the war against the south by fighting a war, by the rule book. So, he fought it dirty and won. Some people say this is a fallacy, but I call bullshit; I have read the writings of the confederates and believe me, it was a nasty war, fought by fucking cowards who could not win any other way.

….and then there’s the issue of the Negros……

After the war was fought and won; Slavery was abolished. A good thing, I might add. Holding people against their will and using them for labor and profit, is not only stupid, it is ungodly as hell. For this one thing; I will give Abe Lincoln credit for. But everything he did to the South was just fucking rotten and I still consider the fucking bastard a god damned traitor. The truth is; Lincoln was forced into the position, because of political issues, NOT because he wanted to:

“I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.”

4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, September 18th, 1858; COLLECTED WORKS Vol. 3, pp. 145-146

Yes, that is a real quote, here’s another:

“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”

Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

“Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”

— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

So, Abraham Lincoln; putting his personal feelings aside, pushed for and got; the outlawing of slavery in the south. Not long after that, the group known as a the “Radical Republicans” fought for and got a commission in the south to restore the South’s economy. Later, this was stopped by the Democrats of the day and as a result, many blacks and poor whites in the south ended up being sharecroppers. Still, the Slaves were freed.

But they still were not satisfied.

After slavery, some white men in the south were not too keen on the idea of black men roaming freely around in their towns; decided that the two races should be separated. Because they felt that the Negro man was not exactly known his civility. Now honestly — I do not agree with this; and I believe that it was a flawed mentality. However, I believe that it was the personal right of those, who chose to do this, to do it.  Senator Barry Goldwater agreed with me; and refused to sign that unconstitutional so called “Civil Rights Act” of 1964.

The Negros fought and won against the Southern racist Democrats; however, they did trample on Constitutional rights to do so. But the fact is; they won. None of them are in chains, and they can now roam free as they wish, they cannot be arrested for eating in a “White” restaurant anymore. Those days are over and yet, some of them act like it is still 1945.

…and now, Today.

It can be said with the most confidence; that the age of “Jim Crow” and that of the mentality of the Klansman is officially dead. Oh, sure; there are those who are of the depraved, unenlightened mindset that still believe that the Negro man is not of the same elevated mindset of the white race. But those people have been long marginalized and largely discredited. America has elected a  half Negro President; I refuse to call him “African-American”, either your American or African, make up your god damned mind! I say half Negro, because many forget, President Obama is half a White man too.

Yet today, you have the people of the very same party, that fought to keep the Negro race in chains; the very same party that fought to keep the negro race segregated; accusing the very people who agree with the political ideology, that freed the slaves in the first place — of being racist! —- and this after an Black President has been elected! President Obama is a a Democrat, he is a socialist! Therefore he is prone to critique by those of us, who disagree with the ideology of the Democratic Party!

What really ticks me off, is the collectivist mindset among these Socialist Democrats, who seek to blame the entire Conservative movement; for the actions of a few protesters. This is just absolutely asinine and smacks of that collectivist mindset, that the Socialist Liberal Democrats are known for; herding the cattle onto the plantation.

So, in solidarity of my Southern Brother Robert Stacy McCain, I present this song. May the spirit of the Southern Conservative never die and may we always be known as those who stood and fought against those who would try and destroy our Country.

Update: Video was removed, I guess Charles Foster Johnson’s trolls are lurking about. No matter; I still feel the same way and I will NOT submit or surrender to socialist assholes who want to smear those of us, who fight for freedom and against Islamic Jihad.  (Fixed typo…. d’oh!)

and I still say to Johnson, Bring it on prick, because I can dish it out, as much as I can take it. 😡

Israel’s Netanyahu draws the line in the sand

I am going to be completely honest; I am not a rabid Zionist. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But this speech here, was damned good.

Here it is in all four parts: (H/T

I am going to make a prediction. I am not trying to scare anybody; but, if Israel is not involved in some sort of military action against Iran by this time next year. I will be totally shocked. Basically, Netanyahu drew the line in the sand; and basically told the U.N. that either they were with Israel or against them. I have said on here many times before; that I support a two state solution. But I also know that the terrorist element has prevented that from happening. I believe Israel is basically letting the international community know, that they are not going to tolerate anymore of Iran’s nonsense; and will be using military force if need be. —- With or without America’s support.

Netanyahu also chastised the people at the U.N. assembly for even listening to Iran’s President. Something that I happen to agree with; the man is a nutcase and I believe it does send a message of support. He also brought up a resolution that the U.N. passed in the 1970’s that basically said that Zionism was basically racism. I swear; I had zero clue about that one.  But if that is the case; I can see full well now why Conservatives HATE the U.N. and I cannot say that I disagree with that. I mean, Zionism, racist? Oh Brother! Can someone please explain to me; why the U.N. believes that those who are descendants of the land of Israel; a land given to them by the Lord God Almighty, who desire to have their own homeland, are racist? I just do not get that at all. But then again, I do not get most socialist liberals and their various kinds of blatant stupidity. Then again, I have no clue why Arabs would want to worship a man who was a known pedophile and follow a religion in which a “moon god” is worshiped. Yeah, I know what just wrote was offensive; but the last time I checked, no Baptists that I know, have tried crashing planes into buildings.

Anyhow, the speech was a ground breaker and I believe is the precursor of things to come. My advice to all Christians who read this blog; get your house in order. Because things are beginning to shape up for the end times.

Ron Paul on the Fed

(H/T to the Daily Paul)

Okay, I will be the first to admit it; I do NOT agree with Ron Paul on Foreign Policy.

But he sure makes a hell of a great deal of sense; when it comes to economic policy.

Here he is on Bloomberg TV:

While I personally believe some of his followers are a bit goofy. The man himself, is another story.

…and let me give this fair warning. First idiot that comes in here and leaves a stupid comment about me being a damn Neo-Conservative will get sent to the damn twit filter so fast, it will make your head swim. 😡

Guest Voice: It Is Going To Be A Rocky Road by Chuck Baldwin

Let’s face it: most Americans live in a world of false security. This is somewhat understandable, given the fact that the majority of the U.S. population was born after 1945. Few remember the dangers and hardships of World War II; fewer still remember the Great Depression. Few Americans know  what it’s like to not have some sort of “supercenter” nearby with shelves stocked with every kind of food imaginable, twenty-four hours a day. Few know what life was like before there were restaurants of all sizes and types on virtually every street corner in America. And only a handful remembers  when most roads were unpaved, or when sports were truly a pastime and not a megabuck obsession.

Modern living within the world’s only “superpower” has created a giant unsuspecting, soft, lackadaisical, and lethargic society. We expect the government to keep our streets safe, our roads paved, our stores stocked, our jobs secure, and our enemies at bay. However, in the desire to make government the panacea for all our problems, we have sold not only our independence, but also our virtue.

Where the federal government was contracted (via the U.S. Constitution) to accept limited power for the overall good of both states and people, it has become a monster of gargantuan proportions, claiming authority over virtually every liberty and right known to man. And in the process, it decided it didn’t need God, either.

It is no hyperbole to say that the U.S. federal government has been on a “Ban God” bandwagon for the past 50 years. Whether it kicks prayer and Bible reading out of school, bars military chaplains from praying in Jesus’ name,  burns Bibles in Iraq, removes state supreme court chief justices from their positions for posting the Ten Commandments, or threatens high school principals with jail for asking the blessing, the federal government has invoked the judgment of Heaven upon our country as surely as did Old Testament Israel.

Although the comfortable, sports-crazed, TV addicts probably aren’t paying attention, this country is on the verge of an implosion like you cannot believe. For anyone who cares to notice, the signs are everywhere.

First of all, Israel and Iran are on the verge of war. And right now, I’m not concentrating on the “why” or “who’s right or wrong” of the equation. I’m simply telling you, war between Israel and Iran could break out at any time. And when it does, the chances that it will not become nuclear and not become global are miniscule. Yes, I am saying it: the prospects for nuclear war have never been greater. The CBS-canceled TV show, JERICHO, could become   a reality in these United States in the very near future. (I strongly urge readers to purchase both seasons of JERICHO and watch them, because this could be our future.)

Secondly, America is on the verge of total financial collapse. By the end of this year, America’s budget deficit will stand at around $2 trillion. The debt gap is many trillions more than that. But the nail in the coffin for America’s fiscal health will be the decision by China to dump the U.S. dollar. Ladies and gentlemen, this will be the death knell for our financial stability (and a painful lesson in sowing and reaping).

It is estimated that China owns around one-third of all U.S. debt. If and when China dumps the U.S. dollar, there would be nothing left to stabilize it, and Weimar Republic/Zimbabwe-style inflation will ensue. America will be thrust into financial chaos. (If one doubts that China is planning to dump the dollar, consider that China is currently purchasing and stockpiling gold at an unprecedented level. This is why gold has suddenly surged to over $1,000 per ounce and why it will continue to rise.)

Third, the paranoia regarding the Swine Flu being demonstrated by both government and media spokesmen begs a giant push for some type of “government solution.” If they keep hyping this “pandemic,” mass hysteria and fear (created by the government and its lackeys in the media) will result. This would, no doubt, necessitate some form of forced vaccination, quarantine (maybe this is what all those internment camps will be used for), and martial law.

Exactly how and when all of the above will actually materialize is yet to be seen. There is no doubt in my mind, however, that within the next few months, the world that we know today is going to vanish. And most Americans are totally unprepared for what’s coming.

If you are able to get out of debt, do it. If you need to scale down your lifestyle in order to be better prepared for difficult days, do it. If you don’t have guns and ammo, buy them. If you have not prepared some sort of preserved food pantry, do it. If you don’t have some kind of survival plan in place for you and your family, get one. If you are not physically fit, get in shape. If you are able to move to a more secure, out-of-harm’s-way location, do it. (During any kind of financial or societal meltdown, urban areas will quickly turn into war zones. Can anyone say, “New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina”?) In other words, get your nose out of the boob tube, get your bottom off the easy chair, and get busy.

Am I worried or discouraged? Absolutely not! (But I am preparing.) The potential good that may result from all of the above is that perhaps God will protect and raise up a remnant of people who would be willing to rebuild a place where Natural Law is respected, constitutional government is revered, and where a ubiquitous, loathsome, overbearing federal government is far, far away. You know, like America’s Founding Fathers did 233 years ago.

In the meantime, get ready. It’s going to be a rocky road.


Milwaukee TEA Party – A report from the ground

I got this from a friend of mine, Dan Vincent, who’s an old e-mail friend of mine.



I pledge allegiance to the Flag,
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

(This was actually a kite flying over Veterans Park at the time of the TEA party. It was quite impressive, especially that it was flying at the time of the rally. We all said the pledge facing this flag – and everybody knew the words. Ask some student today to repeat the pledge!)

I went to this event at Veterans Park, on the lake front, in Milwaukee, on Saturday Sep 19th, and it was quite the success contrary to what you may have already seen, been told or have heard about it. I am not going to show you a picture of the crowd as I was well imbedded within it and you simply couldn’t see the crowd for all the people. I have a couple of pictures (sorry, but the batteries ran low) which I will share but don’t start thinking Pulitzer or Nobel Prize for photographic excellence. It simply ain’t gonna happen! There were over 10,000 people in attendance and you just know the drive-by media didn’t report it as such a strong showing. And there were two national networks there taking pictures and making up canards about what was really happening. It is so sad that people, and companies, that get paid for “investigative” reporting, “journalism“, “reporting the facts“, and “telling the truth” wouldn’t know the truth if it sent a tingle up their leg.

The speakers at this event were as listed below, and you could not have asked for a more spirited ticket to get the truth out than if you had asked for a citizens inquiry into congressional corruption. The speeches were short, to the point and very energizing and motivating. I was simply amazed that a group of ordinary citizens were so well spoken, so knowledgeable and so driven with exposing the congressional and current administration’s corruption that we all live with every day.

The headliner, of course, was Michelle Malkin, and, for a 5 foot 2 or 3 inch tall female, she was not going to be intimidated by any Chicago thugs when  “calling out” the corruption we now find in our presidency, his minions and of those in congress. She was a pistol, full of fire, purpose driven and very direct. Names were named along with their claims to fame (corrupt behavior) that makes them so notorious, or, perhaps, “infamous” would be a better choice of words.

We also had Joe the (“Don’t share my wealth, share my work ethic”) Plumber,  in attendance, who (God forbid) had the “nerve” to call out obama on his share the wealth boondoggle during his campaign and to show obama for what he really is – a low life socialist dictator, bent on confiscating the wealth of American workers and distributing it to those who have no such interest in earning it. For a blue collar worker, Joe the Plumber is certainly not a blue collar speaker. He is well spoken and called upon us to keep up the good fight and to not let this happen again by letting our guard down as we “vote” in the future. 2010 is upon us!

There were other very good speakers lined up as well with Vicki McKenna, the Rock Star of Radio (that is me in the photograph); Sheriff  David Clarke, Milwaukee County Sheriff; Willie Soon, PhD, Harvard Astrophysicist on the lies behind the “Global Warming”/climate change debate; James T Harris, WTMJ Radio celebrity; Pastor David King, Milwaukee God Squad and the list goes on. To truly appreciate what really happened at the lake front, you just had to be there. This revival and revolution of honest and hard working people (contrast that with what we now have in office) is not over just yet. To make a point, one of the speakers (and I regret that I am not able to recall his name) said that the government should tax us at 100% of our earnings, and then see who shows up for work the next day. I am afraid that this is where we are headed with the current administration and congress??? After all, the former Soviet Union did just that and see where it got them.

As for the statist media, they got it wrong as usual. With over 10,000 people in attendance (and with TV and radio personalities represented from a national network, as supporting guest speakers) Channel 4, WTMJ, NBC Milwaukee, also could not find the crowd for the people in spite of their camera crews panning the attendees, checking out the signs and documenting the orderliness and enthusiasm of those in the crowd. Nothing unusual there for a national network. However, and true to form, they missed the boat, failed to recognize exactly what was happening in front of them, maliciously misrepresented the truth and then interviewed the only guy in the audience carrying an obama sign which made the TV news as if the other 10,000 people never showed up. If you watch, listen to or read the main stream media today, you deserve exactly what you get – nothing! And that is exactly what I would pay for their services – nothing!


Michelle Malkin
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies


Vicki McKenna
Rock Star of Radio
WISN Radio Milwaukee, WIBA Radio Madison

Joe the Plumber
Author: Fighting for the American Dream

Rachel Campos-Duffy
Blogger at AOL Parent Dish
Stay Home, Stay Happy

Pat Snyder
WSAU Radio, Wausau

James T. Harris
WTMJ Radio, Milwaukee

Willie Soon, Ph.D
Harvard- Astrophysics

Marc Marano
Former Spokesman for Senator James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma
Web site:

Eric O’Keefe
Sam Adams Alliance

David Clarke
Milwaukee County Sheriff

Mark Block
Wisconsin State Director, Americans for Prosperity

Pastor David King
Founder, Milwaukee God Squad

Rebecca Kleefisch
Conservative Correspondent at Midday With Charlie Sykes

Linda Hansen
Wisconsin Prosperity Network

Manny Perez
JNA Staffing & Rep. Nat’l. Hispanic Assembly

Chad Kent
Chad Kent Speaks

Tim Dake
Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty

White House asks New York Governor Paterson to drop out of election race

There has been quite a bit of discussion about this story in the Blogosphere already. Most of it has focused on the way that the White House handled the situation; which I will admit was less than professional. But the thing that I want to focus on, is why this is even happening.

First off, let us look at the New York Times Story:

Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.

Appearing tired and agitated at a parade in Harlem on Sunday, the governor told a crowd of reporters that he would not abandon his campaign to seek a full term.

“I have said time and time again that I am running for governor next year,” he said at the 40th annual African-American Day Parade.

Mr. Paterson would not characterize what he was told by the White House, saying that he would not “discuss confidential conversations.”

“I’m not talking about any specific conversations,” he said. “As I said, I am running for office.”

President Obama had sent a request to Mr. Paterson that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race, fearing that Mr. Paterson cannot recover from his dismal political standing, according to two senior administration officials and a New York Democratic operative with direct knowledge of the situation.

The decision to ask Mr. Paterson to step aside was proposed by political advisers to Mr. Obama, but approved by the president himself, one of the administration officials said.

“Is there concern about the situation in New York? Absolutely,” the second administration official said Saturday evening. “Has that concern been conveyed to the governor? Yes.”

The administration officials and the Democratic operative spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussions with the governor were intended to be confidential.

First off the confidentiality part got blown out of the water, and the President’s communication went public. I believe that part was totally intentional. It basically was done to send a message to Governor; one of “Hey, you idiot! Get out of the race, because you are going to lose!”  That is pretty much a given.

My question is this; why all of the sudden are Democrats or more specifically the President of the United States asking the Governor of New York to drop out of an election race? I have an idea, and part of my explaining that reason is in this video, please watch it: (H/T HotAir)

Is it clear to you now? Well, in case it is not. I will explain. We Conservatives have taken control of the conversation. When I say “we”, I mean, the Conservative media, like Glenn Beck, who’s really an Independent; Bill O’Reilly, Who is a traditionalist and the rest of the talk radio world. Plus, you have the Conservative Blogosphere who were the forerunners in this fight. We were criticizing the President and polices from day one! The old media finally caught to us, oh, around three months later! This is why I had the screaming fit at Jim Hoft for linking to that site!  We have seized the ship and taken the wheel away from the socialist media; we cannot afford to screw it up!

We have the Democrats running scared; and when I say “We”, I mean everyone that is involved in this operation, the Conservative media, like Fox News and all of the little media guys, The Conservative Blogosphere; who have been on this President’s butt since the day he botched up the oath of office. The rest of America; after watching the stimulus basically flop and the economy not recover, after watching the Government bailout the big two (and not the big three; Ford did not take any money…) and assume control of these companies, and after those employees, like my Father, watched their Dental and Optical benefits disappear, after working 31 hard years for that Company. —– Those people are starting to pay attention to the situation and are wondering, “Hey, what on earth is going on here??” and let’s not even get into that whole Healthcare debacle! —- They were promised change, and so far, they have gotten nothing. Nothing but trillions of dollars of debt, that their grandchildren and great-grand children will paying for, for the rest of their lives.

The sad part about all this is that the Democrats have about used every trick in the book to stop this movement; and have failed horribly. First, it was the tactic of the Bush Administration; of calling everyone that is opposed to Obama’s polices as being Anti-American. Then they trotted out the fear card, saying that we who were against Obama were stirring up violent tendencies among the people. Now they have trotted out their last refuge and that is the race card. In fact, the Democrats have used that race card, so much in fact that now even the Associated Press is basically saying, “Um, Guys? You are overplaying that defense.” Even African-Americans are even starting cringe. The sad part is, that is all they have, and now as you can see, they are on the run.

So, what happens now? Do we quit? Oh, heaven’s no. We keep fighting; Bloggers keep writing, Fox News and the media guys keep reporting, keep being critical of the President. It never ends, until the battle is over in 2012, and even then; whomever is elected, we criticize them too. That is what a Constitutional Republic with a free press does, and we Blogging folk, we are the independent, non-corporate media. The sixth estate, if you will.  We keep the Murdoch, the G.E. and the turner empires honest.  If they fall down on the job, we call them on it. That goes for Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or whomever else is not doing their jobs properly.

We are in the battle of our lives, for our Country, for our freedoms. We must not quit, we must not grow faint. We must carry on.

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” (Ephesians 6:10-17 King James Version of the Bible)

Irving Kristol Dead at age 89

I got the alert via New York Times and I checked over at the Weekly Standard and sure enough Irving Kristol has passed.

Via The New York Times:

Irving Kristol, the political commentator who, as much as anyone, defined modern conservatism and helped revitalize the Republican Party in the late 1960s and early ’70s, setting the stage for the Reagan presidency and years of conservative dominance, died Friday in Arlington, Va. He was 89 and lived in Washington.

His son, William Kristol, the commentator and editor of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, said the cause of death was complications of lung cancer.

Mr. Kristol exerted an influence across generations, from William F. Buckley to the columnist David Brooks, through a variety of positions he held over a long career: executive vice president of Basic Books, contributor to The Wall Street Journal, professor of social thought at New York University, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

He was commonly known as the godfather of neoconservatism, even by those who were not entirely sure what the term meant. In probably his most widely quoted comment — his equivalent of Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame — Mr. Kristol defined a neoconservative as a liberal who had been “mugged by reality.”


By now Mr. Kristol was battling on several fronts. He published columns and essays attacking liberalism and the counterculture from his perches at The Wall Street Journal and The Public Interest, and in 1978 he and William E. Simon, President Nixon’s secretary of the treasury, formed the Institute for Educational Affairs to funnel corporate and foundation money to conservative causes. In 1985 he started The National Interest, a journal devoted to foreign affairs.

But Mr. Kristol wasn’t railing just against the left. He criticized America’s commercial class for upholding greed and selfishness as positive values. He saw “moral anarchy” within the business community, and he urged it to take responsibility for itself and the larger society. He encouraged businessmen to give money to political candidates and help get conservative ideas across to the public. Republicans, he said, had for half a century been “the stupid party,” with not much more on their minds than balanced budgets and opposition to the welfare state. He instructed them to support economic growth by cutting taxes and not to oppose New Deal institutions.

Above all, Mr. Kristol preached a faith in ordinary people. . “It is the self-imposed assignment of neoconservatives,” he wrote, “to explain to the American people why they are right, and to the intellectuals why they are wrong.”

Mr. Kristol saw religion and a belief in the afterlife as the foundation for the middle-class values he championed. He argued that religion provided a necessary constraint to antisocial, anarchical impulses. Without it, he said, “the world falls apart.” Yet Mr. Kristol’s own religious views were so ambiguous that some friends questioned whether he believed in God. In 1996, he told an interviewer: “I’ve always been a believer.” But, he added, “don’t ask me in what.”

“That gets too complicated,” he said. “The word ‘God’ confuses everything.”

In 2002, Mr. Kristol received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, often considered the nation’s highest civilian honor. It was another satisfying moment for a man who appears to have delighted in his life or, as Andrew Sullivan put it, “to have emerged from the womb content.”

He once said that his career had been “one instance of good luck after another.” Some called him a cheerful conservative. He did not dispute it. He had had much, he said, “to be cheerful about.”

I will not lie. I did not agree with Mr. Kristol’s Politics or his version of Conservatism. In fact, I have been known to make a crack at people on other blogs; when they were spewing stupidity, especially the George W. Bush Cheerleaders, I would always say, “Where did you learn that line? From Bill or Irving Kristol?” or something usually to that effect. Some of Irving Kristol’s ideology was very controversial;  like the desire for a full scale invasion of Iran; of which I found to be horrifically stupid. Thankfully, Bush’s people agreed. Much of his ideology can be summed up as Wilsonian; the man believed that war was the answer, always. I disagreed then and I still do.

However, it is not to say that Kristol was a total loss; He did work to take the Conservative movement away from the Anti-Semites within the Republican Party. He also exposed and expelled the blatant racists that had taken root since the days of Abraham Lincoln. Between Kristol and Buckley; Conservatism become a bit more intellectual and not the knuckle-dragging simpleton nonsense that it has become now; Sarah Palin being a perfect example.

May God Bless the man, I am sure will be missed. May he rest in peace.

Cross-Posted at Alexandria

News from a Fundamentalist Baptist Christian point of view

September 18, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 38

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

A WARNING ABOUT BIBLE TRANSLATION WORK TODAY (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The amount of Bible translation work that has occurred over the past 100 years appears impressive. In 1910, the Bible in whole or in part was available in 722 languages, whereas today the number is roughly 2,500. The problem is two-fold. First, the vast majority of the new translations are based on the exceedingly corrupt critical Greek text, which omits 2,886 words from the Greek Received Text upon which the old Reformation Bibles were based. This is equivalent to omitting the entire books of 1 and 2 Peter from the Bible. These omissions include 45 entire and 185 partial verses and have significant doctrinal implications (Everett Fowler, Evaluating Versions of the New Testament). Further, the modern translation methodology itself is corrupt. Created by Eugene Nida fifty years ago, it is called “dynamic equivalency.” By this method, the translator is allowed to take frightful liberties with the infallible words of God, modifying and adapting the Scripture to “the culture.” The dynamic equivalency methodology even adopts pagan names for God. For example, the United Bible Societies and Wycliffe Bible Translators have used the following names for God: In Samba of Africa they used Nyaama (the sun); in Lame in Chad they used Yafray (mother of the heavens); in Ga in Ghana they used Ataa Naa Nyonmo (the father mother God). Philip Noss of the American Bible Society says, “God reveals himself through his word and through each culture” (“Bible Translation in History and into the Future,” Lausanne World Pulse, September 2009). (For more on this see the report “Dynamic Equivalency: Its Influence and Errors” at the Way of Life web site.)

EPISCOPAL NUNS JOIN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – Ten nuns of the Episcopal Church in America joined the Roman Catholic Church this month. The nuns, from the All Saints Sisters of the Poor of Maryland, left the Episcopal Church because it has “become too liberal in its acceptance of homosexuality” (“Episcopal Nuns Leave,” USA Today, Sept. 9, 2009). The community’s chaplain, Warren Tanghe, also joined Rome. Christina Christie, the order’s superior, said, “We were drifting farther apart from the more liberal road the Episcopal Church is traveling. We are now more at home in the Roman Catholic Church.” In truth, they have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. The Roman Catholic Church is not only permeated with its own heresies (e.g., the papacy, a sacramental gospel, veneration of Mary, priests who allegedly stand in the place of Chris t, the transubstantiation of the mass wafer), it is also filled with theological modernism. Pope John Paul II stated that the theory of evolution must be taken seriously by Christians (Vatican Information Service, October 23, 1996). Pope Benedict XVI calls Mary “Heaven’s Gate” (“All can enter eternal life, but the door is narrow,” Catholic News Agency, Aug. 27, 2007). As for homosexuality, it has been stated that 50% of Roman Catholic seminarians in America are homosexual (David France, “Gay and the Seminary,” Newsweek, April 20, 2002). This article describes “an aggressive gay ethos.” The total payout for sex abuse by the Roman Catholic Church in America is well over $2 billion. A conservative Catholic organization documented this wretched business in the fall/winter 2002 issue of the magazine Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, observing, “… the overwhelming majority of sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church–about 90%–inv olve homosexual priests preying on teenage boys.” By forbidding to marry (among other things), Rome has long identified itself as an institution that has departed from the faith and that is giving heed to doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1-4).