UPDATED: This is a textbook reason why I stopped voting Democratic Party for good

Back before I ran my old blog, which was called “Political Byline”; I used to run a blog called “The Populist.” Well, that blog was hacked, either by some people, who call themselves Conservatives or by foreign entities. I suspect the former, but I tend to think it was the latter. Either way, by the time all that happened; I had become totally disillusioned with the Democratic Party. To be fair to myself; I never much did care for the Democratic Party establishment, this especially after the idiotic Clinton Administration’s nonsense. especially during his second term. Plus, as a Christian; I had not forgotten about the Waco incident.

Anyhow, one of reasons for this disillusionment was the Democrat Party’s treatment of our Military. It has been tepid at best. Proof of this, can be seen right here: (H/T NewsBusters)

Quoting this tool:

CHRIS HAYES: Thinking today and observing Memorial Day, that’ll be happening tomorrow.  Just talked with Lt. Col. Steve Burke [sic, actually Beck], who was a casualty officer with the Marines and had to tell people [inaudible].  Um, I, I, ah, back sorry, um, I think it’s interesting because I think it is very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words “heroes.” Um, and, ah, ah, why do I feel so comfortable [sic] about the word “hero”?  I feel comfortable, ah, uncomfortable, about the word because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war. Um, and, I don’t want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that’s fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism: hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that. But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic. But maybe I’m wrong about that. 

I don’t write this to trash Chris Hayes, but to pose a question to the Conservative Democrats that actually read this blog and yes, I happen to know that a few of you that do, in fact, read here. Could you imagine a Democrat President giving a speech like this here?:

Not only can I not see a Democratic Party President giving a speech like this; but I would tend to believe that FDR would be chased out of the Democratic Party as a warmonger today! This is my issue with the modern-day Democratic Party; it is as if they are “Brothers-in-arms” with those who crashed those planes into the trade center buildings in 2001. The Liberal Democrats in this country have the attitude that the United States of America is the “great capitalist Satan” of the world and somehow or another deserved the attacks on 9/11. Who else has this attitude about America? oh yes! It is the Islāmic terrorists!

This is the reason Chris Hayes cannot call our Military dead Heroic men and women. Because it goes against his entire leftist DNA. Because the left hates our Military, hates the values that our Military stands for and quite frankly hates this Country for what it truly is.

That is the Democratic Party of the 21 century and I want zero to do with it, at all. 😡

The really sad thing is; is that Ron Paul and most, if not all, of the Paleo-Conservative right agree with this guy and his furry Progressive friends.  Which is why Ron Paul never, ever be President of the United States.  Ron Paul and the Paleoconservatives want to take us back to prior to World War 2 and leave the Jews to Hitler and put the WASP’s back in charge. Sorry guys, we lost that battle. We have to come to the 21 century. The quicker the better, I say.

Others Covering: Wizbang, Right Wing News, Booman Tribune, The Right Scoop, The Daily Caller, American Power, Examiner, The Gateway Pundit and Fire Andrea Mitchell! — via memeorandum

Update: This liberal blogger comes right out and says it. Hey, at least he is honest about it. Although, I tend to suspect that the irony of what he wrote is lost on him. It is because of the deaths of soldiers past; on battlefields domestic and abroad, he is free to even write that sort of tripe. Again, just another perfect example of why I told the Democratic Party to piss off and voted my principles — and no, I do not mean Republican either. Hell, the Republican Party has not been a true, small Government Conservative Party since Reagan left office and the Neoconservatives took power. Even Reagan was not truly a small Government Conservative either. He believed in small Government; when it was convenient.

Update #2: Chris Hayes has given a half-assed, non-apology apology.

The BEST article on the Republican Party and True Conservatism…ever

My friends, this below is the most likely the best article ever written about true Conservatism and the Republican establishment. It is really worth the click through and the read.

It should come as no surprise that the Republican National Committee has been “covertly” supporting Mitt Romney throughout the primaries, as POLITICO recently “revealed.” It was the worst-kept secret in Washington

The RNC has always been the center of Republican insiderism — what the insiders call pragmatism. Consider, back when Roger Stone was at the Young Republicans, in 1975, he hung up a portrait of Ronald and Nancy Reagan in his office. Within hours, the order came down from the chairman’s suite: Take the picture down. At once.


Many conservatives have, in fact, decided that their beliefs have become permanently inconsistent with Republicanism. This may be more apparent in 2012 than ever before. No offense to Romney, but he is the perfect nominee for the Republican Party in 2012 because he — like the GOP — has adopted a variety of positions over the years in order to acquire power. The Etch A Sketch comment was stunningly accurate.

The “lesser of two evils” argument is now settling over the landscape. Perhaps. The “conservatives have no place else to go” storyline is being pushed. Maybe.

On the other hand, some conservatives now view this election as a clear Hobson’s Choice or possibly a Morton’s Fork. One choice is bad or nothing; the other between two bad options.

Conservatives should be clear-eyed, though. The job of the Republican Party is to deceive conservatives into handing over their support. This does not mean that conservatives can’t arrive at the conclusion that this choice is between the lesser of two evils.

But they should prepare to be disappointed.

via Conservative-GOP marriage over? – POLITICO.com 

In this writers opinion, the Republican Party has not been a real Conservative party since around the time that Senator Berry Goldwater decided that the lobbyists were a bit too much and decided to not run for another term. Since that time, anyone who dared run as a true conservative, like Pat Buchanan; has been cast as an extremist, a racist, an anti-Semite and so on. Only reason Ron Paul lasted as long as he did, is because he was the only person in that part of Texas that actually could get elected. Besides that, Ron Paul’s supporters in his district know him well and have voted for him for years. That is because his district is filled with true Conservative Christians.The reason why Ron Paul never got elected is because the Neoconservatives or the Rockefeller Republicans have controlled the Republican for many years.

Either way, the article is great and it tells the truth about the Republican Party. Sad thing is, the Republican Party will never change; this is why Sarah Palin was quickly kneecapped. She was running against the Republican establishment in Alaska and when you that, you pay the price; same goes for Paul, Buchanan, and many others. I will not be voting for Obama, that is for sure. But, I will not be voted for a RHINO like Mitt Romney. He is very much a Republican establishment candidate — or as I like to call him, George W. Bush — with really nice hair. 😛

Needless to say, I am voting libertarian; because I am not about to be blamed for either of these piss poor excuses for Presidential Candidates, least of all the one who claims to be a Conservative.

Michelle Malkin is wrong about racism in the Tea Party

First off, let me say this; I do not believe that the Tea Party movement itself was racist at all. In fact, it never was a centralized movement.  In most movements, like the Tea Party movement; there will be people who do things that do not represent the movement as a whole.

So, when I see Michelle Malkin blatantly denying the fact that there were racists in the Tea Party movement, I have to say, “oh really?”

A quick search of Google Images brings up quite a few racist signs and images:

and this is not racist Michelle? (even though it is misspelled...)
And this is not racist?

Here is the one that really bothered me, and this dude ended up in jail for this too:

A "Death to Obama" sign... But, that's not racist, so says Michelle Malkin


Nope, No racism here! Only thing missing here is the N-word and that makes okay, according to Michelle Malkin

This image was used on signs and passed around in e-mails, by Tea Party supporters. (I know, I used to see it on facebook and in e-mails I would get from other Tea Party supporters. That until I told the idiots to quit sending me racist crap like that….)

But this is not racist according to Michelle Malkin (Willful blindness much Michelle?)

There is more, much more to see, just click this link to look at the results of a Google Images search.

Again, let me be clear; I am not calling the entire Tea Party movement racist as a whole, that is collectivism and this blogger is not a collectivist. In other words, I do not dismiss the movement in it’s entirety, as racist; but I will say that there were people who were carrying racist signs, not to mention doing stuff like this:

This is Chris Broughton, and yes, he is black, and he is a Ron Paul fan and yes, he was carry an assault rifle at a Obama event. My question is why? I think I know the reason and I think you do too. But, the Tea Party is just peaceful people... Most of them anyhow...

My point to this posting is this; The OWS crowd are a violent group and yes it does include anarchists, who do try and blow up bridges.  However, the Tea Party is not without its own individual nuts and looney tunes, who did bring a tarnish to the good name of the Party. Not to mention all of the infighting that went on with various groups.

However, my more intellectual point is this; to what end was all of this even done?   I mean, the Republican Party did not change one wit.  Oh sure, there were a few Senators who were elected as result of the grassroots surge.  However, the Republican Party’s  coronation of a Mormon George W. Bush is telling; and let me tell you something, if you think for one second that Mitt Romney is going to rip out Obamacare, you are crazy.  Oh sure, he will remove the mandate and anything else that seems to infringe on basic American rights.  However, I do not believe that he will remove the entire package.

Which makes me have to really wonder aloud, what exactly did the Tea Party accomplish; outside of the rhetorical flourishes?  Absolutely nothing.  Government is still there and it is still imposing upon our basic human rights.  All of those borderline racist signs, all of the verbal clashes, all of the excitement were for naught.

This was not to hurt Michelle Malkin herself; but it was to point out the Republican/Conservative/Fox News/Sean Hannity right’s willful blindness to the racism of the Tea Party — which was, and is still there very much so, to this very day.

Remember Samantha Power?

It seems that Samantha Power has gotten a new job.

“Yid with a Lid” reports:

Only Barack Obama! Today the President tried to show he was a friend of the Jews with a beautifully crafted speech Holocaust Museum. Showing his words mean nothing, also today Samantha Power began work today as chair of President Barack Obama’s new Atrocities Prevention Board. If you don’t remember Ms Power she once called for a US force to invade Israel and force through a “peace settlement.” Powers also had some unflattering things to say about about America’s Jewish population during the 2008 campaign

How long do you think it will be before Powers uses that board as tool to de-legitimize Israel?

via “The Lid”: Obama Selects Woman Who Wanted to Invade Israel As Chair of Genocide Panel.

This lady is a real piece of work; head on over and check out the video over at Lid’s site. Previous Samantha Power offerings at my old blog here.

Did the Barack Obama Campaign threaten Chelsea Clinton’s life to keep Bill Clinton quiet on Obama’s Eligibility?

This is wild.

Check out the video:

The Story:

Most people in the US, especially Democrats, believe that the Obama Birther Movement was started by Republicans and or the Tea Party. They believe it is a smear campaign aimed to tarnish the image of their hero of change. But they may be shocked to learn that the Birther Movement was actually started by former President Bill Clinton and Hillary back in 2008.

Bettina Viviano was a vice president with Amblin Enterntainment, Steven Spielberg’s company, before launching her own film production company in 1990. In 2008, Viviano was asked to produce a documentary about voter fraud within the Democratic Party. At the time, she says she was not a Democrat or a Republican and in fact had never voted in an election. She went into the project with the sole purpose of producing the best and most accurate documentary possible.

During the documentary process, Viviano says that she quickly became aware of just how dangerous and insidious the Obama campaign was. A number of the Democrats she interviewed refused to appear on camera and told her that their lives and property had been threatened by people working with the Obama campaign.

She also heard former President Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be president because of his lack of birth records. In fact, she said it was common knowledge around many top Democrats. Bill Clinton has often said that he would go public with the information when the time was right.

Before that could happen, his close friend and head of the Arkansas Democratic Party, Bill Gwatney was murdered in his office and then someone told Bill that he was next if he said anything about Obama’s eligibility. In the video below, she said that Clinton was not intimidated until someone associated with the Obama campaign told him that his daughter Chelsea would be next if he opened his mouth. From that point on, the Clinton’s remained silent about Obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof.

via Did Barack Obama Campaign Threaten Life of Chelsea Clinton to Keep Parents Silent on Obama’s Ineligibility? – Godfather Politics.

Normally, I would not give a story like this the time of day; but I put nothing and I mean nothing past Barack Obama. I remember that murder story and at the time, I sort of thought about what was said above, but I figured maybe it was explainable. But, I have to say; no motive? Something stinks here and I believe this might be actually true or at least partially true.  I believe an Congressional Investigation into this is warranted, however, I will not hold my breath, least I turn blue and croak.

I really think that it is time that the Republican Party finally grew a pair of gonads and actually started taking this whole eligibility thing seriously. Because if this President actually did this; who is to say that another President, like a Republican one could not do it. An investigation by the FBI should be conducted; unless of course, the FBI is in on it too. Which would have to be, seeing they are the ones who clear someone to be President in the first place.

Either way, it’s time for answers.

No, President Barack Obama is not going to enact martial law

It is things like this here; that make me want to stop writing about politics. However, because I want try to stop mass PANIC! I will address this.

Now, about this order signed by the President on Friday.  It is a big nothing burger. It has been around since the 1950’s and has been updated ever since. So, no, Obama is not going to impose martial law or a police state.

But, as usual, the usual suspects starting ringing alarm bells, either motivated by a genuine concern for the Country or maybe because we have a black socialist President — or both.  Anyhow, they started hollering from the rooftops about this order. Now, let me say this; I am not calling everyone that wrote about this racists, okay? Admittedly, some of the writings are a bit paranoid. However, some of the actions of the President do give cause for everyone on the right to be on a hair trigger and a bit overly cautious.

People — Relax. The big-eared Democrat is doing something right for a change!  Protecting the Republic, which is what America truly is; which happens to be a part of what Barack Obama’s duties are, as President of the United States.  For this, he should be praised, not condemned. Again, more of that brain-stupidity that has invaded the Conservative movement and the Republican since 2008.

The MUST READ Blog postings on this are found at HotAir.com, Ace of Spades HQ and Legal Insurrection.

So, everyone chill out. Like Eugene Volokh said in his posting about this subject; if there was a power grab, it was made decades ago; most likely when President Obama was still riding his tricycle — and possibly long before that.

Just to be clear; I do not fault anyone, especially everyone on the right; for being watchful of the President, that is a good thing. However, in this cause, this is just routine Government stuff. Obama is just doing his job —- and for once, that is a good thing.

Others covering this nothing burger — with mixed results: Outside the Beltway, Wake up America, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Israpundit, Israel Matzav, Pirate’s Cove, Atlas Shrugs, The Volokh Conspiracy, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Lonely Conservative, iOwnTheWorld.com, protein wisdom

Also too, all the people above mean well; they just panicked over the language of the Executive Order.

IBD: Job Recession 49 months, Worst Since World War 2

Continuing with my line of thought that I started yesterday; it seems that things are just plain bad.

Just how bad is it?

This bad:

The U.S. economy added 227,000 jobs in February vs. expectations for 206,000, continuing a recent trend of decent hiring activity. The unemployment rate held at 8.3%.

But America remains mired in the longest jobs recession since the Great Depression. It’s been 49 months since the U.S. hit peak employment in January 2008. And with nonfarm payrolls still 5.33 million below their old high, the jobs slump will continue for several more years.

The previous jobs recession record — 47 months — came during and after the comparatively mild 2001 recession, which saw unemployment climb to only 6.3%. The average job recovery time since 1980 is 29 months, not including the current slump.

The labor market won’t truly return to health until some 10 million positions are created to rehire all those who lost their jobs and to absorb new workers.

The longest jobs recession in decades coincides, not coincidentally, with the longest stretch of anemic economic performance on record.

U.S. gross domestic profit hasn’t risen 4% or more in any quarter since the first quarter of 2006. That’s by far the longest such stretch on record going back to 1950. The only other sizable sub-par stretch was a three-year span from late 2000 to mid-2003 during the prior recession and sluggish recovery.

I would advise you to go read the rest of that report, as it is quite a depressing read.  Ace over at Ace of Spades HQ likes to call it DOOM.  I simply look at it as grim reality.  This reality was created by the Democrats, who sought to game the system during a time of prosperity.  This should be a textbook example of why wealth redistribution simply does not work.  Instead, the Democrats will use this as an excuse to try to push their green energy polices and why we all should have healthcare, at the taxpayer’s expense.  All the while painting Republicans as racist, money grubbing, thugs who wish to keep the poor, black and disabled down.

Arguing it, in my opinion, is an exercise in futility anymore, because most Republicans are too stupid to know how to make the argument properly.  Instead, Republicans come off sound cold, aloof, uncaring, and cold-hearted —- or simply, like Mitt Romney.

This all affects me in many ways.  I would get into all of that, but because I do not want to be accused of being a whiner, I will not bother.  Therefore, I will simply say this, this all was happening in Michigan, long before it began happening in the entire Country.  Thanks to Jennifer Granholm’s inability to govern a state, we suffered long before the rest of the Country did. This is why I like to say, welcome to my world.  Because this mess we are in now, has been my world, since about 2000.  Admittedly, it got bad around here in about 2003 and after that, it was downhill around here.  I have out of work since 2005; and part of that is my fault and part of it is not.  My physical health is not in the best of shape either, my back and knees are hosed from years of trying to be superman, when I was working.  It all catches up, as I have learned; there is not day that goes by when my back and knees are not in pain.  The pain is just a part of life, of getting old, I suppose.  I do not have any sort of healthcare insurance, so I live with the pain.

However, I simply refuse to see myself as a charity case.  I refuse to take a handout from the Government.  Social Security is out for me; hell, I have a friend in Ohio that I have known since childhood — we used to live across the street from one another in Southwest Detroit — and he has a legitimate heart condition and he has a lawyer fighting to get his social security.  You want to talk about someone unfairly losing his or her career.  My friend Joe, who I have known for an eternity, was a well-paid and very well skilled automotive mechanic.  Let me state emphatically that the auto industry is much worse off without his skills.  Anyhow, Joe was working in this area not far from where I live, at an automotive dealership.  Joe ended up having to move to Ohio to be closer to his family.  In the process of moving, he just happened to have a check up and that is when he discovered he had a heart condition.  This might help you to understand why it is that I simply do not like dwelling on my own misfortune at all.  This is simply because there are those out there, who have it much worse than I do.

The point I am making is this; if my friend Joe is having to lawyer to even get social security disability and he has a legitimate condition, what makes you think I could even remotely get it?  I just cannot see myself trotting in and saying, “Hi, I have ADHD and I think I am entitled to social security.”  I tried that once, after being pestered by my Mom about it and I tried that and it failed.  I will not try that again.  I felt like a fool.  My point is, I do want to work, doing something that I can do, that will not end up screwing my knees and back up even worse than they already are now.

I have made three major mistakes in my life and I will always regret them.  The first was thinking that I could go to Commercial Truck Driving School, on the State of Michigan’s dime no less and then think that I could just waltz into a local driving job.  I know now that the commercial vehicle insurance industry just does not allow that to happen.  The second mistake was getting a job that was related to the retail industry; retail stores suck and those who work in them are usually complete and useless assholes.  Believe me when I tell you this; I know from experience.  With the exception of my first job ever, every job I have ever tried work in, which was related to retail was a total disaster.  I just do not have the personality for retail sales at all.  The main reason for this is that, frankly, people can be just plain nasty.  I could tell you horror stories of working in the retail business.

My third mistake was allowing my family to talk me into getting a job where they worked, that was major mistake.  I believe the biggest reason I am where I am today is the result that mistake.  I love my family, all of them; but I have tried working with them more than once and it was a disaster.  Even when my job was not working around them, it ended up with me getting into with them, over something.  Lesson learned there, never again.

Therefore, here I sit, writing, hoping that this will all turn around for the Country and me.  Something tells me, I am going to be waiting for a very long time.

Video: The real Newt Gingrich

(via The Liberty News Network)

Government Records $229 billion deficit for a month

Elections matter folks, this is why. Greece, here we come!

The U.S. government just notched its highest ever monthly deficit, with the red rink running to an estimated $229 billion in February.

The Congressional Budget Office, in a preliminary analysis, reported that the February 2012 deficit broke last year’s monthly record of $223 billion.

The office attributed the shortfall in part to a decline in revenue — mainly because of a $25 billion increase in income tax refunds thanks to disbursement timing issues.

According to the CBO, processing delays pushed refund payments that would have been distributed in January off into February. And the additional day in February this year allowed for extra refunds to be distributed during the month that otherwise would have been paid out in March.

The CBO projected that for the first five months of the fiscal year, the federal government is running a $578 billion deficit.

The projected deficit this year is once again projected to top $1 trillion

via Government Records Highest-ever Monthly Deficit | Fox News.

The only thing I can truly say about this one is this; elections matter. This is what happens when you put progressives and moderate Republicans in Government, they spend on your dime and you get stuck with the tab and most usually, you do not get a thing for it in return.  This is why we have to get people elected to political office, in City, State and Federal levels; who at the very least, have the American people’s interests in mind and not their own political fortunes in mind. Because when the political veterans are running the show; both Republican and Democratic Parties; this is what you get —- Debt.

China cannot buy our debt forever, or eventually they will own this Country. Not to mention, China is not exactly a free Country. All China would have to do, is tell the United States that they will not be buy anymore of our debt and we, as a Nation, would be history. We, as Conservatives have no one to blame, but ourselves for this fine mess.  The Republican Party elected a moderate Republican by the name of Richard Nixon, who wanted so badly to make a name for himself and that idiot liberal Republican just had to go to China and normalize relations with those Communist bastards. Which is pretty darned ironic, considering what the Communists in China did to John Birch.  This is one Conservative who felt Watergate was nothing more than sweet justice. (…and No, I am NOT being snarky!)

This why we the American people, the silent majority; need to vote differently this coming November. Our Nation’s future might just depend on it.



Greece gets bailed out.

This is what happens, when you spend money that you really do not have; also too, this is why progressivism is an abysmal failure.

ATHENS – Greece announced Friday that 85.8 percent of its private-sector creditors had agreed to swap their bonds for new ones at a huge loss.

Greece’s Ministry of Finance announced the result on its website Friday after bondholders had to lodge their acceptance of the deal by a Thursday evening deadline.

The wide participation of the offer indicates that Greece will go ahead with the restructuring that hopefully marks a seminal moment in Europe’s long-frustrated efforts to rescue its most financially vulnerable nation, The Wall Street Journal reported. It is the largest-ever sovereign-debt default and the first for a Western European country in half a century.

The restructuring now set to be executed will see Greece chop 53.5 percent from the face value of around 200 billion euros ($265 billion) in bonds held by private creditors.

via Greek Debt Restructuring Deal To Go Ahead, Government Announces | Fox News.

Because sooner or later; someone ends up; as the old saying goes, “Taking a Bath.” Looks like investors are taking a big one. All so this idiotic nation here can bail itself out and get another nice helping of our money. These idiots should have learned long ago that you cannot continue to run a Country like this; but as they say, you cannot teach an old liberal dog new tricks.

But then again, we are dealing with liberals.