A New Video….that everyone should watch!

made by yours truly…

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Oooooh Imus….

Not sure if I should laugh, or just shake my head…


Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the April 17 edition of ABC Radio Networks’ Imus in the Morning:

IMUS: Five minutes after the hour here at the Imus in the Morning program, on the radio all over the country and on RFD-TV, RFD-HD, and prime time. Craig Crawford, from out where the buses don’t run, will be on here in a little bit. George Stephanopoulos, who co-anchored the debate last night. And what I saw of it, I got home a little late, but — of course, I mean, it’s obvious I like him or he wouldn’t be on the program all the time —

McCORD: True.

IMUS: — but I thought he was great.

McCORD: He was.

IMUS: You know, I keep thinking, I mean, he’s been doing this for 10 years. You know, This Week with David, not with David Brinkley, but George Stephanopoulos.

McCORD: Right.

IMUS: But he’s gotten really good.

McCORD: Yup.

IMUS: Charlie Gibson, however. What is the deal with the glasses down on the end of his nose?

McCORD: I don’t —

IMUS: What is this thing? I don’t know. I don’t have my regular glasses [unintelligible], so I have to wear my dark glasses because I don’t — I left the other ones somewhere. But I mean, he’s tedious. Anyway.

McCORD: It’s his attempt to look very professorial.

IMUS: Stephanopoulos I thought was great, and the debate was fine. I thought Senator Obama was on the defensive most of the night. But they’re both sissy boys or sissy girls, or whatever. Because they talk big when they’re out on the campaign trail, wolfing on each other.

McCORD: But then —

IMUS: And then when they show up at the debate, they fold up like a couple of cheap lawn chairs. I mean, I don’t understand that. And he’s almost a bigger pussy than she is.

BERNARD McGUIRK (executive producer): Whoa.

McCORD: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

IMUS: And then another — and then I was on the treadmill yes– this is kind of funny. I thought it was funny. I was on the treadmill, but I was watching Fox News. And — but I didn’t have the sound on because the sound makes me nervous.

Obama? A Pussy? Nah, he’s no pussy. Tucker Carlson is a pussy. John Kerry is a pussy. William Kristol is a pussy. Michael Goldfarb is a pussy. Terry Jeffrey is a Pussy. But, Obama, Nah, He’s all man. He can’t bowl worth a crap. But he’s got the manly man thing down.

Strange Bedfellows

Look what I found snooping around a particular controversial conservative talk radio host’s website.


That guy on the right is Michael Alan Weiner AKA Michael Savage.

Gee, I wonder, does McCain endorse Michael Savage’s hate speech that flows like a fountain on that show?

The reason why I ask this question is because, wasn’t it the Conservatives who want absolutely crazy over Senator Barack Obama’s Pastor?

Here is a nice sample of Michael Savage’s Hate speech… Click here


From the October 29 edition of Talk Radio Network’s The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: Yee-haw! This is the America — this is the America that those Islamic-fascist, robe-wearing, throwback bums have never seen! Let’s get it on! Let’s bring it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Let’s get it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Wipe Hezbollah out of America! Cut the tentacles of Iran off! Cut the tentacles of that octopus off now! Get every hunter in America armed to the teeth! Throwback bastards! I’m so sick of them! I’m so sick of the brainwashing about Islam and Muslims and the Koran! Shove it! Shove it all! I’m sick of it!

Take the music off. I have never lived through a brainwashing like I’ve lived through for the last five years. Every day, another story sweet-selling Islam and the Koran. It goes in the face, it’s so counter-intuitive. Wherever you look on the Earth, there’s a bomb going off or a car going up in flames, and it’s Muslims screaming for the blood of Christians, or Jews, or anyone they hate. And every day we’re told the opposite here.

Everything we know to be true, we’re told, "Oh, don’t believe what your mind tells you, believe what the diversity trainers tell you. Believe what the government tells you. It’s a religion of peace." Well why don’t they prove it’s a religion of peace? Why don’t they put down their hateful little book for a few minutes, and tell us why, when we pick up their hateful little book — I can read chapter and verse, I can see what it says, in their book of hate.

It says that if you see a stranger, who is not a Muslim, either convert him or kill him. You want me to quote the Sutra? I’ll quote the Sutra! Page after page after page is about religion — a religion that teaches convert or kill. A religion that says oppress women, kill homosexuals, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel.

Page after page after page, and we’re supposed to sit here and listen to this rubbish about a religion of peace, and every day Bush brings in thousands of more of these throwbacks — throwbacks wearing medieval costumes, walking around, spitting on the ground every time they see a Christian, or a Jew, or a so-called infidel. These throwbacks think they’re better than you underneath it all, and 90 percent of them are on welfare. Ninety percent of them come in here, and all they do is breed more bombers. More bombers, and more bombers! And you’re telling me this is a sane country? There, I gave it to you from the bottom of my heart. If you don’t like it, it’s too damn bad. Go write the FCC. Marlene in Los Angeles, you’re on The Savage Nation.

I just wonder, does John McCain support this sort of thing?

The Left is being played like a fiddle….

A sad, but true fact.

The story, Which comes via Newshoggers, who saw it at Rising Hegemon. A story that appeared in the Village Voice, the story of how the Republican Operatives are strongly trying to weaken the chances of a Democratic Nominee of winning in November.  Now in the interest for fairness, this is really nothing new, this sort of Political underhandedness has been going on for years. Nixon did it, as did others. But the reason why it is so bad in this race, for one, is because there is no fairness doctrine anymore, opening up the ability to editorialize the coverage of the election process, another factor is, that you have a Republican propaganda machine, known as Fox News, or as I like to call it, Faux Noise. But, because I am fair, Fox News is not the only ones that do this sort of thing. MSNBC does it, CNN does, even the so-called NPR, which is supposed to be a-political, has a noticed liberal slant to it. So, all in all, the Bias is on both sides of the camp.

Anyhow, on with the story….


The prime movers of both political parties have long tried to game the presidential nominating process—not only to choose their eventual winner, but also to pick their November opponent. And in this landmark election without incumbents, the media wing of the Republican Party, in particular, has quite visibly been playing that game. Right-leaning pundits for months now have very openly not just called for Hillary Clinton’s head, but also coddled and promoted Barack Obama, salivating over the prospect of facing him in November.

Meanwhile, voters have been echoing that program: Barack Obama has been beating Hillary Clinton in part because Republicans are helping him.

Sixteen of the 45 Democratic primaries and caucuses held before this week were open affairs, allowing Republicans and independents to take part, and Barack Obama has won 11 of those contests. He almost invariably carried the Republican vote, which accounted for as much as 9 percent of the total in Wisconsin and Texas, and frequently ran even stronger among independents, who represented a fifth or more of Democratic primary voters in state after state. The 75 percent of the Republican vote that he won in Missouri, for example, may have pushed him over the top, and certainly, when combined with his 67 percent of the state’s much larger independent vote, it delivered many of the district-apportioned delegates to him. Republicans in Obama states like Washington, Wisconsin, and Virginia were even freer to cross the aisle, since by the time they voted, John McCain had already sewn up the GOP nomination. While Obama often won some of these states so handily that Republicans and independents could not have provided his margin of victory, there is no way to know how many delegates in close congressional-district contests will wind up in Denver because of the impact of Republican or independent voters. And there is no exit-poll data to measure their impact on the caucuses.

I highly recommend that you read the rest of this story, as it paints a tale of how the Republicans are attempting to destroy the Democrat nomination in November. The sick and sad part is, they are doing by using the old, outdated system of nomination and voting.

Cernig at Newshoggers weighs in:

In every case, these rightwing mouthpieces have ignored their own previous overt race-baiting to accuse the Clintons of being closet racists, have ignored their own open misogyny to accuse Obamites of sexism and generally muddied the waters every way they could.
Limbaugh, Novak, Kristol, Bennet, York, Hannity, George Will – all have their gamesmanship exposed by this must-read column. They’re all on the same page of the GOP playbook. It’s the page headed "Divide and Conquer".

Truly, this is a sad case, I just hope that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton have the ability to overcome the negative press coverage and can be elected. Because we do not need four to six more years of the Neo-Conservative nightmare in this country. Now, if McCain nabs the Presidency, I won’t jump off a building or anything. But it will set this Country a great deal if he does. Not to mention, it will be the biggest embarrassment to the Democrat Party.

Here is hoping that things will work out, and the underhanded folk, on both sides, will be exposed, for what they are. 

Advertisers Drop Savage Over Hateful Remarks

The following comes from HuffPo:

At least four major firms have pulled advertising from Michael Savage’s nationally syndicated radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. One other company, Geico insurance, is expected to follow suit.

The campaign, launched recently by Brave New Films, generated thousands of calls urging advertisers on the Savage Nation show to sever financial ties to the widely popular (and frequently offensive) talk host.

In less than a week, four agreed to pull their ads from the show, including Union Bank of California (whose representative says they were advertisers on the Savage show by mistake and were glad to be taken off), Intuit, Chattem, ITT Technical Institute.

"We are thrilled at the amazing response of the true patriots all over the blogsphere who responded to our NOSAVAGE campaign," Robert Greenwald, head of the film company, said in a statement. "People have called and emailed and the responsible sponsors have responded by pulling their ads and asking that their ads not be on this racist and hateful show."

But group who has segments run on the show is raising eyebrows by refusing to distance itself from Savage. The USO, a non-profit that does work for U.S. armed forces, wrote Brave New Films complaining about being targeted and even hinting at a lawsuit. The organization’s lawyer Tony Bisceglie says it does not pay for the USO public service announcements that air on Savage’s show – Read the Rest

I’m going to be honest with you. I’m right of center, I hold to some Conservative values myself. But this idiot is a total loon. He makes Bill O’Reilly look like a nun.

I can see the USO’s position, But I think anyone who’s paid for ads on his show, should pull them. This is no way to promote goodwill to other races in America. The problem is, Muslims hear this sort of thing and they believe EVERYONE in America is like this. If you’re Muslim, and you happen to read this Blog, I assure you, we’re not ALL like this.

The problem with Michael Savage is, he believes ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists, which many Conservatives happen to believe. This, I know, for a fact is a crock of bull. Most Muslims in America, that in fact, practice Islam, are moderates. They reject the idea of a violent Jihad. I know this might be hard thing for some Conservatives to swallow, but it’s the truth. One thing that the Conservatives must realize, if they are going to ever get anywhere in American politics is, that the guys who carried out the September 11’th attacks were not just Muslims, they were mentally deranged extremists who just happened to be believers in the Doctrines of Islam, if they were not Islamic Muslims, they would have been something else.

Yes, I do believe that there is a war on terror. There is a war against mindless extremists within the Muslim Islamic Faith, Not against Arabic people or Muslims or Islam in General. That sort of mentality has origins in the White Nationalist circles and unfortunately has seeped over into main stream Conservatism.   

I know, some of you are going to say, "What about what you wrote here?" Yes, I know what I wrote there. I was referring to the extremists within the Muslim Movement. I also was more commenting on this part:

“The upsetting part is not only do they go into the history (which would be acceptable) but also the teaching of Islam,” she said. “This book does not really go into Christianity or the teachings of Christ, nor does it address religious doctrine elsewhere to the degree it does Islam.”

She said the book’s one page referencing Jews “is only to convey that they were tortured by Crusaders to get them to convert to ‘Christianity.’ (It fails to mention that the biggest persecutors of Jews throughout history and still today are Arab Muslims). It gives four other one-liner references to the Jews being blamed for the plagues and problems in the land. It does not talk about the Jews as making a significant impact on the culture at large.”

That was my issue within that story. I do not, however, believe that Islam, or any other Religion should be PUSHED on anyone, at all. We all should be able to make our own decisions ourselves. It might appear that I am talking about of both sides of my Mouth Chatterbox, but I am not. Big Grin